private void Awake() { aiPos = GetComponent <Transform>(); aiBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); pathFinder = FindObjectOfType <PathFinder>(); spawner = FindObjectOfType <Spawner>(); truckNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(new Vector3(aiPos.position.x, aiPos.position.y, 0)); }
public PathFinder.Node FindEnd(PathFinder.Node start) { for (PathFinder.Node i = start; i != null; i = { if ( == null) { return(i); } } return(start); }
public PathFinder.Node FindEnd(PathFinder.Node start) { for (PathFinder.Node node = start; node != null; node = { if ( == null) { return(node); } } return(start); }
private PathFinder.Node FindPathReversed(List <PathFinder.Point> startList, List <PathFinder.Point> endList, int depth = 2147483647) { if (this.visited != null) { Array.Clear(this.visited, 0, this.visited.Length); } else { this.visited = new bool[this.costmap.GetLength(0), this.costmap.GetLength(1)]; } int num = 0; int length = this.costmap.GetLength(0) - 1; int num1 = 0; int length1 = this.costmap.GetLength(1) - 1; IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node> intrusiveMinHeap = new IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>(); foreach (PathFinder.Point point in startList) { int num2 = this.costmap[point.y, point.x]; int num3 = this.Heuristic(point, endList); intrusiveMinHeap.Add(new PathFinder.Node(point, num2, num3, null)); this.visited[point.y, point.x] = true; } while (!intrusiveMinHeap.Empty) { int num4 = depth; depth = num4 - 1; if (num4 <= 0) { break; } PathFinder.Node node = intrusiveMinHeap.Pop(); if (node.heuristic == 0) { return(node); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)this.neighbors.Length; i++) { PathFinder.Point point1 = node.point + this.neighbors[i]; if (point1.x >= num && point1.x <= length && point1.y >= num1 && point1.y <= length1 && !this.visited[point1.y, point1.x]) { this.visited[point1.y, point1.x] = true; int num5 = this.costmap[point1.y, point1.x]; if (num5 != 2147483647) { int num6 = node.cost + num5; int num7 = this.Heuristic(point1, endList); intrusiveMinHeap.Add(new PathFinder.Node(point1, num6, num7, node)); } } } } return(null); }
private void FollowPath(PathFinder.Node goalNode) { if (currentNode != goalNode) { aiBody.velocity = (currentNode.parent.pos - (Vector2)aiPos.position).normalized * speed; } distance = pathFinder.DistanceManhattan(aiPos.position, currentNode.parent.pos); if (distance <= 0.1f) { currentNode = currentNode.parent; } }
private PathFinder.Node FindPathReversed( List <PathFinder.Point> startList, List <PathFinder.Point> endList, int depth = 2147483647) { if (this.visited == null) { this.visited = new bool[this.costmap.GetLength(0), this.costmap.GetLength(1)]; } else { Array.Clear((Array)this.visited, 0, this.visited.Length); } int num1 = 0; int num2 = this.costmap.GetLength(0) - 1; int num3 = 0; int num4 = this.costmap.GetLength(1) - 1; IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node> intrusiveMinHeap = (IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>)null; foreach (PathFinder.Point start in startList) { int cost = this.costmap[start.y, start.x]; int heuristic = this.Heuristic(start, endList); ((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).Add(new PathFinder.Node(start, cost, heuristic, (PathFinder.Node)null)); this.visited[start.y, start.x] = true; } while (!((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).get_Empty() && depth-- > 0) { PathFinder.Node next = ((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).Pop(); if (next.heuristic == 0) { return(next); } for (int index = 0; index < this.neighbors.Length; ++index) { PathFinder.Point point = next.point + this.neighbors[index]; if (point.x >= num1 && point.x <= num2 && (point.y >= num3 && point.y <= num4) && !this.visited[point.y, point.x]) { this.visited[point.y, point.x] = true; int num5 = this.costmap[point.y, point.x]; if (num5 != int.MaxValue) { int cost = next.cost + num5; int heuristic = this.Heuristic(point, endList); ((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).Add(new PathFinder.Node(point, cost, heuristic, next)); } } } } return((PathFinder.Node)null); }
public void SpawnEntities(Vector2Int mapSize) { //spawn player on the most top left node PathFinder.Node spawnNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(new Vector3Int(0, mapSize.y, 0)); playerStartpos = spawnNode.pos; Instantiate(prefabPlayer, playerStartpos, Quaternion.identity); //spawn AI on the most down right node spawnNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(new Vector3Int(mapSize.x, -1, 0)); aiStartPos = spawnNode.pos; Instantiate(prefabIa, aiStartPos, Quaternion.identity); //spawn boxes for (int i = 0; i < maxBoxes; i++) { int spawnX = Random.Range(0, mapSize.x); int spawnY = Random.Range(0, mapSize.y); Vector3Int spawnPos = new Vector3Int(spawnX, spawnY, 0); bool canSpawn = true; //block spawn in player and AI position spawnNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(spawnPos); if (spawnNode.pos == playerStartpos || spawnNode.pos == aiStartPos) { canSpawn = false; } //block spawn in other boxes position foreach (Vector2 boxPos in boxesPos) { if (spawnNode.pos == boxPos) { canSpawn = false; break; } } if (canSpawn) { boxesPos.Add(spawnNode.pos); Instantiate(prefabBox, boxesPos[i], Quaternion.identity); } else { i--; } } }
public PathFinder.Node FindClosestWalkable(PathFinder.Point start, int depth = 2147483647) { if (this.visited != null) { Array.Clear(this.visited, 0, this.visited.Length); } else { this.visited = new bool[this.costmap.GetLength(0), this.costmap.GetLength(1)]; } int num = 0; int length = this.costmap.GetLength(0) - 1; int num1 = 0; int length1 = this.costmap.GetLength(1) - 1; IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node> intrusiveMinHeap = new IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>(); int num2 = 1; int num3 = this.Heuristic(start); intrusiveMinHeap.Add(new PathFinder.Node(start, num2, num3, null)); this.visited[start.y, start.x] = true; while (!intrusiveMinHeap.Empty) { int num4 = depth; depth = num4 - 1; if (num4 <= 0) { break; } PathFinder.Node node = intrusiveMinHeap.Pop(); if (node.heuristic == 0) { return(node); } for (int i = 0; i < (int)this.neighbors.Length; i++) { PathFinder.Point point = node.point + this.neighbors[i]; if (point.x >= num && point.x <= length && point.y >= num1 && point.y <= length1 && !this.visited[point.y, point.x]) { this.visited[point.y, point.x] = true; int num5 = node.cost + 1; int num6 = this.Heuristic(point); intrusiveMinHeap.Add(new PathFinder.Node(point, num5, num6, node)); } } } return(null); }
public PathFinder.Node Reverse(PathFinder.Node start) { PathFinder.Node node1 = (PathFinder.Node)null; PathFinder.Node node2 = (PathFinder.Node)null; for (PathFinder.Node node3 = start; node3 != null; node3 = { if (node1 != null) { = node2; } node2 = node1; node1 = node3; } if (node1 != null) { = node2; } return(node1); }
public PathFinder.Node Reverse(PathFinder.Node start) { PathFinder.Node node = null; PathFinder.Node node1 = null; for (PathFinder.Node i = start; i != null; i = { if (node != null) { = node1; } node1 = node; node = i; } if (node != null) { = node1; } return(node); }
public PathFinder.Node FindClosestWalkable(PathFinder.Point start, int depth = 2147483647) { if (this.visited == null) { this.visited = new bool[this.costmap.GetLength(0), this.costmap.GetLength(1)]; } else { Array.Clear((Array)this.visited, 0, this.visited.Length); } int num1 = 0; int num2 = this.costmap.GetLength(0) - 1; int num3 = 0; int num4 = this.costmap.GetLength(1) - 1; IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node> intrusiveMinHeap = (IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>)null; int cost1 = 1; int heuristic1 = this.Heuristic(start); ((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).Add(new PathFinder.Node(start, cost1, heuristic1, (PathFinder.Node)null)); this.visited[start.y, start.x] = true; while (!((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).get_Empty() && depth-- > 0) { PathFinder.Node next = ((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).Pop(); if (next.heuristic == 0) { return(next); } for (int index = 0; index < this.neighbors.Length; ++index) { PathFinder.Point point = next.point + this.neighbors[index]; if (point.x >= num1 && point.x <= num2 && (point.y >= num3 && point.y <= num4) && !this.visited[point.y, point.x]) { this.visited[point.y, point.x] = true; int cost2 = next.cost + 1; int heuristic2 = this.Heuristic(point); ((IntrusiveMinHeap <PathFinder.Node>) ref intrusiveMinHeap).Add(new PathFinder.Node(point, cost2, heuristic2, next)); } } } return((PathFinder.Node)null); }
private void Update() { switch (state) { case AIstate.IDLE: break; case AIstate.SEARCH_BOX_PATH: CheckAi(); boxPos = spawner.ReturnRandomBoxPos(); goalNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(new Vector3(boxPos.x, boxPos.y, 0)); startNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(new Vector3(aiPos.position.x, aiPos.position.y, 0)); pathFinder.FindPath(goalNode, startNode); currentNode = startNode; state = AIstate.FOLLOW_PATH; break; case AIstate.SEARCH_TRUCK_PATH: CheckAi(); goalNode = truckNode; startNode = pathFinder.GetClosestNode(new Vector3(aiPos.position.x, aiPos.position.y, 0)); pathFinder.FindPath(goalNode, startNode); currentNode = startNode; state = AIstate.FOLLOW_PATH; break; case AIstate.FOLLOW_PATH: CheckAi(); FollowPath(goalNode); break; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } }
public override void Process(uint seed) { List <PathList> pathLists = new List <PathList>(); TerrainHeightMap heightMap = TerrainMeta.HeightMap; TerrainTopologyMap topologyMap = TerrainMeta.TopologyMap; List <MonumentInfo> monuments = TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments; if (monuments.Count == 0) { return; } int num = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)((float)((float)World.Size) / 10f)); int[,] numArray = new int[num, num]; float single = 5f; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { float single1 = ((float)i + 0.5f) / (float)num; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { float single2 = ((float)j + 0.5f) / (float)num; int num1 = SeedRandom.Range(ref seed, 100, 500); float slope = heightMap.GetSlope(single2, single1); int topology = topologyMap.GetTopology(single2, single1, single); int num2 = 2295686; int num3 = 49152; if (slope > 20f || (topology & num2) != 0) { numArray[i, j] = 2147483647; } else if ((topology & num3) == 0) { numArray[i, j] = 1 + (int)(slope * slope * 10f) + num1; } else { numArray[i, j] = 2500; } } } PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(numArray, true); List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment> pathSegments = new List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment>(); List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode> pathNodes = new List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>(); List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode> pathNodes1 = new List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> points = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> points1 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> points2 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); foreach (MonumentInfo monument in monuments) { bool count = pathNodes.Count == 0; foreach (TerrainPathConnect target in monument.GetTargets(InfrastructureType.Road)) { PathFinder.Node node = pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(target.GetPoint(num), 100000); if (node == null) { continue; } GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode pathNode = new GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode() { monument = monument, target = target, node = node }; if (!count) { pathNodes1.Add(pathNode); } else { pathNodes.Add(pathNode); } } } while (pathNodes1.Count != 0) { points1.Clear(); points2.Clear(); points1.AddRange( from x in pathNodes select x.node.point); points1.AddRange(points); points2.AddRange( from x in pathNodes1 select x.node.point); PathFinder.Node node1 = pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(points1, points2, 100000); if (node1 != null) { GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment pathSegment = new GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node k = node1; k != null; k = { if (k == node1) { pathSegment.start = k; } if ( == null) { pathSegment.end = k; } } pathSegments.Add(pathSegment); GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode pathNode1 = pathNodes1.Find((GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode x) => { if (x.node.point == pathSegment.start.point) { return(true); } return(x.node.point == pathSegment.end.point); }); pathNodes.AddRange( from x in pathNodes1 where x.monument == pathNode1.monument select x); pathNodes1.RemoveAll((GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode x) => x.monument == pathNode1.monument); int num4 = 1; for (PathFinder.Node l = node1; l != null; l = { if (num4 % 8 == 0) { points.Add(l.point); } num4++; } } else { GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode item = pathNodes1[0]; pathNodes.AddRange( from x in pathNodes1 where x.monument == item.monument select x); pathNodes1.RemoveAll((GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode x) => x.monument == item.monument); } } foreach (GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode pathNode2 in pathNodes) { GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment pathSegment1 = pathSegments.Find((GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment x) => { if (x.start.point == pathNode2.node.point) { return(true); } return(x.end.point == pathNode2.node.point); }); if (pathSegment1 == null) { continue; } if (pathSegment1.start.point != pathNode2.node.point) { if (pathSegment1.end.point != pathNode2.node.point) { continue; } = pathNode2.node; pathSegment1.end = pathFinder.FindEnd(pathNode2.node); =; } else { PathFinder.Node node2 = pathNode2.node; PathFinder.Node node3 = pathFinder.Reverse(pathNode2.node); = pathSegment1.start; pathSegment1.start = node3; pathSegment1.origin =; } } List <Vector3> vector3s = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment pathSegment2 in pathSegments) { bool flag = false; bool flag1 = false; for (PathFinder.Node m = pathSegment2.start; m != null; m = { float single3 = ((float)m.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)num; float single4 = ((float)m.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)num; if (pathSegment2.start == m && pathSegment2.origin != null) { flag = true; single3 = TerrainMeta.NormalizeX(pathSegment2.origin.transform.position.x); single4 = TerrainMeta.NormalizeZ(pathSegment2.origin.transform.position.z); } else if (pathSegment2.end == m && != null) { flag1 = true; single3 = TerrainMeta.NormalizeX(; single4 = TerrainMeta.NormalizeZ(; } float single5 = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeX(single3); float single6 = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeZ(single4); float single7 = Mathf.Max(heightMap.GetHeight(single3, single4), 1f); vector3s.Add(new Vector3(single5, single7, single6)); } if (vector3s.Count == 0) { continue; } if (vector3s.Count >= 2) { PathList pathList = new PathList(string.Concat("Road ", pathLists.Count), vector3s.ToArray()) { Width = 10f, InnerPadding = 1f, OuterPadding = 1f, InnerFade = 1f, OuterFade = 8f, RandomScale = 0.75f, MeshOffset = 0f, TerrainOffset = -0.5f, Topology = 2048, Splat = 128, Start = flag, End = flag1 }; pathLists.Add(pathList); } vector3s.Clear(); } foreach (PathList pathList1 in pathLists) { pathList1.Path.Smoothen(2); } TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.AddRange(pathLists); }
public override void Process(uint seed) { if (World.Networked) { TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.Clear(); TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.AddRange(World.GetPaths("Road")); return; } List <PathList> list = new List <PathList>(); int[,] array = TerrainPath.CreateRoadCostmap(ref seed); PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(array); int length = array.GetLength(0); List <PathSegment> list2 = new List <PathSegment>(); List <PathNode> list3 = new List <PathNode>(); List <PathNode> list4 = new List <PathNode>(); List <PathNode> list5 = new List <PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list6 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list7 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list8 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); foreach (PathList road in TerrainMeta.Path.Roads) { if (road.ProcgenStartNode == null || road.ProcgenEndNode == null) { continue; } int num = 1; for (PathFinder.Node node4 = road.ProcgenStartNode; node4 != null; node4 = { if (num % 8 == 0) { list6.Add(node4.point); } num++; } } foreach (MonumentInfo monument in TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments) { if (monument.Type == MonumentType.Roadside) { continue; } TerrainPathConnect[] componentsInChildren = monument.GetComponentsInChildren <TerrainPathConnect>(true); foreach (TerrainPathConnect terrainPathConnect in componentsInChildren) { if (terrainPathConnect.Type == RoadType) { PathFinder.Point pathFinderPoint = terrainPathConnect.GetPathFinderPoint(length); PathFinder.Node node5 = pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(pathFinderPoint, 100000); if (node5 != null) { PathNode pathNode = new PathNode(); pathNode.monument = monument; = terrainPathConnect; pathNode.node = node5; list4.Add(pathNode); } } } } while (list4.Count != 0 || list5.Count != 0) { if (list4.Count == 0) { PathNode node3 = list5[0]; list4.AddRange(list5.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == node3.monument)); list5.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == node3.monument); pathFinder.PushPoint = node3.monument.GetPathFinderPoint(length); pathFinder.PushRadius = node3.monument.GetPathFinderRadius(length); pathFinder.PushDistance = 40; pathFinder.PushMultiplier = 1; } list8.Clear(); list8.AddRange(list4.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list7.Clear(); list7.AddRange(list3.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list7.AddRange(list5.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list7.AddRange(list6); PathFinder.Node node6 = pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(list7, list8, 100000); if (node6 == null) { PathNode node2 = list4[0]; list5.AddRange(list4.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == node2.monument)); list4.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == node2.monument); list5.Remove(node2); list3.Add(node2); continue; } PathSegment segment = new PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node node7 = node6; node7 != null; node7 = { if (node7 == node6) { segment.start = node7; } if ( == null) { segment.end = node7; } } list2.Add(segment); PathNode node = list4.Find((PathNode x) => x.node.point == segment.start.point || x.node.point == segment.end.point); list5.AddRange(list4.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == node.monument)); list4.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == node.monument); list5.Remove(node); list3.Add(node); PathNode pathNode2 = list5.Find((PathNode x) => x.node.point == segment.start.point || x.node.point == segment.end.point); if (pathNode2 != null) { list5.Remove(pathNode2); list3.Add(pathNode2); } int num2 = 1; for (PathFinder.Node node8 = node6; node8 != null; node8 = { if (num2 % 8 == 0) { list6.Add(node8.point); } num2++; } } foreach (PathNode target in list3) { PathSegment pathSegment = list2.Find((PathSegment x) => x.start.point == target.node.point || x.end.point == target.node.point); if (pathSegment != null) { if (pathSegment.start.point == target.node.point) { PathFinder.Node node9 = target.node; PathFinder.Node start = pathFinder.Reverse(target.node); = pathSegment.start; pathSegment.start = start; pathSegment.origin =; } else if (pathSegment.end.point == target.node.point) { = target.node; pathSegment.end = pathFinder.FindEnd(target.node); =; } } } List <Vector3> list9 = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (PathSegment item in list2) { bool start2 = false; bool end = false; for (PathFinder.Node node10 = item.start; node10 != null; node10 = { float normX = ((float)node10.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)length; float normZ = ((float)node10.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)length; if (item.start == node10 && item.origin != null) { start2 = true; normX = TerrainMeta.NormalizeX(item.origin.transform.position.x); normZ = TerrainMeta.NormalizeZ(item.origin.transform.position.z); } else if (item.end == node10 && != null) { end = true; normX = TerrainMeta.NormalizeX(; normZ = TerrainMeta.NormalizeZ(; } float x2 = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeX(normX); float z = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeZ(normZ); float y = Mathf.Max(TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(normX, normZ), 1f); list9.Add(new Vector3(x2, y, z)); } if (list9.Count != 0) { if (list9.Count >= 2) { int number = TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.Count + list.Count; PathList pathList = CreateSegment(number, list9.ToArray()); pathList.Start = start2; pathList.End = end; pathList.ProcgenStartNode = item.start; pathList.ProcgenEndNode = item.end; list.Add(pathList); } list9.Clear(); } } foreach (PathList item2 in list) { item2.Path.Smoothen(4); item2.Path.RecalculateTangents(); item2.AdjustPlacementMap(item2.Width * 2f); } TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.AddRange(list); }
public override void Process(uint seed) { if (World.Networked || World.Size < MinWorldSize) { return; } int[,] array = TerrainPath.CreateRoadCostmap(ref seed); PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(array); int length = array.GetLength(0); int num = length / 4; int num2 = 4; int stepcount = num / num2; int num3 = length / 2; int pos_x = num; int pos_x2 = length - num; int pos_y = num; int pos_y2 = length - num; int num4 = 0; int dir_x = -num2; int dir_x2 = num2; int dir_y = -num2; int dir_y2 = num2; List <RingNode> list = ((World.Size >= 5000) ? new List <RingNode> { new RingNode(num3, pos_y2, num4, dir_y, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x2, pos_y2, dir_x, dir_y, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x2, num3, dir_x, num4, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x2, pos_y, dir_x, dir_y2, stepcount), new RingNode(num3, pos_y, num4, dir_y2, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x, pos_y, dir_x2, dir_y2, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x, num3, dir_x2, num4, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x, pos_y2, dir_x2, dir_y, stepcount) } : new List <RingNode> { new RingNode(pos_x2, pos_y2, dir_x, dir_y, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x2, pos_y, dir_x, dir_y2, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x, pos_y, dir_x2, dir_y2, stepcount), new RingNode(pos_x, pos_y2, dir_x2, dir_y, stepcount) }); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { RingNode ringNode = list[i]; RingNode next = list[(i + 1) % list.Count]; RingNode prev = list[(i - 1 + list.Count) % list.Count]; = next; ringNode.prev = prev; while (!pathFinder.IsWalkable(ringNode.position)) { if (ringNode.attempts <= 0) { return; } ringNode.position += ringNode.direction; ringNode.attempts--; } } foreach (RingNode item in list) { item.path = pathFinder.FindPath(item.position,, 250000); } bool flag = false; while (!flag) { flag = true; PathFinder.Point point = new PathFinder.Point(0, 0); foreach (RingNode item2 in list) { point += item2.position; } point /= list.Count; float num5 = float.MinValue; RingNode ringNode2 = null; foreach (RingNode item3 in list) { if (item3.path == null) { float num6 = new Vector2(item3.position.x - point.x, item3.position.y - point.y).magnitude; if (item3.prev.path == null) { num6 *= 1.5f; } if (num6 > num5) { num5 = num6; ringNode2 = item3; } } } if (ringNode2 == null) { continue; } do { if (ringNode2.attempts <= 0) { return; } ringNode2.position += ringNode2.direction; ringNode2.attempts--; }while (!pathFinder.IsWalkable(ringNode2.position)); ringNode2.path = pathFinder.FindPath(ringNode2.position,, 250000); ringNode2.prev.path = pathFinder.FindPath(ringNode2.prev.position, ringNode2.position, 250000); flag = false; } if (!flag) { return; } for (int j = 0; j < list.Count; j++) { RingNode ringNode3 = list[j]; RingNode ringNode4 = list[(j + 1) % list.Count]; for (PathFinder.Node node = ringNode3.path; node != null; node = { for (PathFinder.Node node2 = ringNode4.path; node2 != null; node2 = { if (Mathf.Abs(node.point.x - node2.point.x) <= 1 && Mathf.Abs(node.point.y - node2.point.y) <= 1) { = null; ringNode4.path = node2; break; } } } } PathFinder.Node node3 = null; PathFinder.Node node4 = null; foreach (RingNode item4 in list) { if (node3 == null) { node3 = item4.path; node4 = item4.path; } else { = item4.path; } while ( != null) { node4 =; } } = new PathFinder.Node(node3.point, node3.cost, node3.heuristic); List <Vector3> list2 = new List <Vector3>(); for (PathFinder.Node node5 = node3; node5 != null; node5 = { float normX = ((float)node5.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)length; float normZ = ((float)node5.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)length; float x = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeX(normX); float z = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeZ(normZ); float y = Mathf.Max(TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight(normX, normZ), 1f); list2.Add(new Vector3(x, y, z)); } if (list2.Count >= 2) { int count = TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.Count; PathList pathList = new PathList("Road " + count, list2.ToArray()); pathList.Width = 12f; pathList.InnerPadding = 1f; pathList.OuterPadding = 1f; pathList.InnerFade = 1f; pathList.OuterFade = 8f; pathList.RandomScale = 0.75f; pathList.MeshOffset = 0f; pathList.TerrainOffset = -0.125f; pathList.Topology = 2048; pathList.Splat = 128; pathList.Start = false; pathList.End = false; pathList.ProcgenStartNode = node3; pathList.ProcgenEndNode = node4; pathList.Path.Smoothen(4); pathList.Path.RecalculateTangents(); pathList.AdjustPlacementMap(24f); TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.Add(pathList); } }
public override void Process(uint seed) { if (World.Cached) { TerrainMeta.Path.DungeonRoot = HierarchyUtil.GetRoot("Dungeon"); return; } if (World.Networked) { World.Spawn("Dungeon"); TerrainMeta.Path.DungeonRoot = HierarchyUtil.GetRoot("Dungeon"); return; } Prefab <DungeonCell>[] array = Prefab.Load <DungeonCell>("assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/" + TunnelFolder); if (array == null || array.Length == 0) { return; } Prefab <DungeonCell>[] array2 = Prefab.Load <DungeonCell>("assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/" + StationFolder); if (array2 == null || array2.Length == 0) { return; } Prefab <DungeonCell>[] array3 = Prefab.Load <DungeonCell>("assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/" + TransitionFolder); if (array3 == null) { return; } Prefab <DungeonLink>[] array4 = Prefab.Load <DungeonLink>("assets/bundled/prefabs/autospawn/" + LinkFolder); if (array4 == null) { return; } array4 = array4.OrderByDescending((Prefab <DungeonLink> x) => x.Component.Priority).ToArray(); List <DungeonInfo> list = (TerrainMeta.Path ? TerrainMeta.Path.DungeonEntrances : null); WorldSpaceGrid <Prefab <DungeonCell> > worldSpaceGrid = new WorldSpaceGrid <Prefab <DungeonCell> >(TerrainMeta.Size.x * 2f, CellSize); int[,] array5 = new int[worldSpaceGrid.CellCount, worldSpaceGrid.CellCount]; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_0 _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_ = default(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_0); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.hashmap = new DungeonConnectionHash[worldSpaceGrid.CellCount, worldSpaceGrid.CellCount]; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder = new PathFinder(array5, false); int cellCount = worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; int num = 0; int num2 = worldSpaceGrid.CellCount - 1; for (int i = 0; i < cellCount; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < cellCount; j++) { array5[j, i] = 1; } } List <PathSegment> list2 = new List <PathSegment>(); List <PathLink> list3 = new List <PathLink>(); List <PathNode> list4 = new List <PathNode>(); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList = new List <PathNode>(); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList = new List <PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list5 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list6 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list7 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_1 _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2 = default(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_1); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3 _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3 = default(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3); foreach (DungeonInfo item in list) { _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance = item; TerrainPathConnect[] componentsInChildren = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance.GetComponentsInChildren <TerrainPathConnect>(true); foreach (TerrainPathConnect terrainPathConnect in componentsInChildren) { _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2 CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0 = new _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2(); CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0._003C_003E4__this = this; if (terrainPathConnect.Type != ConnectionType) { continue; } Vector2i cellPos = worldSpaceGrid.WorldToGridCoords(terrainPathConnect.transform.position); if (array5[cellPos.x, cellPos.y] == int.MaxValue) { continue; } CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0.stationNode = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(new PathFinder.Point(cellPos.x, cellPos.y), 1); if (CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0.stationNode == null) { continue; } Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab = ((cellPos.x > num) ? worldSpaceGrid[cellPos.x - 1, cellPos.y] : null); Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab2 = ((cellPos.x < num2) ? worldSpaceGrid[cellPos.x + 1, cellPos.y] : null); Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab3 = ((cellPos.y > num) ? worldSpaceGrid[cellPos.x, cellPos.y - 1] : null); Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab4 = ((cellPos.y < num2) ? worldSpaceGrid[cellPos.x, cellPos.y + 1] : null); Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab5 = null; float num3 = float.MaxValue; ArrayEx.Shuffle(array2, ref seed); Prefab <DungeonCell>[] array6 = array2; foreach (Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab6 in array6) { if ((prefab != null && prefab6.Component.West != prefab.Component.East) || (prefab2 != null && prefab6.Component.East != prefab2.Component.West) || (prefab3 != null && prefab6.Component.South != prefab3.Component.North) || (prefab4 != null && prefab6.Component.North != prefab4.Component.South)) { continue; } DungeonLinkBlockVolume componentInChildren = prefab6.Object.GetComponentInChildren <DungeonLinkBlockVolume>(); DungeonLinkBlockVolume componentInChildren2 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance.GetComponentInChildren <DungeonLinkBlockVolume>(); OBB bounds = componentInChildren.GetBounds(worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(cellPos), Quaternion.identity); OBB bounds2 = componentInChildren2.GetBounds(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); if (!bounds.Intersects2D(bounds2)) { DungeonLink componentInChildren3 = prefab6.Object.GetComponentInChildren <DungeonLink>(); Vector3 vector = worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(new Vector2i(cellPos.x, cellPos.y)) + componentInChildren3.UpSocket.localPosition; float num4 = (terrainPathConnect.transform.position - vector).Magnitude2D(); if (!(num3 < num4)) { prefab5 = prefab6; num3 = num4; } } } if (prefab5 != null) { worldSpaceGrid[cellPos.x, cellPos.y] = prefab5; array5[cellPos.x, cellPos.y] = int.MaxValue; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3.isStartPoint = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Count == 0; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.node.point == CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0.stationNode.point); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.node.point == CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0.stationNode.point); if (prefab5.Component.West != 0) { CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0._003CProcess_003Eg__AddNode_007C1(cellPos.x - 1, cellPos.y, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3); } if (prefab5.Component.East != 0) { CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0._003CProcess_003Eg__AddNode_007C1(cellPos.x + 1, cellPos.y, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3); } if (prefab5.Component.South != 0) { CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0._003CProcess_003Eg__AddNode_007C1(cellPos.x, cellPos.y - 1, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3); } if (prefab5.Component.North != 0) { CS_0024_003C_003E8__locals0._003CProcess_003Eg__AddNode_007C1(cellPos.x, cellPos.y + 1, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2, ref _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_3); } PathLink pathLink = new PathLink(); DungeonLink componentInChildren4 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <DungeonLink>(); Vector3 position = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance.transform.position; Vector3 eulerAngles = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_2.entrance.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; DungeonLink componentInChildren5 = prefab5.Object.GetComponentInChildren <DungeonLink>(); Vector3 position2 = worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(new Vector2i(cellPos.x, cellPos.y)); Vector3 zero =; pathLink.downwards = new PathLinkSide(); pathLink.downwards.origin = new PathLinkSegment(); pathLink.downwards.origin.position = position; pathLink.downwards.origin.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(eulerAngles); pathLink.downwards.origin.scale =; = componentInChildren4; pathLink.downwards.segments = new List <PathLinkSegment>(); pathLink.upwards = new PathLinkSide(); pathLink.upwards.origin = new PathLinkSegment(); pathLink.upwards.origin.position = position2; pathLink.upwards.origin.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(zero); pathLink.upwards.origin.scale =; = componentInChildren5; pathLink.upwards.segments = new List <PathLinkSegment>(); list3.Add(pathLink); } } } while (_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.Count != 0 || _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Count != 0) { if (_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.Count == 0) { PathNode node3 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList[0]; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.AddRange(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == node3.monument)); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == node3.monument); Vector2i vector2i = worldSpaceGrid.WorldToGridCoords(node3.monument.transform.position); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder.PushPoint = new PathFinder.Point(vector2i.x, vector2i.y); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder.PushRadius = 2; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder.PushDistance = 2; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder.PushMultiplier = 4; } list7.Clear(); list7.AddRange(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list6.Clear(); list6.AddRange(list4.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list6.AddRange(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list6.AddRange(list5); PathFinder.Node node4 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(list6, list7, 100000); if (node4 == null) { PathNode node2 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList[0]; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.AddRange(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == node2.monument)); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == node2.monument); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Remove(node2); list4.Add(node2); continue; } PathSegment segment = new PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node node5 = node4; node5 != null; node5 = { if (node5 == node4) { segment.start = node5; } if ( == null) { segment.end = node5; } } list2.Add(segment); PathNode node = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.Find((PathNode x) => x.node.point == segment.start.point || x.node.point == segment.end.point); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.AddRange(_003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == node.monument)); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.unconnectedNodeList.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == node.monument); _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Remove(node); list4.Add(node); PathNode pathNode = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Find((PathNode x) => x.node.point == segment.start.point || x.node.point == segment.end.point); if (pathNode != null) { _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.secondaryNodeList.Remove(pathNode); list4.Add(pathNode); } for (PathFinder.Node node6 = node4; node6 != null; node6 = { if (node6 != node4 && != null) { list5.Add(node6.point); } } } foreach (PathSegment item2 in list2) { PathFinder.Node node7 = item2.start; while (node7 != null && != null) { DungeonConnectionHash dungeonConnectionHash = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.hashmap[node7.point.x, node7.point.y]; DungeonConnectionHash dungeonConnectionHash2 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.hashmap[,]; if (node7.point.x > { dungeonConnectionHash.West = true; dungeonConnectionHash2.East = true; } if (node7.point.x < { dungeonConnectionHash.East = true; dungeonConnectionHash2.West = true; } if (node7.point.y > { dungeonConnectionHash.South = true; dungeonConnectionHash2.North = true; } if (node7.point.y < { dungeonConnectionHash.North = true; dungeonConnectionHash2.South = true; } _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.hashmap[node7.point.x, node7.point.y] = dungeonConnectionHash; _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.hashmap[,] = dungeonConnectionHash2; node7 =; } } for (int m = 0; m < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; m++) { for (int n = 0; n < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; n++) { if (array5[m, n] == int.MaxValue) { continue; } DungeonConnectionHash dungeonConnectionHash3 = _003C_003Ec__DisplayClass17_.hashmap[m, n]; if (dungeonConnectionHash3.Value == 0) { continue; } ArrayEx.Shuffle(array, ref seed); Prefab <DungeonCell>[] array6 = array; foreach (Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab7 in array6) { Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab8 = ((m > num) ? worldSpaceGrid[m - 1, n] : null); if (((prefab8 != null) ? ((prefab7.Component.West == prefab8.Component.East) ? 1 : 0) : (dungeonConnectionHash3.West ? ((int)prefab7.Component.West) : ((prefab7.Component.West == DungeonConnectionType.None) ? 1 : 0))) == 0) { continue; } Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab9 = ((m < num2) ? worldSpaceGrid[m + 1, n] : null); if (((prefab9 != null) ? ((prefab7.Component.East == prefab9.Component.West) ? 1 : 0) : (dungeonConnectionHash3.East ? ((int)prefab7.Component.East) : ((prefab7.Component.East == DungeonConnectionType.None) ? 1 : 0))) == 0) { continue; } Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab10 = ((n > num) ? worldSpaceGrid[m, n - 1] : null); if (((prefab10 != null) ? ((prefab7.Component.South == prefab10.Component.North) ? 1 : 0) : (dungeonConnectionHash3.South ? ((int)prefab7.Component.South) : ((prefab7.Component.South == DungeonConnectionType.None) ? 1 : 0))) == 0) { continue; } Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab11 = ((n < num2) ? worldSpaceGrid[m, n + 1] : null); if (((prefab11 != null) ? ((prefab7.Component.North == prefab11.Component.South) ? 1 : 0) : (dungeonConnectionHash3.North ? ((int)prefab7.Component.North) : ((prefab7.Component.North == DungeonConnectionType.None) ? 1 : 0))) != 0 && (prefab7.Component.West == DungeonConnectionType.None || prefab8 == null || !prefab7.Component.ShouldAvoid(prefab8.ID)) && (prefab7.Component.East == DungeonConnectionType.None || prefab9 == null || !prefab7.Component.ShouldAvoid(prefab9.ID)) && (prefab7.Component.South == DungeonConnectionType.None || prefab10 == null || !prefab7.Component.ShouldAvoid(prefab10.ID)) && (prefab7.Component.North == DungeonConnectionType.None || prefab11 == null || !prefab7.Component.ShouldAvoid(prefab11.ID))) { worldSpaceGrid[m, n] = prefab7; bool num5 = prefab8 == null || prefab7.Component.WestVariant == prefab8.Component.EastVariant; bool flag = prefab10 == null || prefab7.Component.SouthVariant == prefab10.Component.NorthVariant; if (num5 && flag) { break; } } } } } Vector3 zero2 =; Vector3 zero3 =; Vector3 vector2 = Vector3.up * 10f; Vector3 vector3 = Vector3.up * (LinkTransition + 1f); do { zero3 = zero2; for (int num6 = 0; num6 < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; num6++) { for (int num7 = 0; num7 < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; num7++) { Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab12 = worldSpaceGrid[num6, num7]; if (prefab12 != null) { Vector2i cellPos2 = new Vector2i(num6, num7); Vector3 vector4 = worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(cellPos2); while (!prefab12.CheckEnvironmentVolumesInsideTerrain(zero2 + vector4 + vector2, Quaternion.identity,, EnvironmentType.Underground) || prefab12.CheckEnvironmentVolumes(zero2 + vector4 + vector3, Quaternion.identity,, EnvironmentType.Underground | EnvironmentType.Building) || prefab12.CheckEnvironmentVolumes(zero2 + vector4, Quaternion.identity,, EnvironmentType.Underground | EnvironmentType.Building)) { zero2.y -= 9f; } } } } }while (zero2 != zero3); foreach (PathLink item3 in list3) { item3.upwards.origin.position += zero2; } for (int num8 = 0; num8 < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; num8++) { for (int num9 = 0; num9 < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount; num9++) { Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab13 = worldSpaceGrid[num8, num9]; if (prefab13 != null) { Vector2i cellPos3 = new Vector2i(num8, num9); Vector3 vector5 = worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(cellPos3); World.AddPrefab("Dungeon", prefab13, zero2 + vector5, Quaternion.identity,; } } } for (int num10 = 0; num10 < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount - 1; num10++) { for (int num11 = 0; num11 < worldSpaceGrid.CellCount - 1; num11++) { Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab14 = worldSpaceGrid[num10, num11]; Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab15 = worldSpaceGrid[num10 + 1, num11]; Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab16 = worldSpaceGrid[num10, num11 + 1]; Prefab <DungeonCell>[] array6; if (prefab14 != null && prefab15 != null && prefab14.Component.EastVariant != prefab15.Component.WestVariant) { ArrayEx.Shuffle(array3, ref seed); array6 = array3; foreach (Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab17 in array6) { if (prefab17.Component.West == prefab14.Component.East && prefab17.Component.East == prefab15.Component.West && prefab17.Component.WestVariant == prefab14.Component.EastVariant && prefab17.Component.EastVariant == prefab15.Component.WestVariant) { Vector2i cellPos4 = new Vector2i(num10, num11); Vector3 vector6 = worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(cellPos4) + new Vector3(worldSpaceGrid.CellSizeHalf, 0f, 0f); World.AddPrefab("Dungeon", prefab17, zero2 + vector6, Quaternion.identity,; break; } } } if (prefab14 == null || prefab16 == null || prefab14.Component.NorthVariant == prefab16.Component.SouthVariant) { continue; } ArrayEx.Shuffle(array3, ref seed); array6 = array3; foreach (Prefab <DungeonCell> prefab18 in array6) { if (prefab18.Component.South == prefab14.Component.North && prefab18.Component.North == prefab16.Component.South && prefab18.Component.SouthVariant == prefab14.Component.NorthVariant && prefab18.Component.NorthVariant == prefab16.Component.SouthVariant) { Vector2i cellPos5 = new Vector2i(num10, num11); Vector3 vector7 = worldSpaceGrid.GridToWorldCoords(cellPos5) + new Vector3(0f, 0f, worldSpaceGrid.CellSizeHalf); World.AddPrefab("Dungeon", prefab18, zero2 + vector7, Quaternion.identity,; break; } } } } foreach (PathLink item4 in list3) { Vector3 vector8 = item4.upwards.origin.position + item4.upwards.origin.rotation * Vector3.Scale(item4.upwards.origin.upSocket.localPosition, item4.upwards.origin.scale); Vector3 vector9 = item4.downwards.origin.position + item4.downwards.origin.rotation * Vector3.Scale(item4.downwards.origin.downSocket.localPosition, item4.downwards.origin.scale) - vector8; Vector3[] array7 = new Vector3[2] { new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f), new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f) }; for (int k = 0; k < array7.Length; k++) { Vector3 b = array7[k]; int num12 = 0; int num13 = 0; while (vector9.magnitude > 1f && (num12 < 8 || num13 < 8)) { bool flag2 = num12 > 2 && num13 > 2; bool flag3 = num12 > 4 && num13 > 4; Prefab <DungeonLink> prefab19 = null; Vector3 vector10 =; int num14 = int.MinValue; Vector3 position3 =; Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.identity; PathLinkSegment prevSegment = item4.downwards.prevSegment; Vector3 vector11 = prevSegment.position + prevSegment.rotation * Vector3.Scale(prevSegment.scale, prevSegment.downSocket.localPosition); Quaternion quaternion = prevSegment.rotation * prevSegment.downSocket.localRotation; Prefab <DungeonLink>[] array8 = array4; foreach (Prefab <DungeonLink> prefab20 in array8) { float num15 = SeedRandom.Value(ref seed); DungeonLink component = prefab20.Component; if (prevSegment.downType != component.UpType) { continue; } switch (component.DownType) { case DungeonLinkType.Elevator: if (flag2 || b.x != 0f || b.z != 0f) { continue; } break; case DungeonLinkType.Transition: if (b.x != 0f || b.z != 0f) { continue; } break; } int num16 = ((!flag2) ? component.Priority : 0); if (num14 > num16) { continue; } Quaternion quaternion2 = quaternion * Quaternion.Inverse(component.UpSocket.localRotation); Quaternion quaternion3 = quaternion2 * component.DownSocket.localRotation; PathLinkSegment prevSegment2 = item4.upwards.prevSegment; Quaternion quaternion4 = prevSegment2.rotation * prevSegment2.upSocket.localRotation; if (component.Rotation > 0) { if (Quaternion.Angle(quaternion4, quaternion3) > (float)component.Rotation) { continue; } Quaternion quaternion5 = quaternion4 * Quaternion.Inverse(quaternion3); quaternion2 *= quaternion5; quaternion3 *= quaternion5; } Vector3 vector12 = vector11 - quaternion2 * component.UpSocket.localPosition; Vector3 vector13 = quaternion2 * (component.DownSocket.localPosition - component.UpSocket.localPosition); Vector3 a = vector9 + vector10; Vector3 a2 = vector9 + vector13; float magnitude = a.magnitude; float magnitude2 = a2.magnitude; Vector3 vector14 = Vector3.Scale(a, b); Vector3 vector15 = Vector3.Scale(a2, b); float magnitude3 = vector14.magnitude; float magnitude4 = vector15.magnitude; if (vector10 != { if (magnitude3 < magnitude4 || (magnitude3 == magnitude4 && magnitude < magnitude2) || (magnitude3 == magnitude4 && magnitude == magnitude2 && num15 < 0.5f)) { continue; } } else if (magnitude3 <= magnitude4) { continue; } if (Mathf.Abs(vector15.x) - Mathf.Abs(vector14.x) > 0.01f || (Mathf.Abs(vector15.x) > 0.01f && a.x * a2.x < 0f) || Mathf.Abs(vector15.y) - Mathf.Abs(vector14.y) > 0.01f || (Mathf.Abs(vector15.y) > 0.01f && a.y * a2.y < 0f) || Mathf.Abs(vector15.z) - Mathf.Abs(vector14.z) > 0.01f || (Mathf.Abs(vector15.z) > 0.01f && a.z * a2.z < 0f) || (flag2 && b.x == 0f && b.z == 0f && component.DownType == DungeonLinkType.Default && ((Mathf.Abs(a2.x) > 0.01f && Mathf.Abs(a2.x) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f) || (Mathf.Abs(a2.z) > 0.01f && Mathf.Abs(a2.z) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f)))) { continue; } num14 = num16; if (b.x == 0f && b.z == 0f) { if (!flag2 && Mathf.Abs(a2.y) < LinkTransition - 0.1f) { continue; } } else if ((!flag2 && magnitude4 > 0.01f && (Mathf.Abs(a2.x) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f || Mathf.Abs(a2.z) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f)) || (!flag3 && magnitude4 > 0.01f && (Mathf.Abs(a2.x) < LinkRadius * 1f - 0.1f || Mathf.Abs(a2.z) < LinkRadius * 1f - 0.1f))) { continue; } if (!flag2 || !(magnitude4 < 0.01f) || !(magnitude2 < 0.01f) || !(Quaternion.Angle(quaternion4, quaternion3) > 10f)) { prefab19 = prefab20; vector10 = vector13; num14 = num16; position3 = vector12; rotation = quaternion2; } } if (vector10 != { PathLinkSegment pathLinkSegment = new PathLinkSegment(); pathLinkSegment.position = position3; pathLinkSegment.rotation = rotation; pathLinkSegment.scale =; pathLinkSegment.prefab = prefab19; = prefab19.Component; item4.downwards.segments.Add(pathLinkSegment); vector9 += vector10; } else { num13++; } if (b.x > 0f || b.z > 0f) { Prefab <DungeonLink> prefab21 = null; Vector3 vector16 =; int num17 = int.MinValue; Vector3 position4 =; Quaternion rotation2 = Quaternion.identity; PathLinkSegment prevSegment3 = item4.upwards.prevSegment; Vector3 vector17 = prevSegment3.position + prevSegment3.rotation * Vector3.Scale(prevSegment3.scale, prevSegment3.upSocket.localPosition); Quaternion quaternion6 = prevSegment3.rotation * prevSegment3.upSocket.localRotation; array8 = array4; foreach (Prefab <DungeonLink> prefab22 in array8) { float num18 = SeedRandom.Value(ref seed); DungeonLink component2 = prefab22.Component; if (prevSegment3.upType != component2.DownType) { continue; } switch (component2.DownType) { case DungeonLinkType.Elevator: if (flag2 || b.x != 0f || b.z != 0f) { continue; } break; case DungeonLinkType.Transition: if (b.x != 0f || b.z != 0f) { continue; } break; } int num19 = ((!flag2) ? component2.Priority : 0); if (num17 > num19) { continue; } Quaternion quaternion7 = quaternion6 * Quaternion.Inverse(component2.DownSocket.localRotation); Quaternion quaternion8 = quaternion7 * component2.UpSocket.localRotation; PathLinkSegment prevSegment4 = item4.downwards.prevSegment; Quaternion quaternion9 = prevSegment4.rotation * prevSegment4.downSocket.localRotation; if (component2.Rotation > 0) { if (Quaternion.Angle(quaternion9, quaternion8) > (float)component2.Rotation) { continue; } Quaternion quaternion10 = quaternion9 * Quaternion.Inverse(quaternion8); quaternion7 *= quaternion10; quaternion8 *= quaternion10; } Vector3 vector18 = vector17 - quaternion7 * component2.DownSocket.localPosition; Vector3 vector19 = quaternion7 * (component2.UpSocket.localPosition - component2.DownSocket.localPosition); Vector3 a3 = vector9 - vector16; Vector3 a4 = vector9 - vector19; float magnitude5 = a3.magnitude; float magnitude6 = a4.magnitude; Vector3 vector20 = Vector3.Scale(a3, b); Vector3 vector21 = Vector3.Scale(a4, b); float magnitude7 = vector20.magnitude; float magnitude8 = vector21.magnitude; if (vector16 != { if (magnitude7 < magnitude8 || (magnitude7 == magnitude8 && magnitude5 < magnitude6) || (magnitude7 == magnitude8 && magnitude5 == magnitude6 && num18 < 0.5f)) { continue; } } else if (magnitude7 <= magnitude8) { continue; } if (Mathf.Abs(vector21.x) - Mathf.Abs(vector20.x) > 0.01f || (Mathf.Abs(vector21.x) > 0.01f && a3.x * a4.x < 0f) || Mathf.Abs(vector21.y) - Mathf.Abs(vector20.y) > 0.01f || (Mathf.Abs(vector21.y) > 0.01f && a3.y * a4.y < 0f) || Mathf.Abs(vector21.z) - Mathf.Abs(vector20.z) > 0.01f || (Mathf.Abs(vector21.z) > 0.01f && a3.z * a4.z < 0f) || (flag2 && b.x == 0f && b.z == 0f && component2.UpType == DungeonLinkType.Default && ((Mathf.Abs(a4.x) > 0.01f && Mathf.Abs(a4.x) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f) || (Mathf.Abs(a4.z) > 0.01f && Mathf.Abs(a4.z) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f)))) { continue; } num17 = num19; if (b.x == 0f && b.z == 0f) { if (!flag2 && Mathf.Abs(a4.y) < LinkTransition - 0.1f) { continue; } } else if ((!flag2 && magnitude8 > 0.01f && (Mathf.Abs(a4.x) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f || Mathf.Abs(a4.z) < LinkRadius * 2f - 0.1f)) || (!flag3 && magnitude8 > 0.01f && (Mathf.Abs(a4.x) < LinkRadius * 1f - 0.1f || Mathf.Abs(a4.z) < LinkRadius * 1f - 0.1f))) { continue; } if (!flag2 || !(magnitude8 < 0.01f) || !(magnitude6 < 0.01f) || !(Quaternion.Angle(quaternion9, quaternion8) > 10f)) { prefab21 = prefab22; vector16 = vector19; num17 = num19; position4 = vector18; rotation2 = quaternion7; } } if (vector16 != { PathLinkSegment pathLinkSegment2 = new PathLinkSegment(); pathLinkSegment2.position = position4; pathLinkSegment2.rotation = rotation2; pathLinkSegment2.scale =; pathLinkSegment2.prefab = prefab21; = prefab21.Component; item4.upwards.segments.Add(pathLinkSegment2); vector9 -= vector16; } else { num12++; } } else { num12++; } } } } foreach (PathLink item5 in list3) { foreach (PathLinkSegment segment2 in item5.downwards.segments) { World.AddPrefab("Dungeon", segment2.prefab, segment2.position, segment2.rotation, segment2.scale); } foreach (PathLinkSegment segment3 in item5.upwards.segments) { World.AddPrefab("Dungeon", segment3.prefab, segment3.position, segment3.rotation, segment3.scale); } } if ((bool)TerrainMeta.Path) { TerrainMeta.Path.DungeonRoot = HierarchyUtil.GetRoot("Dungeon"); } }
public override void Process(uint seed) { List <PathList> pathListList = new List <PathList>(); TerrainHeightMap heightMap = TerrainMeta.HeightMap; TerrainTopologyMap topologyMap = TerrainMeta.TopologyMap; List <MonumentInfo> monuments = TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments; if (monuments.Count == 0) { return; } int res = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)((double)World.Size / 10.0)); int[,] costmap = new int[res, res]; float radius = 5f; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < res; ++index1) { float normZ = ((float)index1 + 0.5f) / (float)res; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < res; ++index2) { float normX = ((float)index2 + 0.5f) / (float)res; int num1 = SeedRandom.Range(ref seed, 100, 500); float slope = heightMap.GetSlope(normX, normZ); int topology = topologyMap.GetTopology(normX, normZ, radius); int num2 = 2295686; int num3 = 49152; costmap[index1, index2] = (double)slope > 20.0 || (topology & num2) != 0 ? int.MaxValue : ((topology & num3) == 0 ? 1 + (int)((double)slope * (double)slope * 10.0) + num1 : 2500); } } PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(costmap, true); List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment> pathSegmentList = new List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment>(); List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode> source1 = new List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>(); List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode> source2 = new List <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> pointList = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> startList = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> endList = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); foreach (MonumentInfo monumentInfo in monuments) { bool flag = source1.Count == 0; foreach (TerrainPathConnect target in monumentInfo.GetTargets(InfrastructureType.Road)) { PathFinder.Point point = target.GetPoint(res); PathFinder.Node closestWalkable = pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(point, 100000); if (closestWalkable != null) { GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode pathNode = new GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode(); pathNode.monument = monumentInfo; = target; pathNode.node = closestWalkable; if (flag) { source1.Add(pathNode); } else { source2.Add(pathNode); } } } } while (source2.Count != 0) { startList.Clear(); endList.Clear(); startList.AddRange(source1.Select <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>((Func <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>)(x => x.node.point))); startList.AddRange((IEnumerable <PathFinder.Point>)pointList); endList.AddRange(source2.Select <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>((Func <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>)(x => x.node.point))); PathFinder.Node pathUndirected = pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(startList, endList, 100000); if (pathUndirected == null) { GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode copy = source2[0]; source1.AddRange(source2.Where <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>((Func <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode, bool>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument)))); source2.RemoveAll((Predicate <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument))); } else { GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment segment = new GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node node = pathUndirected; node != null; node = { if (node == pathUndirected) { segment.start = node; } if ( == null) { segment.end = node; } } pathSegmentList.Add(segment); GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode copy = source2.Find((Predicate <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>)(x => { if (!(x.node.point == segment.start.point)) { return(x.node.point == segment.end.point); } return(true); })); source1.AddRange(source2.Where <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>((Func <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode, bool>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument)))); source2.RemoveAll((Predicate <GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument))); int num = 1; for (PathFinder.Node node = pathUndirected; node != null; node = { if (num % 8 == 0) { pointList.Add(node.point); } ++num; } } } foreach (GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode pathNode in source1) { GenerateRoadLayout.PathNode target = pathNode; GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment pathSegment = pathSegmentList.Find((Predicate <GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment>)(x => { if (!(x.start.point == target.node.point)) { return(x.end.point == target.node.point); } return(true); })); if (pathSegment != null) { if (pathSegment.start.point == target.node.point) { PathFinder.Node node1 = target.node; PathFinder.Node node2 = pathFinder.Reverse(target.node); PathFinder.Node start = pathSegment.start; = start; pathSegment.start = node2; pathSegment.origin =; } else if (pathSegment.end.point == target.node.point) { = target.node; pathSegment.end = pathFinder.FindEnd(target.node); =; } } } List <Vector3> vector3List = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (GenerateRoadLayout.PathSegment pathSegment in pathSegmentList) { bool flag1 = false; bool flag2 = false; for (PathFinder.Node node = pathSegment.start; node != null; node = { float normX = ((float)node.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)res; float normZ = ((float)node.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)res; if (pathSegment.start == node && Object.op_Inequality((Object)pathSegment.origin, (Object)null)) { flag1 = true; normX = TerrainMeta.NormalizeX((float)((Component)pathSegment.origin).get_transform().get_position().x); normZ = TerrainMeta.NormalizeZ((float)((Component)pathSegment.origin).get_transform().get_position().z); } else if (pathSegment.end == node && Object.op_Inequality((Object), (Object)null)) { flag2 = true; normX = TerrainMeta.NormalizeX((float)((Component); normZ = TerrainMeta.NormalizeZ((float)((Component); } float num1 = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeX(normX); float num2 = TerrainMeta.DenormalizeZ(normZ); float num3 = Mathf.Max(heightMap.GetHeight(normX, normZ), 1f); vector3List.Add(new Vector3(num1, num3, num2)); } if (vector3List.Count != 0) { if (vector3List.Count >= 2) { pathListList.Add(new PathList("Road " + (object)pathListList.Count, vector3List.ToArray()) { Width = 10f, InnerPadding = 1f, OuterPadding = 1f, InnerFade = 1f, OuterFade = 8f, RandomScale = 0.75f, MeshOffset = -0.0f, TerrainOffset = -0.5f, Topology = 2048, Splat = 128, Start = flag1, End = flag2 }); } vector3List.Clear(); } } foreach (PathList pathList in pathListList) { pathList.Path.Smoothen(2); } TerrainMeta.Path.Roads.AddRange((IEnumerable <PathList>)pathListList); }
public override void Process(uint seed) { if (World.Networked) { TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.Clear(); TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.AddRange(World.GetPaths("Powerline")); return; } List <PathList> list = new List <PathList>(); List <MonumentInfo> monuments = TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments; int[,] array = TerrainPath.CreatePowerlineCostmap(ref seed); PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(array); int length = array.GetLength(0); List <PathSegment> list2 = new List <PathSegment>(); List <PathNode> list3 = new List <PathNode>(); List <PathNode> list4 = new List <PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list5 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list6 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> list7 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); foreach (PathList road in TerrainMeta.Path.Roads) { if (road.ProcgenStartNode == null || road.ProcgenEndNode == null || !road.IsExtraWide) { continue; } int num = 1; for (PathFinder.Node node = road.ProcgenStartNode; node != null; node = { if (num % 8 == 0) { list5.Add(node.point); } num++; } } foreach (MonumentInfo item in monuments) { TerrainPathConnect[] componentsInChildren = item.GetComponentsInChildren <TerrainPathConnect>(true); foreach (TerrainPathConnect terrainPathConnect in componentsInChildren) { if (terrainPathConnect.Type == InfrastructureType.Power) { PathFinder.Point pathFinderPoint = terrainPathConnect.GetPathFinderPoint(length); PathFinder.Node node2 = pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(pathFinderPoint, 100000); if (node2 != null) { PathNode pathNode = new PathNode(); pathNode.monument = item; pathNode.node = node2; list4.Add(pathNode); } } } } while (list4.Count != 0) { list7.Clear(); list7.AddRange(list4.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list6.Clear(); list6.AddRange(list3.Select((PathNode x) => x.node.point)); list6.AddRange(list5); PathFinder.Node node3 = pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(list6, list7, 100000); if (node3 == null) { PathNode copy2 = list4[0]; list3.AddRange(list4.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == copy2.monument)); list4.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == copy2.monument); continue; } PathSegment segment = new PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node node4 = node3; node4 != null; node4 = { if (node4 == node3) { segment.start = node4; } if ( == null) { segment.end = node4; } } list2.Add(segment); PathNode copy = list4.Find((PathNode x) => x.node.point == segment.start.point || x.node.point == segment.end.point); list3.AddRange(list4.Where((PathNode x) => x.monument == copy.monument)); list4.RemoveAll((PathNode x) => x.monument == copy.monument); int num2 = 1; for (PathFinder.Node node5 = node3; node5 != null; node5 = { if (num2 % 8 == 0) { list5.Add(node5.point); } num2++; } } List <Vector3> list8 = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (PathSegment item2 in list2) { for (PathFinder.Node node6 = item2.start; node6 != null; node6 = { float num3 = ((float)node6.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)length; float num4 = ((float)node6.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)length; float height = TerrainMeta.HeightMap.GetHeight01(num3, num4); list8.Add(TerrainMeta.Denormalize(new Vector3(num3, height, num4))); } if (list8.Count != 0) { if (list8.Count >= 8) { int num5 = TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.Count + list.Count; PathList pathList = new PathList("Powerline " + num5, list8.ToArray()); pathList.Start = true; pathList.End = true; pathList.ProcgenStartNode = item2.start; pathList.ProcgenEndNode = item2.end; list.Add(pathList); } list8.Clear(); } } foreach (PathList item3 in list) { item3.Path.RecalculateTangents(); } TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.AddRange(list); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); float elapsed = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000.0f; if (nextNode == null) { nextNode = GetComponent <PathFinder>().Next(); } if (nextNode != null) { List <Point> soldierCollisions = new List <Point>(); // Collision with moving units foreach (var body in Swarm) { if (body != this) { if (body.Transform.Grid == nextNode.Position) { soldierCollisions.Add(body.Transform.Grid); GetComponent <PathFinder>().RecreatePath(soldierCollisions); nextNode = GetComponent <PathFinder>().Next(); break; } } } if (nextNode != null) { var nodeWorldPos = Grid.GridToWorld(nextNode.Position); // HACK: Make this work properly with other speeds... float speed = 4f; if (Transform.World.X < nodeWorldPos.X) { Transform.World.X += speed; GetComponent <Component.Transform>().World.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(0); } if (Transform.World.X > nodeWorldPos.X) { Transform.World.X -= speed; GetComponent <Component.Transform>().World.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(180); } if (Transform.World.Y < nodeWorldPos.Y) { Transform.World.Y += speed; GetComponent <Component.Transform>().World.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(90); } if (Transform.World.Y > nodeWorldPos.Y) { Transform.World.Y -= speed; GetComponent <Component.Transform>().World.Rotation = MathHelper.ToRadians(270); } if (Transform.World == nodeWorldPos) { if (currentStep < numberOfSteps) { currentStep++; //lastLastNode = lastNode; //lastNode = nextNode; nextNode = GetComponent <PathFinder>().Next(); } else { GetComponent <PathFinder>().Stop(); } foreach (var entity in EntityManager.Entities) { if (entity is Soldier) { if (entity.GetComponent <Component.Collision>().Rectangle.Intersects(this.GetComponent <Component.Collision>().Rectangle)) { if (AttackedThisTurn == false) { if (Utility.AttackTest(this.GetComponent <Component.Stat>(), entity, Utility.CalculateHitChance(this.GetComponent <Component.Stat>(), this.Transform.World.Position, entity))) { AttackedThisTurn = true; break; } } } } } } } } }
public override void Process(uint seed) { List <PathList> pathListList = new List <PathList>(); TerrainHeightMap heightMap = TerrainMeta.HeightMap; TerrainTopologyMap topologyMap = TerrainMeta.TopologyMap; List <MonumentInfo> monuments = TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments; if (monuments.Count == 0) { return; } int res = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)((double)World.Size / 10.0)); int[,] costmap = new int[res, res]; float radius = 5f; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < res; ++index1) { float normZ = ((float)index1 + 0.5f) / (float)res; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < res; ++index2) { float normX = ((float)index2 + 0.5f) / (float)res; float slope = heightMap.GetSlope(normX, normZ); int topology = topologyMap.GetTopology(normX, normZ, radius); int num1 = 2295174; int num2 = 55296; int num3 = 512; costmap[index1, index2] = (topology & num1) == 0 ? ((topology & num2) == 0 ? ((topology & num3) == 0 ? 1 + (int)((double)slope * (double)slope * 10.0) : 1000) : 2500) : int.MaxValue; } } PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(costmap, true); List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment> pathSegmentList = new List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment>(); List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode> source1 = new List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>(); List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode> source2 = new List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> pointList = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> startList = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> endList = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); foreach (MonumentInfo monumentInfo in monuments) { bool flag = source1.Count == 0; foreach (TerrainPathConnect target in monumentInfo.GetTargets(InfrastructureType.Power)) { PathFinder.Point point = target.GetPoint(res); PathFinder.Node closestWalkable = pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(point, 100000); if (closestWalkable != null) { GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode pathNode = new GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode(); pathNode.monument = monumentInfo; pathNode.node = closestWalkable; if (flag) { source1.Add(pathNode); } else { source2.Add(pathNode); } } } } while (source2.Count != 0) { startList.Clear(); endList.Clear(); startList.AddRange(source1.Select <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>((Func <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>)(x => x.node.point))); startList.AddRange((IEnumerable <PathFinder.Point>)pointList); endList.AddRange(source2.Select <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>((Func <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode, PathFinder.Point>)(x => x.node.point))); PathFinder.Node pathUndirected = pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(startList, endList, 100000); if (pathUndirected == null) { GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode copy = source2[0]; source1.AddRange(source2.Where <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>((Func <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode, bool>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument)))); source2.RemoveAll((Predicate <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument))); } else { GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment segment = new GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node node = pathUndirected; node != null; node = { if (node == pathUndirected) { segment.start = node; } if ( == null) { segment.end = node; } } pathSegmentList.Add(segment); GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode copy = source2.Find((Predicate <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>)(x => { if (!(x.node.point == segment.start.point)) { return(x.node.point == segment.end.point); } return(true); })); source1.AddRange(source2.Where <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>((Func <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode, bool>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument)))); source2.RemoveAll((Predicate <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>)(x => Object.op_Equality((Object)x.monument, (Object)copy.monument))); int num = 1; for (PathFinder.Node node = pathUndirected; node != null; node = { if (num % 8 == 0) { pointList.Add(node.point); } ++num; } } } List <Vector3> vector3List = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment pathSegment in pathSegmentList) { for (PathFinder.Node node = pathSegment.start; node != null; node = { float normX = ((float)node.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)res; float normZ = ((float)node.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)res; float height01 = heightMap.GetHeight01(normX, normZ); vector3List.Add(TerrainMeta.Denormalize(new Vector3(normX, height01, normZ))); } if (vector3List.Count != 0) { if (vector3List.Count >= 8) { pathListList.Add(new PathList("Powerline " + (object)pathListList.Count, vector3List.ToArray()) { Start = true, End = true }); } vector3List.Clear(); } } TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.AddRange((IEnumerable <PathList>)pathListList); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { base.Update(gameTime); float elapsed = gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds / 1000.0f; if (nextNode == null) { nextNode = GetComponent <PathFinder>().Next(); } if (nextNode != null) { List <Point> soldierCollisions = new List <Point>(); // Collision with units at a standstill //foreach (var soldier in Squad) //{ // if (soldier != this) // { // if (!soldier.GetComponent<PathFinder>().IsMoving) // { // soldierCollisions.Add(soldier.Transform.Grid); // } // if (soldier.Transform.Grid == nextNode.Position) // { // GetComponent<PathFinder>().RecreatePath(soldierCollisions); // nextNode = GetComponent<PathFinder>().Next(); // break; // } // } //} // Collision with moving units //foreach (var soldier in Squad) //{ // if (soldier != this) // { // var pathFinder = soldier.GetComponent<PathFinder>(); // var position = nextNode.Position; // if (soldier.Transform.Grid == position) // { // soldierCollisions.Add(soldier.Transform.Grid); // GetComponent<PathFinder>().RecreatePath(soldierCollisions); // nextNode = GetComponent<PathFinder>().Next(); // break; // } // } //} if (nextNode != null) { var nodeWorldPos = Grid.GridToWorld(nextNode.Position); // HACK: Make this work properly with other speeds... float speed = 4f; if (Transform.World.X < nodeWorldPos.X) { Transform.World.X += speed; } if (Transform.World.X > nodeWorldPos.X) { Transform.World.X -= speed; } if (Transform.World.Y < nodeWorldPos.Y) { Transform.World.Y += speed; } if (Transform.World.Y > nodeWorldPos.Y) { Transform.World.Y -= speed; } if (Transform.World == nodeWorldPos) { //if (AP < NumberOfActionPoints) //{ //AP++; lastLastNode = lastNode; lastNode = nextNode; nextNode = GetComponent <PathFinder>().Next(); //} /*else * { * GetComponent<PathFinder>().Stop(); * }*/ } } } if (Fired == true) { fireTimer += gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.Milliseconds; if (fireTimer > timeSpentFired) { fireTimer = 0; Fired = false; } } }
public override void Process(uint seed) { List <PathList> pathLists = new List <PathList>(); TerrainHeightMap heightMap = TerrainMeta.HeightMap; TerrainTopologyMap topologyMap = TerrainMeta.TopologyMap; List <MonumentInfo> monuments = TerrainMeta.Path.Monuments; if (monuments.Count == 0) { return; } int num = Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo((int)((float)((float)World.Size) / 10f)); int[,] numArray = new int[num, num]; float single = 5f; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { float single1 = ((float)i + 0.5f) / (float)num; for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { float single2 = ((float)j + 0.5f) / (float)num; float slope = heightMap.GetSlope(single2, single1); int topology = topologyMap.GetTopology(single2, single1, single); int num1 = 2295174; int num2 = 55296; int num3 = 512; if ((topology & num1) != 0) { numArray[i, j] = 2147483647; } else if ((topology & num2) != 0) { numArray[i, j] = 2500; } else if ((topology & num3) == 0) { numArray[i, j] = 1 + (int)(slope * slope * 10f); } else { numArray[i, j] = 1000; } } } PathFinder pathFinder = new PathFinder(numArray, true); List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment> pathSegments = new List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment>(); List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode> pathNodes = new List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>(); List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode> pathNodes1 = new List <GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode>(); List <PathFinder.Point> points = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> points1 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); List <PathFinder.Point> points2 = new List <PathFinder.Point>(); foreach (MonumentInfo monument in monuments) { bool count = pathNodes.Count == 0; foreach (TerrainPathConnect target in monument.GetTargets(InfrastructureType.Power)) { PathFinder.Point point = target.GetPoint(num); PathFinder.Node node = pathFinder.FindClosestWalkable(point, 100000); if (node == null) { continue; } GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode pathNode = new GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode() { monument = monument, node = node }; if (!count) { pathNodes1.Add(pathNode); } else { pathNodes.Add(pathNode); } } } while (pathNodes1.Count != 0) { points1.Clear(); points2.Clear(); points1.AddRange( from x in pathNodes select x.node.point); points1.AddRange(points); points2.AddRange( from x in pathNodes1 select x.node.point); PathFinder.Node node1 = pathFinder.FindPathUndirected(points1, points2, 100000); if (node1 != null) { GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment pathSegment = new GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment(); for (PathFinder.Node k = node1; k != null; k = { if (k == node1) { pathSegment.start = k; } if ( == null) { pathSegment.end = k; } } pathSegments.Add(pathSegment); GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode pathNode1 = pathNodes1.Find((GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode x) => { if (x.node.point == pathSegment.start.point) { return(true); } return(x.node.point == pathSegment.end.point); }); pathNodes.AddRange( from x in pathNodes1 where x.monument == pathNode1.monument select x); pathNodes1.RemoveAll((GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode x) => x.monument == pathNode1.monument); int num4 = 1; for (PathFinder.Node l = node1; l != null; l = { if (num4 % 8 == 0) { points.Add(l.point); } num4++; } } else { GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode item = pathNodes1[0]; pathNodes.AddRange( from x in pathNodes1 where x.monument == item.monument select x); pathNodes1.RemoveAll((GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathNode x) => x.monument == item.monument); } } List <Vector3> vector3s = new List <Vector3>(); foreach (GeneratePowerlineLayout.PathSegment pathSegment1 in pathSegments) { for (PathFinder.Node m = pathSegment1.start; m != null; m = { float single3 = ((float)m.point.x + 0.5f) / (float)num; float single4 = ((float)m.point.y + 0.5f) / (float)num; float height01 = heightMap.GetHeight01(single3, single4); vector3s.Add(TerrainMeta.Denormalize(new Vector3(single3, height01, single4))); } if (vector3s.Count == 0) { continue; } if (vector3s.Count >= 8) { PathList pathList = new PathList(string.Concat("Powerline ", pathLists.Count), vector3s.ToArray()) { Start = true, End = true }; pathLists.Add(pathList); } vector3s.Clear(); } TerrainMeta.Path.Powerlines.AddRange(pathLists); }