Пример #1
    //match the values of the outline camera to match those of this camera
    void LateUpdate()
        cam.fieldOfView      = camera.fieldOfView;
        cam.orthographicSize = camera.orthographicSize;
        cam.cullingMask      = CullingMask;

        OutlineAux o = (OutlineAux)Component.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OutlineAux));

        o._Color     = OutlineColor;
        o._Thickness = Thickness;
Пример #2
    void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
         * OutlineAux o = (OutlineAux)Component.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OutlineAux));
         * Graphics.Blit(o.tex,destination,transMat);

        //cullingmask is reset to avoid layer issues
        cam.cullingMask = camera.cullingMask;

        OutlineAux o = (OutlineAux)Component.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OutlineAux));

        //add the rendertexture from the outline component onto what ws rendered by this camer
        Graphics.Blit(o.tex, source, transMat);

        //set the destination to the source
        Graphics.Blit(source, destination, unlitMat);