Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the content needed for the APP
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Can get the data from an API
        /// or the local DataBase, if exists!
        /// </remarks>
        private async void LoadContent()
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = Cursors.Wait;

                LoadingBar.Value = 0;

                //check if there is internet connection
                networkService = new NetworkService();
                //TODO true for testing
                if (!networkService.CheckNetConnection())
                    LblLoadFrom.Text = $"Data loaded from local DataBase on {DateTime.Now}";
                    network          = false;
                    await LoadFromAPI();

                    LblLoadFrom.Text = $"Data loaded from API on {DateTime.Now}";

                //jumps from current block because there is no data loaded into Countries
                //or some save error happened
                if (Countries.Count == 0 || Countries.Count < 250)
                    LblLoadFrom.Text  = $"Couldn't connect to the API or the Database.";
                    LblLoadSave.Text  = "Error loading...";
                    ProgressText.Text = "N/A";

                await CreateAdvancedSearchData();

                //when connected to the internet saves/updates data in DB
                if (network)
                    await CheckLastUpdate();

                //adds the items from the list to a the dropdown list, displays the attribute Name from the list
                Countries.Add(new Country {
                    Name = " --Select a Country--"
                Countries                   = Countries.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToList();
                CbCountry.ItemsSource       = Countries;
                CbCountry.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
                CbCountry.Text              = " --Select a Country--";

                LoadingBar.Value = 100;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace);
                Mouse.OverrideCursor = null;
                saving = false;

                //delaying the Data Saved lbl
                await Task.Delay(5000);

                LblLoadSave.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;