// public bool IsAllocated = false; // never was used #region Constructors /// <summary> /// The PP_PaySplitItem will be a paysplit that matches a certain charge. The identity of the /// original charge is contained in the table indicated by AllocFromTable and procedure number in this /// table (as indicated by AllocFromProcNum). /// </summary> public PP_PaySplitItem(decimal Ammount, int Provider, ulong AllocFromProcNum, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled AllocFromTable) { m_ItemAmt = Ammount; m_ProvNum = Provider; m_AllocFromTbl = AllocFromTable; m_AllocFromNum = AllocFromProcNum; }
public PP_PaymentItem(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, int cProvNum, uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable) : base(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum, cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber, cSourceTable) { }
/// <summary> /// Last 3 parameters are different. Used if want to set IsAllocated, DebugString,or AmtAllocated /// </summary> private void SetConstructorValues(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, ushort cProvNum, uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable, bool IsAllocated1, string DebugString1, decimal AmtAllocated1) { SetConstructorValues(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum, cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber, cSourceTable); this.m_IsAllocated = IsAllocated1; this.m_DebugString = DebugString1; this.m_AmtAllocated = AmtAllocated1; }
private void SetConstructorValues(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, int cProvNum, uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable) { this.m_LedgerItemType = cLedgerItemType; this.m_Guarantor = cGuarantor; this.m_PatNum = cPatNum; this.m_ProvNum = cProvNum; this.m_ProcNum = cProcNum; this.m_ItemDate = new DateTime(cDate.Year, cDate.Month, cDate.Day); this.m_ItemAmt = cItemAmt; this.m_LedgerItemNum = cLedgerItemNumber; this.m_TableSource = cSourceTable; }
/// <summary> /// 2nd OverLoad has values IsAllocated, DebugString, AmtAllocated /// </summary> public PP_LedgerItem(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, ushort cProvNum, uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable, bool IsAllocated1, decimal AmtAllocated1, string DebugString1) { SetConstructorValues(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum, cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber,cSourceTable, IsAllocated1, DebugString1, AmtAllocated1); }
/// <summary> /// Used for creating LedgerItems that can be sorted in a FIFO Manner /// Input values are similar to the Table Columns. Readonly properties provided. /// IComparable Interface Provided for sorting /// /// Strips time off of cDate /// /// Set cLedgerItemNumber =0 if unknown. /// </summary> public PP_LedgerItem(LedgerItemTypes cLedgerItemType, uint cGuarantor, uint cPatNum, int cProvNum, uint cProcNum, DateTime cDate, decimal cItemAmt, ulong cLedgerItemNumber, MyAllocator1.ODTablesUsed.ODTablesPulled cSourceTable) { //this.m_LedgerItemType = cLedgerItemType; //this.m_Guarantor = cGuarantor; //this.m_PatNum = cPatNum; //this.m_ProvNum = cProvNum; //this.m_ProcNum = cProcNum; //this.m_ItemDate = new DateTime(cDate.Year, cDate.Month, cDate.Day); //this.m_ItemAmt = cItemAmt; //this.m_LedgerItemNum = cLedgerItemNumber; SetConstructorValues(cLedgerItemType, cGuarantor, cPatNum, cProvNum, cProcNum, cDate, cItemAmt, cLedgerItemNumber, cSourceTable); }