public GenericField createGenericField(RightNowCustomObjectFieldAttribute attribute, object value) { GenericField genericField = new GenericField(); = attribute.Name; genericField.DataValue = new DataValue(); ItemsChoiceType fieldType = ItemsChoiceType.StringValue; if (attribute.FieldType != null) { fieldType = attribute.FieldType; } if (fieldType == ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue) { NamedID accountID = new NamedID(); accountID.ID = new ID(); long id = 0; Int64.TryParse(value.ToString(), out id); = id; accountID.ID.idSpecified = true; genericField.DataValue.Items = new object[] { accountID }; } else { genericField.DataValue.Items = new object[] { value }; } //genericField.dataType = (ConnectService.DataTypeEnum)fieldType; genericField.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { fieldType }; return(genericField); }
private Contact Contactinfo() { Contact newContact = new Contact(); PersonName personName = new PersonName(); personName.First = "conatctname"; personName.Last = "conatctlastname"; newContact.Name = personName; Email[] emailArray = new Email[1]; emailArray[0] = new Email(); emailArray[0].action = ActionEnum.add; emailArray[0].actionSpecified = true; emailArray[0].Address = "*****@*****.**"; NamedID addressType = new NamedID(); ID addressTypeID = new ID(); = 1; addressType.ID = addressTypeID; addressType.ID.idSpecified = true; emailArray[0].AddressType = addressType; emailArray[0].Invalid = false; emailArray[0].InvalidSpecified = true; newContact.Emails = emailArray; return(newContact); }
internal static AnalyticsReportFilter GetStringAnalyticsReportFilter(string Name, String searchPhrase, int searchOperator, bool specifyAttributes, bool specifyDatatype, bool specifyOperator) { //Assigning the filter as defined on the RightNow Analytics Report AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter(); if (specifyAttributes) { AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes attribute = new AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes(); attribute.Editable = false; attribute.Required = false; filter.Attributes = attribute; } if (specifyDatatype) { NamedID datatype = new NamedID(); datatype.Name = Name.GetType().ToString(); filter.DataType = datatype; } filter.Name = Name; if (specifyOperator) { filter.Operator = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = searchOperator, idSpecified = true } } } ; filter.Values = new String[] { searchPhrase }; return(filter); }
/// <summary> /// Create Named ID type Data Value for NamedID as input /// </summary> /// <param name="namedvalue"></param> /// <returns></returns> private DataValue createNamedID(NamedID namedvalue) { DataValue dv = new DataValue(); dv.Items = new Object[] { namedvalue }; dv.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue }; return(dv); }
internal static NamedID CreateNamedID(string name) { var result = new NamedID { Name = name }; return(result); }
private void updateIncidents(int incidentContactId) { // query incidents ids with the _socialChannelAccountId String query = "select I.ID from Incident I where I.CustomFields.Accelerator.srm_social_channel_account_id=" + _socialChannelAccountId; String[] rowData = null; rowData = ConfigurationSetting.rnSrv.queryData(query); if (rowData.Length == 0) { return; } RNObject[] updateIncidents = new RNObject[rowData.Length]; int i = 0; UpdateProcessingOptions updateProcessingOptions = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); updateProcessingOptions.SuppressExternalEvents = false; updateProcessingOptions.SuppressRules = false; foreach (String incidentIdString in rowData) { Incident incidentToUpdate = new Incident(); ID incidentToUpdateId = new ID(); = Convert.ToInt32(incidentIdString); incidentToUpdateId.idSpecified = true; incidentToUpdate.ID = incidentToUpdateId; NamedID contactIdNamedID = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = incidentContactId, idSpecified = true } }; incidentToUpdate.PrimaryContact = new IncidentContact(); incidentToUpdate.PrimaryContact.Contact = contactIdNamedID; updateIncidents[i] = incidentToUpdate; i++; ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(logMessage: String.Format(Properties.Resources.UpdateIncidentMessage,, incidentContactId)); } ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = "Update incidents"; ConfigurationSetting.client.Update(clientInfoHeader, updateIncidents, updateProcessingOptions); }
internal static NamedID CreateNamedID(long id) { var result = new NamedID { ID = new ID { idSpecified = true, id = id }, }; return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Create Named ID type data value for Name /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <returns> DataValue</returns> private DataValue createNamedIDDataValueForName(string name) { NamedID namedID = new NamedID(); namedID.Name = name; DataValue dv = new DataValue(); dv.Items = new Object[] { namedID }; dv.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue }; return(dv); }
/// <summary> /// Create a generic namedID field /// </summary> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static GenericField CreateGenericNamedIDField(string name, NamedID value) { GenericField f = new GenericField(); f.dataType = DataTypeEnum.NAMED_ID; f.dataTypeSpecified = true; = name; f.DataValue = new DataValue(); f.DataValue.Items = new object[1]; f.DataValue.Items[0] = value; f.DataValue.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue }; return(f); }
/// <summary> /// Create Named ID type data value /// </summary> /// <param name="idVal"></param> /// <returns> DataValue</returns> private DataValue createNamedIDDataValue(long idVal) { ID id = new ID(); = idVal; id.idSpecified = true; NamedID namedID = new NamedID(); namedID.ID = id; DataValue dv = new DataValue(); dv.Items = new Object[] { namedID }; dv.ItemsElementName = new ItemsChoiceType[] { ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue }; return(dv); }
public void DestroyReasoncodes(long config) { List <RNObject> destroyfields = new List <RNObject>(); List <ScreenPopOptions> profiledata = new List <ScreenPopOptions>(GetObjects <ScreenPopOptions>(string.Format(" where ScreenPopConfigID={0}", config))); foreach (ScreenPopOptions rn in profiledata) { _icGenericObject = new GenericObject(); _rnObjType.Namespace = OracleCtiObjectStrings.ScreenPopPackageName; _rnObjType.TypeName = OracleCtiObjectStrings.ScreenPopOptions; _icGenericObject.ObjectType = _rnObjType; NamedID relationid = new NamedID(); ID incID = new ID(); = config; incID.idSpecified = true; relationid.ID = incID; ID rowid = new ID(); = rn.ID; rowid.idSpecified = true; _icGenericObject.ID = rowid; List <GenericField> gfs = new List <GenericField>(); //gfs.Add(createGenericField("AgentEntityID", ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue, relationid)); _icGenericObject.GenericFields = gfs.ToArray(); destroyfields.Add(_icGenericObject); } if (destroyfields.Count() > 0) { DestroyProcessingOptions drop = new DestroyProcessingOptions(); drop.SuppressExternalEvents = false; drop.SuppressRules = false; DestroyRequest destroyReq = new DestroyRequest(getClientInfoHeader(), destroyfields.ToArray(), drop); DestroyResponse destroyRes = getChannel().Destroy(destroyReq); } }
private Contact populateContactInfo(string fname,string lname,string email) { Contact newContact = new Contact(); PersonName personName = new PersonName(); personName.First = fname; personName.Last = lname; newContact.Name = personName; Email[] emailArray = new Email[1]; emailArray[0] = new Email(); emailArray[0].action = ActionEnum.add; emailArray[0].actionSpecified = true; emailArray[0].Address = email; NamedID addressType = new NamedID(); ID addressTypeID = new ID(); = 1; addressType.ID = addressTypeID; addressType.ID.idSpecified = true; emailArray[0].AddressType = addressType; emailArray[0].Invalid = false; emailArray[0].InvalidSpecified = true; newContact.Emails = emailArray; return newContact; }
internal static AnalyticsReportFilter GetDateTimeRangeAnalyticsReportFilter(string Name, DateTime fromDateTime, DateTime toDateTime, bool specifyAttributes, bool specifyDatatype, bool specifyOperator, bool appendEndingZ) { //Assigning the filter as defined on the RightNow Analytics Report AnalyticsReportFilter filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter(); if (specifyAttributes) { AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes attribute = new AnalyticsReportFilterAttributes(); attribute.Editable = false; attribute.Required = false; filter.Attributes = attribute; } if (specifyDatatype) { NamedID datatype = new NamedID(); datatype.Name = "Date Time"; filter.DataType = datatype; } filter.Name = Name; if (fromDateTime > DateTime.MinValue && toDateTime > DateTime.MinValue) { if (specifyDatatype) { filter.Operator = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = ANALYTICS_FILTER_RANGE, idSpecified = true } } } ; if (appendEndingZ) { filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z", toDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z" } } ; else { filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s"), toDateTime.ToString("s") } }; } else { if (fromDateTime > DateTime.MinValue) { if (specifyDatatype) { filter.Operator = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = ANALYTICS_FILTER_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, idSpecified = true } } } ; if (appendEndingZ) { filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z" } } ; else { filter.Values = new[] { fromDateTime.ToString("s") } }; } else if (toDateTime > DateTime.MinValue) { if (specifyDatatype) { filter.Operator = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = ANALYTICS_FILTER_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, idSpecified = true } } } ; if (appendEndingZ) { filter.Values = new[] { toDateTime.ToString("s") + "Z" } } ; else { filter.Values = new[] { toDateTime.ToString("s") } }; } } return(filter); }
/* this method is called from framework to show the report row (data) * It combines the incident report (ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID) * and the ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(contactPartyID) * Currently this list is only showing certain fields (because of combining 2 lists with common fields) * The Right Now incidents by a contact report is hidden, meaning the Report control of a contact * workspace tab is based on the EBS Service Request List Table report definition * Also, do not change the default column heading of Right Now incidents by a contact report * (they are hard coded to uppercase). Because they are hidden anyway. * The EBS Service Request List Table report definition column headings can be changed and those are * the ones being displayed. */ public override IList <IReportRow> GetRows(IList <string> columns, IReportFilterNode filterNode) { IList <IReportRow> reportRows = new List <IReportRow>(); IRecordContext _context = ((EBSVirtualReportTablesPackage)this.Parent)._globalContext.AutomationContext.CurrentWorkspace; if (_context == null) { return(reportRows); } IContact contactRecord = _context.GetWorkspaceRecord(RightNow.AddIns.Common.WorkspaceRecordType.Contact) as IContact; /* report framework refresh every 30 sec (default) even though the tab is not active * so need to check contactRecord for null (when the editor is different) */ if (contactRecord == null) { return(reportRows); } int contactPartyID = 0; // get the ebs contact party custom attribute on the contact workspace contactPartyID = getContactPartyIdCustomAttr(contactRecord); // following to get the rNow incidents report and filter is the rNow contactID AnalyticsReport reportIncident = new AnalyticsReport(); ID rId = new ID(); = ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID; rId.idSpecified = true; reportIncident.ID = rId; byte[] outByte = new byte[1000]; AnalyticsReportFilter[] filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter[3]; filter[0] = new AnalyticsReportFilter(); String[] filterString = new String[1]; filterString[0] = "" + contactRecord.ID; filter[0].Values = filterString; filter[0].Name = "Contact"; // incidents by a contact, thus Contact filter NamedID datatype = new NamedID(); datatype.Name = "Integer"; filter[0].DataType = datatype; reportIncident.Filters = filter; ClientInfoHeader _cih = new ClientInfoHeader(); _cih.AppID = "Accelerator Report Add-In"; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); CSVTableSet tableSet = ConfigurationSetting.client.RunAnalyticsReport( _cih, reportIncident, 100, 0, "\t", false, false, out outByte ); stopwatch.Stop(); string logMessage = "Called RightNowSyncPortClient.RunAnalyticsReport." + "reportID: " + ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID; ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(0, contactRecord.ID, logMessage: logMessage, timeElapsed: (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); CSVTable[] csvTables = tableSet.CSVTables; CSVTable table = csvTables[0]; string[] rowData = table.Rows; int rNowIncidentCount = table.Rows.Length; int srVirtualTableCount = this.Columns.Count; string[] colHeadingIncidentReport = table.Columns.Split('\t'); foreach (String commaRow in table.Rows) { ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(srVirtualTableCount); string[] colValue = commaRow.Split('\t'); // the report output is stored as <columnHeading, value> Dictionary <string, string> dictRow = new Dictionary <string, string>(); int i = 0; foreach (string val in colValue) { /* make the column heading upper case (because the custom attribute heading * in the report designer sometime all in lower case, sometime the reverse) */ dictRow.Add(colHeadingIncidentReport[i].ToUpper(), val); i++; } addRnowIncidentRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, dictRow); } if (contactPartyID > 0) { ServiceRequest[] sRs = ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(contactPartyID, 0, contactRecord.ID); foreach (ServiceRequest req in sRs) { ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(this.Columns.Count); if (req != null) // live ebs row 316 of 319 of contact 4431 return null { addEBSsrRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, req); } } } return(reportRows); }
/* this method is called from framework to show the report row (data) * refer to QA 140910-000144 for the story * It combines the incident report (ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID) * and the ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(contactPartyID) * Currently this list is only showing certain fields (because of combining 2 lists with common fields) * The Right Now incidents by a contact report is hidden, meaning the Report control of a contact * workspace tab is based on the Siebel Service Request List Table report definition * Also, do not change the default column heading of Right Now incidents by a contact report * (they are hard coded to uppercase). Because they are hidden anyway. * The Siebel Service Request List Table report definition column headings can be changed and those are * the ones being displayed. */ public override IList<IReportRow> GetRows(IList<string> columns, IReportFilterNode filterNode) { IList<IReportRow> reportRows = new List<IReportRow>(); IRecordContext _context = ((SiebelVirtualReportTablesPackage)this.Parent)._globalContext.AutomationContext.CurrentWorkspace; if (_context == null) return reportRows; IContact contactRecord = _context.GetWorkspaceRecord(RightNow.AddIns.Common.WorkspaceRecordType.Contact) as IContact; /* if auto refresh every x sec is enabled even though the tab is not active * so need to check contactRecord for null (when the editor is different) */ if (contactRecord == null) return reportRows; string contactPartyID = null; // get the ebs contact party custom attribute on the contact workspace contactPartyID = getContactPartyIdCustomAttr(contactRecord); // following to get the rNow incidents report and filter is the rNow contactID AnalyticsReport reportIncident = new AnalyticsReport(); ID rId = new ID(); = ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID; rId.idSpecified = true; reportIncident.ID = rId; byte[] outByte = new byte[1000]; AnalyticsReportFilter[] filter = new AnalyticsReportFilter[3]; filter[0] = new AnalyticsReportFilter(); String[] filterString = new String[1]; filterString[0] = "" + contactRecord.ID; filter[0].Values = filterString; filter[0].Name = "Contact"; // incidents by a contact, thus Contact filter NamedID datatype = new NamedID(); datatype.Name = "Integer"; filter[0].DataType = datatype; reportIncident.Filters = filter; ClientInfoHeader _cih = new ClientInfoHeader(); _cih.AppID = "Accelerator Report Add-In"; Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); CSVTableSet tableSet = ConfigurationSetting.client.RunAnalyticsReport( _cih, reportIncident, 100, 0, "\t", false, false, out outByte ); stopwatch.Stop(); string logMessage = "Called RightNowSyncPortClient.RunAnalyticsReport." + "reportID: " + ConfigurationSetting.incidentsByContactReportID; ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(0, contactRecord.ID, logMessage: logMessage, timeElapsed: (int)stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds); CSVTable[] csvTables = tableSet.CSVTables; CSVTable table = csvTables[0]; string[] rowData = table.Rows; int rNowIncidentCount = table.Rows.Length; int srVirtualTableCount = this.Columns.Count; string[] colHeadingIncidentReport = table.Columns.Split('\t'); foreach (String commaRow in table.Rows) { ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(srVirtualTableCount); string[] colValue = commaRow.Split('\t'); // the report output is stored as <columnHeading, value> Dictionary<string, string> dictRow = new Dictionary<string, string>(); int i = 0; foreach (string val in colValue) { /* make the column heading upper case (because the custom attribute heading * in the report designer sometime all in lower case, sometime the reverse) */ dictRow.Add(colHeadingIncidentReport[i].ToUpper(), val); i++; } addRnowIncidentRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, dictRow); } if (contactPartyID != null) { ServiceRequest[] sRs = ServiceRequest.LookupSRbyContactPartyID(columns, contactPartyID, 0, contactRecord.ID); if (sRs == null) return reportRows; foreach (ServiceRequest req in sRs) { ReportDataRow reportDataRow = new ReportDataRow(this.Columns.Count); if (req != null) // live ebs row 316 of 319 of contact 4431 return null addSiebelSrRow(ref columns, ref reportDataRow, ref reportRows, req); } } return reportRows; }
/// <summary> /// Method called to update the social channel /// </summary> /// <param name="incident"></param> private void updateSocialChannelAccount(IIncident incident) { // get it again _socialChannelAccountId = ConfigurationSetting.getSrmStringCustomAttrInt(incident, "srm_social_channel_account_id"); if (_socialChannelAccountId == 0) { ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(logMessage: String.Format(Properties.Resources.SocialChannelEmptyError, incident.ID)); return; } /* Custom Object: SocialChannelAccount * */ int incidentContactId = 0; foreach (IInc2Contact c in incident.Contact) { if (c.Prmry == true) { incidentContactId = (int)c.Cid; } } Boolean toUpdate = false; // if incident's contact is changed if (_incidentContactIdWhenLoaded != incidentContactId) { // check if updated incidentContactId same as SocialChannelAccount.ContactId if (_socialChannelAccountId != 0 && incidentContactId != _socialChannelAccountId) { DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Properties.Resources.ChangeContactReassignMessage, _socialChannelUserName), Properties.Resources.Info, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { toUpdate = true; } } // update in Accelerator.SocialChannelAccount if (toUpdate) { // create a row in SocialChannelAccount ClientInfoHeader clientInfoHeader = new ClientInfoHeader(); clientInfoHeader.AppID = "Update a SocialChannelAccount"; GenericObject go = new GenericObject(); //Set the object type RNObjectType objType = new RNObjectType(); objType.Namespace = "Accelerator"; objType.TypeName = "SocialChannelAccount"; go.ObjectType = objType; List <GenericField> gfs = new List <GenericField>(); ID socialAccountId = new ID(); = _socialChannelAccountId; socialAccountId.idSpecified = true; go.ID = socialAccountId; NamedID contactIdNamedID = new NamedID { ID = new ID { id = incidentContactId, idSpecified = true } }; gfs.Add(createGenericField("ContactId", ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue, contactIdNamedID)); go.GenericFields = gfs.ToArray(); RNObject[] objects = new RNObject[] { go }; UpdateProcessingOptions cpo = new UpdateProcessingOptions(); cpo.SuppressExternalEvents = false; cpo.SuppressRules = false; ConfigurationSetting.logWrap.DebugLog(logMessage: String.Format(Properties.Resources.UpdateSocialChannelMessage, _socialChannelAccountId, incidentContactId)); ConfigurationSetting.client.Update(clientInfoHeader, objects, cpo); DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(String.Format(Properties.Resources.ReassignAllIncidentsMessage, _socialChannelUserName), Properties.Resources.Info, MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Information); if (result == DialogResult.OK) { updateIncidents(incidentContactId); } } } }