Пример #1
    //Spawn collectables at new positions ensuring its a valid location the agent can move to.
    private void SpawnCollectable()
        Vector3 spawnPoint      = Vector3.zero;
        bool    isValidPosition = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < collectablesToSpawn; i++)
            spawnPoint = RandomPosition();

            Node tmp = grid.NodeFromWorldPosition(spawnPoint); //Get a reference to the node at the spawn point.

            if (tmp.walkable != true)
                while (!isValidPosition)
                    spawnPoint = RandomPosition();
                    tmp        = grid.NodeFromWorldPosition(spawnPoint);
                    if (tmp.walkable)
                        isValidPosition = true;
                        agentCollectables[i].transform.position = spawnPoint;
                agentCollectables[i].transform.position = spawnPoint; //Add(Instantiate(collectablePrefab, RandomPosition(), Quaternion.identity));
Пример #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Finds a path using A*
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startPosition">The starting position of the agent.</param>
    /// <param name="targetPosition">The target position.</param>
    private void PathAStar(Vector3 startPosition, Vector3 targetPosition)
        //Get both nodes from the given world positions, start and target.
        Node startNode  = grid.NodeFromWorldPosition(startPosition);
        Node targetNode = grid.NodeFromWorldPosition(targetPosition);

        //Initialize open and closed set.
        List <Node>    openSet   = new List <Node>();
        HashSet <Node> closedSet = new HashSet <Node>();

        bool success = false;

        //First add starting node to the open set.

        //Only loop while the open set has nodes.
        while (openSet.Count > 0)
            Node curNode = openSet[0];
            for (int i = 1; i < openSet.Count; i++)
                if ((openSet[i].fCost < curNode.fCost ||
                     openSet[i].fCost == curNode.fCost) && openSet[i].hCost < curNode.hCost)
                    //If the fCost of the node in open set is less than the current node.
                    curNode = openSet[i]; //Since the cost of that node is less, thats the node we want. (Shortest path)
            } //Now that the current node is set to the node with the lowest fCost, remove it from open set and put in closed set.


            if (curNode == targetNode)
                //If the current node is equal to the target node, we reached the destination.
                success = true;

            //Get the neighbors of the current node.
            List <Node> neighbors = grid.GetNeighbors(curNode);

            //Loops through each of the current nodes neighbors.
            foreach (Node neighborNode in neighbors)
                //if the neighbor is not walkable or the neighbor is in the closed set, skip to next neighbor.
                if (!neighborNode.walkable || closedSet.Contains(neighborNode))

                int newCost = curNode.gCost + GetManhattenDistance(neighborNode, targetNode);

                if (newCost < neighborNode.gCost || !openSet.Contains(neighborNode))
                    //Assign new values to neighbor node.
                    neighborNode.gCost  = newCost;
                    neighborNode.hCost  = GetManhattenDistance(neighborNode, targetNode);
                    neighborNode.parent = curNode;

                    //If a neighboring node is not in the open set add it to be explored.
                    if (!openSet.Contains(neighborNode))

        Vector3[] pathPoints = new Vector3[0];

        if (success)
            pathPoints = GetPath(startNode, targetNode);

        rm.FinishedProcessing(pathPoints, success);