Пример #1
        public override void Step(Settings settings)
            settings.pause = 1;
            settings.pause = 0;

            Sweep sweep1 = new Sweep();

            sweep1.C0.Set(0.0f, 20.0f);
            sweep1.A0          = 0.0f;
            sweep1.C           = sweep1.C0;
            sweep1.A           = sweep1.A0;
            sweep1.T0          = 0.0f;
            sweep1.LocalCenter = _body1.GetLocalCenter();

            Sweep sweep2 = new Sweep();

            sweep2.C0.Set(9.6363468f, 28.050615f);
            sweep2.A0          = 1.6408679f;
            sweep2.C           = sweep2.C0 + new Vec2(-0.075121880f, 0.27358246f);
            sweep2.A           = sweep2.A0 - 10.434675f;
            sweep2.T0          = 0.0f;
            sweep2.LocalCenter = _body2.GetLocalCenter();

            float toi = Collision.TimeOfImpact(_shape1, sweep1, _shape2, sweep2);

            OpenGLDebugDraw.DrawString(5, _textLine, "toi = " + toi.ToString());
            _textLine += 15;

            XForm xf2 = new XForm();

            sweep2.GetXForm(out xf2, toi);
            int vertexCount = _shape2.VertexCount;

            Vec2[] vertices      = new Vec2[Box2DX.Common.Settings.MaxPolygonVertices];
            Vec2[] localVertices = _shape2.GetVertices();
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                vertices[i] = Box2DX.Common.Math.Mul(xf2, localVertices[i]);
            _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(vertices, vertexCount, new Color(0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f));

            localVertices = _shape2.GetCoreVertices();
            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                vertices[i] = Box2DX.Common.Math.Mul(xf2, localVertices[i]);
            _debugDraw.DrawPolygon(vertices, vertexCount, new Color(0.5f, 0.7f, 0.9f));
        public static void FindIncidentEdge(out ClipVertex[] c, PolygonShape poly1, XForm xf1, int edge1, PolygonShape poly2, XForm xf2)
            int count1 = poly1.VertexCount;

            Vector2[] normals1 = poly1.Normals;

            int count2 = poly2.VertexCount;

            Vector2[] vertices2 = poly2.GetVertices();
            Vector2[] normals2  = poly2.Normals;

            //Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= edge1 && edge1 < count1);

            // Get the normal of the reference edge in poly2's frame.
            Vector2 normal1 = CommonMath.MulT(xf2.R, CommonMath.Mul(xf1.R, normals1[edge1]));

            // Find the incident edge on poly2.
            int   index  = 0;
            float minDot = Settings.FLT_MAX;

            for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
                float dot = Vector2.Dot(normal1, normals2[i]);
                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot = dot;
                    index  = i;

            // Build the clip vertices for the incident edge.
            int i1 = index;
            int i2 = i1 + 1 < count2 ? i1 + 1 : 0;

            c = new ClipVertex[2];

            c[0].V = CommonMath.Mul(xf2, vertices2[i1]);
            c[0].ID.Features.ReferenceEdge  = (byte)edge1;
            c[0].ID.Features.IncidentEdge   = (byte)i1;
            c[0].ID.Features.IncidentVertex = 0;

            c[1].V = CommonMath.Mul(xf2, vertices2[i2]);
            c[1].ID.Features.ReferenceEdge  = (byte)edge1;
            c[1].ID.Features.IncidentEdge   = (byte)i2;
            c[1].ID.Features.IncidentVertex = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the separation between poly1 and poly2 for a give edge normal on poly1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="poly1"></param>
        /// <param name="xf1"></param>
        /// <param name="edge1"></param>
        /// <param name="poly2"></param>
        /// <param name="xf2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static float EdgeSeparation(PolygonShape poly1, XForm xf1, int edge1, PolygonShape poly2, XForm xf2)
            int count1 = poly1.VertexCount;

            Vector2[] vertices1 = poly1.GetVertices();
            Vector2[] normals1  = poly1.Normals;

            int count2 = poly2.VertexCount;

            Vector2[] vertices2 = poly2.GetVertices();

            //Box2DXDebug.Assert(0 <= edge1 && edge1 < count1);

            // Convert normal from poly1's frame into poly2's frame.
            Vector2 normal1World = CommonMath.Mul(xf1.R, normals1[edge1]);
            Vector2 normal1      = CommonMath.MulT(xf2.R, normal1World);

            // Find support vertex on poly2 for -normal.
            int   index  = 0;
            float minDot = Settings.FLT_MAX;

            for (int i = 0; i < count2; ++i)
                float dot = Vector2.Dot(vertices2[i], normal1);
                if (dot < minDot)
                    minDot = dot;
                    index  = i;

            Vector2 v1         = CommonMath.Mul(xf1, vertices1[edge1]);
            Vector2 v2         = CommonMath.Mul(xf2, vertices2[index]);
            float   separation = Vector2.Dot(v2 - v1, normal1World);

        public static void CollidePolygonAndCircle(ref Manifold manifold, PolygonShape polygon, XForm xf1, CircleShape circle, XForm xf2)
            manifold.PointCount = 0;

            // Compute circle position in the frame of the polygon.
            Vector2 c      = CommonMath.Mul(xf2, circle.GetLocalPosition());
            Vector2 cLocal = CommonMath.MulT(xf1, c);

            // Find the min separating edge.
            int   normalIndex = 0;
            float separation  = -Settings.FLT_MAX;
            float radius      = circle.GetRadius();
            int   vertexCount = polygon.VertexCount;

            Vector2[] vertices = polygon.GetVertices();
            Vector2[] normals  = polygon.Normals;

            for (int i = 0; i < vertexCount; ++i)
                float s = Vector2.Dot(normals[i], cLocal - vertices[i]);
                if (s > radius)
                    // Early out.

                if (s > separation)
                    separation  = s;
                    normalIndex = i;

            // If the center is inside the polygon ...
            if (separation < Settings.FLT_EPSILON)
                manifold.PointCount = 1;
                manifold.Normal     = CommonMath.Mul(xf1.R, normals[normalIndex]);
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentEdge   = (byte)normalIndex;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentVertex = NullFeature;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.ReferenceEdge  = 0;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.Flip           = 0;
                Vector2 position = c - radius * manifold.Normal;
                manifold.Points[0].LocalPoint1 = CommonMath.MulT(xf1, position);
                manifold.Points[0].LocalPoint2 = CommonMath.MulT(xf2, position);
                manifold.Points[0].Separation  = separation - radius;

            // Project the circle center onto the edge segment.
            int     vertIndex1 = normalIndex;
            int     vertIndex2 = vertIndex1 + 1 < vertexCount ? vertIndex1 + 1 : 0;
            Vector2 e          = vertices[vertIndex2] - vertices[vertIndex1];

            float length = CommonMath.Normalize(ref e);
            //Box2DXDebug.Assert(length > Settings.FLT_EPSILON);

            // Project the center onto the edge.
            float   u = Vector2.Dot(cLocal - vertices[vertIndex1], e);
            Vector2 p;

            if (u <= 0.0f)
                p = vertices[vertIndex1];
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentEdge   = NullFeature;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentVertex = (byte)vertIndex1;
            else if (u >= length)
                p = vertices[vertIndex2];
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentEdge   = NullFeature;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentVertex = (byte)vertIndex2;
                p = vertices[vertIndex1] + u * e;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentEdge   = (byte)normalIndex;
                manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.IncidentVertex = NullFeature;

            Vector2 d    = cLocal - p;
            float   dist = CommonMath.Normalize(ref d);

            if (dist > radius)

            manifold.PointCount = 1;
            manifold.Normal     = CommonMath.Mul(xf1.R, d);
            Vector2 position_ = c - radius * manifold.Normal;

            manifold.Points[0].LocalPoint1 = CommonMath.MulT(xf1, position_);
            manifold.Points[0].LocalPoint2 = CommonMath.MulT(xf2, position_);
            manifold.Points[0].Separation  = dist - radius;
            manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.ReferenceEdge = 0;
            manifold.Points[0].ID.Features.Flip          = 0;