public General(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(serviceProvider) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _pollRepository = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <PollRepository>(); _commandService = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <CommandService>(); _moderationService = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ModerationService>(); }
public Task Note( [Summary("The user to which the note is being applied.")] IGuildUser subject, [Summary("The reason for the note.")] [Remainder] string reason) => ModerationService.CreateInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Notice, subject.Id, reason, null);
public void Aprove_ShouldCallSubmissionRepository_Update(int id) { //Arrange var mockSubmissionRepository = new Mock <IRepository <Submission> >(); var fakeSubmission = new Submission(); mockSubmissionRepository.Setup(x => x.GetById(id)).Returns(fakeSubmission); var mockQuestionService = new Mock <IQuestionUtility>(); var mockDateTimeProvider = new Mock <IDateTimeProvider>(); var mockAuthenticationProvider = new Mock <IAuthenticationProvider>(); var mockUnitOfWork = new Mock <IUnitOfWork>(); var controller = new ModerationService(mockSubmissionRepository.Object, mockQuestionService.Object, mockDateTimeProvider.Object, mockAuthenticationProvider.Object, mockUnitOfWork.Object ); //Act controller.Approve(id); //Assert mockSubmissionRepository.Verify(x => x.Update(fakeSubmission), Times.Once); }
public Crime(UserRepository userRepo, GangRepository gangRepo, ModerationService moderationService, Item[] _items) { _userRepo = userRepo; _gangRepo = gangRepo; _moderationService = moderationService; _items = items; }
public async Task CleanAsync( [Summary("The number of messages to delete.")] int count) => await ModerationService.DeleteMessagesAsync( Context.Channel as ITextChannel, count, true, () => Context.GetUserConfirmationAsync( $"You are attempting to delete the past {count} messages in #{Context.Channel.Name}.{Environment.NewLine}"));
public async Task <ActionResult> SoftBanAsync( [CheckHierarchy, EnsureNotSelf, Description("The member to softban.")] SocketGuildUser user, [Description("The amount of days of messages to delete. Defaults to 7.")] int daysToDelete = 0, [Remainder, Description("The reason for the softban.")] string reason = "Softbanned by a Moderator.") { var e = Context.CreateEmbedBuilder( $"You've been softbanned from **{Context.Guild.Name}** for **{reason}**.") .ApplyConfig(Context.GuildData); if (!await user.TrySendMessageAsync(embed: e.Build())) { Logger.Warn(LogSource.Module, $"encountered a 403 when trying to message {user}!"); } try { await user.BanAsync(daysToDelete == 0? 7 : daysToDelete, reason); await Context.Guild.RemoveBanAsync(user); return(Ok($"Successfully softbanned **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}**.", _ => ModerationService.OnModActionCompleteAsync(ModActionEventArgs.New .WithDefaultsFromContext(Context) .WithTarget(user) .WithReason(reason)) )); } catch { return(BadRequest( "An error occurred softbanning that user. Do I have permission; or are they higher than me in the role list?")); } }
public Task Warn( [Summary("The user to which the warning is being issued.")] IGuildUser subject, [Summary("The reason for the warning.")] [Remainder] string reason) => ModerationService.CreateInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Warning, subject.Id, reason, null);
public async Task <ActionResult> KickAsync([CheckHierarchy, EnsureNotSelf, Description("The member to kick.")] SocketGuildUser user, [Remainder, Description("The reason for the kick.")] string reason = "Kicked by a Moderator.") { var e = Context.CreateEmbedBuilder($"You've been kicked from **{Context.Guild.Name}** for **{reason}**.") .ApplyConfig(Context.GuildData); if (!await user.TrySendMessageAsync(embed: e.Build())) { Logger.Warn(LogSource.Module, $"encountered a 403 when trying to message {user}!"); } try { await user.KickAsync(reason); return(Ok($"Successfully kicked **{user.Username}#{user.Discriminator}** from this guild.", _ => ModerationService.OnModActionCompleteAsync(ModActionEventArgs.New .WithDefaultsFromContext(Context) .WithActionType(ModActionType.Kick) .WithTarget(user) .WithReason(reason)) )); } catch { return(BadRequest( "An error occurred kicking that user. Do I have permission; or are they higher than me in the role list?")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> ClearWarnsAsync( [Remainder, EnsureNotSelf, Description("The member who you want to clear warns for.")] SocketGuildUser member) { var warnCount = Context.GuildData.Extras.Warns.RemoveWhere(x => x.User == member.Id); Db.Save(Context.GuildData); var e = Context .CreateEmbedBuilder( $"Your {"warn".ToQuantity(warnCount)} in {Format.Bold(Context.Guild.Name)} have been cleared. Hooray!") .ApplyConfig(Context.GuildData); if (!await member.TrySendMessageAsync(embed: e.Build())) { Logger.Warn(LogSource.Volte, $"encountered a 403 when trying to message {member}!"); } return(Ok($"Cleared **{warnCount}** warnings for **{member}**.", _ => ModerationService.OnModActionCompleteAsync(ModActionEventArgs.New .WithDefaultsFromContext(Context) .WithActionType(ModActionType.ClearWarns) .WithTarget(member)) )); }
private async Task ConfirmAndReplyWithCountsAsync(ulong userId) { await Context.AddConfirmation(); // If the channel is public, do not list the infraction embed that occurs after a user has reached 3 infractions if ((Context.Channel as IGuildChannel)?.IsPublic() is true) { return; } var counts = await ModerationService.GetInfractionCountsForUserAsync(userId); //TODO: Make this configurable if (counts.Values.Any(count => count >= 3)) { // var url = new UriBuilder(Config.WebsiteBaseUrl) { Path = "/infractions", Query = $"subject={userId}" }.RemoveDefaultPort().ToString(); await ReplyAsync(embed : new EmbedBuilder() .WithTitle("Infraction Count Notice") .WithColor(Color.Orange) .WithDescription(FormatUtilities.FormatInfractionCounts(counts)) .WithUrl(url) .Build()); } }
private static void ImageContent(String token, String endpoint) { // The obs url of file String dataUrl = ""; // The image content confidence interval,"politics" default 0.48f,"terrorism":0 float threshold = 0.6f; JArray categories = new JArray(); categories.Add("politics"); categories.Add("terrorism"); categories.Add("p**n"); // post data by native file String data = utils.ConvertFileToBase64("../../data/moderation-terrorism.jpg"); String reslut = ModerationService.ImageContentToken(token, data, dataUrl, threshold, categories, endpoint); Console.WriteLine(reslut); // The OBS link must match the region, and the OBS resources of different regions are not shared dataUrl = ""; // post data by obs url reslut = ModerationService.ImageContentToken(token, "", dataUrl, threshold, categories, endpoint); Console.WriteLine(reslut); Console.ReadKey(); }
public async Task <ActionResult> PurgeAsync([Description("The amount of messages to purge.")] int count, [Description("If provided, will only delete messages by this user within `count` messages.")] RestUser targetAuthor = null) { //+1 to include the command invocation message, and actually delete the last x messages instead of x - 1. //lets you theoretically use 0 to delete only the invocation message, for testing or something. var messages = (await Context.Channel.GetMessagesAsync(count + 1).FlattenAsync()).ToList(); try { await Context.Channel.DeleteMessagesAsync( messages.Where(x => targetAuthor is null || x.Author.Id == targetAuthor.Id), DiscordHelper.CreateRequestOptions(opts => opts.AuditLogReason = $"Messages purged by {Context.User}.")); } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { return(BadRequest( $"Messages bulk deleted must be younger than 14 days. {Format.Code("This is a Discord restriction, not a Volte one.")}")); } //-1 to show that the correct amount of messages were deleted. return(None(async() => { await Interactive.ReplyAndDeleteAsync(Context, string.Empty, embed: Context.CreateEmbed($"Successfully deleted {Format.Bold("message".ToQuantity(messages.Count - 1))}."), timeout: 3.Seconds()); await ModerationService.OnModActionCompleteAsync(ModActionEventArgs.New .WithDefaultsFromContext(Context) .WithActionType(ModActionType.Purge) .WithCount(count)); }, false)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteAsync( [Description("The ID of the message to delete. Must be in the current channel.")] ulong messageId) { var target = await Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(messageId); if (target is null) { return(BadRequest("That message doesn't exist in this channel.")); } await target.TryDeleteAsync($"Message deleted by Moderator {Context.User}."); return(Ok($"{DiscordHelper.BallotBoxWithCheck} Deleted that message.", async m => { //await Interactive.ReplyAndDeleteAsync(Context,) _ = Executor.ExecuteAfterDelayAsync(3.Seconds(), async() => { await Context.Message.TryDeleteAsync(); await m.DeleteAsync(); }); await ModerationService.OnModActionCompleteAsync(ModActionEventArgs.New .WithDefaultsFromContext(Context) .WithActionType(ModActionType.Delete) .WithTarget(messageId) ); })); }
public Task Mute( [Summary("The user to be muted.")] IGuildUser subject, [Summary("The reason for the mute.")] [Remainder] string reason) => ModerationService.CreateInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Mute, subject.Id, reason, null);
public async Task <ActionResult> BanAsync([CheckHierarchy, EnsureNotSelf, Description("The member to ban.")] SocketGuildUser member, [Remainder, Description("The reason for the ban.")] string reason = "Banned by a Moderator.") { var e = Context .CreateEmbedBuilder( $"You've been banned from {Format.Bold(Context.Guild.Name)} for {Format.Bold(reason)}.") .ApplyConfig(Context.GuildData); if (!await member.TrySendMessageAsync(embed: e.Build())) { Logger.Warn(LogSource.Module, $"encountered a 403 when trying to message {member}!"); } try { await member.BanAsync(7, reason); return(Ok($"Successfully banned **{member}** from this guild.", _ => ModerationService.OnModActionCompleteAsync(ModActionEventArgs.New .WithDefaultsFromContext(Context) .WithActionType(ModActionType.Ban) .WithTarget(member) .WithReason(reason)) )); } catch { return(BadRequest( "An error occurred banning that member. Do I have permission; or are they higher than me in the role list?")); } }
public async Task ForceUnban( [Summary("The id of the user to be un-banned.")] ulong subjectId) { var result = await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Ban, subjectId); await AddConfirmationOrHandleAsync(result); }
public async Task UnBanAsync( [Summary("The user to be un-banned.")] DiscordUserOrMessageAuthorEntity subject) { await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Ban, subject.UserId); await ConfirmAndReplyWithCountsAsync(subject.UserId); }
public async Task UnBanAsync( [Summary("The user to be un-banned.")] DiscordUserEntity subject) { await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Ban, subject.Id); await Context.AddConfirmation(); }
public async Task UnMuteAsync( [Summary("The user to be un-muted.")] DiscordUserEntity subject) { await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Mute, subject.Id); await ConfirmAndReplyWithCountsAsync(subject.Id); }
public async Task ToggleToxicityAsync() { var config = ModerationService.GetModerationConfig(Context.Guild.Id); config.UsePerspective = !config.UsePerspective; ModerationService.SaveModerationConfig(config); await ReplyAsync($"Toxic message checking: {config.UsePerspective}"); }
public Task ToxicityToken(string token = null) { var setup = ModerationService.GetSetup(); setup.PerspectiveToken = token; ModerationService.SetPerspectiveSetup(setup); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async Task BlacklistUsernameRemove([Remainder] string name) { var config = ModerationService.GetModerationConfig(Context.Guild.Id); config.BlacklistedUsernames = config.BlacklistedUsernames.Where(x => x.Content.Equals(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).ToList(); ModerationService.SaveModerationConfig(config); await ReplyAsync($"Removed."); }
public async Task ToggleBlacklistAsync() { var config = ModerationService.GetModerationConfig(Context.Guild.Id); config.UseBlacklist = !config.UseBlacklist; ModerationService.SaveModerationConfig(config); await ReplyAsync($"Using Blacklist: {config.UseBlacklist}"); }
public async Task ToggleIpsAsync() { var config = ModerationService.GetModerationConfig(Context.Guild.Id); config.BlockIps = !config.BlockIps; ModerationService.SaveModerationConfig(config); await ReplyAsync($"IP Address Blocking: {config.BlockIps}"); }
public async Task UnMute( [Summary("The user to be un-muted.")] IGuildUser subject) { var result = await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Mute, subject.Id); await AddConfirmationOrHandleAsync(result); }
public async Task ForceUnban( [Summary("The id of the user to be un-banned.")] ulong subjectId) { await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Ban, subjectId); await Context.AddConfirmation(); }
public async Task DeleteAsync( [Summary("The ID value of the infraction to be deleted.")] long infractionId) { await ModerationService.DeleteInfractionAsync(infractionId); await Context.AddConfirmation(); }
public Moderator(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) : base(serviceProvider) { _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; _userRepository = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <UserRepository>(); _pollRepository = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <PollRepository>(); _muteRepository = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <MuteRepository>(); _moderationService = _serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <ModerationService>(); }
public async Task SetTimeLimit(int seconds) { var config = ModerationService.GetModerationConfig(Context.Guild.Id); config.SpamSettings.SecondsToCheck = seconds; ModerationService.SaveModerationConfig(config); await ReplyAsync($"Max Messages per {config.SpamSettings.SecondsToCheck} Seconds Set. {config.SpamSettings.MessagesPerTime}/{config.SpamSettings.SecondsToCheck}s"); }
public async Task UnBan( [Summary("The user to be un-banned.")] IGuildUser subject) { await ModerationService.RescindInfractionAsync(InfractionType.Ban, subject.Id); await AddConfirmation(); }