// Update is called once per frame void Awake() { rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); gm = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); }
void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D coll) { // Attempt to grab the Player_Manager script Player_Manager _player = coll.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); // IF the colliding object doesnt have the Player Manager script. if (_player == null) { return; } // IF the colliding object's tag isn't Player. if (coll.tag != "Player") { return; } // We remove this script from our player state list. _playerManager.playerState.ListOfActionKeyDialogues.Remove(this); // IF the dialogue component isn't null. if (dialogueComponent != null) { // Stop all the coroutines in the dialogueComponent. dialogueComponent.StopAllCoroutines(); // Stop all coroutines on this script. StopAllCoroutines(); // Finish off all actions while exiting the collider. StartCoroutine(ExitCollider()); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { InvaderManager = GameObject.Find("InvaderManager"); IM = (Invader_Manager)InvaderManager.GetComponent(typeof(Invader_Manager)); PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { //Can start combat if (collision.tag == "player_combat_collider") { if (currentAction != null) { currentAction.isFinish = true; } can_start_combat = true; } if (collision.tag == "player_change_state_collider") { Player_Manager pm = collision.GetComponentInParent <Player_Manager>(); if (pm != null && pm.current_state == Player_Manager.Player_States.DASHING_PLAYER && currentAction != stunned && !(bool)myBB.GetParameter("is_enemy_stunned")) { if (currentAction != null) { currentAction.isFinish = true; } myBB.SetParameter("is_enemy_stunned", true); } } }
private GameObject target; // USED TO SET THE TARGET FOR THR ENEMY private void Start() { gm = GameObject.Find("Game_Manager").GetComponent <Game_Manager>(); // USED TIO FIND THE GAME MANAGER AND ACCESS THE GAMEMANAGER SCRIPT plM = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); // USED TIO FIND THE PLAYER GAMEOBJECT AND ACCESS THE PLAYERMANAGER SCRIPT target = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); // SETS THE TARGET TO THE GAMEOBJECT WITH THE TAG PLAYER speed = 3; // SETS THE SPEED OF THE ENEMY AI TO 3 }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); playerManagerScript = PlayerManager.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); Club_Driver = GameObject.Find("GolfClub_Driver_elbow"); Club_Iron = GameObject.Find("GolfClub_Iron_elbow"); Club_Putter = GameObject.Find("GolfClub_Putter_elbow"); Weapon_Driver = GameObject.Find("Weapon_Driver_elbow"); Weapon_Iron = GameObject.Find("Weapon_Iron_elbow"); Weapon_Putter = GameObject.Find("Weapon_Putter_elbow"); UnusedClubs.Add(Club_Iron); UnusedClubs.Add(Club_Putter); Club_Iron.SetActive(false); Club_Putter.SetActive(false); UnusedWeapons.Add(Weapon_Iron); UnusedWeapons.Add(Weapon_Putter); Weapon_Driver.SetActive(false); Weapon_Iron.SetActive(false); Weapon_Putter.SetActive(false); currentClub = Club_Driver; currentWeapon = Weapon_Driver; currentBulletState = BulletStates.DriverBullet; }
void Start() { //Get play component player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); //Get the fader fader = FindObjectOfType <Fader>(); }
void Awake() { anim = GetComponent <Animator> (); invaderType = anim.runtimeAnimatorController.name.ToString(); rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); gm = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); InvaderManager = GameObject.Find("InvaderManager"); IM = (Invader_Manager)InvaderManager.GetComponent(typeof(Invader_Manager)); PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); LevelManager = GameObject.Find("LevelManager"); LM = (Level_Manager)LevelManager.GetComponent(typeof(Level_Manager)); InvaderGrid = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("InvaderGrid"); IG = (InvaderGrid)InvaderGrid.GetComponent(typeof(InvaderGrid)); PolygonCollider2D playerCollider = GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>(); invaderRadius = playerCollider.bounds.extents.x; float camDistance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Camera.main.transform.position); Vector2 bottomCorner = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, camDistance)); Vector2 topCorner = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 1, camDistance)); randomNumber = Random.Range(0, IM.explosions.Length); IM.currentInvaders = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Invaders").Length; minX = bottomCorner.x + invaderRadius; maxX = topCorner.x - invaderRadius; minY = bottomCorner.y + invaderRadius; maxY = topCorner.y - invaderRadius; IG.invaderDir = "Right"; invaderDirection = "Right"; }
void Awake() { if (Instance == null) { Instance = this; } }
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) { // Attempt to grab the Player_Manager script Player_Manager _player = coll.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); // IF the colliding object doesnt have the Player Manager script. if (_player == null) { return; } // IF the colliding object's tag isn't Player. if (coll.tag != "Player") { return; } // We are inside. isInside = true; // Assign the Player Manager script. _playerManager = _player; // Since we have a Player Manager script we assign the state. _playerManager.playerState.ListOfAreaDialogues.Add(this); // IF we do not have a null closest Action Key Dialogue component AND the Action Key Dialogue variable 'destroyAreaDialogue' is set to 'true'. if (_playerManager.playerState.ClosestAKD != null && _playerManager.playerState.ClosestAKD.destroyAreaDialogues) { // Do nothing. } else { // We begin the dialogue. CreateDialogue(); } }
void SetInitialReferences() { if (GameManager_References.player != null) { playerMaster = GameManager_References.player.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); } }
override public BT_Status StartAction() { player = (GameObject)myBT.myBB.GetParameter("player"); if (player == null) { Debug.Log("<color=red> Player not found!_Action_FollowPlayer"); } myAnimator = (Animator)myBT.myBB.GetParameter("myAnimator"); if (myAnimator) { myAnimator.SetInteger("Phase", 1); myAnimator.SetBool("enemy_startwalking", false); myAnimator.SetBool("Shoot", false); } rayTrans = rayGO.transform; rayCol = rayGO.GetComponentInChildren <BoxCollider2D>(); raySpr = rayGO.GetComponentInChildren <SpriteRenderer>(); skeletonCol = skeletontObj.GetComponent <CircleCollider2D>(); managerPlayer = player.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); rayGO.SetActive(true); rayCol.enabled = false; raySpr.color = new Color(raySpr.color.r, raySpr.color.g, raySpr.color.b, 0.3294118f); rayDetect = rayGO.GetComponentInChildren <PlayerDetection_Damage>(); sheletonsInstancied = new Transform[numSkeletons]; actionCoroutine = StartCoroutine(RayShoot()); return(BT_Status.RUNNING); }
void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D coll) { // Attempt to grab the Player_Manager script Player_Manager _player = coll.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); // IF the colliding object doesnt have the Player Manager script. if (_player == null) { return; } // IF the colliding object's tag isn't Player. if (coll.tag != "Player") { return; } // We are no longer inside. isInside = false; // Since the dialogue is being destroyed we assign the state. _playerManager.playerState.ListOfAreaDialogues.Remove(this); // Reset the dialogueIndex. dialogueIndex = 0; if (dialogueComponent != null) { dialogueComponent.StopAllCoroutines(); } // IF the dialogue is activatable. if (isActivatable) { // Stop the coroutines for resetting the dialogue. StopAllCoroutines(); // We need to create some time before the NPC talks again. StartCoroutine(InteractiveDowntime()); } }
protected void OnDestroy() { if (singleton == this) { singleton = null; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); playerManagerScript = PlayerManager.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); GolfBallCamera = GameObject.Find("GolfBallTempCamera"); OverWorldCamera = GameObject.Find("OverWorldCamera"); GolfBallCamera2 = GameObject.Find("GolfBallLanding_Camera"); GolfBallCamera.SetActive(false); OverWorldCamera.SetActive(false); GolfBallCamera2.SetActive(false); actualPlayer = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); actualGolfBall = GameObject.Find("GolfBall_Temp"); GolfClubFOV = 120.0f; WeaponFOV = 100.0f; VanillaFOV = 60.0f; currentFOV = GetComponent <Camera>().fieldOfView; VanillaCameraFollow = GameObject.Find("VanillaCameraFollow"); GolfingCameraFollow = GameObject.Find("GolfingCameraFollow"); WeaponCameraFollow = GameObject.Find("WeaponCameraFollow"); horAndVertCameraMoving = false; horAndVertCameraMoved = false; }
public bool CanMove(int ActionPoint, int[] Prev,int cost) { Tile_Manager.Cover_Kind Kind; Kind = _Tile.TileMap[X][Y]; if (Kind == Tile_Manager.Cover_Kind.HighCover || StartPoint) return false; if (RealCost != -1 && RealCost <= cost) return false; if (Kind == Tile_Manager.Cover_Kind.HalfCover) { cost++; ActionPoint--; } if (ActionPoint - Action.Now_Move_Point < 0) { if (!Check) Action = null; return false; } ActionPoint -= Action.Now_Move_Point; cost += Action.Now_Move_Point; RealCost = cost; if (!Check) { GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color -= new Color(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, -1); Prev_Highlighted = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().color; if (_obstacle != null) _obstacle.Change(); } Check = true; if (X - 1 >= 0 && X - 1 != Prev[0]) { _Tile.MY_Tile[X - 1][Y].Action = Action; _Tile.MY_Tile[X - 1][Y].CanMove(ActionPoint, new int[] { X, Y },cost); } if (X + 1 < _Tile.X && X + 1 != Prev[0]) { _Tile.MY_Tile[X + 1][Y].Action = Action; _Tile.MY_Tile[X + 1][Y].CanMove(ActionPoint, new int[] { X, Y }, cost); } if (Y - 1 >= 0 && Y - 1 != Prev[1]) { _Tile.MY_Tile[X][Y - 1].Action = Action; _Tile.MY_Tile[X][Y - 1].CanMove(ActionPoint, new int[] { X, Y },cost); } if (Y + 1 < _Tile.Y && Y + 1 != Prev[1]) { _Tile.MY_Tile[X][Y + 1].Action = Action; _Tile.MY_Tile[X][Y + 1].CanMove(ActionPoint, new int[] { X, Y }, cost); } return true; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { playerCamera = GameObject.Find(transform.parent.name + "/Camera"); camRotation = playerCamera.GetComponent <Cam_Rotation>(); gamePad = transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <GamePad_Manager>(); playerManager = transform.parent.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); playerManagerScript = PlayerManager.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); //GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false; //GetComponent<Collider>().enabled = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { actualPlayer = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); GetComponent <Behaviour>().enabled = false; PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); playerManagerScript = PlayerManager.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); }
void Awake() { // Get the Player State. _playerManager = GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); // Get the Rigidbody2D Component. rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); // Check for mistakes. DebugCheck(); }
void Awake() { InvaderManager = GameObject.Find("InvaderManager"); LevelManager = GameObject.Find("LevelManager"); PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); LM = (Level_Manager)LevelManager.GetComponent(typeof(Level_Manager)); IM = (Invader_Manager)InvaderManager.GetComponent(typeof(Invader_Manager)); }
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision) { if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("player_movement_collider")) { Player_Manager PlayerManager = ProceduralDungeonGenerator.mapGenerator.Player.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); PlayerManager.WriteInJSON(); SceneManager.LoadScene(scene, LoadSceneMode.Single); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); playerManagerScript = PlayerManager.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); originalRotationValue = transform.rotation; actualGolfBall = GameObject.Find("GolfBall_Temp"); }
private void Start() { Player_Inventory_Objects = new Object_InGame[8]; playerManager = GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); //Pushback to all objects of the game //Right_Hand_Object = All_Game_Objects[0]; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("SmallHuman_001"); playerManagerScript = PlayerManager.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); poweringSwing = false; releaseSwing = false; swingPower = 0.0f; swingPowerActual = 0.0f; //actual recorded power player pushes button for during the golf swing }
void Awake() { Instance = this; roleListDefine = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <RoleList_Define>(); cardDeckListDefine = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <CardDeckList_Define>(); DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); }
// Update is called once per frame void Awake() { gm = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); InvaderManager = GameObject.Find("InvaderManager"); IM = (Invader_Manager)InvaderManager.GetComponent(typeof(Invader_Manager)); PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); player = GameObject.Find("Player_Ship"); p = (PlayerShip)player.GetComponent(typeof(PlayerShip)); }
void Awake() { PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); InvaderManager = GameObject.Find("InvaderManager"); IM = (Invader_Manager)InvaderManager.GetComponent(typeof(Invader_Manager)); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); LevelManager = GameObject.Find("LevelManager"); LM = (Level_Manager)LevelManager.GetComponent(typeof(Level_Manager)); randomNumber = Random.Range(0, IM.explosions.Length); barrierSound = GetComponent <AudioSource> (); barrierSound.clip = LM.invadermarchSound [2]; }
void Awake() { gm = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent <GameManager>(); InvaderManager = GameObject.Find("InvaderManager"); IM = (Invader_Manager)InvaderManager.GetComponent(typeof(Invader_Manager)); PlayerManager = GameObject.Find("PlayerManager"); PM = (Player_Manager)PlayerManager.GetComponent(typeof(Player_Manager)); LevelManager = GameObject.Find("LevelManager"); LM = (Level_Manager)LevelManager.GetComponent(typeof(Level_Manager)); rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> (); randomNumber = Random.Range(0, IM.explosions.Length); }
override public BT_Status UpdateAction() { timer_attack += Time.deltaTime; GameObject go = father_colliders.transform.GetChild((int)dir_collider).gameObject; if (!slash_done) { get_damage_collider.enabled = false; go.SetActive(true); BoxCollider2D col = go.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); player_detection_slash = Physics2D.OverlapBox(go.transform.position, col.size, 0, player_mask); if (timer_attack > time_to_make_slash) { timer_attack = 0.0f; slash_done = true; } } else { go.SetActive(false); if (player_detection_slash != null) { Transform parent = player_detection_slash.transform.parent; if (parent != null) { Player_Manager player_manager_scr = parent.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); if (player_manager_scr != null) { player_manager_scr.GetDamage(transform); slash_done = false; player_detection_slash = null; BT_Kelpi kelpi_bt = ((BT_Kelpi)myBT); if (kelpi_bt != null) { kelpi_bt.Set_Can_Make_Slash(false); } } } } else { //Stop get_damage_collider.enabled = true; } isFinish = true; } return(BT_Status.RUNNING); }