Пример #1
	// 	public bool IsAllocated = false; // never was used

		#region Constructors
		/// <summary>
		/// The PP_PaySplitItem will be a paysplit that matches a certain charge.  The identity of the
		/// original charge is contained in the table indicated by AllocFromTable and procedure number in this
		/// table (as indicated by AllocFromProcNum).
		/// </summary>
		public PP_PaySplitItem(decimal Ammount, int Provider, 
			ulong AllocFromProcNum, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled AllocFromTable)
			m_ItemAmt = Ammount;
			m_ProvNum = Provider;
			m_AllocFromTbl = AllocFromTable;
			m_AllocFromNum = AllocFromProcNum;
Пример #2
		public PP_PaymentItem(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, int cProvNum,
			uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable)
				base(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum,
			 cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber, cSourceTable)
Пример #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Last 3 parameters are different.  Used if want to set IsAllocated, DebugString,or AmtAllocated
		/// </summary>
		private void SetConstructorValues(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, ushort cProvNum,
			uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable,
			bool IsAllocated1, string DebugString1, decimal AmtAllocated1)
			SetConstructorValues(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum,
			 cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber, cSourceTable);
			this.m_IsAllocated = IsAllocated1;
			this.m_DebugString = DebugString1;
			this.m_AmtAllocated = AmtAllocated1;

Пример #4
		private void SetConstructorValues(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, int cProvNum,
			uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable)
			this.m_LedgerItemType = cLedgerItemType;
			this.m_Guarantor = cGuarantor;
			this.m_PatNum = cPatNum;
			this.m_ProvNum = cProvNum;
			this.m_ProcNum = cProcNum;
			this.m_ItemDate = new DateTime(cDate.Year, cDate.Month, cDate.Day);
			this.m_ItemAmt = cItemAmt;
			this.m_LedgerItemNum = cLedgerItemNumber;
			this.m_TableSource = cSourceTable;

Пример #5
		/// <summary>
		/// 2nd OverLoad has values IsAllocated, DebugString, AmtAllocated
		/// </summary>
		public PP_LedgerItem(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, ushort cProvNum,
			uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber,
			MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable,
			bool IsAllocated1, decimal AmtAllocated1, string DebugString1)

			SetConstructorValues(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum,
			 cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber,cSourceTable,
			 IsAllocated1, DebugString1, AmtAllocated1);

Пример #6
		/// <summary>
		/// Used for creating LedgerItems that can be sorted in a FIFO Manner
		/// Input values are similar to the Table Columns.  Readonly properties provided.
		/// IComparable Interface Provided for sorting  
		/// Strips time off of cDate
		/// Set cLedgerItemNumber =0 if unknown.
		/// </summary>
		public PP_LedgerItem(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, int cProvNum,
			uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable)
			//this.m_LedgerItemType = cLedgerItemType;
			//this.m_Guarantor = cGuarantor;
			//this.m_PatNum = cPatNum;
			//this.m_ProvNum = cProvNum;
			//this.m_ProcNum = cProcNum;
			//this.m_ItemDate = new DateTime(cDate.Year, cDate.Month, cDate.Day);
			//this.m_ItemAmt = cItemAmt;
			//this.m_LedgerItemNum = cLedgerItemNumber;

			SetConstructorValues(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum,
			 cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber, cSourceTable);
