static bool UpgradeMonoGameProject (MonoDevelop.Core.IProgressMonitor monitor, MonoDevelop.Projects.SolutionEntityItem item, MSBuildProject project) { bool needsSave = false; bool containsMGCB = project.ItemGroups.Any (x => x.Items.Any (i => System.IO.Path.GetExtension (i.Include) == ".mgcb")); bool isMonoGame = project.PropertyGroups.Any (x => x.Properties.Any (p => p.Name == "MonoGamePlatform")) || project.ItemGroups.Any (x => x.Items.Any (i => i.Name == "Reference" && i.Include == "MonoGame.Framework")) || containsMGCB; bool isApplication = project.PropertyGroups.Any (x => x.Properties.Any (p => p.Name == "OutputType" && p.GetValue () == "Exe")) || project.PropertyGroups.Any (x => x.Properties.Any (p => p.Name == "AndroidApplication" && string.Compare (p.GetValue (), bool.TrueString, true)==0)); bool isShared = project.PropertyGroups.Any (x => x.Properties.Any (p => p.Name == "HasSharedItems" && p.GetValue () == "true")); var type = item.GetType ().Name; monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Found {0}", type); var platform = Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT ? "Windows" : "DesktopGL"; var path = MonoGameExtensionsPath; switch (type) { case "XamarinIOSProject": platform = "iOS"; break; case "MonoDroidProject": platform = "Android"; break; case "XamMac2Project": case "MonoGameProject": platform = "DesktopGL"; break; case "XamMac": case "XamMacProject": platform = "DesktopGL"; // Xamarin.Mac Classic does not use MSBuild so we need to absolute path. path = MonoGameExtensionsAbsolutePath; break; case "MonoMac": case "MonoMacProject": platform = "MacOSX"; // Xamarin.Mac Classic does not use MSBuild so we need to absolute path. path = MonoGameExtensionsAbsolutePath; break; } monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Platform = {0}", platform); monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Path = {0}", path); monitor.Log.WriteLine ("isMonoGame {0}", isMonoGame); if (isMonoGame) { var ritems = new List<MSBuildItem> (); foreach (var ig in project.ItemGroups) { foreach (var i in ig.Items.Where (x => x.Name == "Reference" && x.Include == "MonoGame.Framework")) { if (!i.HasMetadata ("HintPath")) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Fixing {0} to be MonoGameContentReference", i.Include); var a = ig.AddNewItem ("Reference", i.Include); a.SetMetadata ("HintPath", string.Format (path, platform, "MonoGame.Framework.dll")); ritems.Add (i); needsSave = true; } } foreach (var i in ig.Items.Where (x => x.Name == "Reference" && x.Include == "Tao.Sdl")) { if (!i.HasMetadata ("HintPath")) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Fixing {0} to be Tao.Sdl", i.Include); var a = ig.AddNewItem ("Reference", i.Include); a.SetMetadata ("HintPath", string.Format (path, platform, "Tao.Sdl.dll")); ritems.Add (i); needsSave = true; } } foreach (var i in ig.Items.Where (x => x.Name == "Reference" && x.Include.StartsWith ("OpenTK") && (platform != "iOS" && platform != "Android"))) { if (!i.HasMetadata ("HintPath")) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Fixing {0} to be OpenTK", i.Include); var a = ig.AddNewItem ("Reference", i.Include); a.SetMetadata ("HintPath", string.Format (path, platform, "OpenTK.dll")); a.SetMetadata ("SpecificVersion", "true"); ritems.Add (i); needsSave = true; } } foreach (var i in ig.Items.Where (x => x.Name == "Reference" && x.Include == "NVorbis")) { if (!i.HasMetadata ("HintPath")) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Fixing {0} to be NVorbis", i.Include); var a = ig.AddNewItem ("Reference", i.Include); a.SetMetadata ("HintPath", string.Format (path, platform, "NVorbis.dll")); ritems.Add (i); needsSave = true; } } } foreach (var a in ritems) { project.RemoveItem (a); } var dotNetProject = item as DotNetProject; if (dotNetProject != null && (type == "MonoMacProject" || type == "XamMacProject" )) { var items = new List<ProjectReference> (); var newitems = new List<ProjectReference> (); foreach (var reference in dotNetProject.References) { if (reference.Reference == "MonoGame.Framework" && string.IsNullOrEmpty (reference.HintPath)) { items.Add (reference); newitems.Add (new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Assembly, reference.Reference, string.Format (path, platform, "MonoGame.Framework.dll"))); } if (reference.Reference.StartsWith ("OpenTK") && string.IsNullOrEmpty (reference.HintPath)) { items.Add (reference); newitems.Add (new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Assembly, reference.Reference, string.Format (path, platform, "OpenTK.dll"))); } if (reference.Reference == "NVorbis" && string.IsNullOrEmpty (reference.HintPath)) { items.Add (reference); newitems.Add (new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Assembly, reference.Reference, string.Format (path, platform, "NVorbis.dll"))); } if (reference.Reference == "Tao.Sdl" && string.IsNullOrEmpty (reference.HintPath)) { items.Add (reference); newitems.Add (new ProjectReference (ReferenceType.Assembly, reference.Reference, string.Format (path, platform, "Tao.Sdl.dll"))); } } dotNetProject.References.RemoveRange (items); dotNetProject.References.AddRange (newitems); } } if (isMonoGame && containsMGCB && (isApplication || isShared)) { if (!project.PropertyGroups.Any (x => x.Properties.Any (p => p.Name == "MonoGamePlatform")) && !isShared) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Adding MonoGamePlatform", platform); project.PropertyGroups.First ().SetPropertyValue ("MonoGamePlatform", platform, true); needsSave = true; } if (!project.Imports.Any (x => x.Project.StartsWith (MonoGameCommonProps, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))&& !isShared) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Adding MonoGame.Common.props Import"); var e = project.Document.DocumentElement; var manager = new XmlNamespaceManager (new NameTable ()); var schema = ""; manager.AddNamespace ("tns", schema); var import = project.Document.CreateElement ("Import", schema); import.SetAttribute ("Project", MonoGameCommonProps); import.SetAttribute ("Condition", string.Format ("Exists('{0}')", MonoGameCommonProps)); project.Document.DocumentElement.InsertBefore (import, project.Document.DocumentElement.FirstChild); needsSave = true; } if (containsMGCB) { var ritems = new List<MSBuildItem> (); foreach (var ig in project.ItemGroups) { foreach (var i in ig.Items.Where (x => System.IO.Path.GetExtension (x.Include) == ".mgcb")) { if (i.Name != "MonoGameContentReference" && i.Name == "None") { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Fixing {0} to be MonoGameContentReference", i.Include); ig.AddNewItem ("MonoGameContentReference", i.Include); ritems.Add (i); needsSave = true; } } } foreach (var a in ritems) { project.RemoveItem (a); } } if (!project.Imports.Any (x => x.Project.StartsWith (MonoGameContentBuildTargets, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) && !isShared) { monitor.Log.WriteLine ("Adding MonoGame Content Builder .targets"); project.AddNewImport (MonoGameContentBuildTargets); needsSave = true; } } return needsSave; }