public void AddGroup() { GroupDTO dto = new GroupDTO(); var frm = new AddGroup(dto); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate() { LdapMod[] user = new LdapMod[4]; user[0] = new LdapMod((int)LdapMod.mod_ops.LDAP_MOD_ADD, VMDirConstants.ATTR_CN, new string[] {, null }); user[1] = new LdapMod((int)LdapMod.mod_ops.LDAP_MOD_ADD, VMDirConstants.ATTR_GROUPTYPE, new string[] { dto.groupType.ToString(), null }); user[2] = new LdapMod((int)LdapMod.mod_ops.LDAP_MOD_ADD, VMDirConstants.ATTR_SAM_ACCOUNT_NAME, new string[] { dto.sAMAccountName, null }); user[3] = new LdapMod((int)LdapMod.mod_ops.LDAP_MOD_ADD, VMDirConstants.ATTR_OBJECT_CLASS, new string[] { dto.objectClass, null }); string dn = string.Format("cn={0},{1}",, Dn); ServerDTO.Connection.AddObject(dn, user); ClearDummyNode(); var oc = VMDirUtil.Utilities.GetObjectClassList(ServerDTO, dn, LdapScope.SCOPE_BASE); this.Nodes.Insert(0, new DirectoryExpandableNode(dn, oc, ServerDTO, PropertiesCtl)); MMCDlgHelper.ShowInformation(VMDirConstants.STAT_GRP_ADD_SUCC); }); } }
private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (!ValidateForm()) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.None; return; } if (_dto == null) { _dto = VMDirServerDTO.CreateInstance(); } _dto.Server = (txtDirectoryServer.Text).Trim(); _dto.BaseDN = (txtBaseDN.Text).Trim(); _dto.BindDN = (txtBindUPN.Text).Trim(); _dto.Password = txtPassword.Text; _dto.Connection = new LdapConnectionService(_dto.Server, _dto.BindDN, _dto.Password); _dto.Connection.CreateConnection(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception exp) { MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exp); } }
private void ShowOptionalAttribute() { if (_serverDTO == null || _serverDTO.Connection == null) { MMCDlgHelper.ShowWarning(VMDirConstants.WRN_RELOGIN); return; } MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { if (_optAttrDTOList.Count <= 0) { GetOptionalAttribute(); } var optlvg = new ListViewGroup("Optional Attributes") { Tag = GroupTag.OPTIONAL_ATT }; listViewProp.Groups.Add(optlvg); var lviList = new List <ListViewItem>(); foreach (var item in _optAttrDTOList) { lviList.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { item.Name, item.Value, item.AttrSyntaxDTO.Type }) { Tag = optlvg.Tag, Group = optlvg, BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke }); } listViewProp.Items.AddRange(lviList.ToArray()); }); }
private void ShowOperationalAttribute() { if (_serverDTO == null || _serverDTO.Connection == null) { MMCDlgHelper.ShowWarning(VMDirConstants.WRN_RELOGIN); return; } MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { if (_oprAttrDTOList.Count <= 0) { GetOperationalAttribute(); } var oprlvg = new ListViewGroup("Operational Attributes") { Tag = GroupTag.OPERATIONAL_ATT }; this.listViewProp.Groups.Insert(0, oprlvg); var lviList = new List <ListViewItem>(); foreach (var item in _oprAttrDTOList) { var val = item.Value; if (string.Equals(item.AttrSyntaxDTO.Type, "Generalized Time")) { val = VmdirUtil.Utilities.ConvertGeneralizedTimeIntoReadableFormat(item.Value); } lviList.Add(new ListViewItem(new string[] { item.Name, val, item.AttrSyntaxDTO.Type }) { Tag = oprlvg.Tag, Group = oprlvg, BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke }); } listViewProp.Items.AddRange(lviList.ToArray()); }); }
private void GetPage() { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { var _lst = new List <DirectoryExpandableNode>(); ServerDTO.Connection.PagedSearch(_qdto, ServerDTO.PageSize, _cookie, _morePages, delegate(ILdapMessage ldMsg, IntPtr ck, bool moreP, List <ILdapEntry> entries) { _cookie = ck; _morePages = moreP; _totalCount += entries.Count(); _pageNumber++; foreach (var entry in entries) { var ocList = new List <string>(entry.getAttributeValues(VMDirConstants.ATTR_OBJECT_CLASS).Select(x => x.StringValue).ToArray()); _lst.Add(new DirectoryExpandableNode(entry.getDN(), ocList, ServerDTO, PropertiesCtl)); } }); if (!_morePages) { this.Text = Cn; } this.Nodes.AddRange(_lst.ToArray()); }); }
void Bind() { this.Text = "New " + _objectClass; var requiredProps = _serverDTO.Connection.SchemaManager.GetRequiredAttributesWithContentRules(_objectClass); _properties = new KeyValueBag(); foreach (var prop in requiredProps) { var val = MiscUtilsService.GetInstanceFromType(prop.Type); var item = new VMDirBagItem { Value = val, Description = prop.Description, IsRequired = true, IsReadOnly = prop.ReadOnly }; _properties.Add(prop.Name, item); } var oc = _properties["objectClass"]; oc.IsReadOnly = true; oc.Value = _objectClass; VMDirBagItem itemCN = null; if (!_properties.TryGetValue("cn", out itemCN)) { _properties.Add("cn", new VMDirBagItem { Value = "", Description = "", IsRequired = true }); } props.SelectedObject = _properties; }
private void btnManageAttributes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var optionalProps = GetCurrentOptionalProperties(); var frm = new AddOrRemoveAttributes(_objectClass, optionalProps, _serverDTO); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var retainList = frm.NewOptionalAttributes.Intersect(optionalProps); var removeList = optionalProps.Except(retainList).ToList(); foreach (var item in removeList) { _properties.Remove(item.Key); } var addList = frm.NewOptionalAttributes.Except(retainList); foreach (var item in addList) { var dto = _serverDTO.Connection.SchemaManager.GetAttributeType(item.Key); var val = MiscUtilsService.GetInstanceFromType(dto.Type); _properties.Add(item.Key, new VMDirBagItem { Description = dto.Description, IsReadOnly = dto.ReadOnly, Value = val }); } props.Refresh(); } }
private void buttonExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateForm()) { return; } MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var start = 0; var end = _result.Count(); if (comboBoxScope.SelectedIndex == (int)ExportScope.CURR_PAGE) { start = (_currPage - 1) * _pageSize; end = _currPage * _pageSize > _result.Count ? _result.Count : _currPage * _pageSize; } HashSet <string> attrToExport = new HashSet <string>(); if (checkBoxAttToExport.CheckState == CheckState.Checked) { foreach (var item in _attrList) { attrToExport.Add(item); } } else { foreach (ListViewItem item in listViewAttrToExport.Items) { attrToExport.Add(item.SubItems[0].Text); } } foreach (var item in attrToExport) { sb.Append(item + ","); } sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); for (var i = start; i < end; i++) { foreach (var item in attrToExport) { sb.Append("\""); if (_result[i].NodeProperties.ContainsKey(item)) { foreach (var val in _result[i].NodeProperties[item].Values) { sb.Append(val.StringValue + " "); } } sb.Append("\""); sb.Append(","); } sb.Append(Environment.NewLine); } if (MMCMiscUtil.SaveDataToFile(sb.ToString(), "Export Result", MMCUIConstants.CSV_FILTER)) { MMCDlgHelper.ShowInformation(VMDirConstants.STAT_RES_EXPO_SUCC); } }); }
bool DoValidate() { var requiredPropsNotFilled = _properties.Where(x => { var val = x.Value; if (val.IsRequired) { if (val.Value == null) { return(true); } if (val.Value is string) { return(string.IsNullOrEmpty(val.Value as string)); } else if (val.Value is List <string> ) { return((val.Value as List <string>).Count == 0); } } return(false); }); if (requiredPropsNotFilled.Count() > 0) { string error = string.Format("{0} is a required property", requiredPropsNotFilled.First().Key); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(error); return(false); } return(true); }
private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { Process.Start(e.Link.LinkData as string); }); }
private void GetDomainFunctionalLevel() { try { var domainFucntionalLevel = string.Empty; var serverNode = _formView.ScopeNode as ServerNode; if (serverNode != null) { var dto = serverNode.Hosts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NodeType == NodeType.Infrastructure && x.Active); if (dto != null) { if (serverNode.ServerDto != null) { var serverDto = new ServerDto { Server = dto.Name, Upn = serverNode.ServerDto.Upn, Password = serverNode.ServerDto.Password, DomainName = serverNode.ServerDto.DomainName }; domainFucntionalLevel = PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Service.GetDomainFunctionalLevel(serverDto); } } } txtDomainFunctionalLevel.Text = domainFucntionalLevel; } catch (Exception exc) { var custom = new CustomExceptionExtractor().GetCustomMessage(exc); PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exc, custom); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exc); } }
private void listView1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { if (listView1.SelectedItems != null && listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0) { var attr = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Text; var val = listView1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; if (!String.Equals(attr, "objectClass", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { var frm = new EditAttribute(attr, val); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { listView1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text = frm.value; int indx = listView1.SelectedIndices[0]; _kvData.RemoveAt(indx); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(frm.value)) { _kvData.Insert(indx, new KeyValuePair <string, string>(attr, null)); } else { _kvData.Insert(indx, new KeyValuePair <string, string>(attr, frm.value)); } this._pendingMods.Add(attr); _parent.Dirty = true; } } } }); }
private void btnManageAttributes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { var optionalProps = GetCurrentOptionalProperties(); if (!_properties.ContainsKey("objectClass")) { throw new Exception(VMDirConstants.UNABLE_TO_FETCH_DATA); } var oc = _properties["objectClass"].Value; string cn = ""; if (oc is string) { cn = oc.ToString(); } else if (oc is LdapValue[]) { LdapValue[] val = oc as LdapValue[]; cn = val[(val.Count() - 1)].StringValue; } var frm = new AddOrRemoveAttributes(cn, optionalProps, ServerDTO); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (var item in frm.NewOptionalAttributes) { _kvData.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(item.Key, null)); } RefreshView(); } }); }
private void GetOptionalAttribute() { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_objectClass)) { _objectClass = VmdirUtil.Utilities.GetAttrLastVal(_properties, VMDirConstants.ATTR_OBJECT_CLASS); } _mayAttrTyDTOList.Clear(); _mayAttrTyDTOList = _serverDTO.Connection.SchemaManager.GetOptionalAttributes(_objectClass); _optAttrDTOList.Clear(); foreach (var item in _mayAttrTyDTOList) { if (item != null) { _optAttrDTOList.Add(new AttributeDTO(item.Name, string.Empty, item)); } } foreach (var item in _currAttrDTOList) { if (item.AttrSyntaxDTO.SingleValue) { _optAttrDTOList.RemoveAll(x => x.Name.Equals(item.Name)); } } _optAttrDTOList.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); }); }
void CreateSelfSignedCert() { try { /* var dto = new CertRequestDTO(); * var frm = new GenericInputForm("Fill Certificate Request", "Create", dto); * frm.ApplyDelegate = ApproveCertRequestHandler; * if (frm.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) * return; * IntPtr cert = new IntPtr(); * * UInt32 result = VMCAClientWrapper.VMCACreateSelfSignedCertificate(dto.GetRequestData(), dto.PrivateKey, null, dto.NotBefore.ToTime_t(), dto.NotAfter.ToTime_t(), out cert); * MiscUtilsService.CheckStatus("CreateSelfSignedCert", result); * * var certString = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(cert); * var crt = new X509Certificate2(ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(certString)); * X509Certificate2UI.DisplayCertificate(crt); * * VMCAClientWrapper.VMCAFreeCertificate(cert);*/ } catch (Exception exp) { MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exp); } }
private void buttonBrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate() { var values = MMCMiscUtil.ReadAllFromFile("Select File", MMCUIConstants.TXT_FILTER); this.textBox1.Text = values; }); }
public DirectoryBaseNode(string dn, List <string> oc, VMDirServerDTO serverDTO, PropertiesControl propCtl) : base(serverDTO, propCtl) { this.Dn = dn; this.ObjectClass = oc; Cn = VMDirServerDTO.DN2CN(dn); ImageIndex = SelectedImageIndex = MiscUtilsService.GetImgIndx(ObjectClass); this.Tag = "directory"; }
private async Task OnOkClick() { try { btnOK.Enabled = false; if (IsValid()) { if (Server == null) { Server = new ServerDto(); } Server.Server = txtDirectoryServer.Text; Server.Upn = txtBindUPN.Text; Server.Password = txtPassword.Text; var parts = Server.Upn.Split('@'); Server.UserName = parts[0]; Server.DomainName = parts[1]; var task = new Task(Connect); task.Start(); if (task == await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(Constants.TopologyTimeout * Constants.MilliSecsMultiplier))) { await task; } if (ManagementDto != null) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { MiscUtilsService.ShowError(Constants.LoginError, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); btnOK.Enabled = true; } } else { btnOK.Enabled = true; } } catch (AggregateException exc) { var custom = new CustomExceptionExtractor().GetCustomMessage(exc); PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exc, custom); if (exc.InnerExceptions.Count > 0) { var msg = exc.InnerExceptions.Select(x => x.Message).Aggregate((x, y) => x + " , " + y); MMCDlgHelper.ShowError(msg); } } catch (Exception exp) { var custom = new CustomExceptionExtractor().GetCustomMessage(exp); PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exp, custom); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exp); } }
private void tsAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var attr = _serverDTO.Connection.SchemaManager.GetAttributeType("description"); var val = MiscUtilsService.GetInstanceFromType(attr.Type); _properties.Add(attr.Name, new VMDirBagItem { Value = val, Description = attr.Description }); props.Refresh(); }
void IFormViewControl.Initialize(FormView parent) { _formView = (CertDetailsFormView)parent; var il = new ImageList(); il.Images.AddStrip(MiscUtilsService.GetToolbarImage()); lstCertDetails.SmallImageList = il; InitData(); }
void Bind() { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { _properties.Clear(); VMDir.Common.VMDirUtilities.Utilities.GetItemProperties(_dn, ServerDTO, _properties); VMDir.Common.VMDirUtilities.Utilities.RemoveDontShowAttributes(_properties); MiscUtilsService.ConvertToKVData(_properties, _kvData); RefreshView(); }); }
public VMCertStoreSnapIn() { VMCertStoreSnapInEnvironment.Instance.LoadLocalData(); var il = new ImageList(); this.SmallImages.AddStrip(MiscUtilsService.GetToolbarImage()); this.RootNode = new VMCertStoreRootNode(); this.RootNode.ImageIndex = this.RootNode.SelectedImageIndex = (int)VMCertStoreImageIndex.VecsStore; }
internal void Login() { this.Nodes.Clear(); try { var frm = new frmConnectToServer(ServerDTO); if (frm.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { if (ServerDTO.Connection.CreateConnection() == 1) { this.Text = ServerDTO.Server; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ServerDTO.BaseDN)) { TextQueryDTO dto = new TextQueryDTO("", LdapScope.SCOPE_BASE, VMDirConstants.SEARCH_ALL_OC, new string[] { VMDirConstants.ATTR_ROOT_DOMAIN_NAMING_CONTEXT }, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0); try { ServerDTO.Connection.Search(dto, delegate(ILdapMessage searchRequest, List <ILdapEntry> entries) { ServerDTO.BaseDN = GetRootDomainNamingContext(entries); }); } catch (Exception) { throw new Exception(VMDirConstants.ERR_DN_RETRIEVAL); } } else { TextQueryDTO dto = new TextQueryDTO(ServerDTO.BaseDN, LdapScope.SCOPE_BASE, VMDirConstants.SEARCH_ALL_OC, new string[] { VMDirConstants.ATTR_DN }, 0, IntPtr.Zero, 0); ServerDTO.Connection.Search(dto, null); } this.Nodes.Add(new DirectoryExpandableNode(ServerDTO.BaseDN, new List <string>(), ServerDTO, PropertiesCtl)); ServerDTO.IsLoggedIn = true; Expand(); DoSelect(); } else { throw new Exception(CommonConstants.INVALID_CREDENTIAL); } } } catch (Exception exp) { ServerDTO.Connection = null; VMDirEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exp); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exp); } }
public void RefreshDataSource() { try { RefreshView(); } catch (Exception exc) { PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exc); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exc); } }
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { RefreshView(); } catch (Exception exc) { PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exc); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exc); } }
public void RefreshDataSource() { try { RefreshView(); } catch (Exception exc) { var custom = new CustomExceptionExtractor().GetCustomMessage(exc); PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exc, custom); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exc); } }
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { RefreshView(); } catch (Exception exc) { var custom = new CustomExceptionExtractor().GetCustomMessage(exc); PscHighAvailabilityAppEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(exc, custom); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(exc); } }
public void SaveLocalData() { MiscUtilsService.CheckedExec(delegate { using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(LocalData)); xmlSerializer.Serialize(ms, LWRaftEnvironment.Instance.LocalData); File.WriteAllBytes(StoreFileName, ms.ToArray()); } }); }
private async Task GetPage() { resultStatusLabel.Text = VMDirConstants.STAT_SR_FETCHING_PG; IntPtr _timeout = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(sizeof(int)); Marshal.WriteInt32(_timeout, VMDirConstants.SEARCH_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC); try { _qdto.TimeOut = _timeout; _serverDTO.Connection.PagedSearch(_qdto, _pageSize, _cookie, _morePages, delegate(ILdapMessage ldMsg, IntPtr ck, bool moreP, List <ILdapEntry> entries) { _cookie = ck; _morePages = moreP; _totalCount += entries.Count(); _pageNumber++; foreach (var entry in entries) { var ocList = new List <string>(entry.getAttributeValues(VMDirConstants.ATTR_OBJECT_CLASS).Select(x => x.StringValue).ToArray()); var node = new DirectoryNonExpandableNode(entry.getDN(), ocList, _serverDTO, this.propertiesControl1); node.NodeProperties = _serverDTO.Connection.GetEntryProperties(entry); _result.Add(node); } }); _totalPage = _totalCount / _pageSize; if (_totalCount % _pageSize > 0) { _totalPage++; } if (_morePages) { resultStatusLabel.Text = VMDirConstants.STAT_SR_MORE_PG; } else { resultStatusLabel.Text = VMDirConstants.STAT_SR_NO_MORE_PG; } } catch (Exception e) { resultStatusLabel.Text = VMDirConstants.STAT_SR_FAILED_PG; VMDirEnvironment.Instance.Logger.LogException(e); MiscUtilsService.ShowError(e); } finally { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(_timeout); } }
private void tsDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var item = props.SelectedGridItem; if ((item.PropertyDescriptor as KeyValuePropertyDescriptor).IsRequired) { MiscUtilsService.ShowError(item.Label + " is a required attribute and cannot be deleted"); } else { _properties.Remove(item.Label); props.Refresh(); } }