Пример #1
		public override void CompleteStatement (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document doc)
			var fixer = new ConstructFixer (doc.GetFormattingOptions (), doc.Editor.CreateNRefactoryTextEditorOptions ());
			int newOffset;
			if (fixer.TryFix (doc.Editor.Document, doc.Editor.Caret.Offset, out newOffset)) {
				doc.Editor.Caret.Offset = newOffset;
		static string OutputNode (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document doc, AstNode node)
			using (var stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter ()) {
//				formatter.Indentation = indentLevel;
				var formatter = new TextWriterOutputFormatter (stringWriter);
				stringWriter.NewLine = doc.Editor.EolMarker;
				var visitor = new CSharpOutputVisitor (formatter, doc.GetFormattingOptions ());
				node.AcceptVisitor (visitor);
				return stringWriter.ToString ();
		////		public override string CreateFieldEncapsulation (IUnresolvedTypeDefinition implementingType, IField field, string propertyName, Accessibility modifiers, bool readOnly)
		////		{
		////			SetIndentTo (implementingType);
		////			StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ();
		////			AppendIndent (result);
		//////			if (modifiers != MonoDevelop.Projects.Dom.Modifiers.None) {
		//////				switch (modifiers) {
		//////				}
		//////				result.Append (ambience.GetString (modifiers));
		//////				result.Append (" ");
		//////			}
		////			var options = new CodeGenerationOptions () {
		////				ImplementingType = field.DeclaringTypeDefinition,
		////				Part = implementingType
		////			};
		////			result.Append ("public ");
		////			AppendReturnType (result, options, field.ReturnType);
		////			result.Append (" ");
		////			result.Append (propertyName);
		////			AppendBraceStart (result, Policy.PropertyBraceStyle);
		////			AppendIndent (result);
		////			result.Append ("get");
		////			AppendBraceStart (result, Policy.PropertyGetBraceStyle);
		////			AppendIndent (result);
		////			result.Append ("return this.");
		////			result.Append (CSharpAmbience.FilterName (field.Name));
		////			result.Append (";");
		////			AppendLine (result);
		////			AppendBraceEnd (result, Policy.PropertyGetBraceStyle);
		////			AppendLine (result);
		////			if (!readOnly) {
		////				AppendIndent (result);
		////				result.Append ("set");
		////				AppendBraceStart (result, Policy.PropertyGetBraceStyle);
		////				AppendIndent (result);
		////				result.Append (CSharpAmbience.FilterName (field.Name));
		////				result.Append (" = value;");
		////				AppendLine (result);
		////				AppendBraceEnd (result, Policy.PropertyGetBraceStyle);
		////				AppendLine (result);
		////			}
		////			AppendBraceEnd (result, Policy.PropertyBraceStyle);
		////			return result.ToString ();
		////		}
		//		int CountBlankLines (IReadonlyTextDocument doc, int startLine)
		//		{
		//			int result = 0;
		//			IDocumentLine line;
		//			while ((line = doc.GetLine (startLine + result)) != null && doc.GetLineIndent (line).Length == line.Length) {
		//				result++;
		//			}
		//			return result;
		//		}
		//		static bool InsertUsingAfter (AstNode node)
		//		{
		//			return node is NewLineNode && IsCommentOrUsing (node.GetNextSibling (s => !(s is NewLineNode))) ||
		//				IsCommentOrUsing (node) || (node is PreProcessorDirective);
		//		}
		//		static bool IsCommentOrUsing (AstNode node)
		//		{
		//			return node is ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Comment ||
		//				node is UsingDeclaration ||
		//				node is UsingAliasDeclaration;
		//		}

		//		static string OutputNode (TextEditor editor, DocumentContext context, AstNode node)
		//		{
		//			using (var stringWriter = new System.IO.StringWriter ()) {
		////				formatter.Indentation = indentLevel;
		//				var formatter = new TextWriterTokenWriter (stringWriter);
		//				stringWriter.NewLine = editor.EolMarker;
		//				var visitor = new CSharpOutputVisitor (formatter, null /* TODO: BROKEN DUE ROSLYN PORT (note: that code should be unused) */ );
		//				node.AcceptVisitor (visitor);
		//				return stringWriter.ToString ();
		//			}
		//		}
		//		public AstType CreateShortType (ICompilation compilation, CSharpUnresolvedFile parsedFile, TextLocation loc, IType fullType)
		//		{
		//			var csResolver = parsedFile.GetResolver (compilation, loc);
		//			var builder = new ICSharpCode.NRefactory.CSharp.Refactoring.TypeSystemAstBuilder (csResolver);
		//			return builder.ConvertType (fullType);			
		//		}

		public override async void CompleteStatement (MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document doc)
			var fixer = new ConstructFixer (doc.GetFormattingOptions ());
			int newOffset = await fixer.TryFix (doc, doc.Editor.CaretOffset, default(CancellationToken));
			if (newOffset != -1) {
				doc.Editor.CaretOffset = newOffset;