static DialogueController()
     ////Dialogue nodes can be added with just the constructor and AddDialogueNode. Make sure to check the constructors to see which suits your new node best.
     ////Placeholder nodes and event nodes should ALWAYS be added here in code, cannot be done any other way (well easily anyway).
     _placeholderNodes.Add("$endingbranch", delegate(){ return(Progression.GetEndingBranchDialogueNode()); });
     _eventNodes.Add("#endcutscene", delegate() {
         UI.StartImageCutscene(new List <Sprite> {
             Resources.Load <Sprite>("EndCutscene/scene1"),
             Resources.Load <Sprite>("EndCutscene/scene2"),
             Resources.Load <Sprite>("EndCutscene/scene3"),
             Resources.Load <Sprite>("EndCutscene/scene4"),
             Resources.Load <Sprite>("EndCutscene/scene5")
         }, "ending.postcutscene");
     _eventNodes.Add("#ending", delegate() { UI.Ending(); });