Пример #1
        void ValidatePolygon()

            if (PolyData.Vertices.Count <= 1 || PolyData.Vertices.Count > Box2DSettings.b2_maxPolygonVertices)
                ShowError("Polygon vertice count", "Polygons can only contain between 2 and 8 vertices.\nNote that a polygon of 2 vertices is called an edge (Box2D 2.1.2).");
            else if (PolyData.Vertices.Count > 2)
                // Compute normals. Ensure the edges have non-zero length.
                for (int i = 0; i < PolyData.Vertices.Count; ++i)
                    int  i1   = i;
                    int  i2   = i + 1 < PolyData.Vertices.Count ? i + 1 : 0;
                    Vec2 edge = PolyData.Vertices[i2] - PolyData.Vertices[i1];

                    if (!(edge.LengthSquared() > float.Epsilon * float.Epsilon))
                        ShowError("Edge length", "An edge has an incredibly small length. This may be due\nto vertices too close together.");

                for (int i = 0; i < PolyData.Vertices.Count; ++i)
                    int  i1   = i;
                    int  i2   = i + 1 < PolyData.Vertices.Count ? i + 1 : 0;
                    Vec2 edge = PolyData.Vertices[i2] - PolyData.Vertices[i1];

                    for (int j = 0; j < PolyData.Vertices.Count; ++j)
                        // Don't check vertices on the current edge.
                        if (j == i1 || j == i2)

                        Vec2 r = PolyData.Vertices[j] - PolyData.Vertices[i1];

                        // Your polygon is non-convex (it has an indentation) or
                        // has colinear edges.
                        float s = edge.Cross(r);
                        if (!(s > 0.0f))
                            ShowError("Non-convex/Collinear", "Your polygon is non-convex or has collinear edges.\nTry using the \"Reverse\" button; if that doesn't work,\nthe problem lies within the spacing of your vertices.");

                Vec2 centroid;
                    PolygonShape.ComputeCentroid(out centroid, PolyData.Vertices);
                    ShowError("Polygon area", "The area of your polygon is incredibly small.");