Пример #1
        public async Task Ban(IGuildUser userToBan, [Remainder] string reason = null)
            if (_moderationService.GetPermLevel(Context, Context.GUser) <= _moderationService.GetPermLevel(Context, userToBan))
                ReplyError("You cannot ban another mod with a permission level higher or equal to your own.");

            await _moderationService.InformSubjectAsync(Context.User, "Ban", userToBan, reason);

            await Context.Guild.AddBanAsync(userToBan);

            await SendAsync($"{Context.User.Boldify()} has successfully banned {userToBan.Boldify()}.");

            await _moderationService.ModLogAsync(Context, "Ban", Config.ERROR_COLOR, reason, userToBan);
Пример #2
        public async Task AddPoll([Summary("Are you white?")] string poll, [Summary("HELL YEA~No~Maybe")] string choices, double daysToLast = 1, bool elderOnly = false, bool modOnly = false)
            var isMod = _moderationService.GetPermLevel(Context, Context.GUser) > 0;

            if (modOnly && !isMod)
                ReplyError("Only moderators may create mod only polls.");

            var choicesArray = choices.Split('~');

            if (choicesArray.Distinct().Count() != choicesArray.Length)
                ReplyError("You may not have multiple choices that are identicle.");

            await _pollRepo.CreatePollAsync(Context, poll, choicesArray, TimeSpan.FromDays(daysToLast), elderOnly, modOnly, isMod);

            await ReplyAsync($"You have successfully created poll #{await _pollRepo.Collection.CountAsync(y => y.GuildId == Context.Guild.Id)}.");
Пример #3
        public async Task Bully(IGuildUser userToBully, [Remainder] string nickname)
            if (nickname.Length > 32)
                ReplyError("The length of a nickname may not be longer than 32 characters.");
            else if (_moderationService.GetPermLevel(Context, userToBully) > 0)
                ReplyError("You may not bully a moderator.");
            else if ((await _userRepo.GetUserAsync(userToBully)).Cash >= Context.Cash)
                ReplyError("You may not bully a user with more money than you.");

            await userToBully.ModifyAsync(x => x.Nickname = nickname);

            await SendAsync($"{userToBully.Boldify()} just got ***BULLIED*** by {Context.User.Boldify()} with his new nickname: \"{nickname}\".");
Пример #4
        public override async Task <PreconditionResult> CheckPermissions(ICommandContext context, CommandInfo command, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            _serviceProvider   = serviceProvider;
            _credentials       = _serviceProvider.GetService <Credentials>();
            _userRepo          = _serviceProvider.GetService <UserRepository>();
            _moderationService = serviceProvider.GetService <ModerationService>();
            _guildRepo         = _serviceProvider.GetService <GuildRepository>();
            _gangRepo          = _serviceProvider.GetService <GangRepository>();

            var guildUser = context.User as IGuildUser;
            var DbUser    = await _userRepo.GetUserAsync(guildUser);

            var DbGuild = await _guildRepo.GetGuildAsync(context.Guild.Id);

            foreach (var attribute in _attributes)
                switch (attribute)
                case Attributes.BotOwner:
                    if (!_credentials.OwnerIds.Any(x => x == context.User.Id))
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("Only an owner of this bot may use this command."));


                case Attributes.ServerOwner:
                    if (context.Guild.OwnerId != guildUser.Id && DbGuild.ModRoles.ElementCount == 0)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("Only the owners of this server may use this command."));
                    else if (guildUser.Guild.OwnerId != context.User.Id && DbGuild.ModRoles != null && !guildUser.RoleIds.Any(x => DbGuild.ModRoles.Any(y => y.Name == x.ToString() && y.Value.AsInt32 >= 3)))
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("Only the owners of this server may use this command."));


                case Attributes.Admin:
                    if (!guildUser.GuildPermissions.Administrator && DbGuild.ModRoles.ElementCount == 0)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("The administrator permission is required to use this command."));
                    else if (!guildUser.GuildPermissions.Administrator && DbGuild.ModRoles.ElementCount != 0 && !guildUser.RoleIds.Any(x => DbGuild.ModRoles.Any(y => y.Name == x.ToString() && y.Value.AsInt32 >= 2)))
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("The administrator permission is required to use this command."));


                case Attributes.Moderator:
                    if (_moderationService.GetPermLevel(DbGuild, context.User as IGuildUser) == 0)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("Only a moderator may use this command."));

                case Attributes.Nsfw:
                    if (!DbGuild.Nsfw)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"This command may not be used while NSFW is disabled. An administrator may enable with the " +
                                                            $"`{DbGuild.Prefix}ChangeNSFWSettings` command."));

                    var nsfwChannel = await context.Guild.GetChannelAsync(DbGuild.NsfwChannelId);

                    if (nsfwChannel != null && context.Channel.Id != DbGuild.NsfwChannelId)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"You may only use this command in {(nsfwChannel as ITextChannel).Mention}."));


                case Attributes.InGang:
                    if (!await _gangRepo.InGangAsync(guildUser))
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("You must be in a gang to use this command."));


                case Attributes.NoGang:
                    if (await _gangRepo.InGangAsync(guildUser))
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("You may not use this command while in a gang."));


                case Attributes.GangLeader:
                    if ((await _gangRepo.GetGangAsync(guildUser)).LeaderId != context.User.Id)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError("You must be the leader of a gang to use this command."));


                case Attributes.Jump:
                    if (DbUser.Cash < Config.JUMP_REQUIREMENT)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.JUMP_REQUIREMENT.USD()}."));


                case Attributes.Steal:
                    if (DbUser.Cash < Config.STEAL_REQUIREMENT)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.STEAL_REQUIREMENT.USD()}."));


                case Attributes.Rob:
                    if (DbUser.Cash < Config.ROB_REQUIREMENT)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.ROB_REQUIREMENT.USD()}."));


                case Attributes.Bully:
                    if (DbUser.Cash < Config.BULLY_REQUIREMENT)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.BULLY_REQUIREMENT.USD()}."));


                case Attributes.FiftyX2:
                    if (DbUser.Cash < Config.FIFTYX2_REQUIREMENT)
                        return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.FIFTYX2_REQUIREMENT.USD()}."));


                    return(PreconditionResult.FromError($"ERROR: The {attribute} attribute is not being handled!"));

Пример #5
        public override Task <PreconditionResult> CheckPermissions(ICommandContext context, CommandInfo command, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                _serviceProvider = serviceProvider;
                _userRepo = _serviceProvider.GetService <UserRepository>();
                _moderationService = _serviceProvider.GetService <ModerationService>();
                _gameService = _serviceProvider.GetService <GameService>();

                Context deaContext = context as Context;

                var permLevel = _moderationService.GetPermLevel(deaContext.DbGuild, deaContext.GUser);
                var invData = _gameService.InventoryData(deaContext.DbUser);

                foreach (var attribute in _attributes)
                    switch (attribute)
                    case Attributes.BotOwner:
                        if (!Data.Credentials.OwnerIds.Any(x => x == context.User.Id))
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("Only an owner of this bot may use this command.");

                    case Attributes.ServerOwner:
                        if (permLevel != 3)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("Only the owners of this server may use this command.");

                    case Attributes.Admin:
                        if (permLevel < 2)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("The administrator permission is required to use this command.");

                    case Attributes.Moderator:
                        if (permLevel == 0)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("Only a moderator may use this command.");

                    case Attributes.InGang:
                        if (deaContext.Gang == null)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("You must be in a gang to use this command.");

                    case Attributes.NoGang:
                        if (deaContext.Gang != null)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("You may not use this command while in a gang.");

                    case Attributes.GangLeader:
                        if (deaContext.Gang == null || deaContext.Gang.LeaderId != context.User.Id)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError("You must be the leader of a gang to use this command.");

                    case Attributes.Jump:
                        if (deaContext.Cash < Config.JumpRequirement)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.JumpRequirement.USD()}.");

                    case Attributes.Steal:
                        if (deaContext.Cash < Config.StealRequirement)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.StealRequirement.USD()}.");

                    case Attributes.Rob:
                        if (deaContext.Cash < Config.RobRequirement)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.RobRequirement.USD()}.");

                    case Attributes.Bully:
                        if (deaContext.Cash < Config.BullyRequirement)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.BullyRequirement.USD()}.");

                    case Attributes.FiftyX2:
                        if (deaContext.Cash < Config.FiftyX2Requirement)
                            return PreconditionResult.FromError($"You do not have the permission to use this command.\nRequired cash: {Config.FiftyX2Requirement.USD()}.");

                        return PreconditionResult.FromError($"ERROR: The {attribute} attribute is not being handled!");
                return PreconditionResult.FromSuccess();