public static void ParseUVCTs(byte[] romBytes)
            // ok this is dumb i need to fix this
            Filesystem.Filesystem filesystem = new Filesystem.Filesystem(romBytes);

            foreach (Filesystem.Filesystem.File file in filesystem.AllFiles.Where(file => file.fileTypeFromFileHeader == "UVCT"))
                PowerByteArray data = new PowerByteArray(file.Section("COMM"));

                new UVCTFile(data, filesystem);
Пример #2
 public UnknownOptionalHeaderData(PowerByteArray data)
     floats = new float[10];
     for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
         floats[i] = data.ReadFloat(i * 4);
     short1 = data.ReadS16(40);
     short2 = data.ReadS16(42);
     short3 = data.ReadS16(44);
     b      = data[46];
Пример #3
 public Vertex(PowerByteArray bytes16)
     x      = bytes16.ReadS16(0);
     y      = bytes16.ReadS16(2);
     z      = bytes16.ReadS16(4);
     index  = bytes16.ReadU16(6);
     unk1   = bytes16.ReadU16(8);
     unk2   = bytes16.ReadU16(10);
     colorR = bytes16[12];
     colorG = bytes16[13];
     colorB = bytes16[14];
     colorA = bytes16[15];
Пример #4
        public static void ParseUVTRs(byte[] romBytes)
            //Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDir + "Converted");
            //string fullOutputPath = outputDir + "Converted/UVTR/";

            // ok this is dumb i need to fix this
            Filesystem.Filesystem filesystem = new Filesystem.Filesystem(romBytes);

            foreach (Filesystem.Filesystem.File file in filesystem.AllFiles.Where(file => file.fileTypeFromFileHeader == "UVTR"))
                PowerByteArray data = new PowerByteArray(file.Section("COMM"));

                UVTR uvtr = new UVTR();
                uvtr.h_6float = data.NextSubArray(24).AsFloats();
                uvtr.h_b1     = data.NextU8();
                uvtr.h_b2     = data.NextU8();
                uvtr.h_f1     = data.NextFloat();
                uvtr.h_f2     = data.NextFloat();
                uvtr.h_f3     = data.NextFloat();

                using (ThreeDDisplayWindow window = new ThreeDDisplayWindow())
                    Console.WriteLine(uvtr.h_b1 * uvtr.h_b2);
                    uvtr.pB1xB2Mem = new UVTR140Struct[uvtr.h_b1 * uvtr.h_b2];
                    for (int i = 0; i < uvtr.pB1xB2Mem.Length; i++)
                        UVTR140Struct oneFourty = new UVTR140Struct();
                        if (data.NextU8() == 0)
                        oneFourty.m1 = new Matrix(data.NextSubArray(64).AsFloats());
                        byte unkByte = data.NextU8();

                        // m2 = identity matrix
                        oneFourty.m2 = new Matrix(new float[] { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 });

                        // Copy translation from m1 to m2
                        oneFourty.m2[12] = oneFourty.m1[12];
                        oneFourty.m2[13] = oneFourty.m1[13];
                        oneFourty.m2[14] = oneFourty.m1[14];

                        /* FUN_801360cc(m2, m2) */
                        oneFourty.uvctFileIndex = data.NextU16();
                        var uvct = filesystem.GetFile("UVCT", oneFourty.uvctFileIndex);
                        var uvctFile = new UVCTFile(new PowerByteArray(uvct.Section("COMM")), filesystem);
                        uvctFile.AddToWindow(window, oneFourty.m1);

                        /* oneFourty.pUVCT = processed filesystem.GetFile("UVCT", oneFourty.uvctFileIndex); */

                        /* if uvct does not exist, set oneFourty.unkFloat to 0 and move to next loop*/

                        /* at this point some stuff happens with the UVCT, idk what exactly */

                        uvtr.pB1xB2Mem[i] = oneFourty;


                uvtr.ushort1       = data.NextU16();
                uvtr.uvrwFileIndex = data.NextU16();

                 * if (DAT_8002d1a8 == 0) {
                 *  uvtrObj->ushort1 = 0;
                 *  uVar1 = uvtrObj->ushort1;
                 * }
                 * else {
                 *  uVar1 = uvtrObj->ushort1;
                 * }

                if (uvtr.ushort1 != 0)
                    /* Load UVRW COMM section */

                    uvtr.unk4Bytes = data.NextU32();


                    /* a whole bunch of nonsense */

                    /* includes reading a few more shorts (maybe) */
Пример #5
        public UVMDFile(PowerByteArray fileBytes, Filesystem.Filesystem filesystem)
            Console.WriteLine("NEW UVMD");

                lodCount    = fileBytes.NextU8();
                partsPerLOD = fileBytes.NextU8();
                b3          = fileBytes.NextU8();
                byte alwaysZero = fileBytes.NextU8();
                if (alwaysZero != 0)
                    throw new Exception();

                vertexCount = fileBytes.NextU16();
                // These are here for memory allocation, but we don't care!
                ushort totalMaterials = fileBytes.NextU16(); //24 structs
                ushort totalCommands  = fileBytes.NextU16();

                if ((b3 & 0x80) != 0)
                    // appears to be 10 floats, 3 signed shorts, 1 byte
                    // TODO
                    UnknownOptionalHeaderData unknownOptionalData = new UnknownOptionalHeaderData(fileBytes.NextSubArray(0x2F));

                float1 = fileBytes.NextFloat();
                float2 = fileBytes.NextFloat();
                float3 = fileBytes.NextFloat();

            // Lets allocate all memory here since this is where it happens anyway
            // 36 bytes: already done, that's the response struct

            // b1 * 12: subsections
            pLODs = new LOD[lodCount];

            // b2 * 64: matrices
            pMatrices = new Matrix[partsPerLOD];

            // b1 * b2 * 44: parts
            // this is initialized in the loop

            // short1 * 16
            // this is initialized in the loop

            // short2 * 24
            // this is initialized in the loop

            // short3 * 8
            // this is initialized in the loop


            // Overall structure here is correct, but the processing is not implemented yet

            for (int i = 0; i < lodCount; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("  LOD " + i);
                LOD lodInfo;

                lodInfo.partCount = fileBytes.NextU8();
                lodInfo.b2        = fileBytes.NextU8();
                lodInfo.f         = fileBytes.NextFloat();
                lodInfo.f         = lodInfo.f * lodInfo.f;

                lodInfo.pModelParts = new ModelPart[lodInfo.partCount];

                for (int j = 0; j < lodInfo.partCount; j++)
                    Console.WriteLine("    PART " + j);

                    ModelPart modelPart;

                    modelPart.b5        = fileBytes.NextU8();
                    modelPart.b6        = fileBytes.NextU8();
                    modelPart.b7        = fileBytes.NextU8();
                    modelPart.sixFloats = fileBytes.NextSubArray(24).AsFloats();

                    modelPart.sixFloats = modelPart.sixFloats.Select(fl => fl * float2).ToArray();

                    byte stackByte1 = fileBytes.NextU8();
                    byte stackByte2 = fileBytes.NextU8();
                    modelPart.materialCount = fileBytes.NextU8();

                    modelPart.pMaterials = new Material[modelPart.materialCount];

                    byte firstWordEverHadHighBitSet = 0;

                    for (int k = 0; k < modelPart.materialCount; k++)
                        Console.WriteLine("      MATERIAL " + k);

                        Material material = new Material();

                        material.unk4 = fileBytes.NextU32();
                        float unk2 = fileBytes.NextFloat();
                        float unk3 = fileBytes.NextFloat();
                        float unk4 = fileBytes.NextFloat();
                        material.vertCount = fileBytes.NextU16();
                        material.unksh18   = fileBytes.NextU16();
                        material.unksh16   = fileBytes.NextU16();
                        material.unksh20   = fileBytes.NextU16();
                        ushort shortsCount  = fileBytes.NextU16();
                        ushort commandCount = fileBytes.NextU16();

                        uint textureRef = material.unk4 & 0xFFF;
                        Console.WriteLine($"      {material.unk4:X8}");
                        if (textureRef != 0xFFF)
                            //Filesystem.Filesystem.File textureFile = filesystem.GetFile("UVTX", (int)textureRef);
                            // TODO: load texture
                            Console.WriteLine("      Textured!");

                        if ((int)(material.unk4 << 13) < 0)
                            //Console.WriteLine($"{twentyFourStruct.unk4:X8} {twentyFourStruct.unk4 << 13:X8}");

                            // TODO: lighting information?
                            // twentyFourStruct.unksh12 = response from light function
                            Console.WriteLine("      Lit!");
                            material.unk_someLightingThing = -1;

                        if ((material.unk4 & 0x08_000000) != 0)
                            firstWordEverHadHighBitSet = 1;

                        material.pVertices = fileBytes.NextSubArray(material.vertCount * 16).InGroupsOf(16).Select(d => new Vertex(d)).ToArray();

                        if (textureRef != 0xFFF)
                            foreach (var x in material.pVertices)

                        RSPCommand[] commands = UnpackTriangleCommands(fileBytes, shortsCount, commandCount);

                        material.pCommandsInRDRAM = commands;

                        modelPart.pMaterials[k] = material;

                    modelPart.unk1 = firstWordEverHadHighBitSet;

                    lodInfo.pModelParts[j] = modelPart;

                pLODs[i] = lodInfo;

            for (int m = 0; m < partsPerLOD; m++)
                pMatrices[m] = new Matrix(fileBytes.NextSubArray(64).AsFloats());

            if (fileBytes.Length != (int)Math.Ceiling(fileBytes.Position / 8f) * 8)
                throw new Exception();


            using (ThreeDDisplayWindow window = new ThreeDDisplayWindow())
                foreach (LOD lod in pLODs)
                    bool hadTextured = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < lod.partCount; i++)
                        ModelPart part = lod.pModelParts[i];
                        Matrix    m    = pMatrices[i];

                        foreach (Material material in part.pMaterials)
                            List <Vertex> verts      = MaterialToVertexData(material.pVertices, material.pCommandsInRDRAM, m);
                            uint          textureRef = material.unk4 & 0xFFF;
                            if (textureRef != 0xFFF)
                                Filesystem.Filesystem.File textureFile = filesystem.GetFile("UVTX", (int)textureRef) !;
                                window.AddTexturedVertices(verts, new UVTX.UVTXFile(textureFile.Section("COMM")));
                                hadTextured = true;

                        //lodData.AddRange(part.pMaterials.SelectMany(material => MaterialToVertexData(material.pVertices, material.pCommandsInRDRAM, m)));

                    if (hadTextured)