Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///  Inclusion check for two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>

        public override bool Includes(PointsToState cState2)
            bool             includes = base.Includes(cState2);
            ConsistencyState pE       = (ConsistencyState)cState2;

            includes = includes && IncludesConsistency(pE.consistency);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
        public override void Join(PointsToState ptg)
            if (ptg != null)
                ConsistencyState ptgE = (ConsistencyState)ptg;
                if (consistency != ptgE.consistency)

                //if (exposedNodes != ptgE.exposedNodes)
                //    exposedNodes.AddRange(ptgE.exposedNodes);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // Get the least elements representing the bottom for the lattice of m
        //public static Reentrancy BottomFor(Method m)
        //    return new Reentrancy(m);

        protected override void BeforeBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
            base.BeforeBindCallWithCallee(callerPTS, calleePTS, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);
            Reentrancy reentrancyCalleeState = (Reentrancy)calleePTS;
            Receivers  potentialReceivers    = Receivers.Empty;

            if (receiver != null)
                Nodes values = pointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb);
            bool isReentrant = false;

            // Check Exposure por every parameters
            if (!IsMethodToIgnoreForReentrancy(reentrancyCalleeState.Method))
                //isReentrant = ReentrancyAnalysisForAnalyzableCalls(reentrancyCalleeState.Method, reentrancyCalleeState, lb,
                //    potentialReceivers, ipm);
                isReentrant = false;
                CheckExposureForCall(calleePTS, receiver, arguments, lb, isReentrant);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Inclusion check for two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>

        public override bool Includes(PointsToState cState2)
            bool includes = base.Includes(cState2);
            ConsistencyState pE = (ConsistencyState)cState2;
            includes = includes && IncludesConsistency(pE.consistency);
            return includes;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues       = Nodes.Empty;
            bool  IsReceiverConsistent = false;

            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues       = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);

            if (receiver == null)

            BeforeUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, ipm);

            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,
                                receiver, arguments);

            AfterUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, ipm);
Ejemplo n.º 6
    /// <summary>
    ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
    public virtual void Join(PointsToState ptgWe)
      if (ptgWe != null)
        if (pointsToGraph != ptgWe.pointsToGraph)

        //if (callToNonAnalyzableMethods != ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods)
        //    joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);

        //if (exceptions != ptgWe.exceptions)
        //    exceptions.AddRange(ptgWe.exceptions);
        currentException = joinExceptions(currentException, ptgWe.currentException);

        if (methodAssumptions != ptgWe.methodAssumptions)
        isDefault = isDefault && ptgWe.isDefault;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public void SetSummaryForMethod(Method m, PointsToState cState)
   //String mName = m.GetFullUnmangledNameWithTypeParameters();
   //pointsToWEMap[mName] = cState;
   pointsToWEMap[m] = cState;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// We record the method entry
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="method"></param>
 /// <param name="parameters"></param>
 /// <param name="stat"></param>
 /// <param name="arg"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected virtual PointsToState EnlargeState(PointsToState initial, PointsToState enclosing) {
   PointsToState cState = initial;
   return cState;
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether dataflow analysis changes or not
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="m"></param>
        /// <param name="newResult"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool AnalysisResultsChanges(Method m, PointsToState newResult)

            bool res = base.AnalysisResultsChanges(m,newResult);
            return res;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Inclusion check for two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
        public override bool Includes(PointsToState pts)
            PointsToAndWriteEffects ptwe2 = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)pts;
            bool includes = base.Includes(ptwe2);
            includes = includes && this.WriteEffects.Includes(ptwe2.WriteEffects);
            includes = includes && this.ReadEffects.Includes(ptwe2.ReadEffects);

            return includes;
        protected override bool HasToVisit(PointsToState state)
            // If there are too many calls to non analyzable methods
            // starts to ignore the statements
            PointsToAndWriteEffects ptwe = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)state;
            WeakPurityAndWriteEffectsAnalysis wpea = (WeakPurityAndWriteEffectsAnalysis) this.pointsToStateAnalysys;
            bool res = (!pointsToStateAnalysys.BoogieMode 
                        ||ptwe.CallsToNonAnalyzable.Count < wpea.maxCallToNonAnalyzable);

            return res;
        /// <summary>
        ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
        public override void Join(PointsToState pts)
            PointsToAndWriteEffects ptgWe = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)pts;
            if (ptgWe != null)
                if (writeEffects != ptgWe.writeEffects)
                if (allWriteEffects != ptgWe.allWriteEffects)

                if (readEffects != ptgWe.readEffects)

                if (allReadEffects != ptgWe.allReadEffects)

                if (callToNonAnalyzableMethods != ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods)
                    joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, ptgWe.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
        public PointsToAndWriteEffects(PointsToState ptWE)
            : base(ptWE)
            this.writeEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.allWriteEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.readEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.allReadEffects = new AbstractEffects();
            this.callToNonAnalyzableMethods = new Dictionary<Label, Set<Method>>();

            //    nonNullState = new NonNullState((NonNullState)ptWE.nonNullState);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected virtual void BeforeUpdateConsystency(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
     ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            Nodes receiverValues = Nodes.Empty;
            bool IsReceiverConsistent = false;
            if (receiver != null)
                receiverValues = Values(receiver);
                IsReceiverConsistent = IsExposable(receiver);

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);

            BeforeUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb,ipm);

            ConsistencyForCalls(callee, lb, receiverValues, IsReceiverConsistent,

            AfterUpdateConsystency(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb,ipm);

Ejemplo n.º 16
    private bool TryToSolveVirtualCall(PointsToState callercState, Variable receiver, Method callee,
        bool isVirtualCall, ref bool solveInstance, out Set<Method> callees)
      callees = Set<Method>.Empty;
      bool isAnalyzable = false;
      if (isVirtualCall)
        Nodes receivers = callercState.PointsToGraph.Values(receiver);
        if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
          Console.WriteLine("Receivers virtual call:" + receivers);
          if (receivers.Count > 1)
            Console.WriteLine("More than one potential receiver");
        if (receivers.Count > 0)
          bool allInside = true;
          foreach (IPTAnalysisNode r in receivers)
            allInside = allInside && (!CciHelper.IsInterface(r.Type) && r.IsInside);
            if (!allInside) break;
            // Try to get the method from an instance of the passed type
            callees.Add(PointsToAnalysis.solveInstance(r.Type, callee, out solveInstance));

          if (allInside)
            if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
              Console.WriteLine("Receivers Var Type: {0} Nodes: {1} {2} {3}",
                  receiver.Type, receivers, isVirtualCall, callee.IsVirtual);

            isAnalyzable = true;

      return isAnalyzable;
Ejemplo n.º 17
    private bool TryToSolveDelegate(PointsToState callercState, Variable receiver,
        Method callee, bool isExtern, Label lb, out Set<Method> callees)
      callees = Set<Method>.Empty;
      bool isAnalyzable = false;
      if (isExtern)
        Nodes receivers = Nodes.Empty;
        if (receiver != null)
          receivers.AddRange(callercState.PointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb));
        if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
          Console.WriteLine("Receivers virtual call:" + receivers);
          if (receivers.Count > 1)
            Console.WriteLine("More than one potential receiver");
        if (receivers.Count > 0)
          bool allInside = true;
          foreach (IPTAnalysisNode r in receivers)
            allInside = allInside && (r.IsMethodDelegate);
            if (!allInside) break;
            MethodDelegateNode mn = (MethodDelegateNode)r;


          if (allInside)
            isAnalyzable = true;

      return isAnalyzable;
        /* This was related with the old way of dealing with non analyzable calls
        private void RegisterModifiesInReachableObjects(Variable v, Label lb, bool confined)
            // Use Filters for !owned!!!!!!
            Nodes reachables = PointsToGraph.NodesForwardReachableFromVariable(v, confined);
            foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in reachables)
                //if (n is LValueNode || n.IsGlobal)
                    RegisterWriteEffect(n, PTGraph.allFields, lb,false);    
        private void RegisterReadInReachableObjects(Variable v, Label lb, bool confined)
            // Use Filters for !owned!!!!!!
            Nodes reachables = PointsToGraph.NodesForwardReachableFromVariable(v,confined);
            foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in reachables)
                // Add Filters!!!!!!
                //if (n is LValueNode || n.IsGlobal)
                if (n.IsObjectAbstraction)
                    RegisterReadEffect(n, PTGraph.allFields, lb);

        /// <summary>
        /// Apply the inter-procedural analysis, binding information from caller and callee
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vr"></param>
        /// <param name="callee"></param>
        /// <param name="receiver"></param>
        /// <param name="arguments"></param>
        /// <param name="calleePTWE"></param>
        /// <param name="lb"></param>
        public override void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver, 
            ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)
            if (this.method.FullName.Contains("Count"))
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Reverse"))
                { }
                if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("Dispose"))
                { }
            if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("MoveNext2")) 
              { }

            base.ApplyAnalyzableCall(vr, callee, receiver, arguments, calleecState, lb, out ipm);
            PointsToAndWriteEffects calleePTWE = (PointsToAndWriteEffects)calleecState;

            // Join the set of non-analyzable calls
            joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, calleePTWE.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
            // For each write effect in the calee
            foreach (AField af in calleePTWE.writeEffects)
                // Get the related caller's nodes
                foreach (IPTAnalysisNode n in ipm.RelatedExtended(af.Src))

                    if (IsVisibleEffect(n, af.Field))
                        writeEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
                    allWriteEffects.AddEffect(n, af.Field, lb);
            BindCallerReadEffects(calleePTWE, lb, ipm);
Ejemplo n.º 19
    /// <summary>
    /// Check whether dataflow analysis changes or not
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="m"></param>
    /// <param name="newResult"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected virtual bool AnalysisResultsChanges(Method m, PointsToState newResult)
      bool res = false;
      if (HasSummary(m))
        PointsToState oldResult = GetSummaryForMethod(m);
        //res = !oldResult.Equals(newResult);
        res = !oldResult.Includes(newResult);
        if (verbose && res)
          Console.Out.WriteLine("Method {0} has changed:", m.FullName);
          Console.Out.WriteLine("DIFERENCE old vs new");
          Console.Out.WriteLine("DIFERENCE new vs old");
          //if (oldResult.writeEffects.Equals(newResult.writeEffects))
          //    Console.Out.WriteLine(oldResult.writeEffects);
          //    Console.Out.WriteLine(newResult.writeEffects);
          //    Console.Out.WriteLine("****");

        res = newResult != null;

      return res;
Ejemplo n.º 20
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates a summary from scratch using annotations
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vr"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
      public virtual PointsToState CreateSummaryForFakeCallee(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
          ExpressionList arguments, Label lb)
          PointsToState calleeState = new PointsToState(callee, this.pta);
          // Create a fake PTG for the calle using annotations...
          PTGraph  calleFakePTG = PTGraph.PTGraphFromAnnotations(callee);

          // calleFakePTG.GenerateDotGraph(callee.FullName + ".dot");      
          calleeState.pointsToGraph = calleFakePTG;

          return calleeState;
Ejemplo n.º 21
    // Copy Constructor
    public PointsToState(PointsToState cState)
      this.pta = cState.pta;
      pointsToGraph = new PTGraph(cState.pointsToGraph);

      // callToNonAnalyzableMethods = new Dictionary<Label, Set<Method>>(cState.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
      method = cState.method;
      methodLabel = cState.methodLabel;
      //exceptions = cState.exceptions;
      currentException = cState.currentException;

      methodAssumptions = cState.methodAssumptions;
      isDefault = cState.isDefault;

Ejemplo n.º 22
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply the inter-procedural analysis, binding information from caller and callee
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vr"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="arguments"></param>
    /// <param name="calleecState"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    public virtual void ApplyAnalyzableCall(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
        ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, out InterProcMapping ipm)

      // Apply the binding between the pointsToGraph of the caller and the callee
      // Returns also the mapping used during the parameter-arguments nodes binding 

      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("before call to {0}", callee.Name);

      if (this.Method.Name.Name.StartsWith("UsingFoo"))

      ipm = InterProcMapping.ComputeInterProgMapping(this.pointsToGraph, calleecState.pointsToGraph,
          receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

      BeforeBindCallWithCallee(this, calleecState, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);

      PTGraph interProcPTG = ipm.ComputeInterProgGraph(this.pointsToGraph, calleecState.pointsToGraph,
          receiver, arguments, vr, lb);

      pointsToGraph = interProcPTG;

      AfterBindCallWithCallee(this, calleecState, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);

      if (PointsToAnalysis.debug)
        Console.Out.WriteLine("after call to {0}", callee.Name);


      // Update the set of write effects considering the writeffects of the callee
      // in nodes that will stay in the caller
      Set<LNode> removedLoadNodes = ipm.removedLoadNodes;
      // Join the set of non-analyzable calls
      //joinCalledMethod(callToNonAnalyzableMethods, calleecState.callToNonAnalyzableMethods);
Ejemplo n.º 23
    /// <summary>
    ///  Inlusion check for two PointsToAndWriEffects
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
    public virtual bool Includes(PointsToState cState2)
      bool includes = pointsToGraph.AtMost(cState2.pointsToGraph, this.pointsToGraph);

      //foreach(Label lb in cState2.callToNonAnalyzableMethods.Keys)
      //    includes = includes && this.callToNonAnalyzableMethods.ContainsKey(lb) 
      //        && this.callToNonAnalyzableMethods[lb].Includes(cState2.callToNonAnalyzableMethods[lb]);
      return includes;
Ejemplo n.º 24
    protected virtual void AfterBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)

        // Get the least elements representing the bottom for the lattice of m
        //public static Reentrancy BottomFor(Method m)
        //    return new Reentrancy(m);

        protected override void BeforeBindCallWithCallee(PointsToState callerPTS, PointsToState calleePTS, Variable receiver, ExpressionList arguments, Variable vr, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
            base.BeforeBindCallWithCallee(callerPTS, calleePTS, receiver, arguments, vr, lb, ipm);
            Reentrancy reentrancyCalleeState = (Reentrancy)calleePTS;
            Receivers potentialReceivers = Receivers.Empty;
            if (receiver != null)
                Nodes values = pointsToGraph.GetValuesIfEmptyLoadNode(receiver, lb);
            bool isReentrant = false;

            // Check Exposure por every parameters
            if (!IsMethodToIgnoreForReentrancy(reentrancyCalleeState.Method))
                //isReentrant = ReentrancyAnalysisForAnalyzableCalls(reentrancyCalleeState.Method, reentrancyCalleeState, lb,
                //    potentialReceivers, ipm);
                isReentrant = false;
                CheckExposureForCall(calleePTS, receiver, arguments, lb, isReentrant);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public virtual void DumpDifference(PointsToState pt2)
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected virtual bool HasToVisit(PointsToState state)
   bool res = true;
   return res;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    /// <summary>
    /// Determine if the callee method is analyzable
    /// or pure and gets or compute the callee dataflow information 
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="callercState"></param>
    /// <param name="receiver"></param>
    /// <param name="callee"></param>
    /// <param name="caller"></param>
    /// <param name="isVirtualCall"></param>
    /// <param name="lb"></param>
    /// <param name="calleecState"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    protected virtual bool TryAnalyzeCallee(PointsToState callercState, Variable receiver, Method callee, Method caller,
        bool isVirtualCall, Label lb, out Set<PointsToState> calleecStates)

      calleecStates = new Set<PointsToState>();

      if (caller.FullName.Contains("Except"))
        if (callee.Name.Name.Equals("Add"))
      // DIEGO-TODO: Check if is better to replace the calle by its template directly at the beggining
      bool isTemplate = false;
      bool solveInstance = false;

      isTemplate = callee.DeclaringType.IsGeneric && callee.Template == null;

      // verify whether the method is analyzed or not
      // That means, is not unsafe and the statements are available
      // This can be bounded to the compuation unit to reduce 
      // analysis time, still being interprocedural
      bool isAnalyzable = false;

      // If it is assumed pure I don't analyzed it
      if ((!PureAsAnalyzable() && PointsToAndEffectsAnnotations.IsAssumedPureMethod(callee)) 
          || ForcedByAnnotations(callee) ) 
        // We treat known pure as non-analyzable but we then rely on the
        // the provided annotations (pure, confined, stateindependend, fresh, etc.)
        isAnalyzable = false;
        //if (callee.Name.Name.Contains("GetEnumerator") && caller.Name.Name.Contains("AddAll"))
        //    System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
        if (PointsToAnalysis.IsInterProceduralAnalysys)
          Set<Method> callees = new Set<Method>(); ;

          isAnalyzable = PointsToAnalysis.IsAnalyzable(callee) && (!callee.IsVirtual || !isVirtualCall);
          if (isAnalyzable)
          // Set<Method> potencialCalles = PotentialCallees(callercState, callee, receiver);

          // I removed virtual call resolution because it tries to analyze method (eg. Dictionary.Add) 
          // which has calls that is not able to analyze, leading to not desired behaviour.
          if (PointsToAnalysis.tryToSolveCallsToInterfaces) {
            if (!isAnalyzable && callee.IsVirtual && !callee.IsExtern)
              isAnalyzable = TryToSolveVirtualCall(callercState, receiver, callee, isVirtualCall, ref solveInstance, out callees);

          // Try to obtain the delegate that is contained in the node
          if (!isAnalyzable && callee.IsExtern)
            isAnalyzable = TryToSolveDelegate(callercState, receiver, callee, callee.IsExtern, lb, out callees);

          // isAnalyzable = isAnalyzable && wasAnalyzed;
          if (isAnalyzable)
            AnalyzeAnalyzable(ref callee, caller, calleecStates, ref isAnalyzable, callees);

          isAnalyzable = false;

        // If it's a virtual call and we analyze the callee, we add the 
        // asumption about we use that method and not a subclass method
        if (isAnalyzable)
          if ((isVirtualCall && callee.IsVirtual && solveInstance)
              || (isTemplate))
            // Console.WriteLine("Added {0} in method assumptions", callee.FullName);
            // calleecState.methodAssumptions.Add(callee);

      return isAnalyzable;
Ejemplo n.º 29
 protected virtual void BeforeUpdateConsystency(Variable vr, Method callee, Variable receiver,
                                                ExpressionList arguments, PointsToState calleecState, Label lb, InterProcMapping ipm)
Ejemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 ///  Join two PointsToAndWriteEffects
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ptgWe"></param>
 public override void Join(PointsToState ptg)
     if (ptg != null)
         ConsistencyState ptgE = (ConsistencyState)ptg;
         if (consistency!= ptgE.consistency)
         //if (exposedNodes != ptgE.exposedNodes)
         //    exposedNodes.AddRange(ptgE.exposedNodes);