Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Inclusion check for two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>

        public override bool Includes(PointsToState cState2)
            bool             includes = base.Includes(cState2);
            ConsistencyState pE       = (ConsistencyState)cState2;

            includes = includes && IncludesConsistency(pE.consistency);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
        public override void Join(PointsToState ptg)
            if (ptg != null)
                ConsistencyState ptgE = (ConsistencyState)ptg;
                if (consistency != ptgE.consistency)

                //if (exposedNodes != ptgE.exposedNodes)
                //    exposedNodes.AddRange(ptgE.exposedNodes);
        // Get the least elements representing the bottom for the lattice of m
        //public static Reentrancy BottomFor(Method m)
        //    return new Reentrancy(m);

        protected override void BeforeBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
            base.BeforeBindCallWithCallee(callerPTS, calleePTS, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);
            Reentrancy reentrancyCalleeState = (Reentrancy)calleePTS;
            Receivers  potentialReceivers    = Receivers.Empty;

            if (receiver != null)
                Nodes values = pointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb);
            bool isReentrant = false;

            // Check Exposure por every parameters
            if (!IsMethodToIgnoreForReentrancy(reentrancyCalleeState.Method))
                //isReentrant = ReentrancyAnalysisForAnalyzableCalls(reentrancyCalleeState.Method, reentrancyCalleeState, lb,
                //    potentialReceivers, ipm);
                isReentrant = false;
                CheckExposureForCall(calleePTS, receiver, arguments, lb, isReentrant);
        /// <summary>
        ///  Inclusion check for two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>

        public override bool Includes(PointsToState cState2)
            bool includes = base.Includes(cState2);
            ConsistencyState pE = (ConsistencyState)cState2;
            includes = includes && IncludesConsistency(pE.consistency);
            return includes;
Пример #5
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues       = Nodes.Empty;
            bool  IsReceiverConsistent = false;

            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues       = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);

            if (receiver == null)

            BeforeUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, ipm);

            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,
                                receiver, arguments);

            AfterUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, ipm);
Пример #6
    /// <summary>
    ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
    public virtual void Join(PointsToState ptgWe)
      if (ptgWe != null)
        if (pointsToGraph != ptgWe.pointsToGraph)

        //if (callToNonAnalyzableMethods != ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods)
        //    joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);

        //if (exceptions != ptgWe.exceptions)
        //    exceptions.AddRange(ptgWe.exceptions);
        currentException = joinExceptions(currentException, ptgWe.currentException);

        if (methodAssumptions != ptgWe.methodAssumptions)
        isDefault = isDefault && ptgWe.isDefault;
Пример #7
 public void SetSummaryForMethod(Method m, PointsToState cState)
   //String mName = m.GetFullUnmangledNameWithTypeParameters();
   //pointsToWEMap[mName] = cState;
   pointsToWEMap[m] = cState;
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// We record the method entry
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method"></param>
 /// <param name="parameters"></param>
 /// <param name="stat"></param>
 /// <param name="arg"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual PointsToState EnlargeState(PointsToState initial, PointsToState enclosing) {
   PointsToState cState = initial;
   return cState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether dataflow analysis changes or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        /// <param name="newResult"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool AnalysisResultsChanges(Method m, PointsToState newResult)

            bool res = base.AnalysisResultsChanges(m,newResult);
            return res;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Inclusion check for two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
        public override bool Includes(PointsToState pts)
            PointsToAndWriteEffects ptwe2 = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)pts;
            bool includes = base.Includes(ptwe2);
            includes = includes && this.WriteEffects.Includes(ptwe2.WriteEffects);
            includes = includes && this.ReadEffects.Includes(ptwe2.ReadEffects);

            return includes;
        protected override bool HasToVisit(PointsToState state)
            // If there are too many calls to non analyzable methods
            // starts to ignore the statements
            PointsToAndWriteEffects ptwe = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)state;
            WeakPurityAndWriteEffectsAnalysis wpea = (WeakPurityAndWriteEffectsAnalysis) this.pointsToStateAnalysys;
            bool res = (!pointsToStateAnalysys.BoogieMode 
                        ||ptwe.CallsToNonAnalyzable.Count < wpea.maxCallToNonAnalyzable);

            return res;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
        public override void Join(PointsToState pts)
            PointsToAndWriteEffects ptgWe = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)pts;
            if (ptgWe != null)
                if (writeEffects != ptgWe.writeEffects)
                if (allWriteEffects != ptgWe.allWriteEffects)

                if (readEffects != ptgWe.readEffects)

                if (allReadEffects != ptgWe.allReadEffects)

                if (callToNonAnalyzableMethods != ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods)
                    joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
        public PointsToAndWriteEffects(PointsToState ptWE)
            : base(ptWE)
            this.writeEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.allWriteEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.readEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.allReadEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.callToNonAnalyzableMethods = new Dictionary<Label, Set<Method>>();

            //    nonNullState = new NonNullState((NonNullState)ptWE.nonNullState);
Пример #14
 protected virtual void BeforeUpdateConsystency(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
     ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
Пример #15
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues = Nodes.Empty;
            bool IsReceiverConsistent = false;
            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);

            BeforeUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb,ipm);

            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,

            AfterUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb,ipm);

Пример #16
    private bool TryToSolveVirtualCall(PointsToState callercState, Variable receiver, Method callee,
        bool isVirtualCall, ref bool solveInstance, out Set<Method> callees)
      callees = Set<Method>.Empty;
      bool isAnalyzable = false;
      if (isVirtualCall)
        Nodes receivers = callercState.PointsToGraph.Values(receiver);
        if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
          Console.WriteLine("Receivers virtual call:" + receivers);
          if (receivers.Count > 1)
            Console.WriteLine("More than one potential receiver");
        if (receivers.Count > 0)
          bool allInside = true;
          foreach (IPTAnalysisNode r in receivers)
            allInside = allInside && (!CciHelper.IsInterface(r.Type) && r.IsInside);
            if (!allInside) break;
            // Try to get the method from an instance of the passed type
            callees.Add(PointsToAnalysis.solveInstance(r.Type, callee, out solveInstance));

          if (allInside)
            if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
              Console.WriteLine("Receivers Var Type: {0} Nodes: {1} {2} {3}",
                  receiver.Type, receivers, isVirtualCall, callee.IsVirtual);

            isAnalyzable = true;

      return isAnalyzable;
Пример #17
    private bool TryToSolveDelegate(PointsToState callercState, Variable receiver,
        Method callee, bool isExtern, Label lb, out Set<Method> callees)
      callees = Set<Method>.Empty;
      bool isAnalyzable = false;
      if (isExtern)
        Nodes receivers = Nodes.Empty;
        if (receiver != null)
          receivers.AddRange(callercState.PointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb));
        if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
          Console.WriteLine("Receivers virtual call:" + receivers);
          if (receivers.Count > 1)
            Console.WriteLine("More than one potential receiver");
        if (receivers.Count > 0)
          bool allInside = true;
          foreach (IPTAnalysisNode r in receivers)
            allInside = allInside && (r.IsMethodDelegate);
            if (!allInside) break;
            MethodDelegateNode mn = (MethodDelegateNode)r;


          if (allInside)
            isAnalyzable = true;

      return isAnalyzable;
        /* This was related with the old way of dealing with non analyzable calls
        private void RegisterModifiesInReachableObjects(Variable v, Label lb, bool confined)
            // Use Filters for !owned!!!!!!
            Nodes reachables = PointsToGraph.NodesForwardReachableFromVariable(v, confined);
            foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in reachables)
                //if (n is LValueNode || n.IsGlobal)
                    RegisterWriteEffect(n, PTGraph.allFields, lb,false);    
        private void RegisterReadInReachableObjects(Variable v, Label lb, bool confined)
            // Use Filters for !owned!!!!!!
            Nodes reachables = PointsToGraph.NodesForwardReachableFromVariable(v,confined);
            foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in reachables)
                // Add Filters!!!!!!
                //if (n is LValueNode || n.IsGlobal)
                if (n.IsObjectAbstraction)
                    RegisterReadEffect(n, PTGraph.allFields, lb);

        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the inter-procedural analysis, binding information from caller and callee
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vr"></param>
        /// <param name="callee"></param>
        /// <param name="receiver"></param>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        /// <param name="calleePTWE"></param>
        /// <param name="lb"></param>
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
            ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            if (this.method.FullName.Contains("Count"))
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Reverse"))
                { }
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Dispose"))
                { }
            if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("MoveNext2")) 
              { }

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);
            PointsToAndWriteEffects calleePTWE = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)calleecState;

            // Join the set of non-analyzable calls
            joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, calleePTWE.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
            // For each write effect in the calee
            foreach (AField af in calleePTWE.writeEffects)
                // Get the related caller's nodes
                foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in ipm.RelatedExtended(af.Src))

                    if (IsVisibleEffect(n, af.Field))
                        writeEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
                    allWriteEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
            BindCallerReadEffects(calleePTWE, lb, ipm);
Пример #19
    /// <summary>
    /// Check whether dataflow analysis changes or not
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m"></param>
    /// <param name="newResult"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected virtual bool AnalysisResultsChanges(Method m, PointsToState newResult)
      bool res = false;
      if (HasSummary(m))
        PointsToState oldResult = GetSummaryForMethod(m);
        //res = !oldResult.Equals(newResult);
        res = !oldResult.Includes(newResult);
        if (verbose && res)
          Console.Out.WriteLine("Method {0} has changed:", m.FullName);
          Console.Out.WriteLine("DIFERENCE old vs new");
          Console.Out.WriteLine("DIFERENCE new vs old");
          //if (oldResult.writeEffects.Equals(newResult.writeEffects))
          //    Console.Out.WriteLine(oldResult.writeEffects);
          //    Console.Out.WriteLine(newResult.writeEffects);
          //    Console.Out.WriteLine("****");

        res = newResult != null;

      return res;
Пример #20
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a summary from scratch using annotations
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vr"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
      public virtual PointsToState CreateSummaryForFakeCallee(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
          ExpressionList arguments, Label lb)
          PointsToState calleeState = new PointsToState(callee, this.pta);
          // Create a fake PTG for the calle using annotations...
          PTGraph  calleFakePTG = PTGraph.PTGraphFromAnnotations(callee);

          // calleFakePTG.GenerateDotGraph(callee.FullName + ".dot");      
          calleeState.pointsToGraph = calleFakePTG;

          return calleeState;
Пример #21
    // Copy Constructor
    public PointsToState(PointsToState cState)
      this.pta = cState.pta;
      pointsToGraph = new PTGraph(cState.pointsToGraph);

      // callToNonAnalyzableMethods = new Dictionary<Label, Set<Method>>(cState.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
      method = cState.method;
      methodLabel = cState.methodLabel;
      //exceptions = cState.exceptions;
      currentException = cState.currentException;

      methodAssumptions = cState.methodAssumptions;
      isDefault = cState.isDefault;

Пример #22
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply the inter-procedural analysis, binding information from caller and callee
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vr"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <param name="calleecState"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    public virtual void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
        ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)

      // Apply the binding between the pointsToGraph of the caller and the callee
      // Returns also the mapping used during the parameter-arguments nodes binding 

      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("before call to {0}", callee.Name);

      if (this.Method.Name.Name.StartsWith("UsingFoo"))

      ipm = InterProcMapping.ComputeInterProgMapping(this.pointsToGraph, calleecState.pointsToGraph,
          receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

      BeforeBindCallWithCallee(this, calleecState, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);

      PTGraph interProcPTG = ipm.ComputeInterProgGraph(this.pointsToGraph, calleecState.pointsToGraph,
          receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

      pointsToGraph = interProcPTG;

      AfterBindCallWithCallee(this, calleecState, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);

      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("after call to {0}", callee.Name);


      // Update the set of write effects considering the writeffects of the callee
      // in nodes that will stay in the caller
      Set<LNode> removedLoadNodes = ipm.removedLoadNodes;
      // Join the set of non-analyzable calls
      //joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, calleecState.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
Пример #23
    /// <summary>
    ///  Inlusion check for two PointsToAndWriEffects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
    public virtual bool Includes(PointsToState cState2)
      bool includes = pointsToGraph.AtMost(cState2.pointsToGraph, this.pointsToGraph);

      //foreach(Label lb in cState2.callToNonAnalyzableMethods.Keys)
      //    includes = includes && this.callToNonAnalyzableMethods.ContainsKey(lb) 
      //        && this.callToNonAnalyzableMethods[lb].Includes(cState2.callToNonAnalyzableMethods[lb]);
      return includes;
Пример #24
    protected virtual void AfterBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)

        // Get the least elements representing the bottom for the lattice of m
        //public static Reentrancy BottomFor(Method m)
        //    return new Reentrancy(m);

        protected override void BeforeBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
            base.BeforeBindCallWithCallee(callerPTS, calleePTS, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);
            Reentrancy reentrancyCalleeState = (Reentrancy)calleePTS;
            Receivers potentialReceivers = Receivers.Empty;
            if (receiver != null)
                Nodes values = pointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb);
            bool isReentrant = false;

            // Check Exposure por every parameters
            if (!IsMethodToIgnoreForReentrancy(reentrancyCalleeState.Method))
                //isReentrant = ReentrancyAnalysisForAnalyzableCalls(reentrancyCalleeState.Method, reentrancyCalleeState, lb,
                //    potentialReceivers, ipm);
                isReentrant = false;
                CheckExposureForCall(calleePTS, receiver, arguments, lb, isReentrant);
Пример #26
 public virtual void DumpDifference(PointsToState pt2)
Пример #27
 protected virtual bool HasToVisit(PointsToState state)
   bool res = true;
   return res;
Пример #28
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine if the callee method is analyzable
    /// or pure and gets or compute the callee dataflow information 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="callercState"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="caller"></param>
    /// <param name="isVirtualCall"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    /// <param name="calleecState"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected virtual bool TryAnalyzeCallee(PointsToState callercState, Variable receiver, Method callee, Method caller,
        bool isVirtualCall, Label lb, out Set<PointsToState> calleecStates)

      calleecStates = new Set<PointsToState>();

      if (caller.FullName.Contains("Except"))
        if (callee.Name.Name.Equals("Add"))
      // DIEGO-TODO: Check if is better to replace the calle by its template directly at the beggining
      bool isTemplate = false;
      bool solveInstance = false;

      isTemplate = callee.DeclaringType.IsGeneric && callee.Template == null;

      // verify whether the method is analyzed or not
      // That means, is not unsafe and the statements are available
      // This can be bounded to the compuation unit to reduce 
      // analysis time, still being interprocedural
      bool isAnalyzable = false;

      // If it is assumed pure I don't analyzed it
      if ((!PureAsAnalyzable() && PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsAssumedPureMethod(callee)) 
          || ForcedByAnnotations(callee) ) 
        // We treat known pure as non-analyzable but we then rely on the
        // the provided annotations (pure, confined, stateindependend, fresh, etc.)
        isAnalyzable = false;
        //if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("GetEnumerator") && caller.Name.Name.Contains("AddAll"))
        //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
        if (PointsToAnalysis.IsInterProceduralAnalysys)
          Set<Method> callees = new Set<Method>(); ;

          isAnalyzable = PointsToAnalysis.IsAnalyzable(callee) && (!callee.IsVirtual || !isVirtualCall);
          if (isAnalyzable)
          // Set<Method> potencialCalles = PotentialCallees(callercState, callee, receiver);

          // I removed virtual call resolution because it tries to analyze method (eg. Dictionary.Add) 
          // which has calls that is not able to analyze, leading to not desired behaviour.
          if (PointsToAnalysis.tryToSolveCallsToInterfaces) {
            if (!isAnalyzable && callee.IsVirtual && !callee.IsExtern)
              isAnalyzable = TryToSolveVirtualCall(callercState, receiver, callee, isVirtualCall, ref solveInstance, out callees);

          // Try to obtain the delegate that is contained in the node
          if (!isAnalyzable && callee.IsExtern)
            isAnalyzable = TryToSolveDelegate(callercState, receiver, callee, callee.IsExtern, lb, out callees);

          // isAnalyzable = isAnalyzable && wasAnalyzed;
          if (isAnalyzable)
            AnalyzeAnalyzable(ref callee, caller, calleecStates, ref isAnalyzable, callees);

          isAnalyzable = false;

        // If it's a virtual call and we analyze the callee, we add the 
        // asumption about we use that method and not a subclass method
        if (isAnalyzable)
          if ((isVirtualCall && callee.IsVirtual && solveInstance)
              || (isTemplate))
            // Console.WriteLine("Added {0} in method assumptions", callee.FullName);
            // calleecState.methodAssumptions.Add(callee);

      return isAnalyzable;
Пример #29
 protected virtual void BeforeUpdateConsystency(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
                                                ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
Пример #30
 /// <summary>
 ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
 public override void Join(PointsToState ptg)
     if (ptg != null)
         ConsistencyState ptgE = (ConsistencyState)ptg;
         if (consistency!= ptgE.consistency)
         //if (exposedNodes != ptgE.exposedNodes)
         //    exposedNodes.AddRange(ptgE.exposedNodes);