Пример #1
        private void SetModsText()
            var windows = JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Selected.Value == JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Standard
                ? ""
                : $"({JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Selected.Value.Name})";

            Mods.Text = $"Mods: {ModHelper.GetModsString(ModManager.Mods)} {windows}";
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the text that displays the difficulty name of the map.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateDifficultyName()
            var text = $"[{Map.DifficultyName}]";

            if (Screen.ScoreProcessor.Mods != 0)
                text += $" + {ModHelper.GetModsString(Screen.ScoreProcessor.Mods)}";

            DifficultyName = new SpriteText(Fonts.Exo2SemiBold, text, 13)
                Parent = this,
                X      = Thumbnail.X + Thumbnail.Width + 10,
                Y      = 25
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Creates the text that displays the difficulty name of the map.
        /// </summary>
        private void CreateDifficultyName()
            var text = $"[{Map.DifficultyName}]";

            var windows = "";

            switch (Screen.ResultsType)
            case ResultScreenType.Gameplay:
                if (JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Selected.Value.Name != JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Standard.Name)
                    windows = $" ({JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Selected.Value.Name})";

            case ResultScreenType.Score:
                if (Screen.Score.JudgementWindowPreset != null && Screen.Score.JudgementWindowPreset != JudgementWindowsDatabaseCache.Standard.Name)
                    windows = $" ({Screen.Score.JudgementWindowPreset})";

            case ResultScreenType.Replay:


            if (Screen.ScoreProcessor.Mods != 0)
                text += $" + {ModHelper.GetModsString(Screen.ScoreProcessor.Mods)}";

            text += windows;

            DifficultyName = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, text)
                Parent   = this,
                X        = Thumbnail.X + Thumbnail.Width + 14,
                Y        = 14,
                FontSize = 17
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gameplay"></param>
        /// <param name="multiplayerScores"></param>
        /// <param name="multiplayerScreen"></param>
        public ResultScreen(GameplayScreen gameplay, List <ScoreboardUser> multiplayerScores = null, MultiplayerScreen multiplayerScreen = null)
            Gameplay          = gameplay;
            ResultsType       = ResultScreenType.Gameplay;
            ScoreProcessor    = Gameplay.Ruleset.ScoreProcessor;
            MultiplayerScores = multiplayerScores;
            MultiplayerScreen = multiplayerScreen;


            if (MultiplayerScores != null)
                Logger.Important($"Multiplayer Player Game Finished!", LogType.Network);

                MultiplayerScores.ForEach(x =>
                    var modsString = "None";

                        modsString = ModHelper.GetModsString(x.Processor.Mods);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // ignored

                    Logger.Important($"{(x.UsernameRaw)}: {x.Processor.Score}, {x.Processor.Accuracy}, " +
                                     $"{x.Processor.TotalJudgementCount}, {x.RatingProcessor.CalculateRating(x.Processor)} | " +
                                     $"{modsString}", LogType.Network);

            View = new ResultScreenView(this);
Пример #5
 /// <summary>
 ///     Called when the activated mods change.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 private void OnModsChanged(object sender, ModsChangedEventArgs e) => Mods.Text = $"Mods: {ModHelper.GetModsString(e.Mods)}";
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates the text that displays the mods.
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateMods() => Mods = new SpriteText(Fonts.Exo2Bold, "Mods: " + ModHelper.GetModsString(ModManager.Mods), 12)
     Parent    = this,
     Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft,
     X         = MapDifficultyName.X,
     Y         = 15
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Ctor -
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="screen"></param>
        internal SongInformation(GameplayScreen screen)
            Screen = screen;

            Size  = new ScalableVector2(750, 150);
            Tint  = Colors.MainAccentInactive;
            Alpha = 0;

            // Create watching text outside of replay mode because other text relies on it.
            Watching = new SpriteText(Fonts.SourceSansProSemiBold, $"Watching {(screen.InReplayMode ? Screen.LoadedReplay.PlayerName : "")}", 13)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = 25,
                Alpha     = 0

            Title = new SpriteText(Fonts.SourceSansProSemiBold, $"{Screen.Map.Artist} - {Screen.Map.Title}", 13)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = Watching.Y + TextYSpacing + TextYSpacing,
                Alpha     = 0,

            Difficulty = new SpriteText(Fonts.SourceSansProSemiBold, $"[{Screen.Map.DifficultyName}]", 13)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = Title.Y + TextYSpacing + TextYSpacing * 0.85f,
                Alpha     = 0

            Creator = new SpriteText(Fonts.SourceSansProSemiBold, $"Mapped By: \"{Screen.Map.Creator}\"", 13)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = Difficulty.Y + TextYSpacing + TextYSpacing * 0.80f,
                Alpha     = 0

            var difficulty = (float)MapManager.Selected.Value.DifficultyFromMods(ModManager.Mods);

            Rating = new SpriteText(Fonts.SourceSansProSemiBold,
                                    $"Difficulty: {StringHelper.AccuracyToString(difficulty).Replace("%", "")}",
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = Creator.Y + TextYSpacing + TextYSpacing * 0.75f,
                Alpha     = 0,
                Tint      = ColorHelper.DifficultyToColor(difficulty)

            // Get a formatted string of the activated mods.
            var modsString = "Mods: " + (ModManager.CurrentModifiersList.Count > 0 ? $"{ModHelper.GetModsString(ModManager.Mods)}" : "None");

            Mods = new SpriteText(Fonts.SourceSansProSemiBold, modsString, 13)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.TopCenter,
                Y         = Rating.Y + TextYSpacing + TextYSpacing * 0.7f,
                Alpha     = 0
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        public override void UpdateContent(OnlineUser item, int index)
            if (!OnlineManager.OnlineUsers.ContainsKey(item.Id))
                Logger.Error($"{item.Id} not found in online users when trying to update content.", LogType.Network);

            Avatar.Border.Tint = GetPlayerColor();
            Button.Image       = GetPlayerPanel();

            if (OnlineManager.OnlineUsers[item.Id].HasUserInfo)
                var stats = OnlineManager.OnlineUsers[Item.Id].Stats;
                var rank  = stats.ContainsKey((GameMode)OnlineManager.CurrentGame.GameMode) ? $" (#{stats[(GameMode) OnlineManager.CurrentGame.GameMode].Rank})" : "";

                Username.Text = item.Username + rank;
                HostCrown.X   = Username.Width + 12;

                // Handle getting the amount of wins the player has
                if (OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Ruleset == MultiplayerGameRuleset.Team)
                    var team = OnlineManager.GetTeam(Item.Id);
                    int wins;

                    switch (team)
                    case MultiplayerTeam.Red:
                        wins = OnlineManager.CurrentGame.RedTeamWins;

                    case MultiplayerTeam.Blue:
                        wins = OnlineManager.CurrentGame.BlueTeamWins;

                        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

                    Wins.Text = $"{wins} Wins";
                    var mpWins = OnlineManager.CurrentGame.PlayerWins.Find(x => x.UserId == item.Id);
                    Wins.Text = mpWins != null ? $"{mpWins.Wins} Wins" : $"0 Wins";

                var playerMods = OnlineManager.CurrentGame.PlayerMods.Find(x => x.UserId == item.Id);
                var mods       = (ModIdentifier)long.Parse(OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Modifiers);

                if (mods == ModIdentifier.None)
                    mods = 0;

                if (playerMods != null)
                    var pmods = long.Parse(playerMods.Modifiers);

                    if (pmods < 0)
                        pmods = 0;

                    mods |= (ModIdentifier)pmods;

                Mods.Text = mods <= 0 ? "" : ModHelper.GetModsString(mods);
                Flag.Y    = mods <= 0 ? 0 : -8;

            HostCrown.Visible = OnlineManager.CurrentGame.HostId == Item.Id;
        /// <inheritdoc />
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="header"></param>
        public ResultMultiplayerScoreboardUser(PoolableScrollContainer <ScoreboardUser> container, ScoreboardUser item, int index, ResultMultiplayerScoreboardTableHeader header)
            : base(container, item, index)
            Header = header;
            Size   = new ScalableVector2(container.Width, HEIGHT);
            Alpha  = 0.85f;

            Button = new ResultMultiplayerScoreboardUserButton(Item, container)
                Parent = this,
                Size   = Size,
                UsePreviousSpriteBatchOptions = true

            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            var rank = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, $"{item.Rank}.")
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
                X         = 20,
                FontSize  = 16,
                Tint      = Item.Type == ScoreboardUserType.Self ? Colors.SecondaryAccent : Color.White,
                UsePreviousSpriteBatchOptions = true

            var avatar = new Sprite
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(32, 32),
                X         = 56,
                Image     = item.Avatar.Image,
                UsePreviousSpriteBatchOptions = true

            avatar.AddBorder(Color.White, 2);

            var username = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamRegular, item.UsernameRaw)
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.MidLeft,
                X         = avatar.X + avatar.Width + 16,
                FontSize  = 16,
                Tint      = Item.Type == ScoreboardUserType.Self ? Colors.SecondaryAccent : Color.White,
                UsePreviousSpriteBatchOptions = true

            if (item.Processor == null)

            CreateData(new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "Rating", item.CalculateRating().ToString("00.00") },
                { "Grade", "" },
                { "Accuracy", StringHelper.AccuracyToString(item.Processor.Accuracy) },
                { "Max Combo", item.Processor.MaxCombo + "x" },
                { "Marv", item.Processor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Marv].ToString() },
                { "Perf", item.Processor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Perf].ToString() },
                { "Great", item.Processor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Great].ToString() },
                { "Good", item.Processor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Good].ToString() },
                { "Okay", item.Processor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Okay].ToString() },
                { "Miss", item.Processor.CurrentJudgements[Judgement.Miss].ToString() },
                { "Mods", item.Processor.Mods <= 0 ? "None" : ModHelper.GetModsString(ModHelper.GetModsFromRate(ModHelper.GetRateFromMods(item.Processor.Mods))) }

            // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
            new Sprite
                Parent    = this,
                Alignment = Alignment.BotLeft,
                Size      = new ScalableVector2(Width, 1),
                Alpha     = 0.3f
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets rich presence based on which activity we're doing in gameplay.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetRichPresence()
            DiscordHelper.Presence.Details = Map.ToString();

            if (OnlineManager.CurrentGame != null)
                if (OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Ruleset == MultiplayerGameRuleset.Battle_Royale)
                    var view = View as GameplayScreenView;

                    var alivePlayers = OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Players.Count;

                    if (view?.ScoreboardLeft != null)
                        alivePlayers = view.ScoreboardLeft.Users.FindAll(x => !x.Processor.MultiplayerProcessor.IsBattleRoyaleEliminated).Count;

                    DiscordHelper.Presence.State = $"Battle Royale - {alivePlayers} Left";
                    DiscordHelper.Presence.State = $"{OnlineManager.CurrentGame.Name} " +
                                                   $"({OnlineManager.CurrentGame.PlayerIds.Count} of {OnlineManager.CurrentGame.MaxPlayers})";
            else if (IsPlayTesting)
                DiscordHelper.Presence.State = "Play Testing";
            else if (InReplayMode)
                DiscordHelper.Presence.State = OnlineManager.IsSpectatingSomeone ? $"Spectating {LoadedReplay.PlayerName}" : $"Watching {LoadedReplay.PlayerName}";
                DiscordHelper.Presence.State = $"Playing {(ModManager.Mods > 0 ? "+ " + ModHelper.GetModsString(ModManager.Mods) : "")}";

            // Only set time if we're not spectating anywone
            if (!OnlineManager.IsSpectatingSomeone)
                var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                var time  = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds((Map.Length - Timing.Time) / AudioEngine.Track.Rate) - epoch).TotalSeconds);
                DiscordHelper.Presence.EndTimestamp = time;

            DiscordHelper.Presence.LargeImageText = OnlineManager.GetRichPresenceLargeKeyText(Ruleset.Mode);
            DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(ref DiscordHelper.Presence);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Sets rich presence based on which activity we're doing in gameplay.
        /// </summary>
        private void SetRichPresence()
            DiscordHelper.Presence.Details = Map.ToString();

            if (InReplayMode)
                DiscordHelper.Presence.State = $"Watching {LoadedReplay.PlayerName}";
                DiscordHelper.Presence.State = $"Playing {(ModManager.Mods > 0 ? "+ " + ModHelper.GetModsString(ModManager.Mods) : "")}";

            var epoch = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            var time  = Convert.ToInt64((DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds((Map.Length - Timing.Time) / AudioEngine.Track.Rate) - epoch).TotalSeconds);

            DiscordHelper.Presence.EndTimestamp   = time;
            DiscordHelper.Presence.LargeImageText = OnlineManager.GetRichPresenceLargeKeyText(Ruleset.Mode);
            DiscordRpc.UpdatePresence(ref DiscordHelper.Presence);
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 ///     Creates the text that displays the mods.
 /// </summary>
 private void CreateMods() => Mods = new SpriteTextBitmap(FontsBitmap.GothamBold, "Mods: " + ModHelper.GetModsString(ModManager.Mods))
     Parent    = this,
     Alignment = Alignment.TopLeft,
     X         = MapDifficultyName.X,
     Y         = 15,
     FontSize  = 16