/// <summary> /// Destroy method and sends a message that we are gone! /// </summary> void OnDestroy() { oscController.Close(); OscMessage messageOSC = new OscMessage(); messageOSC.address = "CIAO"; oscHandshaker.Send(messageOSC); oscHandshaker.Close(); udp_client.Close(); Network.Disconnect(); }
public void Restart() { OnApplicationQuit(); Debug.Log("Restart"); if (_userRole == UserRole.Playback) { playbackManager.StopPlayback(); } else if (_userRole == UserRole.Server) { osc.Close(); } else if (_userRole == UserRole.Player) { if (soundHandler.isRecording) { soundHandler.Stop(); } } scenarioEvents.medianDancer.Shut(); Camera.main.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("--------- Scene Objects ------------").transform; userManager.EraseAllPlayers(); userManager = new UserManager(); osc.sender.SendQuitMessage(_userRole); StopAllCoroutines(); CancelInvoke("AskForRegistration"); StartCoroutine(InitApplication()); osc.Close(); /*string[] endings = new string[]{ * "exe", "x86", "x86_64", "app" * }; * string executablePath = Application.dataPath + "/.."; * foreach (string file in System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(executablePath)) { * foreach (string ending in endings) { * if (file.ToLower ().EndsWith ("." + ending)) { * System.Diagnostics.Process.Start (executablePath + file); * Application.Quit (); * return; * } * } * * }*/ }
public void SetearOSC() { osc.outIP = ipInput.GetComponent <Text>().text; osc.outPort = int.Parse(puertoInput.GetComponent <Text>().text); osc.Close(); osc.Open(); camara.GetComponent <OSCsender>().prendido = true; }
void Close() { osc.Close(); }