public Merchants() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { Shop, Shop2 }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Закупиться", (user, message) => { SwitchAction(user, Shop); HandleAction(user, message); } }, { "Ограбить", (user, message) => { SendMessage(user, "Несмотря на их натренированные языки, сами купцы были довольно хилыми даже по твоим меркам. Поэтому на каждое из этих слащавых лиц пришлось всего по одному удару. Ты заработал немного монет и мое личное неуважение."); user.Info.Gold += user.Random.Next(500, 850); user.RoomManager.Leave(); } }, { "Уйти", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } } }; }
public void Connected(WebSocket socket) { var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); _webSockets.Add(guid, socket); socket.DataReceived += (webSocket, frame) => MessageRecived?.Invoke(_webSockets.First(x => x.Value == webSocket).Key, webSocket, frame); socket.ConnectionClosed += (webSocket) => { var connection = _webSockets.First(s => s.Value == webSocket); _webSockets.Remove(connection.Key); }; if (_portMappings.IsBindingPosible()) { _portMappings.Bind(guid); var message = new ServerMessage() { ClientID = guid, Command = "Init", Value = _portMappings.CheckBinding(guid).ToString() }; SendMessage(guid, message); } else { var message = new ServerMessage() { ClientID = guid, Command = "Init", Value = "Max Number Of Clients Reached. Please close connection" }; SendMessage(guid, message); } }
private void OnMessageRecvied(Socket socket, byte[] buffer) { if (MessageRecived != null) { MessageRecived.Invoke(socket, buffer); } }
public Mirror() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { EditStats, Inventory }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Перераспределить предметы", (user, message) => { SwitchAction(user, EditStats); SendMessage(user, "Ты начал тщательно рыться в карманах"); EditStats(user, message); } }, { "Имущество", (user, message) => { GetRoomVariables(user).Set("current_page", new Serializable.Int(0)); SwitchAction(user, Inventory); Inventory(user, message); } }, { "Уйти", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } } }; }
public DarthVader() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { PreBattle, Battle }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "— НЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕЕТ!", (user, message) => { SwitchAction(user, PreBattle); user.Info.MakeDamage(15); SendMessage(user, "Тебе отрубили руку. А теперь хорош рыдать и в бой.", GetButtons(user)); } } } }, { PreBattle, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Достать оружие", (user, message) => { SendMessage(user, "<b>щелк</b>"); user.RoomManager.Go(VaderBattle.Id); } } } } }; }
private void OnIpcDataRecived(object sender, EventArgs e) { while (m_IpcReceiver.ReciveQueue.Count > 0) { var resultItem = m_IpcReceiver.ReciveQueue.Dequeue(); MessageRecived?.Invoke(this, resultItem); } }
public void SendChatMessage(ChatMessage request) { MessageRecived?.Invoke(request.Nickname, request.StickerID); foreach (var queue in mChatListeners.Values) { queue.Enqueue(request); } }
protected BetterRoomBase() { Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> >(); var routes = new List <Tuple <int, ActionBase <T> > >(); var indexes = new HashSet <int>(); var self = typeof(T); foreach (var type in self.GetNestedTypes()) { var action = type.GetCustomAttribute <ActionAttribute>(); if (action == null) { continue; } if (!typeof(ActionBase <T>).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { throw new Exception("Action must inherit from ActionBase"); } var ctor = type.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(T) }); if (ctor == null) { throw new Exception("Action must have constructor with single BetterRoomBase argument"); } var instance = (ActionBase <T>)ctor.Invoke(new object[] { this }); MessageRecived handler = null; if (action.Index != null) { var index = (int)action.Index; if (indexes.Contains(index)) { throw new Exception($"Muliply definition of action with index {action.Index}"); } routes.Add(new Tuple <int, ActionBase <T> >(index, instance)); handler = instance.OnMessage; } else { if (_rootAction != null) { throw new Exception("Muliply definition of default action"); } _rootAction = instance.OnMessage; } _actions[type] = handler; Buttons[handler] = instance.Buttons; } Routes = routes.OrderBy(r => r.Item1).Select(r => (MessageRecived)r.Item2.OnMessage).ToArray(); }
private void Modbus_DataReceived(SerialPort sender, System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { // IMPORTANT: this catch the incoming message, if you want read what is incoming, // catch the message MessageReceive (b() as Byte) from this class, you will lease the whole buffer // inclusive sclave and CRC BytesCount = 5; // Sclave, function,count + crc 1 & 2 int i = 0; TimeSpan tim = new TimeSpan(); DateTime tmp = DateTime.Now; tim = tmp.Subtract(DateTime.Now); // the speed of pc is higher than Arduino send, therefore I force him to stay here for 200 ms, in order to be sure that read whole // msg while (BytesCount > 0 & tim.TotalMilliseconds < 200) { while (sender.BytesToRead > 0) { tmp = DateTime.Now; aIn[i] = (byte)sender.ReadByte(); BytesCount = BytesCount - 1; // TODO: to improve, too much ReDim. if (i == 1 && aIn[1] == 16) { BytesCount = BytesCount + 3; } else if (i == 2 && aIn[1] < 129 & aIn[1] != 16) { BytesCount = BytesCount + aIn[2]; } i = i + 1; if (BytesCount == 0) { i = 0; BytesCount = 5; int j; if (CheckResponse(aIn)) { MessageRecived?.Invoke(aIn); } } } tim = DateTime.Now.Subtract(tmp); } return; }
public override void OnMessage(string message) { if (!_isOpened) { _receiveMessages.WaitOne(); } Console.WriteLine("Connection message string"); MessageRecived.Invoke(this, new SimpleEventArgs <string>() { Value = message }); }
public bool LoginStep2(string code) { this.code = code; try { var x = new Thread(() => { Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; /* run your code here */ ALogin2(); Task.Delay(5000).Wait(); }); x.Start(); x.Join(); if (user != null) { var z = new Thread(() => { Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true; /* run your code here */ while (true) { if (users != null) { foreach (ChatterUser user in users) { var msgs = GetChatForUser(user, user.Messages.Count); if (msgs.Any()) { user.Messages = msgs.ToList(); MessageRecived?.Invoke(msgs, user); } } } Task.Delay(1000).Wait(); } }); z.Start(); return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(false); } }
protected ActionBase(T room) { Room = room; var self = GetType(); Buttons = new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived>(); _fallback = null; foreach (var method in self.GetMethods()) { var attr = method.GetCustomAttribute <MessageHandlerAttribute>(); if (attr == null) { continue; } var handler = (MessageRecived)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(MessageRecived), this, method, false); switch (attr) { case ButtonAttribute button: { if (Buttons.ContainsKey(button.Text)) { throw new Exception($"Multiple handlers for button {button.Text}"); } Buttons[button.Text] = handler; break; } case FallbackAttribute _: { if (_fallback != null) { throw new Exception("Multiple fallbacks found"); } _fallback = handler; break; } } } if (_fallback == null) { _fallback = Room.HandleButtonAlways; } }
public RootRoom() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { ConfirmRestart }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { ConfirmRestart, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Да", (user, message) => NewGame(user, "Ну раз вы так хотите, то ладно.") }, { "Нет", (user, message) => { user.RoomManager.Leave(false); } } } } }; }
public void SwitchAction(User.User user, MessageRecived handler) { if (handler == null) { GetRoomVariables(user).Remove("action"); return; } var idx = Array.IndexOf(Routes, handler); if (idx == -1) { throw new ArgumentException("Unregistered handler! Every handler must be defined in _routes"); } GetRoomVariables(user).Set("action", new Serializable.Int(idx)); }
/// <summary> /// In this funcion we read from the server in a thread as long /// as the client is connected /// </summary> private void Read() { new Task(() => { while (_isConnect) { try { string msg = _reader.ReadString(); MessageRecived?.Invoke(this, new DataCommandArgs(msg)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Close(); } } }).Start(); }
public Connection(string uri) { _webSocket = new WebSocket(uri); _webSocket.Opened += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine("OPENED"); _reconnect.Reset(); ConnectionStateChanged.Invoke(this, new SimpleEventArgs <bool>(true)); }; _webSocket.Error += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine("ERROR"); _reconnect.Set(); }; _webSocket.Closed += (sender, args) => { Console.WriteLine("CLOSED"); _reconnect.Set(); ConnectionStateChanged.Invoke(this, new SimpleEventArgs <bool>(false)); }; _webSocket.MessageReceived += (sender, args) => { MessageRecived.Invoke(this, new SimpleEventArgs <string>() { Value = args.Message }); }; _webSocket.DataReceived += (sender, args) => { DataRecived.Invoke(this, new SimpleEventArgs <byte[]>() { Value = args.Data }); }; }
public Wedding() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { TryLeave }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Попытаться уйти", (user, message) => SwitchAndHandle(user, TryLeave, message) }, { "Выпить с ними", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } }, { TryLeave, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Выпить с ними", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } } }; }
public bool SendMessage(ref Message message) { message.Recived = false; string msgText = message.Text; ChatterUser msgUser = message.User; if (msgText.StartsWith("reply", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { msgText = msgText.Substring(6); new Task(() => { Task.Delay(5000).Wait(); MessageRecived?.Invoke(new Message[] { new Message(msgUser) { Recived = true, Time = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(5), Text = "Thanks for: " + msgText } }, msgUser); }).Start(); } return(true); }
public ChatRoom(IHubProxy hub, string userName, string roomName) { = roomName; this.user = userName; this.hub = hub; // broadcast this.hub.On <string, string>(nameof(EnumAcciones.broadcast), (n, m) => MessageRecived?.Invoke(n, m) ); //SendRoom this.hub.On <string, string>(nameof(EnumAcciones.sendRoom), (n, m) => MessageRecived?.Invoke(n, m) ); //SendPrivate this.hub.On <string, string>(nameof(EnumAcciones.sendPrivate), (n, m) => PrivateMessageRecived?.Invoke(n, m) ); hub.Invoke(nameof(EnumAcciones.joinRoom), room); }
/// <summary> /// This function starts handling reading msg from the clients /// </summary> public void Start() { new Task(() => { while (_isConnect) { try { string data = _reader.ReadString(); if (data != "") // check if not an empty string { // raise the event MessageRecived?.Invoke(this, new DataCommandArgs(data)); } } catch (Exception e) { // close reader, writer and client connection Close(); } } }, _cancelToken.Token).Start(); }
public Adventures() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { RoomSelection }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Налево", (user, message) => Go(user, Difficulity.Easy) }, { "Направо", (user, message) => Go(user, Difficulity.Medium) }, { "Прямо", (user, message) => Go(user, Difficulity.Hard) }, { "Назад", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } }, { RoomSelection, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Пойти в лес", (user, message) => RoomSelection(user, RoomSelectionMessage.Next) }, { "Пойти на поляну", (user, message) => RoomSelection(user, RoomSelectionMessage.Select) } } } }; }
public Market() { void Leave(User user, RecivedMessage message) { user.RoomManager.Leave(); } Routes = new MessageRecived[] { Buy, Buy2, Sell, Sell2 }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Купить", Buy }, { "Продать", Sell }, { "Уйти", Leave } } } }; }
private void GameServiceOnMessageRecived(string nickname, int stickerID) { MessageRecived?.Invoke(nickname, stickerID); }
public MegaMonsterRoom() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { Battle, Talk, GiveArtifact, ArtifactNotFound, GiveGold, NotEnoughGold, GiveKnowledge, NotEnoughKnowledge, SelectTarget }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Сражаться", (user, message) => BeginBattle(user) }, { "Договориться", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } }, { SelectTarget, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "В голову", (user, message) => BattleTarget(user, Place.Head) }, { "В тело", (user, message) => BattleTarget(user, Place.Head) }, { "В ноги", (user, message) => BattleTarget(user, Place.Head) } } }, { Talk, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Артефакт", (user, message) => Artifact(user) }, { "Золото", (user, message) => Gold(user) }, { "Знания", (user, message) => Knowledge(user) }, { "Тут не о чем говорить. Битва!", (user, message) => BeginBattle(user) } } }, { GiveArtifact, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Отдать", (user, message) => ConfirmGiveArtifact(user) }, { "Он мне самому нужен", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } }, { ArtifactNotFound, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "У меня такого нет", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } }, { GiveGold, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Отдать", (user, message) => ConfirmGiveGold(user) }, { "Я не готов к такому", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } }, { NotEnoughGold, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "У меня столько нет", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } }, { GiveKnowledge, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Обучить", (user, message) => ConfirmGiveKnowledge(user) }, { "Монстр недостоин знаний!", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } }, { NotEnoughKnowledge, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Я недостаточно умен", (user, message) => BeginTalk(user) } } } }; }
public void SwitchAndHandle(User.User user, MessageRecived handler, RecivedMessage message) { SwitchAction(user, handler); handler?.Invoke(user, message); }
public Merchants() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { Shop, Shop2, Pay }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Закупиться", (user, message) => { if (!Nothing(user)) { return; } SwitchAction(user, Shop); HandleAction(user, message); } }, { "Ограбить", (user, message) => { if (!Nothing(user)) { return; } SendMessage(user, "Несмотря на их натренированные языки, сами купцы были довольно хилыми даже по твоим меркам. Поэтому на каждое из этих слащавых лиц пришлось всего по одному удару. Ты заработал немного монет и мое личное неуважение."); var gold = user.Random.Next(500, 850); user.Info.Gold += gold; user.Info.ChangeStats(StatsProperty.Karma, -5); user.VariableManager.UserVariables.Set("merchants_disabled", new Serializable.Decimal(gold)); user.RoomManager.Leave(); } }, { "Уйти", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } }, { Pay, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Да", (user, message) => { var paySize = (user.VariableManager.UserVariables .Get <Serializable.Decimal>("merchants_disabled") ?? 0M ) * 1.3M; if (user.Info.TryDecreaseGold(paySize)) { SendMessage(user, "Отлично! Теперь торговцы могут торговать дальше."); user.VariableManager.UserVariables.Remove("merchants_disabled"); user.Info.ChangeStats(StatsProperty.Karma, +2); } else { SendMessage(user, "К сожалению, у тебя нет таких денег"); } user.RoomManager.Leave(); } }, { "Нет", (user, message) => { SendMessage(user, "Торговцы грустно поплелись дальше"); user.RoomManager.Leave(); } } } } }; }
public virtual void OnMesseageRecived(string message) => MessageRecived?.Invoke(this, new MessageEventArgs() { Message = message });
public Mirror() { Routes = new MessageRecived[] { EditStats, Inventory, ChangeName }; Buttons = new NullableDictionary <MessageRecived, Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> > { { null, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Перераспределить предметы", (user, message) => { SwitchAction(user, EditStats); SendMessage(user, "Ты начал тщательно рыться в карманах"); EditStats(user, message); } }, { "Имущество", (user, message) => { GetRoomVariables(user).Set("current_page", new Serializable.Int(0)); SwitchAction(user, Inventory); Inventory(user, message); } }, { "Сменить имя", (user, message) => { SwitchAction(user, ChangeName); SendMessage(user, "Какое имя вы желаете?", GetButtons(user)); } }, { "Квесты", (user, message) => { var found = false; foreach (var quests in user.QuestManager.Quests.Values) { foreach (var quest in quests.Values) { found = true; var msg = quest.Quest.GetName(user, quest.QuestId); msg += $"\nВыполнено {quest.Quest.GetProgress(user, quest.QuestId).Format()}%"; SendMessage(user, msg, GetButtons(user)); } } if (!found) { SendMessage(user, "У вас нет квестов", GetButtons(user)); } } }, { "Уйти", (user, message) => user.RoomManager.Leave() } } }, { ChangeName, new Dictionary <string, MessageRecived> { { "Сгенерировать случайное", (user, message) => { user.Info.Name = Generator.Generate(user.Random); } } } } }; }
private void OnMessageRecvied(Socket socket, byte[] buffer) { MessageRecived?.Invoke(socket, buffer); }