Пример #1
        TCLObject FileName(TCLObject source)
            if (source?._value != null)

Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Connect nets and pins to debug port channels<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: connect_debug_port [-channel_start_index &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;port&gt; &lt;nets&gt;...
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Connects a signal from the netlist design to a port on an ILA debug core that was added to the<br/>
 /// design using the create_debug_core command. The signal can either be connected to a<br/>
 /// specific channel index on the port, or simply connected to an available channel on the port.<br/>
 /// If you try to connect too many signals to a port, or there are not enough channels to support the<br/>
 /// connection, the tool will return an error.<br/>
 /// Additional ports can be added to a debug core through the use of the create_debug_port<br/>
 /// command, and you can increase the available channels on an existing port with the<br/>
 /// set_property port_width command. See the examples below.<br/>
 /// You can disconnect signals from ports using the disconnect_debug_port command.<br/>
 /// When the debug core has been defined and connected, you can implement the debug core as a<br/>
 /// block for inclusion in the netlist design. Use the implement_debug_core command to<br/>
 /// implement the core.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example creates a new PROBE port on the myCore debug core, increases the<br/>
 /// PORT_WIDTH property of the port in order to prepare it to receive the number of signals to be<br/>
 /// connected, and connects signals to the port starting at the third channel position (index 2).<br/>
 /// create_debug_port myCore PROBE<br/>
 /// set_property PORT_WIDTH 8 [get_debug_ports myCore/PROBE1]<br/>
 /// connect_debug_port myCore/PROBE1 [get_nets [list m0_ack_o m0_cyc_i \<br/>
 /// m0_err_o m0_rty_o m0_stb_i m0_we_i ]] -channel_start_index 2<br/>
 /// Note: If you specify too many nets to connect to the available channels on the port, the tool will return an<br/>
 /// error and will not connect the ports.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 201<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="port">(Required) Debug port name</param>
 /// <param name="nets">(Required) List of nets or pins</param>
 /// <param name="channel_start_index">(Optional) Connect nets starting at channel index</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL connect_debug_port(TCLObject port, TCLObjectList nets, String channel_start_index = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: connect_debug_port [-channel_start_index <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <port> <nets>...
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.connect_debug_port(port, nets, channel_start_index, quiet, verbose));
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Create a new I/O port interface<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: create_interface [-parent &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;name&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Creates a new interface for grouping scalar or differential I/O ports.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Create a new USB interface:<br/>
 /// create_interface USB0<br/>
 /// Create an Ethernet interface within the specified parent interface:<br/>
 /// create_interface -parent Top_Int ENET0<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 314<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Name for new I/O port interface</param>
 /// <param name="parent">(Optional) Assign new interface to this parent interface</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <returns>new interface object</returns>
 public TTCL create_interface(TCLObject name, String parent = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: create_interface [-parent <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <name>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.create_interface(name, parent, quiet, verbose));
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Create scalar or bus port<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: create_port -direction &lt;arg&gt; [-from &lt;arg&gt;] [-to &lt;arg&gt;] [-diff_pair] [-interface &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;name&gt; [&lt;negative_name&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Creates a port and specifies such parameters as direction, width, single-ended or differential, and<br/>
 /// optionally assigns it to an existing interface. New ports are added at the top-level of the design<br/>
 /// hierarchy.<br/>
 /// Bus ports can be created with increasing or decreasing bus indexes, using negative and positive<br/>
 /// index values.<br/>
 /// The create_port command can be used to create a new port in an I/O Planning project, or<br/>
 /// while editing the netlist of an open Synthesized or Implemented design.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// Netlist editing changes the in-memory view of the netlist in the current design. It does not<br/>
 /// change the files in the source fileset, or change the persistent design on the disk. Changes made<br/>
 /// to the netlist may be saved to a design checkpoint using the write_checkpoint command, or<br/>
 /// may be exported to a netlist file such as Verilog, VHDL, or EDIF, using the appropriate write_*<br/>
 /// command.<br/>
 /// Note: Netlist editing is not allowed on the elaborated RTL design.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example creates a new input port, named PORT0:<br/>
 /// create_port -direction IN PORT0<br/>
 /// The following example creates a new interface called Group1, and then creates a four-bit,<br/>
 /// differential pair output bus using the specified interface. Since the bus ports are defined as<br/>
 /// differential pairs, and only &lt;name&gt; is specified, the negative side ports are automatically named<br/>
 /// D_BUS_N:<br/>
 /// create_interface Group1<br/>
 /// create_port -direction OUT -from 0 -to 3 -diff_pair -interface Group1 D_BUS<br/>
 /// Note: This command results in the creation of eight ports: D_BUS[0] D_BUS_N[0] D_BUS[1] D_BUS_N[1]<br/>
 /// D_BUS[2] D_BUS_N[2] D_BUS[3] D_BUS_N[3]<br/>
 /// With only &lt;name&gt; specified, the following example creates differential pair output ports named<br/>
 /// data and data_N.<br/>
 /// create_port -direction OUT -diff_pair data<br/>
 /// With both &lt;name&gt; and &lt;negative_name&gt; specified, the following example creates differential<br/>
 /// pair output ports named data_P and data_N.<br/>
 /// create_port -direction OUT -diff_pair data_P data_N<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 335<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="direction">(Required) Direction of port. Valid arguments are IN, OUT and INOUT</param>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Name of the port</param>
 /// <param name="from">(Optional) Beginning index of new bus</param>
 /// <param name="to">(Optional) Ending index of new bus</param>
 /// <param name="diff_pair">(Optional) Create differential pair of ports</param>
 /// <param name="interface">(Optional) Assign new port to this interface</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="negative_name">(Optional) Optional negative name of a diff-pair</param>
 /// <returns>list of port objects that were created</returns>
 public TTCL create_port(String direction, TCLObject name, String from = null, String to = null, bool?diff_pair = null, String @interface = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject negative_name = null)
     // TCL Syntax: create_port -direction <arg> [-from <arg>] [-to <arg>] [-diff_pair] [-interface <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <name> [<negative_name>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.create_port(direction, name, from, to, diff_pair, @interface, quiet, verbose, negative_name));
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Deletes a list of available QoR suggestions<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: delete_qor_suggestions [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;IDs&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Removes QoR suggestion objects that are currently in memory. Suggestion objects are generated<br/>
 /// running the report_qor_suggestion command, without specifying -of_objects, and by<br/>
 /// reading an RQS file using the read_qor_suggestions command. You can get QoR objects by<br/>
 /// using the get_qor_suggestions command.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following deletes all the suggestion objects in memory:<br/>
 /// delete_qor_suggestions [get_qor_suggestions]<br/>
 /// The following deletes only the Utilization suggestions:<br/>
 /// delete_qor_suggestions [get_qor_suggestions -filter {CATEGORY==Utilization}]<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 470<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="IDs">(Required) Match suggestion names against given names</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL delete_qor_suggestions(TCLObject IDs, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: delete_qor_suggestions [-quiet] [-verbose] [<IDs>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.delete_qor_suggestions(IDs, quiet, verbose));
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Read QoR Suggestions from the given file<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: read_qor_suggestions [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;file&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Read the specified file and extract the QoR suggestions from the file.<br/>
 /// This command returns the name of the QoR file read, or returns an error if it fails.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example reads the QoR suggestions from the specified file, and then reports the<br/>
 /// QoR suggestions in the open design:<br/>
 /// read_qor_suggestions C:/Data/qor_results.rqs<br/>
 /// report_qor_suggestions -of_objects [get_qor_suggestions]<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1174<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 /// <para>
 /// (Required)<br/>
 /// QoR suggestions file Values: Path to the QoR suggestions<br/>
 /// file, typically ending with .rqs.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL read_qor_suggestions(TCLObject file, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: read_qor_suggestions [-quiet] [-verbose] <file>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.read_qor_suggestions(file, quiet, verbose));
Пример #7
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Generate HDL wrapper for the specified source<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: make_wrapper [-top] [-testbench] [-inst_template] [-fileset &lt;arg&gt;] [-import] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;files&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Create a Verilog or VHDL wrapper for instantiating a sub-design into the project.<br/>
 /// The make_wrapper command will create a wrapper for Embedded Processor Designs from the<br/>
 /// IP integrator of the Vivado Design Suite, or any IP integrator block design, as well as DSP<br/>
 /// modules created in System Generator or MathWorks MatLab.<br/>
 /// You can generate a wrapper to make the sub-design the top-level of a stand-alone design, or for<br/>
 /// instantiating a sub-design into an existing design. You can also generate a wrapper for a<br/>
 /// simulation test bench of System Generator sub-designs.<br/>
 /// Note: The wrapper is generated in Verilog or VHDL according to the TARGET_LANGUAGE property on the<br/>
 /// project.<br/>
 /// The command returns information related to the creation of the wrappers, or returns an error if it<br/>
 /// fails.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example creates the instantiation template to integrate the specified IP integrator<br/>
 /// block design into the design hierarchy of the current project:<br/>
 /// make_wrapper -inst_template -fileset [get_filesets sources_1] \<br/>
 /// -files [get_files C:/Data/design_1/design_1.bd]<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1059<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="files">(Required) Source file for which the wrapper needs to be generated</param>
 /// <param name="top">(Optional) Create a top-level wrapper for the specified source</param>
 /// <param name="testbench">(Optional) Create a testbench for the specified source</param>
 /// <param name="inst_template">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Create an instantiation template for the specified source.<br/>
 /// The template will not be added to the project and will be<br/>
 /// generated for reference purposes only.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="fileset">(Optional) Fileset name</param>
 /// <param name="import">(Optional) Import generated wrapper to the project</param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite existing source(s)</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL make_wrapper(TCLObject files, bool?top = null, bool?testbench = null, bool?inst_template = null, String fileset = null, bool?import = null, bool?force = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: make_wrapper [-top] [-testbench] [-inst_template] [-fileset <arg>] [-import] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] <files>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.make_wrapper(files, top, testbench, inst_template, fileset, import, force, quiet, verbose));
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// (User-written application) Convert all provided NGC files to a supported format<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: convert_ngc [-output_dir &lt;arg&gt;] [-format &lt;arg&gt;] [-add_to_project] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;files&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Converts provided NGC files to a supported format.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example will convert test.ngc to test.edn, with verbose messaging. The<br/>
 /// test.edn file will be added to the current open project:<br/>
 /// convert_ngc ./test.ngc -add_to_project -verbose<br/>
 /// The following example will convert test.ngc to test.edn. The test.edn file will be placed<br/>
 /// in the ./output directory. If ./output/test.edn exists it will be replaced:<br/>
 /// convert_ngc ./test.ngc -output_dir output -force<br/>
 /// The following example converts all NGC files in the current directory and in all sub-directories:<br/>
 /// convert_ngc [ glob ./**/*.ngc ] [ glob ./*.ngc ]<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 213<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="files">(Required) A list of NGC files to convert</param>
 /// <param name="output_dir">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Directory to place all output, else the output is placed at<br/>
 /// location of NGC file Default: Script output directory path<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="format">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Accepts 'Verilog' or 'EDIF' (Default: EDIF), specifies the<br/>
 /// desired output format Default: EDIF<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="add_to_project">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Adds the output files to the current project, if no project is<br/>
 /// open, then this option does nothing<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="force">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Force overwriting of files that already exist on disk, replaces<br/>
 /// files in project if add_to_project switch was specified<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <returns>None</returns>
 public TTCL convert_ngc(TCLObject files, String output_dir = null, String format = null, bool?add_to_project = null, bool?force = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: convert_ngc [-output_dir <arg>] [-format <arg>] [-add_to_project] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] <files>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.convert_ngc(files, output_dir, format, add_to_project, force, quiet, verbose));
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Save peripheral component to the disk.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: write_peripheral [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;peripheral&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Write the specified AXI peripheral object to disk in the form of the component.xml file. The<br/>
 /// peripheral is written to the repository location specified by the create_peripheral<br/>
 /// command, under the name specified at creation.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1876<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="peripheral">(Required) Peripheral object</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL write_peripheral(TCLObject peripheral, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: write_peripheral [-quiet] [-verbose] <peripheral>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.write_peripheral(peripheral, quiet, verbose));
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Generate output products for peripheral object.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: generate_peripheral [-driver] [-example_design] [-bfm_example_design] [-debug_hw_example_design] [-enable_interrupt] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;peripheral&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Generate the output products for the specified peripheral object. The output products are<br/>
 /// written to the IP repository location specified when the IP is created by the<br/>
 /// create_peripheral command, under the name of the IP as specified at creation.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 545<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="peripheral">(Required) peripheral object</param>
 /// <param name="driver">(Optional) Generate driver for peripheral.</param>
 /// <param name="example_design">(Optional) Generate all supported example designs for peripheral.</param>
 /// <param name="bfm_example_design">(Optional) Generate bfm simulation example design for peripheral.</param>
 /// <param name="debug_hw_example_design">(Optional) Generate debug hardware example design for peripheral.</param>
 /// <param name="enable_interrupt">(Optional) Generate peripheral with interrupt suppport.</param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite the existing IP in the repository.</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL generate_peripheral(TCLObject peripheral, bool?driver = null, bool?example_design = null, bool?bfm_example_design = null, bool?debug_hw_example_design = null, bool?enable_interrupt = null, bool?force = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: generate_peripheral [-driver] [-example_design] [-bfm_example_design] [-debug_hw_example_design] [-enable_interrupt] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] <peripheral>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.generate_peripheral(peripheral, driver, example_design, bfm_example_design, debug_hw_example_design, enable_interrupt, force, quiet, verbose));
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Write debug probes to a file<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: write_debug_probes [-cell &lt;arg&gt;] [-no_partial_ltxfile] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;file&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Writes a Vivado Design Suite logic analyzer probes file containing ILA debug cores and signal<br/>
 /// probes added to the current design. The debug probes data file typically has a .ltx file<br/>
 /// extension.<br/>
 /// ILA cores are added to the design using the create_debug_core command. ILA probes are<br/>
 /// added to the design using the create_debug_port command, and connected to nets in your<br/>
 /// design using the connect_debug_port command.<br/>
 /// The specific information and use of the debug probes file is described in the Vivado Design Suite<br/>
 /// User Guide: Vivado Programming and Debugging (UG908).<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example write a debug probe file from the current design:<br/>
 /// write_debug_probes C:/Data/designProbes.ltx<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1842<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">(Required) Debug probes file name (default extension is .ltx)</param>
 /// <param name="cell">(Optional) Hierarchical name of the Reconfigurable Partition Cell</param>
 /// <param name="no_partial_ltxfile">(Optional) Do not generate partial LTX files</param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite existing file</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <returns>name of the output file</returns>
 public TTCL write_debug_probes(TCLObject file, String cell = null, bool?no_partial_ltxfile = null, bool?force = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: write_debug_probes [-cell <arg>] [-no_partial_ltxfile] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] <file>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.write_debug_probes(file, cell, no_partial_ltxfile, force, quiet, verbose));
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Apply trigger at startup init values to an ILA core in the design<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: apply_hw_ila_trigger [-ila_cell &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;file&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Apply a trigger configuration file to the bitstream of a design, to support ILA trigger at startup.<br/>
 /// This command is used to configure the trigger settings of an ILA core in a design bitstream (.bit)<br/>
 /// file, so that the ILA debug core is armed to trigger on events immediately after device<br/>
 /// configuration and startup. This allows data to be captured from the earliest stages of device<br/>
 /// activity, which would not be possible through the use of the Hardware Manager feature of the<br/>
 /// Vivado Design Suite, and the run_hw_ila command.<br/>
 /// The apply_hw_ila_trigger command reads a trigger configuration file written by<br/>
 /// run_hw_ila -file and applies the various trigger settings to the ILA core in the implemented<br/>
 /// design. The trigger configuration for the ILA core then become part of the bitstream written by<br/>
 /// write_bitstream, that is used to program the Xilinx FPGA device.<br/>
 /// The process for using the trigger at startup feature includes the following steps:<br/>
 /// 1. From the Hardware Manager, use run_hw_ila -file to export the trigger register map<br/>
 /// file for the ILA core.<br/>
 /// 2. Open the implemented design, or the implemented design checkpoint.<br/>
 /// 3. Use the apply_hw_ila_trigger command to apply the trigger settings to the in-memory<br/>
 /// design.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// 4. Use the write_bitstream command to write the bitstream with the applied trigger<br/>
 /// configuration file.<br/>
 /// Note: Be sure to use the write_bitstream command, and not the Flow Navigator commands in the<br/>
 /// Vivado IDE.<br/>
 /// 5. Return to the Hardware Manager, and use program_hw_device to program the hw_device<br/>
 /// using the new bitstream file.<br/>
 /// Once programmed, the new ILA core should immediately arm at startup. In the Vivado logic<br/>
 /// analyzer feature, you should see the "Trigger Capture Status" for the ILA core is now populated<br/>
 /// with captured data samples if trigger events or capture conditions have occurred. Refer to the<br/>
 /// Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Vivado Programming and Debugging (UG908) for more information.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 106<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ila_cell">(Optional) Apply trigger settings to this ila cell</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="file">(Optional) ILA startup trigger settings file</param>
 public TTCL apply_hw_ila_trigger(String ila_cell = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject file = null)
     // TCL Syntax: apply_hw_ila_trigger [-ila_cell <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<file>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.apply_hw_ila_trigger(ila_cell, quiet, verbose, file));
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Get a list of debug ports in the current design<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: get_debug_ports [-filter &lt;arg&gt;] [-of_objects &lt;args&gt;] [-regexp] [-nocase] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;patterns&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Gets a list of ports defined on ILA debug cores in the current project that match a specified<br/>
 /// search pattern. The default command gets a list of all debug ports in the project.<br/>
 /// Debug ports are defined when ILA debug cores are created with the create_debug_core<br/>
 /// command. Ports can be added to existing debug cores with the create_debug_port<br/>
 /// command.<br/>
 /// Note: To improve memory and performance, the get_* commands return a container list of a single type<br/>
 /// of objects (e.g. cells, nets, pins, or ports). You can add new objects to the list (using lappend for instance),<br/>
 /// but you can only add the same type of object that is currently in the list. Adding a different type of object,<br/>
 /// or string, to the list is not permitted and will result in a Tcl error.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following command gets a list of the ports from the ILA debug cores in the current project,<br/>
 /// with a PORT_WIDTH property of 8:<br/>
 /// get_debug_ports -filter {PORT_WIDTH==8}<br/>
 /// The following example gets the properties attached to the specified debug port:<br/>
 /// report_property [get_debug_ports myCore/PROBE1]<br/>
 /// Note: The debug port is defined by the core_name/port_name combination.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 672<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">(Optional) Filter list with expression</param>
 /// <param name="of_objects">(Optional) Get ports of these debug cores</param>
 /// <param name="regexp">(Optional) Patterns are full regular expressions</param>
 /// <param name="nocase">(Optional) Perform case-insensitive matching (valid only when -regexp specified)</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="patterns">(Optional) Match debug ports against patterns Default: *</param>
 /// <returns>list of debug_port objects</returns>
 public TTCL get_debug_ports(String filter = null, TCLParameterList of_objects = null, bool?regexp = null, bool?nocase = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject patterns = null)
     // TCL Syntax: get_debug_ports [-filter <arg>] [-of_objects <args>] [-regexp] [-nocase] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.get_debug_ports(filter, of_objects, regexp, nocase, quiet, verbose, patterns));
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Disconnect nets and pins from debug port channels<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: disconnect_debug_port [-channel_index &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;port&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Disconnect signals from the debug ports.<br/>
 /// Signals from the Netlist Design are connected to ports of a ILA debug core using the<br/>
 /// connect_debug_port command.<br/>
 /// A port can also be deleted from the debug core rather than simply disconnected by using the<br/>
 /// delete_debug_port command.<br/>
 /// If you need to determine the specific name of a port on a debug core, use the<br/>
 /// get_debug_ports command to list all ports on a core. You can also use the<br/>
 /// report_debug_core command to list all of the cores in the projects, and their specific<br/>
 /// parameters.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example disconnects only the specified channel index from the PROBE1 port of<br/>
 /// myCore:<br/>
 /// disconnect_debug_port -channel_index 2 myCore/PROBE1<br/>
 /// If you do not specify the channel_index, all of the channels of the specified port will be<br/>
 /// disconnected, as in the following example:<br/>
 /// disconnect_debug_port myCore/PROBE1<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 494<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="port">(Required) Debug port name</param>
 /// <param name="channel_index">(Optional) Disconnect the net at channel index</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL disconnect_debug_port(TCLObject port, String channel_index = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: disconnect_debug_port [-channel_index <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <port>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.disconnect_debug_port(port, channel_index, quiet, verbose));
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Create a new debug port<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: create_debug_port [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;name&gt; &lt;type&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Defines a new port to be added to an existing Vivado ILA debug core that was added to the<br/>
 /// design using the create_debug_core command. The port provides connection points on an<br/>
 /// ILA core to attach nets from the design for debugging.<br/>
 /// When a new debug core is created using the create_debug_core command, it includes a clk<br/>
 /// and probe port by default. However, you can add trigger input/output port types as well. Refer<br/>
 /// to the Vivado Design Suite User Guide: Programming and Debugging (UG908) for more information<br/>
 /// on port types and purpose.<br/>
 /// A port can have one or more connection points to support one or more nets to debug. As a<br/>
 /// default new ports are defined as having a width of 1, allowing only one net to be attached. You<br/>
 /// can change the port width of probe ports to support multiple signals using the set_property<br/>
 /// port_width command (see Examples).<br/>
 /// Note: clk, trig_in, trig_in_ack, trig_out, and trig_out_ack ports can only have a width of 1.<br/>
 /// You can connect signals to ports using the connect_debug_port command, modify existing<br/>
 /// probe connections using modify_debug_ports, and disconnect signals with the<br/>
 /// disconnect_debug_port command.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example creates a new debug core, and then adds an additional probe port to the<br/>
 /// core, then sets the width of that new port to 8, and connects signals to the probe port:<br/>
 /// create_debug_core myCore ila<br/>
 /// create_debug_port myCore probe<br/>
 /// set_property PORT_WIDTH 8 myCore/probe1<br/>
 /// connect_debug_port -channel_start_index 1 myCore/probe1 \<br/>
 /// {m1_cyc_i m1_ack_o m1_err_o m1_rty_o}<br/>
 /// Note: Recall that the ILA core is created with a clk and probe port by default, so the new probe port is<br/>
 /// automatically numbered as probe1.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 258<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Name of the debug core instance</param>
 /// <param name="type">(Required) Type of the new debug port</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <returns>new debug_port object</returns>
 public TTCL create_debug_port(TCLObject name, TCLObject type, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: create_debug_port [-quiet] [-verbose] <name> <type>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.create_debug_port(name, type, quiet, verbose));
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// (User-written application) Create and write a single design checkpoint and stub files for a Block<br/>
 /// Design (BD), for use with third party synthesis tools. Perform synthesis as necessary.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: export_bd_synth [-force] [-keep] [-verbose] [-quiet] &lt;file&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Runs synthesis for a block design (.bd), integrates the design along with any needed sub-designs<br/>
 /// (e.g. out-of-context synthesized IP), and writes out a single design checkpoint (.dcp) of the<br/>
 /// entire synthesized design, as well as HDL stub files, for use in other synthesis tools. The output<br/>
 /// files will be placed in the same directory as the source BD file.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following command will generate a synthesis checkpoint, with stub files, for the specified<br/>
 /// block design:<br/>
 /// export_bd_synth [get_files block_1.bd]<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 515<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">(Required) The Block Design file to write a synthesized checkpoint for</param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite existing design checkpoint and stub files</param>
 /// <param name="keep">(Optional) Keep the temporary directory and project</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Print verbose messaging</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <returns>(none) An error will be thrown if the command is not successful</returns>
 public TTCL export_bd_synth(TCLObject file, bool?force = null, bool?keep = null, bool?verbose = null, bool?quiet = null)
     // TCL Syntax: export_bd_synth [-force] [-keep] [-verbose] [-quiet] <file>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.export_bd_synth(file, force, keep, verbose, quiet));
Пример #17
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// (User-written application) Export Tcl script for re-creating the current project<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: write_project_tcl [-paths_relative_to &lt;arg&gt;] [-origin_dir_override &lt;arg&gt;] [-target_proj_dir &lt;arg&gt;] [-force] [-all_properties] [-no_copy_sources] [-no_ip_version] [-absolute_path] [-dump_project_info] [-use_bd_files] [-internal] [-validate] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;file&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Creates a Tcl script to recreate the current project.<br/>
 /// The generated script will contain the Tcl commands for creating the project, setting the project<br/>
 /// type, creating filesets, adding/importing source files, defining runs and run properties.<br/>
 /// IMPORTANT! The new project will be created in the current working directory (CWD) where the<br/>
 /// generated Tcl script is sourced from. The script written out by write_project_tcl should be sourced<br/>
 /// in the same directory from which it was created. If you source the script from a different directory, you<br/>
 /// should first set the &lt;origin_dir_loc&gt; variable in Tcl shell to this alternate directory, or edit the script to<br/>
 /// define the &lt;origin_dir&gt; variable in the script in order to maintain the relative path between the CWD and<br/>
 /// the source files referenced in the script.<br/>
 /// This Tcl project script and the various design sources can be stored in a version control system<br/>
 /// for source file management and project archival.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example exports Tcl script named recreate.tcl for the current project:<br/>
 /// write_project_tcl recreate.tcl<br/>
 /// The following example exports a Tcl script named recreate.tcl for the current project in<br/>
 /// the ./script directory and specifies the /tmp/test directory for the create_project<br/>
 /// command. When the recreate.tcl script is run in the Vivado Tcl shell, the project will be re-created in /tmp/test directory:<br/>
 /// write_project_tcl -target_proj_dir "/tmp/test" ./script/recreate.tcl<br/>
 /// The following command exports Tcl script for the current project and writes all the properties,<br/>
 /// both default or non-default values:<br/>
 /// write_project_tcl -all_properties recreate.tcl<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// The following command exports Tcl script for the current project and adds files that are local in<br/>
 /// this project. The recreated project will reference these files:<br/>
 /// write_project_tcl -no_copy_sources -use_bd_files recreate.tcl<br/>
 /// IMPORTANT! The -use_bd_files switch is required for use with -no_copy_sources in designs<br/>
 /// with block diagrams.<br/>
 /// The following command exports recreate.tcl script for the current project in the current<br/>
 /// working directory, creates a new project in ./my_test directory, prints the list of files in the<br/>
 /// new project, prints the current project settings and then closes the newly created project:<br/>
 /// open_project ./test/test.xpr<br/>
 /// write_project_tcl -force recreate.tcl<br/>
 /// close_project<br/>
 /// file mkdir my_test<br/>
 /// cd my_test<br/>
 /// source ../recreate.tcl<br/>
 /// get_files -of_objects [get_filesets sources_1]<br/>
 /// report_property [current_project]<br/>
 /// close_project<br/>
 /// The following command creates a new project named bft_test, adds files to the project, sets the<br/>
 /// fileset property, exports a tcl script named bft.tcl in the current working directory, creates a<br/>
 /// new project in ./my_bft directory, prints the list of files in the new project (test_1.v and<br/>
 /// test_2.v), prints the "verilog_define" property value and then closes the newly created project:<br/>
 /// create_project bft_test ./bft_test<br/>
 /// add_files test_1.v<br/>
 /// add_files test_2.v<br/>
 /// set_property verilog_define {a=10} [get_filesets sources_1]<br/>
 /// write_project_tcl -force bft.tcl<br/>
 /// close_project<br/>
 /// file mkdir my_bft<br/>
 /// cd my_bft<br/>
 /// source ../bft.tcl<br/>
 /// get_files -of_objects [get_filesets sources_1]<br/>
 /// get_property verilog_define [get_filesets sources_1]<br/>
 /// close_project<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1878<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">(Required) Name of the tcl script file to generate</param>
 /// <param name="paths_relative_to">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Override the reference directory variable for source file<br/>
 /// relative paths Default: Script output directory path<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="origin_dir_override">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Set 'origin_dir' directory variable to the specified value<br/>
 /// (Default is value specified with the -paths_relative_to switch)<br/>
 /// Default: None<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="target_proj_dir">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Directory where the project needs to be restored Default:<br/>
 /// Current project directory path<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite existing tcl script file</param>
 /// <param name="all_properties">(Optional) Write all properties (default &amp; non-default) for the project object(s)</param>
 /// <param name="no_copy_sources">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Do not import sources even if they were local in the original<br/>
 /// project Default: 1<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="no_ip_version">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Flag to not include the IP version as part of the IP VLNV in<br/>
 /// create_bd_cell commands. Default: 1<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="absolute_path">(Optional) Make all file paths absolute wrt the original project directory</param>
 /// <param name="dump_project_info">(Optional) Write object values</param>
 /// <param name="use_bd_files">(Optional) Use BD sources directly instead of writing out procs to create them</param>
 /// <param name="internal">(Optional) Print basic header information in the generated tcl script</param>
 /// <param name="validate">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Runs a validate script before recreating the project. To test if<br/>
 /// the files and paths refrenced in the tcl file exists or not.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Execute the command quietly, returning no messages from the command.</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <returns>true (0) if success, false (1) otherwise</returns>
 public TTCL write_project_tcl(TCLObject file, String paths_relative_to = null, String origin_dir_override = null, String target_proj_dir = null, bool?force = null, bool?all_properties = null, bool?no_copy_sources = null, bool?no_ip_version = null, bool?absolute_path = null, bool?dump_project_info = null, bool?use_bd_files = null, bool? @internal = null, bool?validate = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: write_project_tcl [-paths_relative_to <arg>] [-origin_dir_override <arg>] [-target_proj_dir <arg>] [-force] [-all_properties] [-no_copy_sources] [-no_ip_version] [-absolute_path] [-dump_project_info] [-use_bd_files] [-internal] [-validate] [-quiet] [-verbose] <file>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.write_project_tcl(file, paths_relative_to, origin_dir_override, target_proj_dir, force, all_properties, no_copy_sources, no_ip_version, absolute_path, dump_project_info, use_bd_files, @internal, validate, quiet, verbose));
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Add a new bus interface to a peripheral.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: add_peripheral_interface -interface_mode &lt;arg&gt; -axi_type &lt;arg&gt; [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;name&gt; &lt;peripheral&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Add an AXI bus interface to a peripheral created with the create_peripheral command.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 57<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="interface_mode">(Required) Mode of an interface, supported option - master,slave.</param>
 /// <param name="axi_type">(Required) Type of a axi interface, supported option - lite,full,stream.</param>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Name to initialize the newly added element e.g S1_AXI, M1_AXI</param>
 /// <param name="peripheral">(Required) Peripheral object</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL add_peripheral_interface(String interface_mode, String axi_type, TCLObject name, TCLObject peripheral, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: add_peripheral_interface -interface_mode <arg> -axi_type <arg> [-quiet] [-verbose] <name> <peripheral>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.add_peripheral_interface(interface_mode, axi_type, name, peripheral, quiet, verbose));
Пример #19
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Import simulation data in saif format<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: read_saif [-strip_path &lt;arg&gt;] [-no_strip] [-out_file &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;file&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Reads a Switching Activity Interchange Format (SAIF) file for use during power analysis by the<br/>
 /// report_power command, or power optimization by power_opt_design. The read_saif<br/>
 /// command will annotate the design nodes with activity from the SAIF file and estimate power<br/>
 /// appropriately.<br/>
 /// Running report_power or power_opt_design after reading the SAIF file will use the activity<br/>
 /// rates from the specified file during optimization and analysis.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example:<br/>
 /// read_saif -strip_path design/top/F1 C:/Data/design1.saif<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1176<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">(Required) Specifies the name of the SAIF file to be read</param>
 /// <param name="strip_path">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Specifies the name of the instance of the current design as<br/>
 /// it appears in the SAIF file<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="no_strip">(Optional) Do not strip first two levels of hierarchy from SAIF file</param>
 /// <param name="out_file">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Specifies the name of the output file that contains nets that<br/>
 /// could not be matched<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL read_saif(TCLObject file, String strip_path = null, bool?no_strip = null, String out_file = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: read_saif [-strip_path <arg>] [-no_strip] [-out_file <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <file>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.read_saif(file, strip_path, no_strip, out_file, quiet, verbose));
Пример #20
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Create a peripheral with a VLNV.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: create_peripheral [-dir &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;vendor&gt; &lt;library&gt; &lt;name&gt; &lt;version&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Create an AXI peripheral to add to the IP repository with the specified VLNV attribute.<br/>
 /// The AXI peripheral that is created is just a framework until interfaces have been added to the<br/>
 /// peripheral using the add_peripheral_interface command, and the peripheral has been<br/>
 /// generated using the generate_peripheral command.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 329<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="vendor">(Required) Vendor, for example xilinx.com</param>
 /// <param name="library">(Required) Library, for example ip</param>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Name, for example myip</param>
 /// <param name="version">(Required) Version, for example 1.4</param>
 /// <param name="dir">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Directory path for remote Peripheral to be created and<br/>
 /// managed outside the project<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL create_peripheral(TCLObject vendor, TCLObject library, TCLObject name, TCLObject version, String dir = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: create_peripheral [-dir <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <vendor> <library> <name> <version>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.create_peripheral(vendor, library, name, version, dir, quiet, verbose));
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Create DSP source for Xilinx System Generator and add to the source fileset<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: create_sysgen [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;name&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Create a DSP sub-module for use in the current project, and add it to the source files.<br/>
 /// This command will launch System Generator for DSP to let you design the hardware portion of<br/>
 /// your system design. System Generator is a DSP design tool from Xilinx that allows the RTL<br/>
 /// source files, Simulink® and MATLAB® software models, and C/C++ components of a DSP system<br/>
 /// to come together in a single simulation and implementation environment.<br/>
 /// For more information on using specific features of the tool refer to System Generator for DSP<br/>
 /// Getting Started Guide (UG639).<br/>
 /// You can also add existing DSP model files (.mdl) from System Generator into the current project<br/>
 /// using the add_files command.<br/>
 /// The command returns the name of the DSP module created and added to the project.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example launches System Generator and allows you to define and configure the<br/>
 /// specified DSP module:<br/>
 /// create_sysgen DSP_mod1<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 365<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Sub module name</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <returns>Name for the new sub module</returns>
 public TTCL create_sysgen(TCLObject name, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: create_sysgen [-quiet] [-verbose] <name>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.create_sysgen(name, quiet, verbose));
Пример #22
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Get a list of Methodology rule check objects<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: get_methodology_checks [-regexp] [-nocase] [-filter &lt;arg&gt;] [-abbrev &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;patterns&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Gets a list of the currently defined methodology checks. This list includes the factory defined<br/>
 /// methodology checks for process and timing.<br/>
 /// Note: To improve memory and performance, the get_* commands return a container list of a single type<br/>
 /// of objects (e.g. cells, nets, pins, or ports). You can add new objects to the list (using lappend for instance),<br/>
 /// but you can only add the same type of object that is currently in the list. Adding a different type of object,<br/>
 /// or string, to the list is not permitted and will result in a Tcl error.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following command gets a list of all synthesis methodology checks:<br/>
 /// get_methodology_checks SYNTH*<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 829<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="regexp">(Optional) Patterns are full regular expressions</param>
 /// <param name="nocase">(Optional) Perform case-insensitive matching. (valid only when -regexp specified)</param>
 /// <param name="filter">(Optional) Filter list with expression</param>
 /// <param name="abbrev">(Optional) Get the largest ID for this abbrev</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="patterns">(Optional) Match the 'rule_check' objects against patterns. Default: *</param>
 /// <returns>list of Methodology rule_check objects</returns>
 public TTCL get_methodology_checks(bool?regexp = null, bool?nocase = null, String filter = null, String abbrev = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject patterns = null)
     // TCL Syntax: get_methodology_checks [-regexp] [-nocase] [-filter <arg>] [-abbrev <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.get_methodology_checks(regexp, nocase, filter, abbrev, quiet, verbose, patterns));
Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Write QoR Suggestions to the given file<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: write_qor_suggestions [-strategy_dir &lt;arg&gt;] [-tcl_output_dir &lt;arg&gt;] [-force] [-of_objects &lt;args&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;file&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Write the QoR suggestions generated by the report_qor_suggestions command. You can<br/>
 /// combine the suggestions from the latest report with suggestions read into the design with<br/>
 /// read_qor_suggestions so that you can manage all suggestions in a single RQS file.<br/>
 /// To write out specific QoR suggestions, use the -of_objects option. When this is not specified,<br/>
 /// all suggestions will be written.<br/>
 /// The recommended way to manage suggestions is using RQS objects. However, it is possible to<br/>
 /// view and execute the commands using Tcl. Specifying the -tcl_output_dir option writes Tcl<br/>
 /// scripts for the automated suggestions that are property based.<br/>
 /// Implementation strategies that use machine learning to analyze the design can be generated<br/>
 /// running report_qor_suggestions. If you specify the -strategy_dir option, multiple Tcl<br/>
 /// files and one RQS file will be written for each strategy. The Tcl files aid integration into project or<br/>
 /// non project flows. The main RQS file should not be used as the suggestions are contained in the<br/>
 /// run specific files along with strategy information.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// This command returns the name of the output file created when successful, or returns an error if<br/>
 /// it fails.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example reports QoR suggestions, then writes non-strategy suggestions to the<br/>
 /// specified file.<br/>
 /// report_qor_suggestions<br/>
 /// write_qor_suggestions C:/Data/qor_results.rqs<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// The following example reports QoR suggestions, then writes both strategy and non-strategy<br/>
 /// suggestions. It will create one RQS file for each strategy suggestion that exists, generating up to<br/>
 /// three by default. Into each RQS file, it writes one strategy suggestion and all non-strategy<br/>
 /// suggestions. This behavior means that for subsequent runs one RQS file per run is required.<br/>
 /// report_qor_suggestions<br/>
 /// write_qor_suggestions -strategy_dir C:/Data/strategy_dir C:/Data/<br/>
 /// qor_suggestions.rqs<br/>
 /// To make use of strategy suggestions, the directive for each implementation command<br/>
 /// (opt_design, place_design, phys_opt_design, and route_design) must be set to RQS.<br/>
 /// This can be configured automatically in project mode by sourcing the project mode Tcl script<br/>
 /// generated for each RQS file in the strategy_dir. There is also a non-project example Tcl script<br/>
 /// that demonstrates this requirement.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1883<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">
 /// <para>
 /// (Required)<br/>
 /// QoR suggestions file Values: A filename with alphanumeric<br/>
 /// characters and .rqs extension.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="strategy_dir">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Directory to create Strategy RQS &amp; TCL files Values: If<br/>
 /// passed a directory path, for each strategy suggested one set<br/>
 /// of RQS and TCL files will be generated.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="tcl_output_dir">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Directory to create TCL files Values: TCL files for the QoR<br/>
 /// suggestions will be generated in the provided directory.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite existing suggestions file</param>
 /// <param name="of_objects">(Optional) List of QoR suggestion objects</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL write_qor_suggestions(TCLObject file, String strategy_dir = null, String tcl_output_dir = null, bool?force = null, TCLParameterList of_objects = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: write_qor_suggestions [-strategy_dir <arg>] [-tcl_output_dir <arg>] [-force] [-of_objects <args>] [-quiet] [-verbose] <file>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.write_qor_suggestions(file, strategy_dir, tcl_output_dir, force, of_objects, quiet, verbose));
Пример #24
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Get a list of Methodology violations from a previous report_methodology run<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: get_methodology_violations [-name &lt;arg&gt;] [-regexp] [-filter &lt;arg&gt;] [-nocase] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;patterns&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Gets a list of violation objects found in the design when the report_methodology command<br/>
 /// is run. The properties of individual violation objects can be queried using report_property or<br/>
 /// list_property commands for details of the violation.<br/>
 /// Violation objects are associated with the cells, nets, pins, or ports in the current design, or sites<br/>
 /// on the current device. The design objects associated with a methodology violation object can be<br/>
 /// obtained using the -of_objects option of the appropriate get_* command, such as<br/>
 /// get_cells, or get_nets for instance.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// Note: To improve memory and performance, the get_* commands return a container list of a single type<br/>
 /// of objects (e.g. cells, nets, pins, or ports). You can add new objects to the list (using lappend for instance),<br/>
 /// but you can only add the same type of object that is currently in the list. Adding a different type of object,<br/>
 /// or string, to the list is not permitted and will result in a Tcl error.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example reports the methodology violations found in the current design, then<br/>
 /// returns a list of all those violations:<br/>
 /// report_methodology<br/>
 /// get_methodology_violations<br/>
 /// The following example generates list of violations in the named methodology report, and then<br/>
 /// gets the pins associated with any violations found:<br/>
 /// report_methodology -name method_1<br/>
 /// get_pins -of_objects [get_methodology_violations -name method_1]<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 832<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">(Optional) Get the results with this name</param>
 /// <param name="regexp">(Optional) Patterns are full regular expressions</param>
 /// <param name="filter">(Optional) Filter list with expression</param>
 /// <param name="nocase">(Optional) Perform case-insensitive matching (valid only when -regexp specified)</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="patterns">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Match methodology_violations against patterns Default: *<br/>
 /// Values: The default search pattern is the wildcard *, or .*<br/>
 /// when -regexp is specified.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>list of Methodology violation objects</returns>
 public TTCL get_methodology_violations(String name = null, bool?regexp = null, String filter = null, bool?nocase = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject patterns = null)
     // TCL Syntax: get_methodology_violations [-name <arg>] [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-nocase] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.get_methodology_violations(name, regexp, filter, nocase, quiet, verbose, patterns));
Пример #25
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Get a list of available QoR suggestions<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: get_qor_suggestions [-filter &lt;arg&gt;] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;IDs&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Get existing QoR suggestion objects created by the report_qor_suggestions command, or<br/>
 /// read into the design using read_qor_suggestions. The selected QoR objects can be written<br/>
 /// to a file using the write_qor_suggestions command. The suggestions created by the report<br/>
 /// command remain in memory until delete_qor_suggestions is run, or until it is overwritten<br/>
 /// by another report.<br/>
 /// This command returns a list of existing QoR suggestion objects from the open design, or returns<br/>
 /// an error if it fails.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// To return an individual suggestion, you can supply the full ID:<br/>
 /// get_qor_suggestions RQS_CLOCK-5_1-1<br/>
 /// Due to the naming style of suggestions, wildcard searches do NOT work directly. However you<br/>
 /// can use the filter command with -regexp to use wildcards as follows:<br/>
 /// filter -regexp [get_qor_suggestions] {NAME =~ RQS_CLOCK.*}<br/>
 /// You can also filter suggestions objects within a given category. Available categories include:<br/>
 /// Timing, Congestion, Utilization, XDC, Clocking, and Strategy. For example, the following returns<br/>
 /// suggestions related to the Timing category:<br/>
 /// get_qor_suggestions -filter {CATEGORY==Timing}<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 904<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">(Optional) Filter list with expression</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="IDs">(Optional) Match suggestion names against given names</param>
 /// <returns>list of qor suggestion objects</returns>
 public TTCL get_qor_suggestions(String filter = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject IDs = null)
     // TCL Syntax: get_qor_suggestions [-filter <arg>] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<IDs>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.get_qor_suggestions(filter, quiet, verbose, IDs));
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Get one or more DRC/METHODOLOGY/CDC message waivers<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: get_waivers [-type &lt;arg&gt;] [-id &lt;arg&gt;] [-of_objects &lt;args&gt;] [-regexp] [-filter &lt;arg&gt;] [-nocase] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;patterns&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The create_waiver command lets you select individual DRC, methodology, or CDC violations<br/>
 /// or rule checks that can be waived for a design, letting you move forward in the design flow. The<br/>
 /// get_waivers command lets you query the defined waiver objects in the current design.<br/>
 /// A waiver must be specified for an individual DRC or methodology violation, or for a specific DRC<br/>
 /// or methodology check, or for a CDC path. The waiver must be assigned to a specific object, or<br/>
 /// specific violation ID, or for paths using -from/-to arguments. You can format the<br/>
 /// get_waivers command to return the specific types of waivers you are looking for, or waivers<br/>
 /// associated with specific objects.<br/>
 /// UG835 (v2020.2) November 18, 2020 www.xilinx.com<br/>
 /// You can report the waivers defined in the current design with report_waivers, and remove<br/>
 /// waivers from the design using delete_waivers.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// This example gets any waivers in the current design:<br/>
 /// get_waivers<br/>
 /// The following example gets all DRC check waivers:<br/>
 /// get_waivers -type DRC *<br/>
 /// The following example gets all waivers associated with the specified objects:<br/>
 /// get_waivers -of_objects [get_ports {src_in* dest_out*}]<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 957<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">(Optional) Type of waiver - DRC, METHODOLOGY, CDC, ALL</param>
 /// <param name="id">(Optional) ID of the DRC/METHODOLOGY/CDC message being waived</param>
 /// <param name="of_objects">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// List of objects (cells, nets, pins, sites, etc.) for which DRC/<br/>
 /// METHODLOGY/CDC waiver(s) were set<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="regexp">(Optional) Patterns are full regular expressions</param>
 /// <param name="filter">(Optional) Filter list with expression</param>
 /// <param name="nocase">(Optional) Perform case-insensitive matching (valid only when -regexp specified)</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 /// <param name="patterns">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Match waiver names against patterns Default: * Values: The<br/>
 /// default search pattern is the wildcard *, or .* when -regexp<br/>
 /// is specified.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>waivers</returns>
 public TTCL get_waivers(String type = null, String id = null, TCLParameterList of_objects = null, bool?regexp = null, String filter = null, bool?nocase = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null, TCLObject patterns = null)
     // TCL Syntax: get_waivers [-type <arg>] [-id <arg>] [-of_objects <args>] [-regexp] [-filter <arg>] [-nocase] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<patterns>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.get_waivers(type, id, of_objects, regexp, filter, nocase, quiet, verbose, patterns));
Пример #27
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Set user columns on one or more package pins<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: set_package_pin_val [-quiet] [-verbose] &lt;column&gt; &lt;value&gt; &lt;package_pins&gt;...
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Create user-defined package pin attributes and assign values to specific pins on the package.<br/>
 /// User-defined pin attributes can be defined in a CSV file and imported into an I/O Pin Planning<br/>
 /// project using read_csv, or can be edited in the project using this command.<br/>
 /// Note: Use the set_property command to set tool-defined properties of a package pin.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example creates a new user-defined column in the Package Pins view, and assigns<br/>
 /// the value true to the specified pin:<br/>
 /// set_package_pin_val -column track1 -value true -package_pins AK27<br/>
 /// The following example creates a user-defined column called Test, then assigns the value RED to<br/>
 /// all "AK" package pins, then changes the value to GREEN for the three specified pins:<br/>
 /// set_package_pin_val -column Test -value RED \<br/>
 /// -package_pins [get_package_pins AK*]<br/>
 /// set_package_pin_val -column Test -value GREEN \<br/>
 /// -package_pins {AK1 AK2 AK3}<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1670<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="column">(Required) User column name</param>
 /// <param name="value">(Required) Value to set</param>
 /// <param name="package_pins">(Required) Package pin names</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL set_package_pin_val(TCLObject column, TCLObject value, TCLObjectList package_pins, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: set_package_pin_val [-quiet] [-verbose] <column> <value> <package_pins>...
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.set_package_pin_val(column, value, package_pins, quiet, verbose));
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// Write out one or more DRC/METHODOLOGY/CDC message waivers in command form<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: write_waivers [-type &lt;arg&gt;] [-objects &lt;args&gt;] [-return_string] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] [&lt;file&gt;]
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// To save waivers from one design session to the next, you must use write_waivers to create<br/>
 /// an XDC file of the waiver commands, and read_xdc to read those waivers back into the design<br/>
 /// when it is reopened.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// This example writes all waivers in the current design:<br/>
 /// write_waivers C:/Data/design_waivers.xdc<br/>
 /// The following example writes only DRC type waivers:<br/>
 /// write_waivers -type DRC C:/Data/drc_waivers.xdc<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 1898<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="file">(Required) Name of file to write waivers</param>
 /// <param name="type">(Optional) Type of waiver(s) - ALL, DRC, METHODOLOGY, CDC to write</param>
 /// <param name="objects">(Optional) List of DRC/METHODOLOGY/CDC waiver objects to be written</param>
 /// <param name="return_string">(Optional) Return report results as a string object</param>
 /// <param name="force">(Optional) Overwrite existing file</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Suspend message limits during command execution</param>
 public TTCL write_waivers(TCLObject file, String type = null, TCLParameterList objects = null, bool?return_string = null, bool?force = null, bool?quiet = null, bool?verbose = null)
     // TCL Syntax: write_waivers [-type <arg>] [-objects <args>] [-return_string] [-force] [-quiet] [-verbose] [<file>]
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.write_waivers(file, type, objects, return_string, force, quiet, verbose));
Пример #29
 public TCLCommandObjectParameter(TCLObject value)
     _value = value;
Пример #30
 /// <summary>
 /// <para>
 /// (User-written application) Copy a run from an already existing run, source-run, to a new copy of<br/>
 /// that run, destination-run.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <br/>
 /// TCL Syntax: copy_run [-parent_run &lt;arg&gt;] [-verbose] -name &lt;arg&gt; [-quiet] &lt;run&gt;
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// Copies an existing synthesis or implementation run.<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// The following example will copy synth_1 run into a new synth_2 run:<br/>
 /// copy_run -name synth_2 [get_runs synth_1]<br/>
 /// The following example will copy the impl_1 run into a new run called impl_2, and assign synth_2<br/>
 /// as the parent of the new run:<br/>
 /// copy_run -name impl_2 [get_runs impl_1] -parent_run synth_2<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// <br/>
 /// <para>
 /// See ug835-vivado-tcl-commands.pdf, page 220<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">(Required) Specify the name of the new run</param>
 /// <param name="run">(Required) The run to be copied, accepts name or run object</param>
 /// <param name="parent_run">
 /// <para>
 /// (Optional)<br/>
 /// Specify the synthesis run for the new implementation run,<br/>
 /// accepts name or run object (Default: same as source run)<br/>
 /// Default: None<br/>
 /// </para>
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="verbose">(Optional) Print detailed information as the copy progresses</param>
 /// <param name="quiet">(Optional) Ignore command errors</param>
 /// <returns>The new run object</returns>
 public TTCL copy_run(String name, TCLObject run, String parent_run = null, bool?verbose = null, bool?quiet = null)
     // TCL Syntax: copy_run [-parent_run <arg>] [-verbose] -name <arg> [-quiet] <run>
     _tcl.Entry(_builder.copy_run(name, run, parent_run, verbose, quiet));