public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { LobbyClient cclient = (LobbyClient)client; Byte slotId = packet.GetUint8(); CharacterEntry character = Databases.CharacterTable.SingleOrDefault(c => c.AccountIndex == cclient.Account.Index && c.Slot == slotId); if (character.Index < 1) Log.Error(cclient.Account.Username, "Wrong slot specified!"); World.World info = null; lock (Program.worldListener.Worlds) { Program.worldListener.Worlds.TryGetValue((uint)character.World, out info); } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_WORLD_ENTER); if (info == null) Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(1); else { info.Send(new AccountEnter((uint)cclient.Account.Index, (uint)character.Index, cclient.SessionId)); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteByte(info.IP1); Out.WriteByte(info.IP2); Out.WriteByte(info.IP3); Out.WriteByte(info.IP4); Out.WriteUInt16Reverse((UInt16)info.Port); Out.WriteInt64Reverse(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp()); } cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { LobbyClient cclient = (LobbyClient)client; Byte slotId = packet.GetUint8(); Character character = cclient.Characters.Get(slotId); if (character == null) Log.Error(cclient.Account.Email, "Wrong slot specified!"); World.World info = null; lock (Program.worldListener.Worlds) { Program.worldListener.Worlds.TryGetValue(character.WorldId, out info); } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_WORLD_ENTER); if (info == null) Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(1); else { info.Send(new AccountEnter(cclient.Account.Id, character.Id, cclient.SessionId)); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteByte(info.IP1); Out.WriteByte(info.IP2); Out.WriteByte(info.IP3); Out.WriteByte(info.IP4); Out.WriteUInt16Reverse((UInt16)info.Port); Out.WriteInt64Reverse(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp()); } cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { WorldClient cclient = (WorldClient)client; PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.LFG); if (cclient.LFG == 0) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE `clientstatus` SET `lfg` = 1 WHERE `name` = @name", WorldServer.Database.Connection.Instance); try { cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", cclient.Name); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (MySqlException e) { FrameWork.Logger.Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { cmd.Dispose(); } cclient.LFG = 1; Out.WriteByte(1); } else if (cclient.LFG == 1) { MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE `clientstatus` SET `lfg` = 0 WHERE `name` = @name", WorldServer.Database.Connection.Instance); try { cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", cclient.Name); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (MySqlException e) { FrameWork.Logger.Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { cmd.Dispose(); } cclient.LFG = 0; Out.WriteByte(0); } cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public static void Send(LobbyClient client) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_LOGIN_SUCCESS); Out.WriteParsedString("Welcome to rebornAPB", 48); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(client.Account.IsAdmin); Out.WriteInt64Reverse(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp()); Out.WriteByte(0x13); Out.WriteByte(0x29); Out.WriteUInt16Reverse(0x12); Out.WriteByte(0x0E); Out.WriteByte(0x07); Out.WriteUInt16Reverse(9999); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(1450); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)client.Account.RTW_Points); for (int i = 1; i < 6; ++i) Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)client.Account.Index, i, true, "", "")); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0x957D); Out.WriteUInt16(0x0400); Out.WriteUInt16(0x5052); Out.WriteUInt16(0x4F45); Out.WriteUInt16(0x552E); Out.WriteUInt16(0x3232); Out.WriteUInt16(0x3738); Out.WriteUInt16(0x3031); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0x0067); Out.WriteUInt64(0x526C624331313256); Out.WriteUInt64(0x486E314100000000); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteStringBytes(""); Out.WriteByte(0); client.Send(Out); }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { LobbyClient cclient = client as LobbyClient; byte slotId = packet.GetUint8(); Character Info = cclient.Characters.Get(slotId); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("DELETE FROM `clientstatus` WHERE `name` = @name", Connection.Instance); try { cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", Info.Name); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (MySqlException) { } finally { cmd.Dispose(); } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_CHARACTER_INFO); if (Info == null) Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_FAILED); else { Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteByte(Info.Slot); Out.WriteByte(Info.Gender); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(Info.Playtime); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(Info.Rank); Out.WriteByte(Info.Threat); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(Info.Money); Out.WriteParsedString("APB-EMU", 60); byte[] Custom = Info.getCustom(); Out.Write(Custom, 0, Custom.Length); } cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public static void Send(LobbyClient client) { Log.Debug("LOGIN_SALT", "Sent to " + client.Account.Username); client.serverModulus = Auth.computeServerModulus(client.Verifier); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.LOGIN_SALT); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)client.Account.Index); Out.Write(client.serverModulus.B.ToByteArrayUnsigned(), 0, 64); Out.WriteByte(0x40); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.Write(client.Salt, 0, 10); client.Send(Out); }
static public void Send(LobbyClient client) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.LOGIN_PUZZLE); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.Version[0]); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.Version[1]); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.Version[2]); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.Build); Out.WriteByte(0x05); for (int i = 0; i < client.ECrypt.Key.Length; i++) Out.WriteByte(client.ECrypt.Key[i]); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(0); client.SendTCP(Out); }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { WorldClient cclient = (WorldClient)client; UInt32 accountId = packet.GetUint32Reversed(); Log.Debug("AskWorldEnter", "New client! Account = " + accountId); cclient.Account = Databases.AccountTable.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Index == accountId); cclient.Character = Databases.CharacterTable.SingleOrDefault(c => c.AccountIndex == accountId); lock (Program.expectingAccounts) { Program.expectingAccounts.TryGetValue(accountId, out cclient.account); } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_WORLD_ENTER); if (cclient.account == null) Out.WriteInt32Reverse((int)ResponseCodes.RC_FAILED); else { Out.WriteInt32Reverse((int)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(cclient.account.Character); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)cclient.Account.RTW_Points); Out.WriteByte(cclient.Account.IsAdmin); Out.WriteInt64Reverse(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp()); Out.WriteFloat(5.00f); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 1, false, Program.WorldName, cclient.account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 2, false, Program.WorldName, cclient.account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 3, false, Program.WorldName, cclient.account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 4, false, Program.WorldName, cclient.account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 5, false, Program.WorldName, cclient.account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(cclient.Character.LFG); } cclient.Crypto = new TCP.Encryption(cclient.account.SessionId); cclient.Send(new DISTRICT_LIST()); cclient.Send(Out); lock (Program.expectingAccounts) { foreach (KeyValuePair<uint, Acc> a in Program.expectingAccounts) { if (a.Value == cclient.account) { Program.expectingAccounts.Remove(a.Key); break; } } } return 0; }
public static void Send(LobbyClient client) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.LOGIN_PUZZLE); if(Program.version == GameVersion.RTW_CB) { Out.WriteInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(6); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(509927); } else if(Program.version == GameVersion.RTW_DVD) { Out.WriteInt32Reverse(1); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(1); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(534979); } else if (Program.version == GameVersion.RTW_LAST) { Out.WriteInt32Reverse(1); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(4); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(1); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(555239); } else if (Program.version == GameVersion.G1_LATEST) { Out.WriteInt32Reverse(1); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(19); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(4); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(766569); } else if (Program.version == GameVersion.G1_ENGUPD) { Out.WriteInt32Reverse(2); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(750394); } Out.WriteByte(0x05); for (int i = 0; i < client.ECrypt.Key.Length; i++) Out.WriteByte(client.ECrypt.Key[i]); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(0); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(0); client.SendTCP(Out); }
static public void Send(LobbyClient client) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.WORLD_LIST); Out.WriteInt32Reverse((int)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); lock (Program.worldListener.Worlds) { Out.WriteUInt16Reverse((UInt16)Program.worldListener.Worlds.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair<UInt32, World.World> info in Program.worldListener.Worlds) { Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((UInt32)info.Key); Out.WriteParsedString(info.Value.Name, 32); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(info.Value.Population); Out.WriteByte(info.Value.EnforcerRecommended ? (Byte)1 : (Byte)0); Out.WriteByte(info.Value.CriminalRecommended ? (Byte)1 : (Byte)0); } } client.Send(Out); }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { WorldClient cclient = (WorldClient)client; PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.LFG); if (cclient.Character.LFG == 0) { cclient.Character.LFG = 1; Databases.CharacterTable.Update(cclient.Character); Out.WriteByte(1); } else if (cclient.Character.LFG == 1) { cclient.Character.LFG = 0; Databases.CharacterTable.Update(cclient.Character); Out.WriteByte(0); } cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { LobbyClient cclient = (LobbyClient)client; byte FileId = packet.GetUint8(); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_CONFIGFILE_LOAD); Out.WriteInt32Reverse((int)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteByte(FileId); byte[] Result = ZlibMgr.Compress(Program.FileMgr.GetFileByte((int)cclient.Account.Id, FileId, true, "", "")); cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
static public void Send(LobbyClient client) { client.Characters = Databases.CharacterTable.Select(c => c.AccountIndex == client.Account.Index); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.CHARACTER_LIST); Out.WriteByte((Byte)client.Characters.Count); lock (Program.worldListener.Worlds) { foreach (CharacterEntry chr in client.Characters) { Out.WriteByte(chr.Slot); Out.WriteByte(chr.Faction); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)chr.World); World.World info = null; Program.worldListener.Worlds.TryGetValue((uint)chr.World, out info); if (info != null) Out.WriteParsedString(info.Name, 32); else Out.WriteParsedString("(undefined)", 32); Out.WriteParsedString(chr.Name, 32); } } client.Send(Out); if (client.Characters.Count <= 0) WORLD_LIST.Send(client); }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { LobbyClient cclient = client as LobbyClient; byte slotId = packet.GetUint8(); CharacterEntry Info = Databases.CharacterTable.SingleOrDefault(c => c.AccountIndex == cclient.Account.Index && c.Slot == slotId); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_CHARACTER_INFO); if (Info.Index < 1) Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_FAILED); else { Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteByte(Info.Slot); Out.WriteByte(Info.Gender); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)Info.Playtime); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)Info.Rank); Out.WriteByte(Info.Threat); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)Info.Money); Out.WriteParsedString(Info.Clan, 60); byte[] Custom = getCustom(Info); Out.Write(Custom, 0, Custom.Length); } cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
static public void Send(LobbyClient client) { client.Characters = new Characters(client.Account.Id); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.CHARACTER_LIST); Out.WriteByte(client.Characters.Length); lock (Program.worldListener.Worlds) { foreach (KeyValuePair<Byte, Character> pair in client.Characters.List) { Out.WriteByte(pair.Value.Slot); Out.WriteByte(pair.Value.Faction); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(pair.Value.WorldId); World.World info = null; Program.worldListener.Worlds.TryGetValue(pair.Value.WorldId, out info); if (info != null) Out.WriteParsedString(info.Name, 32); else Out.WriteParsedString("(undefined)", 32); Out.WriteParsedString(pair.Value.Name, 32); } } client.Send(Out); if (client.Characters.Length <= 0) WORLD_LIST.Send(client); }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { LobbyClient cclient = (LobbyClient)client; byte FileId = packet.GetUint8(); UInt32 Version = packet.GetUint32Reversed(); byte[] File = new byte[packet.Length - packet.Position]; packet.Read(File, 0, File.Length); File = ZlibMgr.Decompress(File); Log.Debug("ConfigSave", "Config saved! FileId = " + FileId + " | Version = " + Version + " | Size = " + File.Length); Program.FileMgr.SaveInfo((int)cclient.Account.Index, FileId, File); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_CONFIGFILE_SAVE); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse((uint)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteByte(FileId); Out.Write(File, 0, File.Length); cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteUInt32(id); outpack.WriteString(name); outpack.WriteByte(title); outpack.WriteInt32(leader_id); outpack.WriteString(leader_name); outpack.WriteLong(money); outpack.WriteString(notice); outpack.WriteInt32(list_member.Count); for (int i = 0; i < list_member.Count; i++) { outpack.WriteBuff(list_member[i].GetBuffer()); } return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
/// <summary> /// Sends objective's detailed info in upper right corner of the screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="plr"></param> public void SendFlagInfo(Player plr) { // return; var owningRealm = OwningRealm; var assaultingRealm = AssaultingRealm; var Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_INFO, 32); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)Id); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)owningRealm); //(byte)OwningRealm Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WritePascalString(Name); // // // Out.WriteByte(2); Out.WriteUInt32(0x0000348F); Out.WriteByte((byte)assaultingRealm); // (byte)AssaultingRealm // Expansion for objective goal Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0xFF00); Out.WritePascalString(GetStateText(plr.Realm)); Out.WriteByte(0); switch (State) { case StateFlags.ZoneLocked: case StateFlags.Locked: Out.WritePascalString("This area has been captured by ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), ". The battle wages on elsewhere!"); break; case StateFlags.Contested: if (plr.Realm != OwningRealm) { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is being assaulted by ", GetRealmString(AssaultingRealm), ". Ensure the timer elapses to claim it for your Realm!"); } else { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is being assaulted by ", GetRealmString(AssaultingRealm), ". Reclaim this Battlefield Objective for ", GetRealmString(plr.Realm), "!"); } break; case StateFlags.Secure: if (plr.Realm == OwningRealm) { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is generating resources for ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), ". Defend the flag from enemy assault!"); } else { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is generating resources for ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), ". Claim this Battlefield Objective for ", GetRealmString(plr.Realm), "!"); } break; case StateFlags.Unsecure: Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is open for capture!"); break; default: Out.WritePascalString(""); break; } Out.WriteUInt16(0); // _displayedTimer Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)DisplayedTimer); // Timer on map UI Out.WriteUInt16(0); // _displayedTimer Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)(DisplayedTimer)); // Timer in top right of UI Out.Fill(0, 4); Out.WriteByte(0x71); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.Fill(0, 3); plr.SendPacket(Out); }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteByte(ret); outpack.WriteInt32(play_id); outpack.WriteInt32(legion_id); outpack.WriteLong(money); outpack.WriteUInt32(boss_id); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteInt32(accountid); outpack.WriteBool(IsExit); outpack.WriteString(name); outpack.WriteUInt32(lookface); outpack.WriteUInt32(hair); outpack.WriteByte(level); outpack.WriteInt32(exp); outpack.WriteUInt32(life); outpack.WriteUInt32(mana); outpack.WriteByte(profession); outpack.WriteInt16(pk); outpack.WriteLong(gold); outpack.WriteLong(gamegold); outpack.WriteLong(stronggold); outpack.WriteUInt32(mapid); outpack.WriteInt16(x); outpack.WriteInt16(y); outpack.WriteString(hotkey); outpack.WriteULong(guanjue); outpack.WriteByte(godlevel); outpack.WriteByte(maxeudemon); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the flag object to given player. /// </summary> /// <param name="plr">Player that entered the objective area</param> public override void SendMeTo(Player plr) { var Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CREATE_STATIC, 64); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(_o); Out.WriteUInt16(_z); Out.WriteUInt32(_x); Out.WriteUInt32(_y); ushort displayId; switch (OwningRealm) { case Realms.REALMS_REALM_NEUTRAL: displayId = 3442; break; case Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER: displayId = 3443; break; case Realms.REALMS_REALM_DESTRUCTION: displayId = 3438; break; default: displayId = 3442; break; } Out.WriteUInt16(displayId); Out.WriteUInt16(0x1E); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); BattlefrontLogger.Trace($"{State} / {InteractableFor(plr)}"); if (InteractableFor(plr)) { BattlefrontLogger.Trace($"4"); Out.WriteUInt16(4); } else { BattlefrontLogger.Trace($"0"); Out.WriteUInt16(0); } Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(100); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WritePascalString("Battlefield Objective"); Out.WriteByte(0); plr.SendPacket(Out); // does nothing : base.SendMeTo(plr); }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteInt32(id); outpack.WriteByte(friendtype); outpack.WriteUInt32(friendid); outpack.WriteString(friendname); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
private void Explosion(GroundTarget gt) { //play explosion effect PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CAST_PLAYER_EFFECT, 30); Out.WriteUInt16(gt.Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(gt.Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(14054); Out.WriteByte((byte)1); Out.WriteByte((byte)0); Out.WriteByte((byte)5); Out.WriteByte((byte)0); Region.DispatchPacket(Out, gt.WorldPosition, 1200); //since game objets are sent to players within 400feet, send explosion effect to players further away (Explosion wont play to dead players) for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { foreach (Player plr in Players[i]) { if (plr == null || plr.IsDisposed || !plr.IsInWorld()) { continue; } if (plr.GetDistanceTo(gt.WorldPosition) > 500) { plr.PlayEffect(1272, gt.WorldPosition); } } } var startTime = DateTime.Now; AbilityDamageInfo damageThisPass = new AbilityDamageInfo { Entry = 14050, DisplayEntry = 0, DamageType = DamageTypes.RawDamage, MinDamage = (ushort)(30000), MaxDamage = (ushort)(30000), CastPlayerSubID = 0 }; double explosionTime = 5000; double explosionSize = 190; EvtInterface.AddEvent(() => { var elapsed = DateTime.Now.Subtract(startTime).TotalMilliseconds; var expSize = explosionSize * elapsed / explosionTime; if (elapsed < explosionTime) { foreach (var plr in Region.WorldQuery <Player>(gt.WorldPosition, (int)expSize)) { if (plr == null || plr.IsDisposed || !plr.IsInWorld() || plr.IsDead) { continue; } CombatManager.InflictDamage(damageThisPass, 20, plr, plr); } } }, (int)(explosionTime / 20), (int)(20)); }
public void SendSiegeResponse(Player player, SiegeType type, SiegeControlType controlType, byte maxPlayers = 0, string siegeName = null) { if (type == SiegeType.RAM) { maxPlayers = 4; } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INTERACT_RESPONSE); Out.WriteByte(0x18); //siege Out.WriteByte((byte)controlType); //control type LEADER, HELPER, RELEASE Out.WriteByte(0); if (controlType != SiegeControlType.Release) { Out.WriteByte(0x46); //some sort of ID Out.WritePascalString(siegeName); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(0x28); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); if (type == SiegeType.OIL) { Out.WriteByte(0x18); Out.WriteByte(0x6A); } else if (type == SiegeType.GTAOE) { Out.WriteByte(0x18); Out.WriteByte(0x6A); } else if (type == SiegeType.RAM) { Out.WriteByte(0x5B); Out.WriteByte(0x60); } else if (type == SiegeType.SNIPER) { Out.WriteByte(0x18); Out.WriteByte(0x6A); } Out.WriteUInt16(_abilityId); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(04); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(maxPlayers); //player count Out.WriteByte(0x1E); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0x10); Out.WriteByte((byte)type); //aim type Out.WriteByte(0); //time? Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0x27); Out.WriteByte(0x0); } player.SendPacket(Out); }
public void BuildPreMail(PacketOut Out, Character_mail mail) { if (mail == null) { return; } Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)mail.Guid); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)(mail.Opened ? 1 : 0)); Out.WriteByte((byte)(mail.AuctionType == 0 ? 100 : 0)); // Icon ID uint sentTime = (uint)(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp() - mail.SendDate); uint readTime = (uint)(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp() - mail.ReadDate); Out.WriteUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF - sentTime); // LastUpdatedTime Sent Out.WriteUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF - readTime); // LastUpdatedTime Read (not displayed afaik) Out.WriteUInt32((uint)TimeToExpire(mail)); // Seconds left (expire after 28/3 days) if (mail.AuctionType == 0) { Out.WriteByte(0); // 1 = localized name Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteStringToZero(mail.SenderName); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteStringToZero(mail.ReceiverName); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteStringToZero(mail.Title); } else { ushort titleLocal = 0; if (mail.AuctionType == 1) // Refund (outbid) { titleLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SUBJECT_REFUND; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 2) // Complete { titleLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SUBJECT_COMPLETE; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 3) // Cancelled { titleLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SUBJECT_CANCELLED; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 4) // Expired { titleLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SUBJECT_EXPIRED; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 5) // Won { titleLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SUBJECT_WON; } else { titleLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SUBJECT_OTHER; } Out.WriteByte(0x0D); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_SENDER_NAME); Out.Fill(0, 5); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.Fill(0, 3); Out.WriteUInt16(titleLocal); Out.WriteUInt32(0); } if (mail.Cr && mail.Money > 0) { Out.WriteUInt32(0xFFFFFFFF); Out.WriteUInt32(uint.MaxValue - mail.Money + 1); } else { Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32(mail.Money); } Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)mail.Items.Count); if (mail.Items.Count > 0) { Out.WriteByte(0); } if (mail.Items.Count > 8) { Out.WriteByte(0); } foreach (MailItem item in mail.Items) { if (ItemService.GetItem_Info( != null) { Out.WriteUInt32(ItemService.GetItem_Info(; } } }
public void SendMail(Character_mail mail) { if (mail == null) { Log.Error("MailInterface", "Attempted to send NULL mail!"); return; } if (mail.Content == null) { Log.Error("MailInterface", "Mail sent with NULL content!"); return; } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_MAIL); Out.WriteByte(0x0D); if (mail.AuctionType == 0) { Out.WriteByte(0); } else { Out.WriteByte(1); } BuildPreMail(Out, mail); if (mail.AuctionType == 0) { Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)(mail.Content.Length + 1)); Out.WriteStringBytes(mail.Content); Out.WriteByte(0); } else { ushort contentLocal = 0; if (mail.AuctionType == 1) // Refund (outbid) { contentLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_BODY_REFUND_ITEM_X; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 2) // Complete { contentLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_BODY_COMPLETE_ITEM_X; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 3) // Cancelled { contentLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_BODY_CANCELLED; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 4) // Expired { contentLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_BODY_EXPIRED; } else if (mail.AuctionType == 5) // Won { contentLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_BODY_WON_ITEM_X; } else { contentLocal = (ushort)Localized_text.TEXT_AUCTION_MAIL_BODY_OTHER; } Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(contentLocal); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); if (mail.Content.Length == 0) { Out.WriteByte(0); } else { Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WritePascalString(mail.Content); } } Out.WriteByte((byte)mail.Items.Count); foreach (MailItem item in mail.Items) { Item.BuildItem(ref Out, null, null, item, 0, item.count); } GetPlayer().SendPacket(Out); }
public void BuildPreMail(PacketOut Out, Character_mail Mail) { if (Mail == null) { return; } Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)Mail.Guid); Out.WriteUInt16((UInt16)(Mail.Opened ? 1 : 0)); Out.WriteByte(0x64); // Icon ID Out.WriteUInt32(0xFFE4D486); // Time Out.WriteUInt32(0xFFE4D486); // Sent time Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)Mail.CharacterIdSender); // Sender ID Out.WriteByte(0); // 1 = localized name Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Mail.SenderName.Length + 1)); Out.WriteStringBytes(Mail.SenderName); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Mail.ReceiverName.Length + 1)); Out.WriteStringBytes(Mail.ReceiverName); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Mail.Title.Length + 1)); Out.WriteStringBytes(Mail.Title); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32(Mail.Money); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Mail.ItemsReqInfo.Count); if (Mail.ItemsReqInfo.Count > 0) { Out.WriteByte(0); } if (Mail.ItemsReqInfo.Count > 8) { Out.WriteByte(0); } foreach (Character_items item in Mail.ItemsReqInfo) { Out.WriteUInt32(item.ModelId); } }
private void CheckDropOff(GameObject flagDrop, Player capturer) { if (flagDrop == _flagDrops[0]) { if (capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_DESTRUCTION) { capturer.SendClientMessage("This is the enemy realm's flag drop off point", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } } else if (flagDrop == _flagDrops[1]) { if (capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER) { capturer.SendClientMessage("This is the enemy realm's flag drop off point", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } } else { return; } HoldObject destFlag = null; foreach (HoldObject flag in _flags) { if (flag.Holder == capturer) { destFlag = flag; } else if (flag.HeldState != EHeldState.Carried) { capturer.SendClientMessage("You can only drop off the enemy flag if both flags are held", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } } if (destFlag == null) { capturer.SendClientMessage("You are not holding a flag", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } GivePoints((int)capturer.Realm, 50); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAY_SOUND); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? (ushort)0x0C : (ushort)0x332); Out.Fill(0, 10); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { foreach (Player player in Players[i]) { player.SendClientMessage($"{capturer.Name} of {(capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? "Order" : "Destruction")} has dropped off the {}!", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_WHITE); player.SendPacket(Out); } } foreach (HoldObject flag in _flags) { flag.ResetTo(EHeldState.Home); } }
private void CheckCapture(GameObject flagBase, Player capturer) { if (flagBase == _flagBases[0]) { if (capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_DESTRUCTION) { capturer.SendClientMessage("This is the enemy realm's flag return point", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } } else if (flagBase == _flagBases[1]) { if (capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER) { capturer.SendClientMessage("This is the enemy realm's flag return point", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } } else { return; } HoldObject destFlag = null; foreach (HoldObject flag in _flags) { if (flag.Holder == capturer) { destFlag = flag; } else if (flag.HeldState != EHeldState.Home) { capturer.SendClientMessage("You cannot capture the enemy flag if your own is held", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } } if (destFlag == null) { capturer.SendClientMessage("You must be holding the flag to capture", ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ABILITY_ERROR); return; } GivePoints((int)capturer.Realm, _captureScore); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAY_SOUND); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? (ushort)0x0C : (ushort)0x332); Out.Fill(0, 10); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { foreach (Player player in Players[i]) { player.SendLocalizeString(new[] { capturer.Name, capturer.Realm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? "Order" : "Destruction", }, ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_WHITE, Localized_text.TEXT_FLAG_CAPTURE); player.SendPacket(Out); } } foreach (HoldObject flag in _flags) { flag.ResetTo(EHeldState.Home); } }
/// <summary> /// Sends the state of the objective in user's map, can announce state changing. /// </summary> /// <param name="plr"></param> /// <param name="announce"></param> /// <param name="update"></param> public void SendFlagState(Player plr, bool announce, bool update = true) { if (!Loaded) { return; } var flagState = GetStateFlags(); var Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_STATE, 16); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)Id); if ( State == StateFlags .Contested /*|| (State == StateFlags.Secure && MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS == _secureProgress)*/) { Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)_displayedTimer); Out.Fill(0xFF, 2); Out.WriteUInt16(0); } /*else if (GeneratingSupplies && _tier > 1 && _displayedTimer == 0) * { * Out.Fill(0xFF, 4); * Out.WriteByte(0); * Out.WriteByte((byte)Math.Max(0, _generationTimerEnd - TCPManager.GetTimeStamp())); // Unk6 - time till next resource release * Out.WriteUInt16(175); // Unk7 - vertical offset for drawing overlay - Unk6 may not exceed * }*/ else if (State == StateFlags.Secure) { //Out.Fill(0xFF, 4); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)_displayedTimer); //Out.WriteByte((byte)(SECURE_PROGRESS_MAX - _lastSecureProgress)); // Unk6 - time till next resource release //Out.WriteByte(0); //if (SECURE_PROGRESS_MAX == _lastSecureProgress) //{ // Out.Fill(0xFF, 2); //} else //{ // Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)(SECURE_PROGRESS_MAX - _lastSecureProgress)); // Unk6 - time till next resource release //} Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)(MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS - _secureProgress)); // Unk6 - time till next resource release Out.WriteUInt16( (ushort)MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS); // Unk7 - vertical offset for drawing overlay - Unk6 may not exceed } else { Out.Fill(0xFF, 6); Out.WriteUInt16(0); } Out.WriteByte((byte)OwningRealm); Out.WriteByte(update ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); Out.WriteByte(flagState); Out.WriteByte(0); if (!announce) { if (plr != null) { plr.SendPacket(Out); } else { foreach (var player in Region.Players) { player.SendPacket(Out); } } return; } string message = null; var largeFilter = OwningRealm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ORDER_RVR_MESSAGE : ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_DESTRUCTION_RVR_MESSAGE; PacketOut snd = null; switch (State) { //case StateFlags.Unsecure: // message = string.Concat(Name, " is now open for capture !"); // break; case StateFlags.Contested: if (_lastBroadCastState != State) { _lastBroadCastState = State; _lastSecutedState = false; message = string.Concat(Name, " is under assault by the forces of ", GetRealmString(AssaultingRealm), "!"); } break; case StateFlags.Secure: var securedState = _secureProgress == MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS; if (_lastBroadCastState != State || _lastSecutedState != securedState) { _lastBroadCastState = State; _lastSecutedState = securedState; if (_secureProgress == MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS) { message = string.Concat($"The forces of ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), " have taken ", Name, "!"); snd = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAY_SOUND); snd.WriteByte(0); snd.WriteUInt16(OwningRealm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? (ushort)0x0C : (ushort)0x332); snd.Fill(0, 10); } else { message = string.Concat($"The forces of ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), " are securing ", Name, "!"); } } break; } if (plr != null) { plr.SendPacket(Out); } else { foreach (var player in Region.Players) { player.SendPacket(Out); // Objective's state if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) || !player.CbtInterface.IsPvp) { continue; } // Notify RvR flagged players of activity //player.SendLocalizeString(message, ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_RVR, Localized_text.CHAT_TAG_DEFAULT); //player.SendLocalizeString(message, largeFilter, Localized_text.CHAT_TAG_DEFAULT); if (snd != null) { player.SendPacket(snd); } } } }
public override void SendInteract(Player Plr, InteractMenu Menu) { Log.Success("SendInteract", "" + Name + " -> " + Plr.Name + ",Type=" + InteractType); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_SET_ABILITY_TIMER); Out.WriteByte(0); // 00 Out.WriteByte(1); // 01 Out.WriteByte(1); // 01 Out.WriteByte(5); // 05 Out.WriteUInt16(0); //00 00 Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.GameObjTimer); // 13 88 =5000 Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Plr.SendPacket(Out); if (Spawn.GameObjTimer == 0) { Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_SET_ABILITY_TIMER); Out.WriteByte(0); // 00 Out.WriteByte(1); // 01 Out.WriteByte(1); // 01 Out.WriteUInt16(0); //00 00 Out.WriteUInt16(0); // 13 88 Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Plr.SendPacket(Out); } Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAY_EFFECT); Out.WriteUInt16((UInt16)0x0144); Out.WriteByte(0);// 00 Out.WriteUInt16((UInt16)Spawn.WorldZ); Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)Spawn.WorldX); Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)Spawn.WorldY); Out.WriteUInt16(0x0017);// 00 17 Out.Fill(0, 5); Plr.SendPacket(Out); Tok_Info Info = WorldMgr.GetTok(Spawn.Proto.TokUnlock); if (!IsDead) { Plr.QtsInterface.HandleEvent(Objective_Type.QUEST_USE_GO, Spawn.Entry, 1); } if (Spawn.Proto.TokUnlock != 0) { Plr.TokInterface.AddTok(Info); } Loot Loots = LootsMgr.GenerateLoot(this, Plr); if (Loots != null) { Loots.SendInteract(Plr, Menu); // If object has been looted, make it unlootable // and then Reset its lootable staus in XX seconds if (!Loots.IsLootable()) { Looted = true; foreach (Object Obj in this._ObjectRanged) { if (Obj.IsPlayer()) { this.SendMeTo(Obj.GetPlayer()); } } EvtInterface.AddEvent(ResetLoot, RELOOTABLE_TIME, 1); } } if (Spawn.DoorId != 0) { if (DoorOpen) { CloseDoor(); } else { OpenDoor(); } } base.SendInteract(Plr, Menu); }
/// <summary> /// Sends objective's detailed info in upper right corner of the screen. /// </summary> /// <param name="plr"></param> public void SendFlagInfo(Player plr) { // return; var owningRealm = OwningRealm; var assaultingRealm = AssaultingRealm; if (_tier == 4) { var prFrnt = (ProximityProgressingBattlefront)Region.Bttlfront; if (prFrnt != null && ZoneId != prFrnt.Zones[prFrnt._battlefrontStatus.OpenZoneIndex].ZoneId) { owningRealm = OwningRealm; assaultingRealm = OwningRealm; } } // Log.Info("Name", ID.ToString()); // Log.Info("OwningRealm", Enum.GetName(typeof(Realms), owningRealm)); // Log.Info("AssaultingRealm", Enum.GetName(typeof(Realms), assaultingRealm)); var Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_INFO, 32); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)Id); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)owningRealm); //(byte)OwningRealm Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WritePascalString(Name); // // // Out.WriteByte(2); Out.WriteUInt32(0x0000348F); Out.WriteByte((byte)assaultingRealm); // (byte)AssaultingRealm // Expansion for objective goal Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0xFF00); Out.WritePascalString(GetStateText(plr.Realm)); Out.WriteByte(0); switch (State) { case StateFlags.ZoneLocked: case StateFlags.Locked: Out.WritePascalString("This area has been captured by ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), ". The battle wages on elsewhere!"); break; case StateFlags.Contested: if (plr.Realm != OwningRealm) { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is being assaulted by ", GetRealmString(AssaultingRealm), ". Ensure the timer elapses to claim it for your Realm!"); } else { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is being assaulted by ", GetRealmString(AssaultingRealm), ". Reclaim this Battlefield Objective for ", GetRealmString(plr.Realm), "!"); } break; case StateFlags.Secure: if (plr.Realm == OwningRealm) { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is generating resources for ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), ". Defend the flag from enemy assault!"); } else { Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is generating resources for ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), ". Claim this Battlefield Objective for ", GetRealmString(plr.Realm), "!"); } break; case StateFlags.Unsecure: Out.WritePascalString("This Battlefield Objective is open for capture!"); break; default: Out.WritePascalString(""); break; } // Displayed transition timer in seconds var transitionTimer = _nextTransitionTimestamp == 0 ? (ushort)0 : (ushort)((_nextTransitionTimestamp - TCPManager.GetTimeStampMS()) / 1000); transitionTimer = (ushort)_displayedTimer; // Log.Info("transitionTimer", _displayedTimer.ToString()); Out.WriteUInt16(0); // _displayedTimer Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)_displayedTimer); // _displayedTimer Out.WriteUInt16(0); // _displayedTimer Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)_displayedTimer); // _displayedTimer Out.Fill(0, 4); Out.WriteByte(0x71); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.Fill(0, 3); plr.SendPacket(Out); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Cancels the currently casting ability.</para> /// <para>If FailCode is specified, will display a message on the client.</para> /// <para>If FailCode is omitted, will reset the client's GCD and ability-specific cooldown.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="failCode"></param> public void CancelCast(ushort failCode, bool force = true) { if (_inCastCompletion) { return; } if (_channelHandler.HasInfo()) { // Cannot interrupt morale channels if (AbInfo.SpecialCost == -4 && !force) { return; } _channelHandler.Interrupt(); } else { if (failCode == (ushort)AbilityResult.ABILITYRESULT_NOTVISIBLECLIENT && (TCPManager.GetTimeStampMS() - _castStartTime) > AbInfo.CastTime * 0.75f) { return; } // Interruptions on spells with a cast time reset the GCD if (AbInfo.CastTime > 0 && _abInterface.Cooldowns.ContainsKey(0)) { _abInterface.Cooldowns.Remove(0); } } if (AbInfo == null) { Log.Error("Ability System", "Cancellation on NULL ABILITY - Caster is " + _caster.Name); return; } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_USE_ABILITY, 20); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(AbInfo.Entry); Out.WriteUInt16(_caster.Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(AbInfo.ConstantInfo.EffectID); Out.WriteUInt16(AbInfo.Target?.Oid ?? 0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteUInt16(failCode); // If a value is sent here, the GCD and cooldown will both reset. // TODO: Experiment with positive values. if (failCode == 0) { Out.WriteInt16((short)-(TCPManager.GetTimeStampMS() - _castStartTime)); } else { Out.WriteInt16(0); } Out.WriteByte(_castSequence); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); _caster.DispatchPacket(Out, force); // This packet hides the cast bar when a spell is cast, so I guess it signals the end of the ability. // Seems to be sent on forced interrupts and on instant cast ability completion. if (force) { Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_UPDATE_STATE, 10); Out.WriteUInt16(_caster.Oid); Out.WriteByte((byte)StateOpcode.CastCompletion); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(AbInfo.Entry); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); (_caster as Player)?.SendPacket(Out); } Clear(); }
public void HandleEvent(Player player, Objective_Type type, uint entry, int count, ushort contributionGain, string pqGoClicked = null) { if (Stage == null) { return; } byte objid = 0; string objectID = "0"; foreach (PQuestObjective obj in Stage.Objectives) { if (obj.IsDone()) { objid++; continue; } if (obj.Objective.Type != (int)type) { objid++; continue; } int oldCount = obj.Count; switch (type) { case Objective_Type.QUEST_SPEAK_TO: case Objective_Type.QUEST_KILL_MOB: uint outVal = 0; //More than one type of NPC can count to the same PQ objective kill count if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && (UInt32.TryParse(obj.Objective.ObjectId, out outVal) && Convert.ToUInt32(obj.Objective.ObjectId) == entry)) { objectID = obj.Objective.ObjectId; obj.Count += count; break; } if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && (UInt32.TryParse(obj.Objective.ObjectId2, out outVal) && Convert.ToUInt32(obj.Objective.ObjectId2) == entry)) { objectID = obj.Objective.ObjectId2; obj.Count += count; break; } if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && (UInt32.TryParse(obj.Objective.ObjectId3, out outVal) && Convert.ToUInt32(obj.Objective.ObjectId3) == entry)) { objectID = obj.Objective.ObjectId3; obj.Count += count; break; } if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && (UInt32.TryParse(obj.Objective.ObjectId4, out outVal) && Convert.ToUInt32(obj.Objective.ObjectId4) == entry)) { objectID = obj.Objective.ObjectId4; obj.Count += count; break; } if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && (UInt32.TryParse(obj.Objective.ObjectId4, out outVal) && Convert.ToUInt32(obj.Objective.ObjectId5) == entry)) { objectID = obj.Objective.ObjectId4; obj.Count += count; break; } if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && (UInt32.TryParse(obj.Objective.ObjectId4, out outVal) && Convert.ToUInt32(obj.Objective.ObjectId6) == entry)) { objectID = obj.Objective.ObjectId4; obj.Count += count; break; } break; case Objective_Type.QUEST_PROTECT_UNIT: if (obj.Objective.Creature != null && entry == obj.Objective.Creature.Entry) { obj.Count += count; } break; case Objective_Type.QUEST_USE_GO: if (obj.Objective.GameObject != null && entry == obj.Objective.GameObject.Entry) { // This will turn off Interactable flag on clicked GO, some more work can be // done with GO despawning and UNKs[3] unk modification // Default respawn time: 60 seconds Object target = player.CbtInterface.GetCurrentTarget(); if (target != null) { GameObject go = target.GetGameObject(); if (go != null && go.IsGameObject()) { if (go.Spawn.AllowVfxUpdate == 1) { go.VfxState = 1; } go.Interactable = false; go.EvtInterface.AddEvent(MakeGOInteractable, 60000, 1, target); } } obj.Count += count; } break; case Objective_Type.QUEST_KILL_GO: if (obj.Objective.GameObject != null && entry == obj.Objective.GameObject.Entry) { obj.Count += count; } break; case Objective_Type.QUEST_UNKNOWN: if (obj.Objective.Guid == entry) { obj.Count += count; } break; } if (obj.Count != oldCount) { if (player != null) { uint influenceid; if (Info.Type == 0 && player.CurrentArea != null) { if (player.Realm == GameData.Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER) { influenceid = player.CurrentArea.OrderInfluenceId; } else { influenceid = player.CurrentArea.DestroInfluenceId; } } else // normaly we should only use the area inf but to not break every pq we keep it like this for now { influenceid = Info.ChapterId; } if (player.WorldGroup == null) { player.AddInfluence((ushort)influenceid, (ushort)(100)); } else { player.WorldGroup.AddInfluenceCount(player, (ushort)influenceid, (ushort)(100 * player.WorldGroup.GetPlayersCloseTo(player, 300).Count)); } if (!Players.ContainsKey(player.CharacterId)) { Players.Add(player.CharacterId, new ContributionInfo(player)); } if (Players.ContainsKey(player.CharacterId)) { Players[player.CharacterId].BaseContribution += contributionGain; Players[player.CharacterId].ActiveTimeEnd = TCPManager.GetTimeStamp() + 5; } } else { foreach (uint plr in ActivePlayers) { if (Players.ContainsKey(plr)) { Players[plr].BaseContribution += contributionGain; } } } foreach (uint plr in ActivePlayers) { Player targPlayer = Player.GetPlayer(plr); if (targPlayer != null) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_UPDATE); Out.WriteUInt32(Info.Entry); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(Info.Type); //realm Out.WriteUInt32(UInt32.Parse(Stage.Objectives.First().Objective.ObjectId)); //ephermal id, sent in main packet for PQ_INFO Out.WriteByte(objid); //index of objective to update Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)obj.Count); // new total targPlayer.SendPacket(Out); } } } objid++; } if (Stage.IsDone()) { NextStage(); } }
static public void F_PLAYER_STATE2(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { GameClient cclient = client as GameClient; if (cclient.Plr == null || !cclient.Plr.IsInWorld()) return; Player Plr = cclient.Plr; try { long Pos = packet.Position; PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAYER_STATE2); Out.Write(packet.ToArray(), (int)packet.Position, (int)packet.Size); Out.WriteByte(0); Plr.DispatchPacket(Out, false); packet.Position = Pos; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("F_PLAYER_STATE2", e.ToString()); } if (packet.Size < 17) { Plr.IsMoving = false; return; } UInt16 Key = packet.GetUint16(); byte MoveByte = packet.GetUint8(); byte UnkByte = packet.GetUint8(); byte CombatByte = packet.GetUint8(); byte RotateByte = packet.GetUint8(); UInt16 Heading = packet.GetUint16R(); UInt16 X = packet.GetUint16R(); UInt16 Y = packet.GetUint16R(); byte Unk1 = packet.GetUint8(); UInt16 Z = packet.GetUint16R(); //byte Unk2 = packet.GetUint8(); Heading /= 8; X /= 2; Y /= 2; Z /= 2; if (CombatByte >= 50 && CombatByte < 0x92 || CombatByte == 0xDF) { if (Plr.LastCX != 0 && Plr.LastCY != 0) { if (Plr.LastCX > 12288 && X < 4096) Plr.SetOffset((ushort)(Plr.XOffset + 1), Plr.YOffset); else if (X > 12288 && Plr.LastCX < 4096) Plr.SetOffset((ushort)(Plr.XOffset - 1), Plr.YOffset); if (Plr.LastCY > 24576 && Y < 8192) Plr.SetOffset(Plr.XOffset, (ushort)(Plr.YOffset + 1)); else if (Y > 24576 && Plr.LastCY < 8192) Plr.SetOffset(Plr.XOffset, (ushort)(Plr.YOffset - 1)); } Plr.LastCX = X; Plr.LastCY = Y; X = Plr.Zone.CalculCombat(X, Plr.XOffset, true); Y = Plr.Zone.CalculCombat(Y, Plr.YOffset, false); Heading /= 2; Z += 32768; Z /= 4; } else { if (Plr.LastX != 0 && Plr.LastY != 0) { if (Plr.LastX > 24576 && X < 4096) Plr.SetOffset((ushort)(Plr.XOffset + 1), Plr.YOffset); else if (Plr.LastX < 4096 && X > 24576) Plr.SetOffset((ushort)(Plr.XOffset - 1), Plr.YOffset); if (Plr.LastY > 24576 && Y < 4096) Plr.SetOffset(Plr.XOffset, (ushort)(Plr.YOffset + 1)); else if (Plr.LastY < 4096 && Y > 24576) Plr.SetOffset(Plr.XOffset, (ushort)(Plr.YOffset - 1)); } Plr.LastX = X; Plr.LastY = Y; X = Plr.Zone.CalculPin(X, Plr.XOffset, true); Y = Plr.Zone.CalculPin(Y, Plr.YOffset, false); } Plr.SetPosition(X, Y, Z, Heading); }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteUInt32(gameid); outpack.WriteInt32(key); outpack.WriteInt32(key2); outpack.WriteByte(ret); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
public byte[] BuildRealms(uint sequence) { try { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)0); Out.Position = 0; Out.WriteUInt32(sequence); Out.WriteUInt16(0); lock (_Realms) { Log.Info("BuildRealm", "Envoi de " + _Realms.Count + " royaumes"); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)_Realms.Count); foreach (Realm Rm in _Realms.Values) { Out.WriteByte(Rm.RealmId); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Rm.RpcId != 0 ? 1 : 0)); Out.WriteUInt32(1); Out.WriteByte(Rm.RealmId); Out.WriteByte(Rm.RealmId); Out.WriteString("[" + Rm.Language + "] " + Rm.Name); Out.WriteUInt32(19); Out.WriteString("setting.allow_trials"); Out.WriteString(Rm.AllowTrials); Out.WriteString("setting.charxferavailable"); Out.WriteString(Rm.CharfxerAvailable); Out.WriteString("setting.language"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Language); Out.WriteString("setting.legacy"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Legacy); Out.WriteString("setting.manualbonus.realm.destruction"); Out.WriteString(Rm.BonusDestruction); Out.WriteString("setting.manualbonus.realm.order"); Out.WriteString(Rm.BonusOrder); Out.WriteString(""); Out.WriteString(Rm.Name); Out.WriteString(""); Out.WriteString(Rm.Adresse); Out.WriteString(""); Out.WriteString(Rm.Port.ToString()); Out.WriteString("setting.redirect"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Redirect); Out.WriteString("setting.region"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Region); Out.WriteString("setting.retired"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Retired); Out.WriteString("status.queue.Destruction.waiting"); Out.WriteString(Rm.WaitingDestruction); Out.WriteString("status.queue.Order.waiting"); Out.WriteString(Rm.WaitingOrder); Out.WriteString("status.realm.destruction.density"); Out.WriteString(Rm.DensityDestruction); Out.WriteString("status.realm.order.density"); Out.WriteString(Rm.DensityOrder); Out.WriteString("status.servertype.openrvr"); Out.WriteString(Rm.OpenRvr); Out.WriteString("status.servertype.rp"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Rp); Out.WriteString("status.status"); Out.WriteString(Rm.Status); } } Out.WriteUInt32(0); return Out.ToArray(); } catch (Exception e) { return new byte[0]; } }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); // outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); // outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteUInt32(id); outpack.WriteInt32(playerid); outpack.WriteUInt32(itemid); outpack.WriteUInt16(postion); outpack.WriteByte(stronglv); outpack.WriteUInt32(gem1); outpack.WriteUInt32(gem2); outpack.WriteString(forgename); outpack.WriteUInt16(amount); outpack.WriteInt32(war_ghost_exp); outpack.WriteByte(di_attack); outpack.WriteByte(shui_attack); outpack.WriteByte(huo_attack); outpack.WriteByte(feng_attack); outpack.WriteInt32(property); outpack.WriteUInt32(gem3); outpack.WriteInt32(god_strong); outpack.WriteInt32(god_exp); // outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
} // d4 c0 01 public void PersonalScoreboard(ContributionInfo playerRoll, byte bagWon) { Player targPlayer = Player.GetPlayer(playerRoll.PlayerCharId); if (targPlayer == null) { return; } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PQLOOT_TRIGGER, 1723); Out.WriteStringBytes(_publicQuestInfo.Name); Out.Fill(0, 24 - _publicQuestInfo.Name.Length); Out.WriteByte(_bags[gold]); // gold Out.WriteByte(_bags[purple]); Out.WriteByte(_bags[blue]); Out.WriteByte(_bags[green]); Out.WriteByte(_bags[white]); // white Out.Fill(0, 3); ContributionInfo curRoll = playerRoll; Out.WriteStringBytes(targPlayer.Name); Out.Fill(0, 24 - targPlayer.Name.Length); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)curRoll.RandomBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)curRoll.ContributionBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)curRoll.PersistenceBonus); for (int i = 1; i < 24; i++) { Out.Fill(0, 32); } Out.WriteStringBytes(targPlayer.Name); Out.Fill(0, 24 - targPlayer.Name.Length); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.RandomBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.ContributionBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.PersistenceBonus); Out.WriteUInt16(1); // place Out.WriteStringBytes(targPlayer.Name); Out.Fill(0, 24 - targPlayer.Name.Length); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)curRoll.RandomBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)curRoll.ContributionBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)curRoll.PersistenceBonus); Out.WriteByte(1); // ??? Out.WriteByte(curRoll.BagWon); // bag won for (int i = 1; i < 24; i++) { Out.Fill(0, 34); // i just send empty once here } Out.WriteUInt16(1); // place Out.WriteStringBytes(targPlayer.Name); Out.Fill(0, 24 - targPlayer.Name.Length); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.RandomBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.ContributionBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.PersistenceBonus); Out.WriteByte(1); // ??? Out.WriteByte(playerRoll.BagWon); // bag won Out.Fill(0, 2); //Out.WriteUInt16(TIME_PQ_RESET); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(3); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.Fill(0, 27); // // no clue yet seams to be if you didnt won anything you get that item /* * Out.WritePacketString(@"|d4 c0 01 |...d............| |57 61 72 20 43 72 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |War Crest.......| |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........... | * "); */ targPlayer.SendPacket(Out); // Info.SendCurrentStage(plr); } // d4 c0 01
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteInt32(ownerid); outpack.WriteInt32(key); outpack.WriteInt32(key2); outpack.WriteInt32(mListMagic.Count); for (int i = 0; i < mListMagic.Count; i++) { MagicInfo item = mListMagic[i]; outpack.WriteInt32(; outpack.WriteUInt32(item.magicid); outpack.WriteByte(item.level); outpack.WriteUInt32(item.exp); } outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
public override void SendMeTo(Player Plr) { //Log.Success("Creature", "SendMe " + Name); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CREATE_MONSTER); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16((UInt16)Heading); Out.WriteUInt16((UInt16)WorldPosition.Z); Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)WorldPosition.X); Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)WorldPosition.Y); Out.WriteUInt16(0); // Speed Z // 18 Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto.Model1); Out.WriteByte((byte)Spawn.Proto.MinScale); Out.WriteByte(Level); Out.WriteByte(Faction); Out.Fill(0, 4); Out.WriteByte(Spawn.Emote); Out.WriteByte(0); // ? Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto._Unks[1]); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto._Unks[2]); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto._Unks[3]); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto._Unks[4]); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto._Unks[5]); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Proto._Unks[6]); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.Title); long TempPos = Out.Position; byte TempLen = (byte)(Spawn.bBytes.Length + States.Count); Out.WriteByte(TempLen); Out.Write(Spawn.bBytes, 0, Spawn.bBytes.Length); Out.Write(States.ToArray(), 0, States.Count); if (QtsInterface.CreatureHasStartQuest(Plr)) { Out.WriteByte(5); Out.Position = TempPos; Out.WriteByte((byte)(TempLen + 1)); } else if (QtsInterface.CreatureHasQuestToAchieve(Plr)) { Out.WriteByte(4); Out.Position = TempPos; Out.WriteByte((byte)(TempLen + 1)); } else if (QtsInterface.CreatureHasQuestToComplete(Plr)) { Out.WriteByte(7); Out.Position = TempPos; Out.WriteByte((byte)(TempLen + 1)); } Out.Position = Out.Length; Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteStringBytes(Name); Out.Fill(0, 48); Plr.SendPacket(Out); base.SendMeTo(Plr); }
public byte[] GetBuffer() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteUInt32(gameid); outpack.WriteInt32(accountid); outpack.WriteString(name); outpack.WriteUInt32(lookface); outpack.WriteByte(profession); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
public override void SendInteract(Player Plr, InteractMenu Menu) { Plr.QtsInterface.HandleEvent(Objective_Type.QUEST_SPEACK_TO, Spawn.Entry, 1); if (!IsDead) { switch (InteractType) { case GameData.InteractType.INTERACTTYPE_DYEMERCHANT: { string Text = WorldMgr.GetCreatureText(Spawn.Entry); if (Menu.Menu == 9) // List des objets a vendre { WorldMgr.SendVendor(Plr, Spawn.Entry); } else if (Menu.Menu == 11) // Achat d'un item { WorldMgr.BuyItemVendor(Plr, Menu, Spawn.Entry); } else if (Menu.Menu == 14) // Vend un Item { Plr.ItmInterface.SellItem(Menu); } else if (Menu.Menu == 36) // Rachette un item { Plr.ItmInterface.BuyBackItem(Menu); } else { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INTERACT_RESPONSE); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0x40); // Dye Out.WriteByte(0x22); // Vendors Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WritePascalString(Text); Out.WriteByte(0); Plr.SendPacket(Out); } } break; case GameData.InteractType.INTERACTTYPE_FLIGHT_MASTER: { byte[] data = new byte[62] { 0x01, 0xF4, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x64, 0x42, 0x39, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE3, 0x03, 0x39, 0xA0, 0xD1, 0x6F, 0x00, 0xC8, 0xA8, 0x1D, 0x37, 0x28, 0x94, 0x79, 0x33, 0xB2, 0x24, 0x32, 0x44, 0xDB, 0xD7, 0x1C, 0x5D, 0x18, 0x5D, 0xDD, 0x1C, 0xA4, 0x0D, 0x00, 0x00, 0xA8, 0x6B, 0x21, 0x36, 0x11, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC8, 0xD0, 0xAF, 0x3A, 0x78, 0xD1, 0x6F, 0x00 }; UInt16 Counts = 1; PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INTERACT_RESPONSE); Out.WriteUInt16(0x0A12); foreach (Zone_Taxi Taxi in WorldMgr.GetTaxis(Plr)) { Out.WriteUInt16(Counts); Out.WriteByte(2); Out.WriteUInt16(Taxi.Info.Price); Out.WriteUInt16(Taxi.Info.ZoneId); Out.WriteByte(1); ++Counts; } Out.Write(data); Plr.SendPacket(Out); } break; case GameData.InteractType.INTERACTTYPE_TRAINER: { if (Menu.Menu == 7) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INTERACT_RESPONSE); Out.WriteByte(5); Out.WriteByte(0x0F); Out.WriteByte(6); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Plr.SendPacket(Out); } else { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INTERACT_RESPONSE); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); if (Plr.Realm == GameData.Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER) { Out.WritePacketString(@"|00 00 00 21 00 94 48 61 69 6C |.........!..Hail| |20 64 65 66 65 6E 64 65 72 20 6F 66 20 74 68 65 | defender of the| |20 45 6D 70 69 72 65 21 20 20 59 6F 75 72 20 70 | Empire! Your p| |65 72 66 6F 72 6D 61 6E 63 65 20 69 6E 20 62 61 |erformance in ba| |74 74 6C 65 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 6F 6E 6C 79 |ttle is the only| |20 74 68 69 6E 67 20 74 68 61 74 20 6B 65 65 70 | thing that keep| |73 20 74 68 65 20 68 6F 72 64 65 73 20 6F 66 20 |s the hordes of | |43 68 61 6F 73 20 61 74 20 62 61 79 2E 20 4C 65 |Chaos at bay. Le| |74 27 73 20 62 65 67 69 6E 20 79 6F 75 72 20 74 |t's begin your t| |72 61 69 6E 69 6E 67 20 61 74 20 6F 6E 63 65 21 |raining at once!| |00 |. |"); } else { Out.WritePacketString(@"|00 00 00 21 00 AA 4C 65 61 72 |.........!..Lear| |6E 20 74 68 65 73 65 20 6C 65 73 73 6F 6E 73 20 |n these lessons | |77 65 6C 6C 2C 20 66 6F 72 20 67 61 69 6E 69 6E |well, for gainin| |67 20 74 68 65 20 66 61 76 6F 72 20 6F 66 20 74 |g the favor of t| |68 65 20 52 61 76 65 6E 20 67 6F 64 20 73 68 6F |he Raven god sho| |75 6C 64 20 62 65 20 6F 66 20 75 74 6D 6F 73 74 |uld be of utmost| |20 69 6D 70 6F 72 74 61 6E 63 65 20 74 6F 20 79 | importance to y| |6F 75 2E 20 4F 74 68 65 72 77 69 73 65 2E 2E 2E |ou. Otherwise...| |20 54 68 65 72 65 20 69 73 20 61 6C 77 61 79 73 | There is always| |20 72 6F 6F 6D 20 66 6F 72 20 6D 6F 72 65 20 53 | room for more S| |70 61 77 6E 20 77 69 74 68 69 6E 20 6F 75 72 20 |pawn within our | |72 61 6E 6B 73 2E 00 |....... |"); } Plr.SendPacket(Out); } } break; case GameData.InteractType.INTERACTTYPE_BANKER: { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INTERACT_RESPONSE); Out.WriteByte(0x1D); Out.WriteByte(0); Plr.SendPacket(Out); } break; default: QtsInterface.HandleInteract(Plr, this, Menu); break; } ; } base.SendInteract(Plr, Menu); }
public byte[] GetBuff() { PacketOut outpack = new PacketOut(); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.HEAD); outpack.WriteUInt16(mParam); outpack.WriteByte(mType); outpack.WriteString(text); outpack.WriteBuff(InternalPacket.TAIL); return outpack.GetBuffer(); }
static public void BuildItem(ref PacketOut Out, Item Itm, Item_Info Info, ushort SlotId, ushort Count) { SlotId = SlotId == 0 ? (Itm == null ? SlotId : Itm.SlotId) : SlotId; Count = Count == 0 ? (Itm == null ? Count : Itm.Count) : Count; Info = Info == null ? (Itm == null ? null : Itm.Info) : Info; if (SlotId != 0) { Out.WriteUInt16(SlotId); } Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)(Info != null ? Info.Entry : 0)); if (Info == null) { return; } Out.WriteUInt32(Info.ModelId); Out.WriteUInt16(Info.SlotId); Out.WriteByte(Info.Type); Out.WriteByte(Info.MinRank); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Info.MinRank + 1)); // 1.3.5 Out.WriteByte(Info.MinRenown); // 1.3.5 Out.WriteByte(Info.MinRenown); Out.WriteByte(Info.MinRenown); Out.WriteByte(Info.Rarity); Out.WriteByte(Info.Bind); Out.WriteByte(Info.Race); Out.WriteUInt32(Info.Career); Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32(Info.SellPrice); Out.WriteUInt16((UInt16)(Count > 0 ? Count : 1)); Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32(Info.Skills); Out.WriteUInt16(Info.Dps > 0 ? Info.Dps : Info.Armor); Out.WriteUInt16(Info.Speed); Out.WritePascalString(Info.Name); Out.WriteByte((byte)Info._Stats.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <byte, UInt16> Key in Info._Stats) { Out.WriteByte(Key.Key); Out.WriteUInt16(Key.Value); Out.Fill(0, 5); } Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); // SpellCounts // (uint32)Entry, uint16 X, uint16 Y Out.WriteByte(0); // Artisana Info , 3 bytes pour chaque artisana Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(Info.TalismanSlots); for (int i = 0; i < Info.TalismanSlots; ++i) { Out.WriteUInt32(0); // Entry; } Out.WritePascalString(Info.Description); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0x0302); Out.Fill(0, 8); Out.WriteByte(0); // Type , Culture, etc etc Out.WriteByte(0); // Type, Recipian , Soil , etc etc Out.Fill(0, 11); }
public static void F_CONNECT(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { Log.Success("F_CONNECT", "Entering F_CONNECT " + client.Id.ToString() + " " + packet.Opcode.ToString()); GameClient cclient = (GameClient)client; packet.Skip(8); uint Tag = packet.GetUint32(); string Token = packet.GetString(80); packet.Skip(21); string Username = packet.GetString(23); // TODO AuthResult Result = Program.AcctMgr.CheckToken(Username, Token); #if DEBUG Result = AuthResult.AUTH_SUCCESS; #endif if (Result == AuthResult.AUTH_ACCT_SUSPENDED) { Log.Error("F_CONNECT", "Banned Account =" + Username); cclient.Disconnect("Banned account"); } else if (Result != AuthResult.AUTH_SUCCESS) { Log.Error("F_CONNECT", "Invalid Token =" + Username + " " + Result); // Kick people who spam the god damn button for 5 minutes straight before they clock on. PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAYER_QUIT, 4); Out.WriteHexStringBytes("01000000"); cclient.SendPacket(Out); cclient.Disconnect("Invalid token"); } else { cclient._Account = Program.AcctMgr.GetAccount(Username); if (cclient._Account == null) { Log.Error("F_CONNECT", "Invalid Account =" + Username); cclient.Disconnect("Invalid account"); } else { Log.Success("F_CONNECT", "MeId=" + cclient.Id); GameClient Other = ((TCPServer)cclient.Server).GetClientByAccount(cclient, cclient._Account.AccountId); if (Other != null) { Other.Disconnect("Failed to get GameClient for account"); } // Check if ip is banned. (they may have been just banned so launcher server wouldnt have picked it up) if (!Program.AcctMgr.CheckIp(cclient.GetIp().Split(':')[0])) { Log.Error("F_CONNECT", "Banned IP =" + Username); cclient.Disconnect("Banned by IP"); } // Load characters before connection instead of later on CharMgr.LoadCharacters(cclient._Account.AccountId); { cclient.PacketLog = cclient._Account.PacketLog; PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.S_CONNECTED, 48); Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteUInt32(Tag); Out.WriteByte(Program.Rm.RealmId); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); // TRANSFER_FLAG (1 - Low population transfers...) Out.WritePascalString(Username); Out.WritePascalString(Program.Rm.Name); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); cclient.SendPacket(Out); } } } }
public override void SendMeTo(Player plr) { // Log.Info("STATIC", "Creating static oid=" + Oid + " name=" + Name + " x=" + Spawn.WorldX + " y=" + Spawn.WorldY + " z=" + Spawn.WorldZ + " doorID=" + Spawn.DoorId); PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CREATE_STATIC, 46 + (Name?.Length ?? 0)); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(VfxState); //ie: red glow, open door, lever pushed, etc Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Spawn.WorldO); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Spawn.WorldZ); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)Spawn.WorldX); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)Spawn.WorldY); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Spawn.DisplayID); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Spawn.GetUnk(0) >> 8)); // Get the database if the value hasnt been changed (currently only used for keep doors) if (Realm == GameData.Realms.REALMS_REALM_NEUTRAL) { Out.WriteByte((byte)(Spawn.GetUnk(0) & 0xFF)); } else { Out.WriteByte((byte)Realm); } Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.GetUnk(1)); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.GetUnk(2)); Out.WriteByte(Spawn.Unk1); int flags = Spawn.GetUnk(3); if (Realm != GameData.Realms.REALMS_REALM_NEUTRAL && !IsInvulnerable) { flags |= 8; // Attackable (stops invalid target errors) } LootContainer lootsContainer = LootsMgr.GenerateLoot(this, plr, 1); if ((lootsContainer != null && lootsContainer.IsLootable()) || ((plr.QtsInterface.PublicQuest != null) && Interactable) || (plr.QtsInterface.GameObjectNeeded(Spawn.Entry) && Interactable) || Spawn.Entry == 188 || Spawn.DoorId != 0) { flags |= 4; // Interactable } if (Flags.HasValue) { Out.WriteUInt16(Flags.Value); } else { Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)flags); } Out.WriteByte(Spawn.Unk2); Out.WriteUInt32(Spawn.Unk3); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.GetUnk(4)); Out.WriteUInt16(Spawn.GetUnk(5)); Out.WriteUInt32(Spawn.Unk4); Out.WritePascalString(Name); if (Spawn.DoorId != 0) { Out.WriteByte(0x04); Out.WriteUInt32(Spawn.DoorId); } else { Out.WriteByte(0x00); } plr.SendPacket(Out); base.SendMeTo(plr); }
public int HandlePacket(BaseClient client, PacketIn packet) { WorldClient cclient = (WorldClient)client; UInt32 accountId = packet.GetUint32Reversed(); cclient.AccountId = accountId; Log.Debug("AskWorldEnter", "New client! Account = " + accountId); Acc account = null; lock (Program.expectingAccounts) Program.expectingAccounts.TryGetValue(accountId, out account); #region Character stuff MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM `characters` WHERE `id` = @id", WorldServer.Database.Connection.Instance); try { cmd.Prepare(); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", account.Character.ToString()); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader.Read()) { cclient.CharacterId = getID(reader); cclient.Name = getName(reader); cclient.Faction = getFaction(reader); cclient.Gender = getGender(reader); cclient.Rank = getRank(reader); cclient.Money = getMoney(reader); cclient.Threat = getThreat(reader); cclient.Playtime = getPlayTime(reader); cclient.Clan = getClan(reader); cclient.districtID = 0; cclient.districtType = 0; cclient.groupInvite = 0; cclient.groupStatus = 0; cclient.groupPublic = 0; } } catch (MySqlException e) { Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { reader.Dispose(); } } catch (MySqlException e) { Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { cmd.Dispose(); } #endregion #region Account stuff MySqlCommand cmd2 = new MySqlCommand("SELECT * FROM `accounts` WHERE `id` = @id", WorldServer.Database.Connection.Instance); try { cmd2.Prepare(); cmd2.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", accountId.ToString()); cmd2.ExecuteNonQuery(); MySqlDataReader reader2 = cmd2.ExecuteReader(); try { while (reader2.Read()) { cclient.Email = getEmail(reader2); cclient.isGM = getGm(reader2); cclient.isBanned = getBanned(reader2); cclient.Points = getPoints(reader2); } } catch (MySqlException e) { Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { reader2.Dispose(); } } catch (MySqlException e) { Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { cmd2.Dispose(); } #endregion #region Client status MySqlCommand cmd3 = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO `clientstatus` VALUES(@name, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)", WorldServer.Database.Connection.Instance); try { cmd3.Prepare(); cmd3.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", cclient.Name); cmd3.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (MySqlException e) { Log.Error("MySQL", e.ToString()); } finally { cmd3.Dispose(); } #endregion PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((UInt32)Opcodes.ANS_WORLD_ENTER); if (account == null) Out.WriteInt32Reverse((int)ResponseCodes.RC_FAILED); else { Out.WriteInt32Reverse((int)ResponseCodes.RC_SUCCESS); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(account.Character); Out.WriteUInt32Reverse(cclient.Points); Out.WriteByte(cclient.isGM); Out.WriteInt64Reverse(TCPManager.GetTimeStamp()); Out.WriteFloat(5.00f); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 1, false, Program.WorldName, account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 2, false, Program.WorldName, account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 3, false, Program.WorldName, account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 4, false, Program.WorldName, account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteInt32Reverse(Program.FileMgr.GetFileVersion((int)accountId, 5, false, Program.WorldName, account.Character.ToString())); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(cclient.LFG); } cclient.Crypto = new TCP.Encryption(account.SessionId); cclient.Send(new DISTRICT_LIST()); cclient.Send(Out); return 0; }
public override void SendMeTo(Player plr) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CREATE_MONSTER, 128); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(Heading); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)WorldPosition.Z); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)WorldPosition.X); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)WorldPosition.Y); Out.WriteUInt16(0); // Speed Z Out.WriteUInt16(Proto.Model1); // model ID Out.WriteByte(0x32); // scale Out.WriteByte(Owner.Level); Out.WriteByte(Faction); Out.Fill(0, 6); Out.WriteUInt16(1); // Unk5 Out.Fill(0, 13); // State 19? Out.WriteByte(1); // Spawn Length Out.WriteByte(0x19); // Spawn Data Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteCString(Name); Out.WriteUInt32(3); Out.WriteUInt16(0x010A); // Fig leaf data Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(Owner.Oid); Out.WriteByte(18); // Cheating - length of embedded OBJECT_STATE packet which is for heading only Out.WriteByte(5); // Cheating - length of embedded PLAYER_INVENTORY packet which is empty Out.WriteByte(0); // F_OBJECT_STATE 00 Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)X); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Y); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Z); Out.WriteByte(PctHealth); Out.WriteByte(0); // flags Out.WriteByte((byte)Zone.ZoneId); Out.WriteByte(4); // 0 Out.WriteUInt32(3); // 0 Out.WriteUInt16R(Heading); // F_PLAYER_INVENTORY Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); plr.SendPacket(Out); Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_UPDATE_STATE); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(7); Out.Fill(0, 6); plr.SendPacket(Out); base.SendMeTo(plr); }
private void SendBerserkOwner(byte newState) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_INIT_EFFECTS, 20); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(BUFF_ADD); Out.WriteUInt16(0xBDFF); // unk3 Out.WriteUInt16(_Owner.Oid); Out.WriteByte(254); // Buff ID Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16R(_selfBuff); // Enrage/Berserk Owner Out.WriteByte(0); // Duration Out.WriteUInt16R(_Owner.Oid); if (newState == 1) { Out.WriteByte(2); // Line count Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteZigZag(1); Out.WriteByte(3); Out.WriteZigZag(1); } else { Out.WriteByte(3); // Line count Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteZigZag(1); Out.WriteByte(3); Out.WriteZigZag(1); Out.WriteByte(4); Out.WriteZigZag(1); } Out.WriteByte(00); myPlayer.SendPacket(Out); }
/// <summary> /// Sends the state of the objective in user's map, can announce state changing. /// </summary> /// <param name="plr"></param> /// <param name="announce"></param> /// <param name="update"></param> public void SendState(Player plr, bool announce, bool update = true) { if (!Loaded) { return; } var State = GetStateFlags(); var Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_STATE, 16); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)Id); if (State == StateFlags.Contested) { Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)DisplayedTimer); Out.Fill(0xFF, 2); Out.WriteUInt16(0); } else if (State == StateFlags.Secure) { //Out.Fill(0xFF, 4); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)DisplayedTimer); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)(MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS - _secureProgress)); // Unk6 - time till next resource release Out.WriteUInt16( (ushort)MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS); // Unk7 - vertical offset for drawing overlay - Unk6 may not exceed } else { Out.Fill(0xFF, 6); Out.WriteUInt16(0); } Out.WriteByte((byte)OwningRealm); Out.WriteByte(update ? (byte)1 : (byte)0); Out.WriteByte((byte)State); Out.WriteByte(0); if (!announce) { if (plr != null) { plr.SendPacket(Out); } else { foreach (var player in Region.Players) { player.SendPacket(Out); } } return; } string message = null; var largeFilter = OwningRealm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_ORDER_RVR_MESSAGE : ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_C_DESTRUCTION_RVR_MESSAGE; foreach (var player in Region.Players) { player.SendPacket(Out); } PacketOut snd = null; switch (State) { case StateFlags.Unsecure: message = string.Concat(Name, " is now open for capture !"); break; case StateFlags.Contested: message = string.Concat(Name, " is under assault by the forces of ", GetRealmString(AssaultingRealm), "!"); break; case StateFlags.Secure: var securedState = _secureProgress == MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS; if (_secureProgress == MAX_SECURE_PROGRESS) { message = string.Concat($"The forces of ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), " have taken ", Name, "!"); snd = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PLAY_SOUND); snd.WriteByte(0); snd.WriteUInt16(OwningRealm == Realms.REALMS_REALM_ORDER ? (ushort)0x0C : (ushort)0x332); snd.Fill(0, 10); break; } else { message = string.Concat($"The forces of ", GetRealmString(OwningRealm), " are securing ", Name, "!"); break; } default: message = string.Empty; break; } try { if (plr != null) { plr.SendPacket(Out); } else { foreach (var player in Region.Players) { player.SendPacket(Out); // Objective's state if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message) || !player.CbtInterface.IsPvp) { continue; } // Notify RvR flagged players of activity player.SendLocalizeString(message, ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_RVR, Localized_text.CHAT_TAG_DEFAULT); player.SendLocalizeString(message, largeFilter, Localized_text.CHAT_TAG_DEFAULT); if (snd != null) { player.SendPacket(snd); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("Exception", e.Message + "\r\b" + e.StackTrace); return; } }
public void Update() { Log.Debug("Group", "Updating Group"); if (Leader == null || Members.Count < 1 || (Members.Count == 1 && Leader == Members.First())) { Delete(); return; } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CHARACTER_INFO); Out.WriteUInt16(0x0602); // Group info Out.WriteUInt16(0xB536); // Group id Out.WriteByte((byte)Members.Count); foreach (Player Plr in Members) { Out.WriteUInt32(0xA8BF3B0C); Out.WriteByte((byte)Plr._Info.ModelId); Out.WriteByte((byte)Plr._Info.Race); Out.WriteByte((byte)Plr.Level); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)Plr._Info.CareerLine); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(0); // Will be 1 for at least one member. Perhaps Leader? Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(1); // Online = 1, Offline = 0 Out.WriteByte((byte)Plr.Name.Length); Out.Fill(0, 3); Out.WriteStringBytes(Plr.Name); Out.WriteByte(0); // Name length. Pet? Target? Out.Fill(0, 3); //Out.WriteStringBytes(Pet name? Target?); Out.WriteByte(0x8B); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)650); // X ? Out.WriteByte(0xD3); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)650); // y ? byte[] data = { 0xC8, 0x50, 0x27, 0x25, 0x05, 0x40, 0x01, 0x02 }; Out.Write(data); Out.WriteByte((byte)(Plr._Value.ZoneId * 2)); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte((byte)Plr.PctHealth); Out.WriteByte((byte)Plr.PctAp); // action points Out.WriteByte(0); } SendToGroup(Out); }
public void SendCurrentStage(Player player) { player.QtsInterface.UpdateObjects(); if (Stage == null) { //Log.Error("Public Quest Object", "No Stage!"); return; } if (_ended) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_INFO); Out.WriteUInt32(Info.Entry); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(1); // 1 1 condition 2 or condition Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WritePascalString(Info.Name); Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)(_stageTimeEnd - TCPManager.GetTimeStamp())); // time left Out.Fill(0, 4); player.SendPacket(Out); } else { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_OBJECTIVE_INFO); Out.WriteUInt32(Info.Entry); Out.WriteByte(0); // Type Out.WriteByte(Info.Type); Out.WriteByte(1); // 1 1 condition 2 or condition Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WritePascalString(Info.Name); Out.WriteByte(Info.Type); Out.WriteUInt32(UInt32.Parse(Stage.Objectives.First().Objective.ObjectId)); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte((byte)Stage.Objectives.Count); byte i = 0; foreach (PQuestObjective obj in Stage.Objectives) { Out.WriteByte(i); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)obj.Objective.Count); // kill count Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)obj.Count); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WritePascalString(obj.Objective.Objective); i++; } Out.WriteByte((byte)(Info.PQDifficult > 0 ? (Info.PQDifficult - 1) : 0 - 1)); // difficulty 0 - 2 Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WritePascalString(Stage.StageName); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WritePascalString(Stage.Objectives.First().Objective.Description); Out.WriteUInt16(0); if (Stage.Number == 0) { Out.WriteUInt16(0); } else { Out.WriteUInt16(1); } Out.WriteUInt32((UInt32)(_stageTimeEnd - TCPManager.GetTimeStamp())); // time left Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WriteByte(0x48); Out.WriteUInt32(0); player.SendPacket(Out); if (player.DebugMode) { player.SendLocalizeString("PQ STAGE ID: " + Stage.Objectives.First().ObjectiveID, ChatLogFilters.CHATLOGFILTERS_ALLIANCE, GameData.Localized_text.CHAT_TAG_MONSTER_EMOTE); } } }
public override void SendMeTo(Player plr) { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_CREATE_STATIC); Out.WriteUInt16(Oid); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(Heading); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)_z); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)_x); Out.WriteUInt32((uint)_y); int displayId = 3442; if (Owner == 0) { displayId = 3442; } else if (Owner == 1) { displayId = 3443; } else { displayId = 3438; } Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)displayId); Out.WriteUInt16(0x1E00); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); // flags if (Open) { Out.WriteUInt16(0x24); } else { Out.WriteUInt16(0x21); } Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(100); Out.WriteUInt16(0x91C0); Out.WriteUInt16(0xCB42); Out.WriteUInt32(0); Out.WritePascalString(ObjectiveName); Out.WriteByte(0); plr.SendPacket(Out); base.SendMeTo(plr); }
static public byte[] BuildCharacters(int AccountId) { Log.Debug("BuildCharacters", "AcocuntId = " + AccountId); Character[] Chars = GetAccountChar(AccountId)._Chars; UInt16 Count = 0; // On Compte le nombre de personnages existant du joueur for (UInt16 c = 0; c < Chars.Length; ++c) { if (Chars[c] != null) { ++Count; } } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut(0); Out.Position = 0; Out.WriteUInt16(Count); Character Char = null; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SLOT; ++i) { Char = Chars[i]; if (Char == null) { Out.Write(new byte[280], 0, 280); } else { List <Character_items> Items = CharMgr.GetItemChar(Char.CharacterId); Out.FillString(Char.Name, 48); Out.WriteByte(Char.Value[0].Level); Out.WriteByte(Char.Career); Out.WriteByte(Char.Realm); Out.WriteByte(Char.Sex); Out.WriteByte(Char.ModelId); Out.WriteUInt16(Char.Value[0].ZoneId); Out.Write(new byte[5], 0, 5); Character_items Item = null; for (UInt16 SlotId = 14; SlotId < 30; ++SlotId) { Item = Items.Find(item => item != null && item.SlotId == SlotId); if (Item == null) { Out.WriteUInt32(0); } else { Out.WriteUInt32R(Item.ModelId); } Out.Write(new byte[4], 0, 4); } Out.Write(new byte[6], 0, 6); for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { Out.Write(new byte[6], 0, 6); Out.WriteUInt16(0xFF00); } for (UInt16 SlotId = 10; SlotId < 13; ++SlotId) { Item = Items.Find(item => item != null && item.SlotId == SlotId); Out.WriteUInt16(0); if (Item == null) { Out.WriteUInt16(0); } else { Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)Item.ModelId); } } Out.Write(new byte[10], 0, 10); Out.WriteUInt16(0xFF00); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(Char.Race); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.Write(Char.bTraits, 0, Char.bTraits.Length); Out.Write(new byte[10], 0, 10); } } return(Out.ToArray()); }
public byte[] BuildCharacters() { PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)0); Out.Position = 0; Out.WriteUInt16(GetCharacterCount()); Character Char = null; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CHARS; ++i) { Char = Chars[i]; if (Char == null) Out.Write(new byte[280], 0, 280); else { Out.FillString(Char.Name, 48); Out.WriteByte(Char.Info[0].Level); Out.WriteByte(Char.Career); Out.WriteByte(Char.Realm); Out.WriteByte(Char.Sex); Out.WriteByte(Char.ModelId); Out.WriteUInt16(Char.Info[0].ZoneId); Out.Write(new byte[5], 0, 5); Character_items Item = null; for (UInt16 SlotId = 14; SlotId < 30; ++SlotId) { Item = Char.GetItemInSlot(SlotId); if (Item == null) Out.WriteUInt16(0); else Out.WriteUInt16Reverse(Item.ModelId); Out.Write(new byte[6], 0, 6); } Out.Write(new byte[6], 0, 6); for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { Out.Write(new byte[6], 0, 6); Out.WriteUInt16(0xFF00); } for (UInt16 SlotId = 10; SlotId < 13; ++SlotId) { Item = Char.GetItemInSlot(SlotId); Out.WriteUInt16(0); if (Item == null) Out.WriteUInt16(0); else Out.WriteUInt16Reverse(Item.ModelId); } Out.Write(new byte[10], 0, 10); Out.WriteUInt16(0xFF00); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(Char.Race); Out.WriteUInt16(0); Out.Write(Char.bTraits, 0, Char.bTraits.Length); Out.Write(new byte[10], 0, 10); } } return Out.ToArray(); }
public void Scoreboard(ContributionInfo playerRoll, int preIndex, int postIndex) { Player targPlayer = Player.GetPlayer(playerRoll.PlayerCharId); if (targPlayer == null) { return; } PacketOut Out = new PacketOut((byte)Opcodes.F_PQLOOT_TRIGGER, 1723); Out.WriteStringBytes(_publicQuestInfo.Name); Out.Fill(0, 24 - _publicQuestInfo.Name.Length); Out.WriteByte(_bags[gold]); // gold Out.WriteByte(_bags[purple]); Out.WriteByte(_bags[blue]); Out.WriteByte(_bags[green]); Out.WriteByte(_bags[white]); // white Out.Fill(0, 3); WritePreRolls(Out); Out.WriteStringBytes(playerRoll.PlayerName); Out.Fill(0, 24 - playerRoll.PlayerName.Length); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.RandomBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.ContributionBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.PersistenceBonus); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)(preIndex + 1)); // place WritePostRolls(Out); Out.WriteUInt16((ushort)(postIndex + 1)); // place Out.WriteStringBytes(playerRoll.PlayerName); Out.Fill(0, 24 - playerRoll.PlayerName.Length); Out.Fill(0, 2); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.RandomBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.ContributionBonus); Out.WriteUInt16R((ushort)playerRoll.PersistenceBonus); Out.WriteByte(1); // ??? Out.WriteByte(playerRoll.BagWon); // bag won Out.Fill(0, 2); //Out.WriteUInt16(TIME_PQ_RESET); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(3); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(0); Out.WriteByte(1); Out.Fill(0, 27); // // no clue yet seams to be if you didnt won anything you get that item /* * Out.WritePacketString(@"|d4 c0 01 |...d............| |57 61 72 20 43 72 65 73 74 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |War Crest.......| |00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |........... | * "); */ targPlayer.SendPacket(Out); // Info.SendCurrentStage(plr); } // d4 c0 01