public void StartBidingOther(int id) { #if DEBUG _log.Debug("id: {0}", id); #endif _catId = id; lbError.Visible = false; try { if (_catId <= 0) { return; } var result = OtherDAL.GetAll(_catId); if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } _dataSource = result.Data.Tables[0]; grvSubOtherItems.DataSource = result.Data; grvSubOtherItems.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" }; grvSubOtherItems.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.ToString()); lbError.InnerText = ex.Message; lbError.Visible = true; } }
private void UpdateOtherProcess() { OtherBOL other = new OtherBOL() { Id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(hfId.Value) ? 0 : int.Parse(hfId.Value), Name_VN = tbxNameVN.Text, Name_EN = tbxNameEN.Text, Description_VN = tbxDesVN.Text, Description_EN = tbxDesEN.Text, IsGroup = true, InsertDate = DateTime.Now, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var result = OtherDAL.InsertOrUpdate(other); if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } StartClearData(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, false); }
void initComboBox() { PipeDAL pipeDAL = new PipeDAL(); ProDAL proDal = new ProDAL(); int proid = proDal.getNowPro(); DataTable pipedata = pipeDAL.getPipeBaisc(proid); DataTable oilsdata = new OilsDAL().getOilosData(); DataTable pumpdata = new PumpDAL().getPumpData(); DataTable soildata = new SoilDAL().getSoilData(); DataTable otherdata = new OtherDAL().getOtherData(); for (int i = 0; i < pipedata.Rows.Count; i++) { ComboBoxItem item = new ComboBoxItem(); item.Content = pipedata.Rows[i]["pipe_name"]; item.Tag = pipedata.Rows[i]["pipe_id"]; if (i == 0) { item.IsSelected = true; } pipe.Items.Add(item); } for (int i = 0; i < oilsdata.Rows.Count; i++) { ComboBoxItem item = new ComboBoxItem(); item.Content = oilsdata.Rows[i]["oils_name"]; item.Tag = oilsdata.Rows[i]["oils_id"] + " "; if (i == 0) { item.IsSelected = true; } oils.Items.Add(item); } }
/// <summary> /// this method is used for activating the selected MarketingSource(s). /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> protected void btnActivate_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { EMarketingSource[] marketingSource = GetSelectedSource(); OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); if (marketingSource.Length > 0) { StringBuilder strMarketingSourceId = new StringBuilder(String.Empty); foreach (EMarketingSource oMarketingSource in marketingSource) { strMarketingSourceId.Append("," + oMarketingSource.MarketingSourceID.ToString()); } strMarketingSourceId.Remove(0, 1); Int64 returnresult = otherDal.SaveMarketingSource(strMarketingSourceId.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Activate)); if (returnresult == 0) { returnresult = 9999994; } divErrorMsg.Visible = true; divErrorMsg.InnerHtml = (String)GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "msgDatabaseResult" + returnresult.ToString()); hfMarketingSourceID.Value = ""; GetSource(); } }
/// <summary> /// this method is used for adding new and updating the information regarding the MarketingSource which is /// called on clicking save button. /// </summary> private void UpdateSource() { OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); EMarketingSource objMarketing = new EMarketingSource { Notes = txtNotes.Text, Label = txtName.Text }; objMarketing.IsActive = true; Int64 returnresult; if (hfMarketingSourceID.Value.ToString().Equals("")) { returnresult = otherDal.SaveMarketingSource(objMarketing, Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Insert)); if (returnresult == 0) { returnresult = 9999990; } } else { objMarketing.MarketingSourceID = Convert.ToInt32(((DataTable)(ViewState["DSGRID"])).Rows[grdMarketingSource.Rows[Convert.ToInt32(hfMarketingSourceID.Value)].DataItemIndex]["MarketingSourceID"]); returnresult = otherDal.SaveMarketingSource(objMarketing, Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Update)); if (returnresult == 0) { returnresult = 9999991; } } divErrorMsg.Visible = true; divErrorMsg.InnerHtml = (String)GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "msgDatabaseResult" + returnresult.ToString()); hfMarketingSourceID.Value = ""; GetSource(); }
private void Button_build(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { IsNumber Isnumber = new IsNumber(); if (name.Text.Length != 0 && buildCost.Text.Length != 0 && recoveryN.Text.Length != 0 && operatingCost.Text.Length != 0 && oilCost.Text.Length != 0 && electricityCost.Text.Length != 0) { if (Isnumber.isNumber(buildCost.Text.Trim()) == false || Isnumber.isNumber(recoveryN.Text.Trim()) == false || Isnumber.isNumber(operatingCost.Text.Trim()) == false || Isnumber.isNumber(oilCost.Text.Trim()) == false || Isnumber.isNumber(electricityCost.Text.Trim()) == false) { MessageBox.Show("输入格式有误"); } else { OtherDAL dal = new OtherDAL(); dal.delOtherData(id); Other other = new Other(id, name.Text, buildCost.Text, recoveryN.Text, operatingCost.Text, oilCost.Text, electricityCost.Text); dal.addOtherData(other); MessageBox.Show("修改成功"); Close(); return; } } else { MessageBox.Show("请确保没有空白项"); } }
public Int64 SaveProspectCustomerData(string prospectCustomerId, string fieldName, string value) { OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); long savedProspectCustomerId = otherDal.SaveProspectCustomerData(Convert.ToInt32(prospectCustomerId), fieldName, value); // If this is a new prospect customer, track this conversion. if (prospectCustomerId.Equals("0")) { long clickId = 0; HttpCookie clickIdCookie = Context.Request.Cookies["advertiserClick"]; if (clickIdCookie != null) { long.TryParse(clickIdCookie.Value, out clickId); } // if there's a click ID, save which click caused the conversion to a prospective customer, and their prospect ID if (clickId > 0) { IClickConversionRepository ccr = new ClickConversionRepository(); ccr.SaveProspectConversion(clickId, savedProspectCustomerId); } } return(savedProspectCustomerId); }
private void StartDeleteItemsProcessing(string listId) { try { var result = OtherDAL.DeleteAll(listId); if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } if (result.Data != null && result.Data.Tables.Count > 0 && result.Data.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { StartShowDeleteMessageErrors(result.Data.Tables[0]); } lbError.Visible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelpers.WriteException("[ucMenuItems][StartDeleteItemsProcessing]", ex.ToString()); //--- lbError.InnerText = ex.Message; lbError.Visible = true; } }
public void StartBindingItems(int otherTypeId, string title) { string tag = __tag + "[StartBindingItems]"; LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "OtherTypeId = " + otherTypeId.ToString(), "Start..."); try { if (otherTypeId <= 0) { return; } lbTitle.Text = title; var result = OtherDAL.GetAll(otherTypeId); if (result.Code < 0) { LogHelpers.WriteError(tag, result.ErrorMessage); return; } lvMainRightLinkItems.DataSource = result.Data; lvMainRightLinkItems.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id", "Name_VN", "Name_EN" }; lvMainRightLinkItems.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelpers.WriteException(tag, ex.ToString()); } finally { LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "End."); } }
public void StartBindingGroupOther(int id) { //formSubMenu.Visible = false; if (id <= 0) { return; } var result = OtherDAL.GetAllGroup(id); if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } lbError.Visible = false; try { ddlSubMenu.DataSource = result.Data; ddlSubMenu.DataValueField = "Id"; ddlSubMenu.DataTextField = "Name_VN"; //--- ddlSubMenu.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.ToString()); lbError.InnerText = ex.Message; lbError.Visible = true; } }
public List <ComboBoxPair> GetMarketingSourceByPrefixText(string prefixText) { var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); return(otherDal.GetMarketingSource(string.Empty, 3).Where(eMarketingSource => eMarketingSource.Label.ToLower().Contains(prefixText.ToLower())).Select(marketingSource => new ComboBoxPair() { text = marketingSource.Label, value = marketingSource.MarketingSourceID.ToString() }).ToList()); }
public Oth_Add() { InitializeComponent(); WindowStartupLocation = WindowStartupLocation.CenterScreen; OtherDAL otherDAL = new OtherDAL(); otherid = otherDAL.getMaxOtherId() + 1; otherId.Text = otherid + " "; }
private void StartLoadSubOtherInfo(int id) { string tag = __tag + "[StartLoadSubOtherInfo]"; LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "Start..."); lbError.Visible = false; try { var result = OtherDAL.Get(id); if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } OtherBOL other = new OtherBOL(result.Data.Tables[0].Rows[0]); tbxNameVN.Text = other.Name_VN; tbxNameEN.Text = other.Name_EN; tbxLink.Text = other.Link; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(other.ImageLink)) { //imgImage.ImageUrl = "~/" + Path.Combine(Utilities.GetDirectory("ImagesDir"), other.ImageLink.Split('|')[0]); //imgImage.Visible = true; //--- groupImages.Visible = true; StartLoadImages(other.ImageLink); } else { //imgImage.Visible = false; groupImages.Visible = false; } tbxDesVN.Text = other.Description_VN; tbxDesEN.Text = other.Description_EN; btnSubmit.Text = "Update"; btnCancel.Visible = true; } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelpers.WriteException(tag, ex.ToString()); lbError.InnerText = ex.Message; lbError.Visible = true; } finally { LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "End."); } }
protected void imgBtnDelivered_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { imgBtnReadyToShip.ImageUrl = "~/App/Images/readytoship-tab-off.gif"; imgBtnDelivered.ImageUrl = "~/App/Images/Delivered-tab-on.gif"; imgBtnUpcomingOrders.ImageUrl = "~/App/Images/Upcoming-tab-off.gif"; var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); DataSet ds = otherDal.GetOrderDetail("", "", "", 0, Convert.ToInt32(ddlOrderStatus.Items.FindByText("Delivered").Value), Convert.ToInt32(ddlDeliveryMode.Items.FindByText("Select Delivery Mode").Value), 1); BindOrderList(ds); dgManageOrder.Columns[7].Visible = true; }
private void FillBlockedDays(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, string strOwner) { var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); var objBlockedDay = new List <EBlockedDay>(); var sessionContext = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>(); if (sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin)) { objBlockedDay = GetBlockedDayForCalendar(0, startDate.ToString(), endDate.ToString(), "Franchisor"); } else if (sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchiseeAdmin)) { objBlockedDay = GetBlockedDayForCalendar(sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationRoleUserId, startDate.ToString(), endDate.ToString(), "Franchisee"); } if (objBlockedDay != null && objBlockedDay.Count > 0) { for (int count = 0; count < objBlockedDay.Count; count++) { string strBlockedReason = string.Empty; if ((objBlockedDay[count].IsGlobal == false) && (sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin))) { string ControlID = "\"BlockedDay" + objBlockedDay[count].BlockedDayID + strOwner + "\""; string strFranchisee = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < objBlockedDay[count].BlockDayFranchisee.Count; i++) { if (strFranchisee != string.Empty) { strFranchisee = strFranchisee + "<br>" + (i + 1) + ": " + objBlockedDay[count].BlockDayFranchisee[i].Franchisee.Name; } else { strFranchisee = (i + 1) + ": " + objBlockedDay[count].BlockDayFranchisee[i].Franchisee.Name; } } strFranchisee = "\"" + strFranchisee + " \""; string strBlockedDayDescription = strFranchisee + "," + ControlID; strBlockedReason = "<a onmouseout='hideTipBubble(\"BlockedDay\")' onmouseover='ShowBlockedDayFranchisee(" + strBlockedDayDescription + ")'> <img src='../Images/block-square.gif' /> " + objBlockedDay[count].BlockedReason + "</a>"; } else { strBlockedReason = "<img src='../Images/block-square.gif' /> " + objBlockedDay[count].BlockedReason; } _tblAppointments.Rows.Add(new object[] { "BlockedDay" + objBlockedDay[count].BlockedDayID.ToString() + strOwner, "BlockedDay", strBlockedReason, objBlockedDay[count].BlockedDate, string.Empty }); } } }
public string[] GetAllZipCodesByStateID(string stateid) { OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); EZip[] objZip = otherDal.GetSimilarZipCode(stateid, 1).ToArray(); List <string> items = new List <string>(objZip.Length); foreach (EZip objEZip in objZip) { items.Add(objEZip.ZipCode); } return(items.ToArray()); }
protected void imgBtnUpcomingOrders_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { imgBtnReadyToShip.ImageUrl = "~/App/Images/readytoship-tab-off.gif"; imgBtnDelivered.ImageUrl = "~/App/Images/Delivered-tab-off.gif"; imgBtnUpcomingOrders.ImageUrl = "~/App/Images/Upcoming-tab-on.gif"; var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); DataSet ds = otherDal.SearchOrderForUpcomingEvents(); BindOrderList(ds); dgManageOrder.Columns[7].Visible = false; }
public string[] GetSimilarZipCodeByDistance(string zipcode, string distance) { OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); EZip[] objZip = otherDal.GetSimilarZipCodeByDistance(zipcode, distance, 2).ToArray(); List <string> items = new List <string>(objZip.Length); foreach (EZip objEZip in objZip) { items.Add(objEZip.ZipCode); } return(items.ToArray()); }
public void recoveryData(int id) { OtherDAL dal = new OtherDAL(); DataTable data = dal.getSingleOtherData(id); otherId.Text = data.Rows[0]["other_id"] + " "; name.Text = data.Rows[0]["other_name"] + " "; buildCost.Text = data.Rows[0]["cost_build"] + " "; recoveryN.Text = data.Rows[0]["n_recovery"] + " "; operatingCost.Text = data.Rows[0]["cost_operating"] + " "; oilCost.Text = data.Rows[0]["cost_oil"] + " "; electricityCost.Text = data.Rows[0]["cost_electricity"] + " "; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Title = "Edit Customer"; if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["CustomerID"] != null) { var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); Int64 returnresult = otherDal.GetUid(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CustomerID"])); UCEditCustomer1.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(returnresult); } } }
/// <summary> /// this method fills the datagrid with relevant information /// about the MarketingSources. /// </summary> private void GetSource() { OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); EMarketingSource[] objMarketing = otherDal.GetMarketingSource(string.Empty, 0).ToArray(); DataTable dtMarketingSource = new DataTable(); dtMarketingSource.Columns.Add("MarketingSourceID"); dtMarketingSource.Columns.Add("Source"); dtMarketingSource.Columns.Add("notes"); dtMarketingSource.Columns.Add("Active"); if (objMarketing.Length > 0 && objMarketing.Length > 0) { for (int icount = 0; icount < objMarketing.Length; icount++) { if (objMarketing[icount].IsActive.ToString().Equals("True")) { dtMarketingSource.Rows.Add(new object[] { objMarketing[icount].MarketingSourceID, objMarketing[icount].Label, objMarketing[icount].Notes, "Active" }); } else { dtMarketingSource.Rows.Add(new object[] { objMarketing[icount].MarketingSourceID, objMarketing[icount].Label, objMarketing[icount].Notes, "Deactivated" }); } } grdMarketingSource.DataSource = dtMarketingSource; ViewState["DSGRID"] = dtMarketingSource; grdMarketingSource.DataBind(); txtName.Text = ""; txtNotes.Text = ""; hfMarketingSourceID.Value = ""; grdMarketingSource.Visible = true; btnActivate.Enabled = true; btnDeActivate.Enabled = true; btnDelete.Enabled = true; } else { divErrorMsg.Visible = true; divErrorMsg.InnerText = "No Records Found"; //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "jscode", "DisableAll();", true); btnActivate.Enabled = false; btnDeActivate.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Enabled = false; grdMarketingSource.Visible = false; } }
public void button_dele(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (table.SelectedIndex >= 0) { int otherid = int.Parse(data.Rows[table.SelectedIndex]["other_id"] + " "); OtherDAL dal = new OtherDAL(); dal.delOtherData(otherid); initTable(); } else { MessageBox.Show("没有选中项,无法删除"); } }
public bool CheckUserNameAvailability_nonSSL(string userName, string userId) { //var repository = IoC.Resolve<IUserRepository<Customer>>(); //long checkUserId = 0; //long.TryParse(userId.Trim(), out checkUserId); //if (checkUserId == 0) // return !repository.UserNameExists(userName); //else // return !repository.UserNameExists(checkUserId, userName); var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); return(otherDal.CheckUniqueUserName(userName, Convert.ToInt64(userId))); }
protected void imgBtnSubmit_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); EOrderShippingInformation objShippingInfo = new EOrderShippingInformation(); EZip objzip = otherDal.CheckCityZip(txtCity.Text, txtZip.Text, ddlstate.SelectedItem.Value); if (objzip.CityID == 0) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "JSCode_CityValidation", "alert('City Name entered is not correct.'); ", true); return; } else if (objzip.ZipID == 0) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "JSCode_ZipValidation", "alert('Zip Code entered is not correct.'); ", true); return; } objShippingInfo.OrderShippingInformationID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["OrderShippingInformationID"].ToString()); objShippingInfo.Carrier = Convert.ToInt32(ddlcarrier.SelectedValue); objShippingInfo.CarrierTransactionNumber = txtcarriertno.Text; objShippingInfo.ShippingDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtShippingDate.Text).ToString(); objShippingInfo.ShippingNotes = txtShippingNotes.Text; objShippingInfo.ShippingAddressID = Convert.ToInt32(hfAddressID.Value); objShippingInfo.TrackingNumber = txtTrackingNo.Text; objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress = new EAddress(); objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress.AddressID = Convert.ToInt32(hfAddressID.Value); objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress.Address1 = txtAddress1.Text; objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress.Address2 = txtAddress2.Text; objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress.StateID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlstate.SelectedValue); objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress.CityID = objzip.CityID; objShippingInfo.ShippingAddress.ZipID = objzip.ZipID; objShippingInfo.LastModifiedBy = Convert.ToInt32(IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.OrganizationRoleUserId); objShippingInfo.LastModifiedByRole = Convert.ToInt32(IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.RoleId); Int64 returnresult = otherDal.UpdateShippingInfo(objShippingInfo); if (returnresult > 0) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "jscode_savesuccessful", "parent.parent.GB_hide(); ", true); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "jscode_saveerror", "alert('Shipping Information not saved successfully.'); ", true); } }
private void InsertOrUpdateBannerProcess() { string tag = __tag + "[InsertOrUpdateBannerProcess]"; LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "Start..."); try { OtherBOL banner = new OtherBOL() { Id = _id > 0 ? _id : 0, Name_VN = tbxNameVN.Text, Name_EN = tbxNameEN.Text, Description_VN = tbxDesVN.Text, Description_EN = tbxDesEN.Text, Link = tbxLink.Text, ImageLink = UploadImageProcess(), ParentId = _catId, OtherType = _catId, InsertDate = DateTime.Now, UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now }; var result = OtherDAL.InsertOrUpdate(banner); if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } StartClearData(); Response.Redirect(Request.RawUrl, false); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelpers.WriteException(tag, ex.ToString()); lbError.InnerText = ex.Message; lbError.Visible = true; } finally { LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "End."); } }
private List <EBlockedDay> GetBlockedDayForCalendar(long intUserShellID, string strStartDate, string strEndDate, string strRoleType) { var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); switch (strRoleType) { case "Franchisor": return(otherDal.GetBlockedDayForCalendar(intUserShellID, strStartDate, strEndDate, 1)); case "Franchisee": return(otherDal.GetBlockedDayForCalendar(intUserShellID, strStartDate, strEndDate, 0)); default: return(otherDal.GetBlockedDayForCalendar(intUserShellID, strStartDate, strEndDate, 0)); } }
protected void ibtnsave_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { var otherDal = new OtherDAL(); EBlockedDay objBlockday = new EBlockedDay { BlockedDate = hfBlockDate.Value, BlockedReason = txtBlockReason.Text, IsActive = true }; var sessionContext = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>(); //TODO: call by javascript EBlockedDayFranchisee[] objBlockdayFranchisee = GetSelectedFranchisee(); if ((sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchisorAdmin)) && ((objBlockdayFranchisee.Length == grdFranchisee.Rows.Count) || (objBlockdayFranchisee.Length == 0))) { objBlockday.IsGlobal = true; } else if (sessionContext.UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.CheckRole((long)Roles.FranchiseeAdmin)) { objBlockday.IsGlobal = false; } objBlockday.BlockDayFranchisee = objBlockdayFranchisee.ToList(); Int64 returnresult = otherDal.SaveBlockedDay(objBlockday, Convert.ToInt32(EOperationMode.Insert)); if (returnresult == 0) { returnresult = 9999990; } hfBlockDate.Value = ""; txtBlockDate.Text = ""; txtBlockReason.Text = ""; //setView(ViewState["ViewType"].ToString()); CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)grdFranchisee.HeaderRow.FindControl("chkboxheader"); System.Text.StringBuilder strJsCloseWindow = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); strJsCloseWindow.Append(" <script language = 'Javascript'> document.getElementById('" + chk.ClientID + "').checked=false;GridMasterCheck(); </script>"); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "JSCode", strJsCloseWindow.ToString()); }
public void StartBidingOtherType(int id) { string tag = __tag + "[StartBidingOtherType]"; LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "Start..."); lbError.Visible = false; try { ResultBOL <DataSet> result = null; if (id <= 0) { result = OtherTypeDAL.GetAll(); } else { result = OtherDAL.GetAll(id); } if (result.Code < 0) { lbError.InnerText = result.ErrorMessage; lbError.Visible = true; return; } _dataSource = result.Data.Tables[0]; grvOtherItems.DataSource = result.Data; grvOtherItems.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" }; grvOtherItems.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelpers.WriteException(tag, ex.ToString()); lbError.InnerText = ex.Message; lbError.Visible = true; } finally { LogHelpers.WriteStatus(tag, "End."); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Ucleftpanel1.Redirect = false; Ucmenucontrol2.RoleName = IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.RoleAlias; if (IsPostBack != true) { spcurdate.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd, dd MMMM, yyyy"); var currentRole = (Roles)IoC.Resolve <ISessionContext>().UserSession.CurrentOrganizationRole.GetSystemRoleId; Ucwelcomebox2.SetLinks(currentRole); OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); string strSystemVersion = otherDal.GetConfigurationValue("SystemVersion"); HtmlAnchor anchor = (HtmlAnchor)Ucwelcomebox2.FindControl("lnkdashboard"); SetLeftPanel(currentRole.ToString()); SetRecentVisited(currentRole.ToString()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Title = "Edit Customer"; Franchisee_Technician_TechnicianMaster objMaster = (Franchisee_Technician_TechnicianMaster)this.Master; objMaster.SetBreadcrumb = "<a href=\"/App/Franchisee/Technician/HomePage.aspx\">DashBoard></a>"; objMaster.settitle("Customer Profile"); if (!IsPostBack) { if (Request.QueryString["UserID"] != null) { UCEditCustomer1.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["UserID"].ToString()); } else if (Request.QueryString["CustomerID"] != null) { OtherDAL otherDal = new OtherDAL(); UCEditCustomer1.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(otherDal.GetUid(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["CustomerID"]))); } } }