Пример #1
    void CreateTowelLimit()
        ChainFinder leftChain  = leftGrabbed.GetComponent <ChainFinder>();
        ChainFinder rightChain = rightGrabbed.GetComponent <ChainFinder>();

        Transform[] chain;
        float       lengthLimit = 0;

        if (leftChain.index > rightChain.index)
            chain       = rightChain.GetChainToIndex(leftChain.index);
            lengthLimit = rightChain.GetMaxLengthToIndex(leftChain.index);
            chain       = leftChain.GetChainToIndex(rightChain.index);
            lengthLimit = leftChain.GetMaxLengthToIndex(rightChain.index);
        foreach (Transform link in chain)
            link.BroadcastMessage("SetGrabbed", true);

        debugList = chain;
        MovementLimiter limiter = new MovementLimiter(leftHand, rightHand, lengthLimit, true, true, chain, 0.175f * 2f);

        handsLimiter = limiter;
        // Debug.Log("created towel limit");
Пример #2
 void CheckIfLimiterIsNeeded()
     if (leftGrabbed != null && rightGrabbed != null)
         if (leftGrabbed != lastFrameLeftGrabbed || rightGrabbed != lastFrameRightGrabbed)
             // if both hands are grabbing the towel
             if (leftGrabbed.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Towel") && rightGrabbed.gameObject.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Towel"))
                 //enact the limit on it
         if (handsLimiter != null)
             foreach (Transform link in handsLimiter.chain)
                 link.BroadcastMessage("SetGrabbed", false);
             handsLimiter = null;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        wait += Time.deltaTime;
        if (autoCorrectNextFrame && rj != null)
            rj.autoConfigureOffset = false;
            autoCorrectNextFrame   = false;

        // if you are grabbing this frame and you arent holding anything, and it isnt something the other hand is holding
        if (hand.grabbedThisFrame() && (grabbedGO == null || grabbedGO.layer == LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ignore Player")))
            float      distFromGrab  = 999;
            GameObject tempGrabbedGO = null;
            // grab check
            Collider2D[] cols          = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(handCenter.position.XY(), 0.15f);
            GameObject   staticGrabbed = null;
            foreach (Collider2D col in cols)
                if (col.tag == "Grabbable" || col.tag == "GrabbableKeepRotation")
                    // Debug.Log("over grabbable");
                    float dist = Vector2.Distance(col.transform.position.XY(), transform.position.XY());
                    if (dist < distFromGrab) // make sure we are grabbing the closest object
                        tempGrabbedGO = col.gameObject;
                        distFromGrab  = dist;

                if (col.tag == "Ground")
                    staticGrabbed = col.gameObject;

            if (tempGrabbedGO != null) // if the other hand is not holding the object, grab it
                if (!OtherHandIsHolding(tempGrabbedGO.transform))
            else // if we grabbed nothing, open hand
                if (staticGrabbed != null)
                    Grabbed(staticGrabbed, true);
                    hand.grabbing = false;

        // If you are grabbing an object
        if (grabbed && grabbedGO != null)
            // Debug.Log(changeInAngle);
            if (hand.openedThisFrame()) // if you open your hand, release the object
                // if you grabbed the soap, check the apply soap as grabbed
                ApplySoap soap = grabbedGO.GetComponent <ApplySoap>();
                if (soap != null)
                    soap.grabbed = false;

                if (moveLimit != null)
                    handLimiter.handsLimiter = null;
                    moveLimit = null;
                Release(1000, grabbedStatic);

            if (rj != null && !grabbedStatic)
                if (Vector2.Distance(handRB.position, grabbedGO.transform.position.XY()) > 0.75f)

        // waits a frame to turn on grabbed collider so it shoots in the correct direction
        if (grabbedGO != null && !grabbed)
            Collider2D col = Physics2D.OverlapCircle(grabbedGO.transform.position.XY(), 0.5f, Constants.player.playerLayer);
            if (wait >= waitToBringBackCollider && col == null)
                if (!grabbedStatic)
                    grabbedGO.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(storedLayerName);

                grabbedGO.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().freezeRotation = false;
                grabbedGO = null;

        if (grabbedGO != null && grabbed && !grabbedStatic && !stillRotates)
            grabbedGO.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(grabbedGO.transform.eulerAngles.x, grabbedGO.transform.eulerAngles.y, -Extensions.Angle(-transform.up) - angleOffset);

        if (hand.isClosed())
            hand.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = true;
            hand.GetComponent <Collider2D>().enabled = false;

        if (dtj != null)