public static void HappyPathAsSeller() { //LogIn SignIn.OpenForm(); SignIn.FillCredentials(2); //Create a new skill to trade ProfilePages.GoToShareSkill(); ShareSkillPage.FillShareSkill(2); Thread.Sleep(3000); //LogsOut to allow the second user to request the Skill ProfilePages.LogOut(); ManageRequestPage.GenerateNewRequest(5); //LogIn with the main account SignIn.OpenForm(); SignIn.FillCredentials(2); //Navigate to Manage Received Request and accepts the Trade ManageRequestPage.NavigateToReceivedRequest(); ManageRequestPage.AcceptRequest(); //The User checks the new request ManageRequestPage.CheckNewRequestStatus("Accepted"); }
public static void CheckNewPassword() { //Logs out to try the new password Thread.Sleep(3000); ProfilePages.LogOut(); SignIn.OpenForm(); Thread.Sleep(1000); SignIn.FillCredentials(4); //Checks that the user is able to logIn and changes the password back again ProfilePages.CheckProfilePage(); ProfilePages.OpenChangePassword(); FillForm(2); }
public void GivenTheSkillHasBeenRequestedByALearner() { //LogsOut to allow the second user to request the Skill ProfilePages.LogOut(); ManageRequestPage.GenerateNewRequest(5); }