public Subject GetCurrentSubject(PageItem pageItem, HttpContextBase httpContext) { var subjectId = httpContext.Request.RawUrl; if (httpContext.Items["Comments.SubjectId"] != null) { subjectId = httpContext.Items["Comments.SubjectId"].ToString(); } var subject = new Subject { Id = subjectId }; var page = httpContext.CurrentHandler as Page; if (page != null) { subject.Title = page.Title; } if (httpContext.Items["Comments.SubjectTitle"] != null) { subject.Title = httpContext.Items["Comments.SubjectTitle"].ToString(); } if (httpContext.Items["Comments.SubjectType"] != null) { subject.Type = httpContext.Items["Comments.SubjectType"].ToString(); } return subject; }
private void GetThePath (PageItem pi) { ItemFinalList.Add(pi); if (pi.parentId != null) { GetThePath(ItemAllChildren.Where(x => x.pageId == pi.parentId).First()); } }
public static string GetPageUrl(CultureInfo targetCulture, PageItem page) { if (targetCulture != null) { return GetPageUrl(targetCulture.Name, page); } return GetPageUrl(String.Empty, page); }
private string GetMenuText(PageItem page) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(page.MenuText)) { return page.MenuText; } return page.DisplayName; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageItem = NhSession.Get<PageItem>(PageId); if (!IsPostBack) { BindForm(); } }
public DesignerLayoutService(PageItem currentPage, CultureInfo designerCulture, IEnumerable<LocatedWidgetViewModel> widgets) { Require.NotNull(currentPage, "currentPage"); Require.NotNull(designerCulture, "designerCulture"); Require.NotNull(widgets, "widgets"); this.CurrentPage = currentPage; this.DesignerCulture = designerCulture; this.Widgets = new List<LocatedWidgetViewModel>(widgets); }
private bool RenderItem(PageItem item, int span) { var renderText = true; _writer.Append($"<a title='{item.Index}'"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Href)) { _writer.Append($" href='{item.Href}'"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Target)) { _writer.Append($" target='{item.Target}'"); } if (item.Color >= 0) { _writer.Append($" class='c{item.Color}'"); } if (item.Span > 0) { var s = item.Span + (span < 0 ? span : 0); if (s < item.Span && Math.Abs(span) > s) { renderText = false; } _writer.Append($" style='min-width: {BLOCK_WIDTH * (s + 1) + s * 2}px'"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Caption)) { _writer.Append($" st='{item.Caption}'"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Id)) { _writer.Append($" id='{item.Id}'"); } _writer.Append(">"); _writer.Append(renderText ? item.Text ?? item.Value.ToString() : "→"); _writer.Append("</a>"); return(renderText); }
internal virtual void WriteEndItemToStream(RPLWriter rplWriter, List <PageItem> itemsOnPage) { if (rplWriter == null) { return; } BinaryWriter binaryWriter = rplWriter.BinaryWriter; int num = itemsOnPage?.Count ?? 0; long value = 0L; RPLItemMeasurement[] array = null; if (binaryWriter != null) { value = binaryWriter.BaseStream.Position; binaryWriter.Write((byte)16); binaryWriter.Write(m_offset); binaryWriter.Write(num); } else { array = new RPLItemMeasurement[num]; ((RPLContainer)m_rplElement).Children = array; } if (itemsOnPage != null) { for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { PageItem pageItem = itemsOnPage[i]; if (pageItem != null) { if (binaryWriter != null) { pageItem.WritePageItemSizes(binaryWriter); } else { array[i] = pageItem.WritePageItemSizes(); } } } } if (binaryWriter != null) { m_offset = binaryWriter.BaseStream.Position; binaryWriter.Write((byte)254); binaryWriter.Write(value); binaryWriter.Write(byte.MaxValue); } }
public void DeletePage(PageItem page) { var portalSettings = PortalController.Instance.GetCurrentPortalSettings(); var tab = TabController.Instance.GetTab(page.Id, portalSettings.PortalId); if (tab == null) { throw new PageNotFoundException(); } if (TabPermissionController.CanDeletePage(tab)) { TabController.Instance.SoftDeleteTab(tab.TabID, portalSettings); } }
// // GET: /SysApi/ public ActionResult Index(SysApiSearchArgs arg, int pageIndex = 1) { int appId = arg.AppId.ConvertTo <int>(-1); PageItem pageItem = new PageItem { PageIndex = pageIndex, PageSize = 15 }; SysApplicationLogic appLogic = new SysApplicationLogic(); List <SysApplicationEntity> listApp = appLogic.GetSysApplicationList().ToList <SysApplicationEntity>(); ViewBag.DictionaryApplication = listApp.ToDictionary(k => k.AppId, v => v); List <SysApiEntity> sysApiList = logic.GetSysApiList(appId, arg.Status, arg.ApiName, pageItem).ToList <SysApiEntity>(); ViewBag.SysApiList = new PagedList <SysApiEntity>(sysApiList, pageItem.PageIndex, pageItem.PageSize, pageItem.TotalCount); return(View(arg)); }
public virtual void TestFixtureSetUp() { var engine = new ContentEngine(ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None), "n2nodb", new WindsorServiceContainer(), EventBroker.Instance, new ContainerConfigurer()); N2.Context.Replace(engine); engine.Initialize(); engine.Host.CurrentSite.RootItemID = 1; engine.Host.CurrentSite.StartPageID = 1; page = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(1, "page", null); }
private void tbFind_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!DesignMode) { lStatus.Text = ""; position = null; // reset position when edit changes?? todo not really _Viewer.HighlightText = tbFind.Text; ckHighlightAll.Enabled = bFindNext.Enabled = bFindPrevious.Enabled = tbFind.Text.Length > 0; if (tbFind.Text.Length > 0) { FindNext(); } } }
private int getPageOrder(int idToSearch) { List <PageItem> pages = new PagesDB().GetPagesFlat(this.PortalSettings.PortalID); while (pages.Count > 0) { PageItem page = pages.First <PageItem>(); pages.Remove(page); if (page.ID == idToSearch) { return(page.Order); } } return(-1); }
public bool IsIdentical(TPageCollection otherPages) { if (otherPages == null || this.Count != otherPages.Count) { return(false); } foreach (TPage PageItem in this) { if (!PageItem.IsIdentical(otherPages.Find(p => p.Name == PageItem.Name))) { return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// The AddPage_Click server event handler is used /// to add a new tab for this portal /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"> /// The source of the event. /// </param> /// <param name="e"> /// The <see cref="T:System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data. /// </param> /// <remarks> /// </remarks> protected void AddPageClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.Settings["TAB_VERSION"] == null) { return; } if (this.Settings["TAB_VERSION"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant() == "true") { // Use Old Version // New tabs go to the end of the list var t = new PageItem { // Just in case it comes to be empty Name = General.GetString("TAB_NAME", "New Page Name"), ID = -1, Order = 990000 }; this.PortalPages.Add(t); // write tab to database var tabs = new PagesDB(); t.ID = tabs.AddPage(this.PortalSettings.PortalID, t.Name, t.Order); // Reset the order numbers for the tabs within the list this.OrderPages(); // Clear SiteMaps Cache AppleseedSiteMapProvider.ClearAllAppleseedSiteMapCaches(); // Redirect to edit page // 3_aug_2004 Cory Isakson added returntabid so that PageLayout could return to the tab it was called from. // added mID by Mario Endara <*****@*****.**> to support security check (2004/11/09) this.Response.Redirect( HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl( "~/DesktopModules/CoreModules/Pages/PageLayout.aspx", t.ID, "mID=" + this.ModuleID + "&returntabid=" + this.Page.PageID)); } else { // Redirect to New Form - Mike Stone 19/12/2004 this.Response.Redirect( HttpUrlBuilder.BuildUrl( "~/DesktopModules/CoreModules/Pages/AddPage.aspx", "mID=" + this.ModuleID + "&returntabid=" + this.Page.PageID)); } }
void Open(PageItem Page) { try { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog() { FileName = "", Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Xml Files (*.xml)|*.xml", FilterIndex = 2 }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { bool IsPrinting = Page.IsPrinting; bool IsGridVisible = Page.IsGridVisible; bool IsDeletedVisible = Page.IsDeletedVisible; using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(dlg.FileName)) { XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(Page.GetType(), Page.GetTypes()); PageItem newPage = new PageItem(); newPage = (PageItem)serializer.Deserialize(reader); // restore not serialized valules newPage.IsPrinting = IsPrinting; newPage.IsGridVisible = IsGridVisible; newPage.IsDeletedVisible = IsDeletedVisible; // newPage.Signals = ?? // get all DataBlockLogicItem items //var list = from item in newPage.Items // where item is DataBlockLogicItem // select item; this.DataContext = newPage; Page = null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Maps an action to a result model object. /// </summary> /// <param name="portal">The action to map.</param> /// <returns> /// The mapped action. /// </returns> public static PageViewModel ToPageViewModel(PageItem page) { return(page == null ? null : new PageViewModel { Id = page.Id, Uri = page.Uri, Name = page.Name, Description = page.Description, HtmlContent = page.HtmlContent, StyleContent = page.StyleContent, ModifiedDate = page.ModifiedDate, Portal = ToResourceItem(page.Portal), Master = ToResourceItem(page.Master), Children = ToPageListViewModel(page.Children.OfType <PageItem>()) }); }
internal void Reset() { m_header = null; m_footer = null; m_rplReportSection = null; m_bodyOffset = 0L; m_offset = 0L; m_itemRenderSizes = null; m_sectionIndex = -1; m_bodyHelper = null; m_itemsOnPage = 0; if (Done) { m_body = null; } }
internal override void WriteCustomNonSharedItemProps(RPLElementProps nonSharedProps, PageContext pageContext) { Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.Image image = (Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.Image)m_source; ImageInstance imageInstance = (ImageInstance)image.Instance; RPLImageProps rPLImageProps = (RPLImageProps)nonSharedProps; if (m_invalidImage) { WriteInvalidImage(rPLImageProps, pageContext, m_imageProps); } else { WriteImage(imageInstance, null, rPLImageProps, pageContext, m_imageProps); } rPLImageProps.ActionInfo = PageItem.WriteActionInfo(image.ActionInfo); }
public override void WriteCustomNonSharedItemProps(RPLElementProps nonSharedProps, PageContext pageContext) { AspNetCore.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.Image image = (AspNetCore.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.Image)base.m_source; ImageInstance imageInstance = (ImageInstance)image.Instance; RPLImageProps rPLImageProps = (RPLImageProps)nonSharedProps; if (this.m_invalidImage) { base.WriteInvalidImage(rPLImageProps, pageContext, this.m_imageProps); } else { base.WriteImage(imageInstance, null, rPLImageProps, pageContext, this.m_imageProps); } rPLImageProps.ActionInfo = PageItem.WriteActionInfo(image.ActionInfo); }
public void Reset() { this.m_header = null; this.m_footer = null; this.m_rplReportSection = null; this.m_bodyOffset = 0L; this.m_offset = 0L; this.m_itemRenderSizes = null; this.m_sectionIndex = -1; this.m_bodyHelper = null; this.m_itemsOnPage = 0; if (this.Done) { this.m_body = null; } }
/// <summary> /// This user control will render the breadcrumb navigation for the current tab. /// Ver. 1.0 - 24. dec 2002 - First realase by Cory Isakson /// </summary> /// <param name="pageID">ID of the page</param> /// <returns></returns> public ArrayList GetPageCrumbs(int pageID) { // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object using (SqlConnection myConnection = Config.SqlConnectionString) { using (SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand("rb_GetTabCrumbs", myConnection)) { // Mark the Command as a SPROC myCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add Parameters to SPROC SqlParameter parameterPageID = new SqlParameter(strPageID, SqlDbType.Int, 4); parameterPageID.Value = pageID; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPageID); SqlParameter parameterCrumbs = new SqlParameter("@CrumbsXML", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 4000); parameterCrumbs.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterCrumbs); // Execute the command myConnection.Open(); try { myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { myConnection.Close(); } // Build a Hashtable from the XML string returned ArrayList Crumbs = new ArrayList(); XmlDocument CrumbXML = new XmlDocument(); CrumbXML.LoadXml(parameterCrumbs.Value.ToString().Replace("&", "&")); //Iterate through the Crumbs XML foreach (XmlNode node in CrumbXML.FirstChild.ChildNodes) { PageItem tab = new PageItem(); tab.ID = Int16.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("tabID").Value); tab.Name = node.InnerText; tab.Order = Int16.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("level").Value); Crumbs.Add(tab); } //Return the Crumb Page Items as an arraylist return(Crumbs); } } }
protected override bool OnButtonPressEvent(Gdk.EventButton ev) { if (ev.Button == 3) { var hitAreaItem = hitList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Contains(new PointD((double)ev.X, (double)ev.Y))); if (hitAreaItem == null) { return(false); } string text; if (hitAreaItem.pi is PageText) { text = (hitAreaItem.pi as PageText).Text; } else if (hitAreaItem.pi is PageTextHtml) { text = (hitAreaItem.pi as PageTextHtml).Text; } else { return(false); } selectedItem = hitAreaItem.pi; QueueDraw(); GdkWindow.Invalidate(); Menu popupMenu = new Menu(); MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem("Копировать"); menuItem.Activated += (sender, e) => { Gtk.Clipboard clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.Get(Gdk.Atom.Intern("CLIPBOARD", false)); clipboard.Text = text; selectedItem = null; QueueDraw(); GdkWindow.Invalidate(); }; popupMenu.Add(menuItem); popupMenu.ShowAll(); popupMenu.Popup(); popupMenu.Hidden += (sender, e) => { selectedItem = null; QueueDraw(); GdkWindow.Invalidate(); }; } // Insert button press handling code here. return(base.OnButtonPressEvent(ev)); }
private static void AddTextBox(Control control, Page page, PageItem item, ref int offsetY) { offsetY += 8; var left = 16; if (item.IsRequired) { var lblRequied = new Label() { Text = "*", Location = new Point(left, offsetY), ForeColor = Color.Red, Size = new Size(15, 15), TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft }; left += lblRequied.Width; control.Controls.Add(lblRequied); } var lbl = new Label() { Text = item.Label, Location = new Point(left, offsetY), Height = 15, AutoSize = true, TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft }; offsetY += lbl.Height; control.Controls.Add(lbl); offsetY += 4; var txt = new TextBox() { Text = item.DefaultValue, Location = new Point(16, offsetY), Width = control.Width - 32, Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left | AnchorStyles.Right, TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Left, }; txt.TextChanged += (sender, args) => { item.Value = txt.Text.Trim(); page.Init(); }; offsetY += txt.Height; control.Controls.Add(txt); }
//Add Indah Fuldner 25.04.2003 (With assumtion that the rootlevel tab has ParentPageID = 0) /// <summary> /// Gets the bread crumbs. /// </summary> /// <param name="tab">The tab.</param> /// <param name="tabList">The tab list.</param> /// <returns></returns> private ArrayList GetBreadCrumbs(PageSettings tab, ArrayList tabList) { int parentPageID = tab.PageID; //string test=tab.PageName; int test = tab.PageID; ArrayList _breadCrumbsText = new ArrayList(); PageItem myPageItem = new PageItem(); myPageItem.ID = tab.PageID; myPageItem.Name = tab.PageName; myPageItem.Order = tab.PageOrder; _breadCrumbsText.Add(myPageItem); //Search for the root tab in current array PageStripDetails rootTab; for (int i = 0; i < tabList.Count; i++) { rootTab = (PageStripDetails)tabList[i]; if (rootTab.PageID == parentPageID) { parentPageID = rootTab.ParentPageID; if (test != rootTab.PageID) //(test!=rootTab.PageName) { PageItem myItem = new PageItem(); myItem.ID = rootTab.PageID; myItem.Name = rootTab.PageName; myItem.Order = rootTab.PageOrder; _breadCrumbsText.Add(myItem); } if (parentPageID != 0) { i = -1; } else { return(_breadCrumbsText); } } } return(_breadCrumbsText); }
public void CanRender_TreeNode_WithChildNode() { PageItem root = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(1, "root", null); PageItem item = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(1, "item", root); TreeNode tn = new TreeNode(root); tn.Controls.Add(new TreeNode(item)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); using (HtmlTextWriter writer = new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter(sb))) { tn.RenderControl(writer); } Assert.AreEqual("<ul><li><a href=\"/root.aspx\">root</a><ul><li><a href=\"/item.aspx\">item</a></li></ul></li></ul>", sb.ToString()); }
public HttpResponseMessage DeletePage(PageItem page) { if (!_securityService.CanDeletePage(page.Id)) { return(GetForbiddenResponse()); } try { _pagesController.DeletePage(page); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { Status = 0 })); } catch (PageNotFoundException) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); } }
// Finds the page which is clicked by the mouse. public int FindPage(int offsetX, int offsetY) { int lastIndex = QuickSearch(offsetY, false); int firstIndex = GetFirstPageInRow(lastIndex); // find exact page for (int i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i++) { PageItem item = this[i]; if (new Rectangle(item.OffsetX, item.OffsetY, item.Width, item.Height).Contains( new Point(offsetX, offsetY))) { return(i); } } return(firstIndex); }
public ActionResult EditForm(int?id) { var obj = new PageItem(); var listTree = userPageRepository.GetListForTree <object>(); if (id.HasValue) { obj = userPageRepository.GetItemById <PageItem>(id.Value); } return(Json(new { data = obj, listTree = listTree }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
void Print(PageItem Page) { try { Page.IsGridVisible = false; Page.IsPrinting = true; ContentControl cc = new ContentControl(); cc.ContentTemplate = this.FindResource("LogicPageItemTemplate1") as DataTemplate; cc.Content = Page; PrintDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Controls.PrintDialog(); dlg.PrintQueue = LocalPrintServer.GetDefaultPrintQueue(); dlg.PrintTicket = dlg.PrintQueue.DefaultPrintTicket; dlg.PrintTicket.PageOrientation = PageOrientation.Landscape; dlg.PrintTicket.OutputQuality = OutputQuality.High; //dlg.PrintTicket.OutputColor = OutputColor.Monochrome; dlg.PrintTicket.TrueTypeFontMode = TrueTypeFontMode.DownloadAsNativeTrueTypeFont; Nullable <bool> result = dlg.ShowDialog(); if (result == true) { System.Printing.PrintCapabilities capabilities = dlg.PrintQueue.GetPrintCapabilities(dlg.PrintTicket); double scale = Math.Min(capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth / UnitConverter.CmToDip(42.0), capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight / UnitConverter.CmToDip(29.7)); cc.LayoutTransform = new ScaleTransform(scale, scale); Size sz = new Size(capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentWidth, capabilities.PageImageableArea.ExtentHeight); cc.Measure(sz); cc.Arrange(new Rect(new Point(capabilities.PageImageableArea.OriginWidth, capabilities.PageImageableArea.OriginHeight), sz)); cc.UpdateLayout(); dlg.PrintVisual(cc, "Page"); } Page.IsGridVisible = true; Page.IsPrinting = false; } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); } }
public void Drop(object data, object target, Point point) { var item = new PageItem { Name = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), X = point.X, Y = point.Y, Width = 50, Height = 22 }; _currentPage.Add(item); IoC.Get <IProjectManager>().CurrentProject.Add(_currentPage); NotifyOfPropertyChange((() => Items)); }
private void RdlViewerFind_VisibleChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { lStatus.Text = ""; if (this.Visible) { _Viewer.HighlightText = tbFind.Text; tbFind.Focus(); FindNext(); // and go find the contents of the textbox } else { // turn off any highlighting when find control not visible _Viewer.HighlightPageItem = position = null; _Viewer.HighlightText = null; _Viewer.HighlightAll = false; ckHighlightAll.Checked = false; } }
public override void CalculateRepeatWithPage(RPLWriter rplWriter, PageContext pageContext, PageItem[] siblings) { base.AdjustOriginFromItemsAbove(siblings, null); ItemSizes itemSizes = null; if (base.ResolveItemHiddenState(rplWriter, null, pageContext, true, ref itemSizes)) { this.CalculateHiddenItemRenderSize(pageContext, true); } else { AspNetCore.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.Rectangle rectangle = (AspNetCore.ReportingServices.OnDemandReportRendering.Rectangle)base.m_source; this.m_staticItem = base.CreateChildren(rectangle.ReportItemCollection, pageContext, rectangle.Width.ToMillimeters(), rectangle.Height.ToMillimeters(), rectangle.IsSimple); base.m_itemsCreated = true; if (itemSizes != null) { itemSizes.SetPaddings(base.m_itemPageSizes.PaddingRight, base.m_itemPageSizes.PaddingBottom); } if (base.m_children != null) { double num = base.m_itemPageSizes.PaddingBottom; PageItem pageItem = null; for (int i = 0; i < base.m_children.Length; i++) { pageItem = base.m_children[i]; if (pageItem != null) { pageItem.CalculateRepeatWithPage(rplWriter, pageContext, base.m_children); num = Math.Max(num, pageItem.ItemPageSizes.Bottom + base.m_itemPageSizes.PaddingBottom); } } if (itemSizes != null) { base.ConsumeWhitespaceVertical(itemSizes, num, pageContext); } else { base.ConsumeWhitespaceVertical(base.m_itemPageSizes, num, pageContext); } } base.m_itemState = State.OnPage; this.CreateItemRenderSizes(itemSizes, pageContext, true); base.CalculateRepeatWithRenderSizes(pageContext); } }
public void Move(PageItem from, PageItem to, DropPosition dropPosition) { var pageCache = PageCache.From(_session); if (dropPosition == DropPosition.Over) { to.Pages.Add(from); to.Pages.AdjustOrders(false); return; } if (dropPosition == DropPosition.Before) { var pages = new PageItemCollectionWrapper(to.Parent == null ? pageCache.RootPages : to.Parent.Pages); if (from.IsSiblingOf(to)) { pages.MoveBefore(to, from); } else { pages.AddBefore(to, from); } pages.AdjustOrders(false); return; } if (dropPosition == DropPosition.After) { var pages = new PageItemCollectionWrapper(to.Parent == null ? pageCache.RootPages : to.Parent.Pages); if (from.IsSiblingOf(to)) { pages.MoveAfter(to, from); } else { pages.AddAfter(to, from); } pages.AdjustOrders(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the pages parent. /// </summary> /// <param name="portalId"> /// The portal ID. /// </param> /// <param name="pageId"> /// The page ID. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader value... /// </returns> public IList <PageItem> GetPagesParent(int portalId, int pageId) { // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object var connection = Config.SqlConnectionString; var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("rb_GetTabsParent", connection) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; // Mark the Command as a SPROC // Add Parameters to SPROC var parameterPortalId = new SqlParameter(StrPortalId, SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = portalId }; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPortalId); var parameterPageId = new SqlParameter(StrPageId, SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = pageId }; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPageId); // Execute the command connection.Open(); var dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); IList <PageItem> result = new List <PageItem>(); while (dr.Read()) { var item = new PageItem { ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PageID"]), Name = (string)dr["PageName"] }; result.Add(item); } // Added by Ashish - Connection Pool Issue if (dr != null) { dr.Close(); } return(result); }
protected SiteProvidingItem CreateTheItemTree() { int id = 22; SiteProvidingItem rootItem = CreateOneItem <SiteProvidingItem>(++id, id.ToString(), null); SiteProvidingItem site1 = CreateOneItem <SiteProvidingItem>(++id, id.ToString(), rootItem); SiteProvidingItem site2 = CreateOneItem <SiteProvidingItem>(++id, id.ToString(), rootItem); PageItem item3 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), rootItem); PageItem item4 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), rootItem); PageItem item1_1 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), site1); PageItem item1_2 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), site1); PageItem item2_1 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), site2); PageItem item3_1 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), item3); PageItem item3_2 = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(++id, id.ToString(), item3); SiteProvidingItem site1_1 = CreateOneItem <SiteProvidingItem>(++id, id.ToString(), site1); SiteProvidingItem site4_1 = CreateOneItem <SiteProvidingItem>(++id, id.ToString(), item4); return(rootItem); }
public void RevertsToRewrittenUrl_WhenNoParentStartPage_InApplication() { string previousPath = Url.ApplicationPath; Url.ApplicationPath = "/HelloWorld/"; try { PageItem page = CreateOneItem <PageItem>(10, "offsidepage", null); string url = parser.BuildUrl(page); Assert.AreEqual("/HelloWorld/Default.aspx?page=10", url); } finally { Url.ApplicationPath = previousPath; } }
public PageItemView(PageItem page) { Require.NotNull(page, "page"); Id = page.Id; DisplayName = page.DisplayName; UrlSegment = page.UrlSegment; Layout = page.Layout.DisplayName.Localize(); LayoutPreviewImage = page.Layout.PreviewImageVirtualPath; AspxVirtualPath = page.Layout.AspxVirtualPath; PagePath = page.GetPagePath(); IsDeletable = page.IsDeletable; Skin = String.Empty; SkinPreviewImage = String.Empty; if (page.Skin != null) { Skin = page.Skin.DisplayName.Localize(); SkinPreviewImage = page.Skin.PreviewImageVirtualPath; } CreatedTime = page.CreatedTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); LastModifiedTime = page.ModifiedTime.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); }
public static string GetNodeImageUrl(PageItem page) { string fileName = page.Published ? "icon-page-online.png" : "icon-page-offline.png"; return UrlUtil.ToAbsoluteHtmlPath(UrlUtil.Combine(AdminSession.Current.Skin.VirtualPath, "Images/" + fileName)); }
/// <summary> /// Changed by [email protected] /// Page are different for custom page layout an theme, this cannot be static /// Added by [email protected] /// Cache by Manu /// non static function, Thierry : this is necessary for page custom layout and themes /// </summary> /// <returns> /// A System.Collections.Hashtable value... /// </returns> private Dictionary<string, ISettingItem> GetPageBaseSettings() { // Define base settings var baseSettings = new Dictionary<string, ISettingItem>(); // 2_aug_2004 Cory Isakson var groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.NAVIGATION_SETTINGS; var group = SettingItemGroup.NAVIGATION_SETTINGS; var tabPlaceholder = new SettingItem<bool, CheckBox>(new BaseDataType<bool, CheckBox>()) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase, Value = false, EnglishName = "Act as a Placeholder?", Description = "Allows this tab to act as a navigation placeholder only." }; baseSettings.Add("TabPlaceholder", tabPlaceholder); var tabLink = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, Value = string.Empty, Order = groupOrderBase + 1, EnglishName = "Static Link URL", Description = "Allows this tab to act as a navigation link to any URL." }; baseSettings.Add("TabLink", tabLink); var tabUrlKeyword = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 2, EnglishName = "URL Keyword", Description = "Allows you to specify a keyword that would appear in your URL." }; baseSettings.Add("TabUrlKeyword", tabUrlKeyword); var urlPageName = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 3, EnglishName = "URL Page Name", Description = "This setting allows you to specify a name for this tab that will show up in the URL instead of default.aspx" }; baseSettings.Add("UrlPageName", urlPageName); var PageList = new ArrayList(new PagesDB().GetPagesFlat(this.PortalSettings.PortalID)); var noSelectedPage = new PageItem { Name = General.GetString("NONE") , ID = -1}; PageList.Insert(0, noSelectedPage); var FB_LikeGate_Page = new SettingItem<string, ListControl>(new CustomListDataType(PageList, "Name", "ID")){ Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 4, EnglishName = "FB Like Gate Page", Description = "This setting allows you to specify an url to redirect if the user doesn't like your page" }; baseSettings.Add("FB_LikeGate_Page", FB_LikeGate_Page); // groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.META_SETTINGS; group = SettingItemGroup.META_SETTINGS; var tabTitle = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, EnglishName = "Tab / Page Title", Description = "Allows you to enter a title (Shows at the top of your browser) for this specific Tab / Page. Enter something here to override the default portal wide setting." }; baseSettings.Add("TabTitle", tabTitle); var tabMetaKeyWords = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, EnglishName = "Tab / Page Keywords", Description = "This setting is to help with search engine optimization. Enter 1-15 Default Keywords that represent what this Tab / Page is about.Enter something here to override the default portal wide setting." }; baseSettings.Add("TabMetaKeyWords", tabMetaKeyWords); var tabMetaDescription = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, EnglishName = "Tab / Page Description", Description = "This setting is to help with search engine optimization. Enter a description (Not too long though. 1 paragraph is enough) that describes this particular Tab / Page. Enter something here to override the default portal wide setting." }; baseSettings.Add("TabMetaDescription", tabMetaDescription); var tabMetaEncoding = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, EnglishName = "Tab / Page Encoding", Description = "Every time your browser returns a page it looks to see what format it is retrieving. This allows you to specify the content type for this particular Tab / Page. Enter something here to override the default portal wide setting." }; baseSettings.Add("TabMetaEncoding", tabMetaEncoding); var tabMetaOther = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, EnglishName = "Additional Meta Tag Entries", Description = "This setting allows you to enter new tags into this Tab / Page's HEAD Tag. Enter something here to override the default portal wide setting." }; baseSettings.Add("TabMetaOther", tabMetaOther); var tabKeyPhrase = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Group = group, EnglishName = "Tab / Page Keyphrase", Description = "This setting can be used by a module or by a control. It allows you to define a message/phrase for this particular Tab / Page This can be used for search engine optimisation. Enter something here to override the default portal wide setting." }; baseSettings.Add("TabKeyPhrase", tabKeyPhrase); // changed Thierry (Tiptopweb) : have a dropdown menu to select layout and themes groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.THEME_LAYOUT_SETTINGS; group = SettingItemGroup.THEME_LAYOUT_SETTINGS; // get the list of available layouts // changed: Jes1111 - 2004-08-06 var layoutsList = new ArrayList(new LayoutManager(this.PortalSettings.PortalPath).GetLayouts()); var noCustomLayout = new LayoutItem { Name = General.GetString("PAGESETTINGS_SITEDEFAULT", "(Site Default)") }; layoutsList.Insert(0, noCustomLayout); // get the list of available themes // changed: Jes1111 - 2004-08-06 var themesList = new ArrayList(new ThemeManager(this.PortalSettings.PortalPath).GetThemes()); var noCustomTheme = new ThemeItem { Name = General.GetString("PAGESETTINGS_SITEDEFAULT", "(Site Default)") }; themesList.Insert(0, noCustomTheme); // changed: Jes1111 - 2004-08-06 var customLayout = new SettingItem<string, ListControl>(new CustomListDataType(layoutsList, "Name", "Name")) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 11, EnglishName = "Custom Layout", Description = "Set a custom layout for this tab only" }; baseSettings.Add("CustomLayout", customLayout); // SettingItem CustomTheme = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()); // changed: Jes1111 - 2004-08-06 var customTheme = new SettingItem<string, ListControl>(new CustomListDataType(themesList, "Name", "Name")) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 12, EnglishName = "Custom Theme", Description = "Set a custom theme for the modules in this tab only" }; baseSettings.Add("CustomTheme", customTheme); // SettingItem CustomThemeAlt = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()); // changed: Jes1111 - 2004-08-06 var customThemeAlt = new SettingItem<string, ListControl>( new CustomListDataType(themesList, "Name", "Name")) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 13, EnglishName = "Custom Alt Theme", Description = "Set a custom alternate theme for the modules in this tab only" }; baseSettings.Add("CustomThemeAlt", customThemeAlt); var customMenuImage = new SettingItem<string, ListControl>(new CustomListDataType(this.GetImageMenu(), "Key", "Value")) { Group = group, Order = groupOrderBase + 14, EnglishName = "Custom Image Menu", Description = "Set a custom menu image for this tab" }; baseSettings.Add("CustomMenuImage", customMenuImage); groupOrderBase = (int)SettingItemGroup.CULTURE_SETTINGS; group = SettingItemGroup.CULTURE_SETTINGS; var cultureList = LanguageSwitcher.GetLanguageList(true); // Localized tab title var counter = groupOrderBase + 11; // Ignore invariant foreach ( var c in cultureList.Where(c => c != CultureInfo.InvariantCulture && !baseSettings.ContainsKey(c.Name))) { var localizedTabKeyPhrase = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Order = counter, Group = group, EnglishName = string.Format("Tab Key Phrase ({0})", c.Name), Description = string.Format("Key Phrase this Tab/Page for {0} culture.", c.EnglishName) }; baseSettings.Add(string.Format("TabKeyPhrase_{0}", c.Name), localizedTabKeyPhrase); var localizedTitle = new SettingItem<string, TextBox>(new BaseDataType<string, TextBox>()) { Order = counter, Group = group, EnglishName = string.Format("Title ({0})", c.Name), Description = string.Format("Set title for {0} culture.", c.EnglishName) }; baseSettings.Add(c.Name, localizedTitle); counter++; } return baseSettings; }
private string GetMenuUrl(PageItem page) { if (_pageCache.Homepage != null && page.Id == _pageCache.Homepage.Id) { return FrontendEnvironment.GetRootUrl(Culture); } return FrontendEnvironment.GetPageUrl(Culture, page); }
public LocatedWidget(PageItem page) { Require.NotNull(page, "page"); Page = page; Attributes = new EntityAttributeCollection(); }
private void UpdatePageInformation() { try { this.Pages = new List<PageItem>(); List<iFormBuilderAPI.Page> getPages = iFormAPI.GetAllPagesInProfile(); if (getPages == null) return; PageItem pg; foreach (iFormBuilderAPI.Page page in getPages) { pg = new PageItem(page, page.NAME); this.Pages.Add(pg); } } catch { return; } }
public static string GetPageUrl(string targetCulture, PageItem page) { Require.NotNull(page, "page"); return GetFullUrl(targetCulture, page.GetPagePath()); }
static TreeNode CreateNode(PageItem page) { return new TreeNode { Text = String.Format("<span id='page-{0}' class='node-text'>{1}</span><input class='pageinfo' type='hidden' value='{2}' />", page.Id, page.DisplayName, new PageItemView(page).ToJson().Replace("\"", """)), Value = page.Id.ToString(), Encoded = false, Expanded = false, ImageUrl = GetNodeImageUrl(page) }; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the pages parent. /// </summary> /// <param name="portalId"> /// The portal ID. /// </param> /// <param name="pageId"> /// The page ID. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader value... /// </returns> public IList<PageItem> GetPagesParent(int portalId, int pageId) { // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object var connection = Config.SqlConnectionString; var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("rb_GetTabsParent", connection) { CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure }; // Mark the Command as a SPROC // Add Parameters to SPROC var parameterPortalId = new SqlParameter(StrPortalId, SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = portalId }; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPortalId); var parameterPageId = new SqlParameter(StrPageId, SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = pageId }; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPageId); // Execute the command connection.Open(); var dr = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); IList<PageItem> result = new List<PageItem>(); while (dr.Read()) { var item = new PageItem { ID = Convert.ToInt32(dr["PageID"]), Name = (string)dr["PageName"] }; result.Add(item); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the pages flat. /// </summary> /// <param name="portalId"> /// The portal ID. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A list of page items. /// </returns> public List<PageItem> GetPagesFlat(int portalId) { // Create Instance of Connection and Command Object using (var connection = Config.SqlConnectionString) using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("rb_GetTabsFlat", connection)) { // Mark the Command as a SPROC sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add Parameters to SPROC var parameterPortalId = new SqlParameter("@PortalID", SqlDbType.Int, 4) { Value = portalId }; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterPortalId); // Execute the command connection.Open(); var result = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); var desktopPages = new List<PageItem>(); // Read the result set try { while (result.Read()) { var tabItem = new PageItem { ID = (int)result["PageID"], Name = (string)result["PageName"], Order = (int)result["PageOrder"], NestLevel = (int)result["NestLevel"] }; desktopPages.Add(tabItem); } } finally { result.Close(); // by Manu, fixed bug 807858 } return desktopPages; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets the bread crumbs. /// </summary> /// <param name="tab">The tab.</param> /// <param name="tabList">The tab list.</param> /// <returns></returns> private ArrayList GetBreadCrumbs(PageSettings tab, ArrayList tabList) { int parentTabID = tab.PageID; int test = tab.PageID; ArrayList _breadCrumbsText = new ArrayList(); PageItem myTabItem = new PageItem(); myTabItem.ID = tab.PageID; myTabItem.Name = tab.PageName; myTabItem.Order = tab.PageOrder; _breadCrumbsText.Add(myTabItem); //Search for the root tab in current array PageStripDetails rootTab; for (int i = 0; i < tabList.Count; i++) { rootTab = (PageStripDetails) tabList[i]; if (rootTab.PageID == parentTabID) { parentTabID = rootTab.ParentPageID; if (test != rootTab.PageID) { PageItem myItem = new PageItem(); myItem.ID = rootTab.PageID; myItem.Name = rootTab.PageName; myItem.Order = rootTab.PageOrder; _breadCrumbsText.Add(myItem); } if (parentTabID != 0) i = -1; else return _breadCrumbsText; } } return _breadCrumbsText; }
protected void SaveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsValid) { return; } PageItem page = CurrentPage; if (page == null) { page = new PageItem(ParentPage); } page.DisplayName = Name.Text.Trim(); page.UrlSegment = UrlSegment.Text.Trim(); page.BindedDomains = BindedDomains.Text.Trim(); page.VisibleInMenu = VisibleInMenu.Checked; page.Published = Published.Checked; page.UpdateLayout(TemplateManager.FindLayout(CurrentLayout.Text)); page.UniqueName = PageUniqueName.Text.Trim(); page.IsDeletable = Deletable.Checked; if (CurrentSkin.Text.Length > 0) { page.Skin = TemplateManager.FindSkin(CurrentSkin.Text); } else { page.Skin = null; } if (!IsEditing) { if (ParentPage != null) { ParentPage.Pages.Add(page); ParentPage.Pages.AdjustOrders(false); } else { var rootPages = PageCache.From(NhSession).RootPages; if (rootPages.Any()) page.Order = rootPages.Max(it => it.Order) + 1; NhSession.Save(page); } } page.ModifiedTime = DateTime.Now; NhSession.Commit(); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Success", String.Format("onSaved('{0}', {1}, {2}, {3}, '{4}', \"{5}\");", page.DisplayName, page.Id, ParentPageId, CurrentPage == null ? "false" : "true", TreeNode.GetNodeImageUrl(page), new PageItemView(page).ToJson().Replace("\"", """) ), true); }
static void AddNode(PageItem page, TreeNode node) { foreach (var child in page.Pages) { var childNode = CreateNode(child); node.Nodes.Add(childNode); AddNode(child, childNode); } }