public void UpdateDelegate(DelegateData delegateData) { var sessionDelegate = delegateRepository.Find(delegateData.SessionDelegateId); sessionDelegate.Update(delegateData); delegateRepository.Update(sessionDelegate); delegateRepository.Save(); }
public void AddDelegate(DelegateData delegateData) { var sessionDelegate = new SessionDelegate(delegateData); delegateRepository.Insert(sessionDelegate); delegateRepository.Save(); }
static DelegateData GetDelegateData(Type delegateType) { DelegateData value; if (m_DelegateDatas.TryGetValue(delegateType, out value)) { return(value); } var data = new DelegateData(); var method = delegateType.GetMethod("Invoke"); var parameters = method.GetParameters(); var length = parameters.Length; var isVoid = method.ReturnType == Util.TYPE_VOID; var types = new Type[isVoid ? length : length + 1]; for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) { types[i] = parameters[i].ParameterType; } data.length = length; if (isVoid) { data.types = types; data.ret = false; } else { types[length] = method.ReturnType; data.types = types; data.ret = true; } return(m_DelegateDatas[delegateType] = data); }
public static void AddDelegate(string scheme, GamebaseCallback.DataDelegate <NativeMessage> eventDelegate, GamebaseCallback.DataDelegate <NativeMessage> pluginEventDelegate = null) { DelegateData delegateData = new DelegateData(); delegateData.eventDelegate = eventDelegate; delegateData.pluginEventDelegate = pluginEventDelegate; delegateDictionary.Add(scheme, delegateData); }
internal TFunc DeserializeForDebug <TFunc>(DelegateData delegateData) where TFunc : class { AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = null; ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = null; var method = BuildAssembly(delegateData, ref assemblyBuilder, ref moduleBuilder, saveAssembly: true); assemblyBuilder.Save("asm.dll"); return(method.CreateDelegate(typeof(TFunc)) as TFunc); }
public TFunc Deserialize <TFunc>(DelegateData m) where TFunc : class { var method = new DynamicMethod(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), typeResolver.GetType(m.ReturnType), typeResolver.GetTypes(m.ParametersType), true); AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder = null; ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder = null; BuildMethod(m, method.GetILGenerator(), ref assemblyBuilder, ref moduleBuilder); return(method.CreateDelegate(typeof(TFunc)) as TFunc); }
public static DelegateData GetDelegate(string scheme) { DelegateData delegateData = null; if (delegateDictionary.TryGetValue(scheme, out delegateData) == true) { return(delegateData); } return(null); }
public void AddMethod(Component c, MethodInfo method) { Type type = typeof(OnEventTrigger); string name = method.Name; string strIdx = + "::" + method.Name; var mDelegate = (OnEventTrigger) Delegate.CreateDelegate(type, c, method); MethodDict[strIdx] = new DelegateData(name, c, mDelegate); AddMethodName(strIdx); }
private MethodInfo BuildAssembly(DelegateData delegateData, ref AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, ref ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder, bool saveAssembly = false) { var assemblyName = string.Format("DelegateSerializer_{0}", Guid.NewGuid()); var typeName = string.Format("InternalDelegate_{0}", Guid.NewGuid()); if (assemblyBuilder == null) { if (saveAssembly) { assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(new AssemblyName(AssemblyFileName), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave); } else { assemblyBuilder = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly( new AssemblyName(assemblyName), AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAndSave); } } if (moduleBuilder == null) { if (saveAssembly) { moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(assemblyName, AssemblyFileName); } else { moduleBuilder = assemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(assemblyName); } } var typeBuilder = moduleBuilder.DefineType(typeName, TypeAttributes.Public, null); var methodName = "Delegate"; var methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(methodName, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.HideBySig, typeResolver.GetType(delegateData.ReturnType), typeResolver.GetTypes(delegateData.ParametersType)); BuildMethod(delegateData, methodBuilder.GetILGenerator(), ref assemblyBuilder, ref moduleBuilder); var type = typeBuilder.CreateType(); var method = typeResolver.GetMethod(type, methodName, typeResolver.GetTypes(delegateData.ParametersType), new Type[0]); return(method); }
/// <summary> /// Method for adding a delegate to the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Type of the class containing the delegate</param> /// <param name="eventInfo">MethodInfo for the method to be invoked by the delegate</param> public void AddDelegate(Type type, MethodInfo eventInfo) { if (delegateNameDictionary.ContainsKey(type + "_" + eventInfo.Name)) { Debug.Log("Warning: tried to add event delegate " + eventInfo.Name + " for module " + type + ", but an entry already exists!"); return; } BuildingEvents eventID = (BuildingEvents)Enum.Parse(typeof(BuildingEvents), eventInfo.Name); var delType = EventMap[eventID]; Delegate newDelegate = Delegate.CreateDelegate(delType, eventInfo); DelegateData newDelegateData = new DelegateData(newDelegate, delType, type, eventID); delegates.Add(newDelegateData); delegateEventMapping[eventID].Add(newDelegateData); delegateNameDictionary[] = newDelegateData; }
public static void unHookDelegate(object callingObject, DelegateData dd) { List <object> lst = new List <object>(10); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dd.SourceName)) { lst.Add(callingObject); } else { lst = getWindows(dd.SourceName, callingObject); } //List<object> foreach (object obj in lst) { unHookDelegate(obj, dd.Target, dd.EventName, dd.FunctionName, callingObject); } }
private void BackGrounForeachCallType(QueryQQParam param) {//backGroundwork string key = ForachCallEvent.PickUpUin.ToString(); DelegateData delete = new DelegateData() { BaseDelegateParam = param }; //要实现定时 if (BackGroundCallRunEvent.ContainsKey(key)) { BackGroundCallRunEvent.Remove(key); } if (ckStartQuartz.Checked && rbGuid.Checked) {//开启随机轮询 delete.BaseDel = QuartzGuidForach; BackGroundCallRunEvent.Add(key, delete); //QuartzGuidForach(param); } else if (ckStartQuartz.Checked && rbDepth.Checked) {//该查询结果页轮询 delete.BaseDel = QuartzForeachPage; BackGroundCallRunEvent.Add(key, delete); //QuartzForeachPage(param); } else if (ckStartQuartz.Checked) { delete.BaseDel = QuartzCallBack; BackGroundCallRunEvent.Add(key, delete); //QuartzCallBack(param); } else { //只查询一遍 JustQuery(param); } }
private void BackGroundDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { BackgroundWorker bg = sender as BackgroundWorker; while (true) { if (BackGroundCallRunEvent.Count > 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DelegateData> item in BackGroundCallRunEvent) { System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { DelegateData delete = item.Value; delete.BaseDel(delete.BaseDelegateParam); }); } Thread.Sleep(intervalSec * 1000);//20秒执行一次 } else { return; } } }
private void BuildMethod(DelegateData m, ILGenerator il, ref AssemblyBuilder assemblyBuilder, ref ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder) { foreach (var localVariable in m.LocalVariables) { localVariableInfoDataConverter.Emit(il, localVariable); } var labels = new Dictionary <int, Label>(); foreach (var ilInstruction in m.Instructions) { if (((OpCodeValues)ilInstruction.Code).IsLabel()) { var instruction = (int)ilInstruction.Operand; if (!labels.ContainsKey(instruction)) { labels.Add(instruction, il.DefineLabel()); } } } foreach (var ilInstruction in m.Instructions) { foreach (var clause in m.ExceptionHandlingClauses) { exceptionHandlingClauseDataConverter.Emit(il, ilInstruction.Offset, clause); } var opCodeValues = (OpCodeValues)(ilInstruction.Code); var code = opCodeValues.GetOpCode(); if (labels.ContainsKey(ilInstruction.Offset)) { il.MarkLabel(labels[ilInstruction.Offset]); } var operand = ilInstruction.Operand; if (ilInstruction.OperandDelegateData != null) { il.Emit(code, BuildAssembly(ilInstruction.OperandDelegateData, ref assemblyBuilder, ref moduleBuilder)); } else if (ilInstruction.OperandConstructor != null) { il.Emit(code, typeResolver.GetConstructor(ilInstruction.OperandConstructor)); } else if (ilInstruction.OperandMethod != null) { il.Emit(code, typeResolver.GetMethod(ilInstruction.OperandMethod)); } else if (ilInstruction.OperandType != null) { il.Emit(code, typeResolver.GetType(ilInstruction.OperandType)); } else if (opCodeValues.IsLabel()) { il.Emit(code, labels[(int)ilInstruction.Operand]); } else if (operand is sbyte) { il.Emit(code, (sbyte)operand); } else if (operand is byte) { il.Emit(code, (byte)operand); } else if (operand is int) { il.Emit(code, (int)operand); } else if (operand is long) { il.Emit(code, (long)operand); } else if (operand is string) { il.Emit(code, (string)operand); } else if (!(operand is Type)) { if (operand != null) { throw new DelegateDeserializationException( string.Format("Unknown operand type {0} for opCode {1}", operand.GetType(), opCodeValues)); } il.Emit(code); } } }
internal CallConversionParameters(CallConversionInfo conversionInfo, IntPtr callerTransitionBlockParam) { // Make sure the thred static variable has been initialized for this thread s_pinnedGCHandles = s_pinnedGCHandles ?? new GCHandleContainer(); _conversionInfo = conversionInfo; _callerTransitionBlock = (byte *)callerTransitionBlockParam.ToPointer(); _functionPointerToCall = conversionInfo.TargetFunctionPointer; _instantiatingStubArgument = conversionInfo.InstantiatingStubArgument; _delegateData = default(DelegateData); _calleeArgs = default(ArgIterator); _invokeReturnValue = IntPtr.Zero; _copyReturnValue = true; _dynamicInvokeParams = null; _dynamicInvokeByRefObjectArgs = null; // // Setup input argument iterator for the caller // ArgIteratorData callerIteratorData; if (conversionInfo.IsDelegateDynamicInvokeThunk) { callerIteratorData = s_delegateDynamicInvokeImplArgIteratorData; } else if (conversionInfo.IsReflectionDynamicInvokerThunk) { callerIteratorData = s_reflectionDynamicInvokeImplArgIteratorData; } else { callerIteratorData = conversionInfo.ArgIteratorData; } _callerArgs = new ArgIterator(callerIteratorData, callerIteratorData.HasThis() ? CallingConvention.ManagedInstance : CallingConvention.ManagedStatic, conversionInfo.CallerHasParamType, conversionInfo.CallerHasExtraParameterWhichIsFunctionTarget, conversionInfo.CallerForcedByRefData, false, false); // Setup input bool forceCalleeHasParamType = false; // If the callee MAY have a param type, we need to know before we create the callee arg iterator // To do this we need to actually load the target address and see if it has the generic method pointer // bit set. if (conversionInfo.CalleeMayHaveParamType) { ArgIterator callerArgsLookupTargetFunctionPointer = new ArgIterator(conversionInfo.ArgIteratorData, conversionInfo.ArgIteratorData.HasThis() ? CallingConvention.ManagedInstance : CallingConvention.ManagedStatic, conversionInfo.CallerHasParamType, conversionInfo.CallerHasExtraParameterWhichIsFunctionTarget, conversionInfo.CallerForcedByRefData, false, false); // Find the last valid caller offset. That's the offset of the target function pointer. int ofsCallerValid = TransitionBlock.InvalidOffset; while (true) { // Setup argument offsets. int ofsCallerTemp = callerArgsLookupTargetFunctionPointer.GetNextOffset(); // Check to see if we've handled all the arguments that we are to pass to the callee. if (TransitionBlock.InvalidOffset == ofsCallerTemp) { break; } ofsCallerValid = ofsCallerTemp; } if (ofsCallerValid == TransitionBlock.InvalidOffset) { throw new InvalidProgramException(); } int stackSizeCaller = callerArgsLookupTargetFunctionPointer.GetArgSize(); Debug.Assert(stackSizeCaller == IntPtr.Size); void * pSrc = _callerTransitionBlock + ofsCallerValid; IntPtr tempFunctionPointer = *((IntPtr *)pSrc); forceCalleeHasParamType = UpdateCalleeFunctionPointer(tempFunctionPointer); } // Retrieve target function pointer and instantiation argument for delegate thunks if (conversionInfo.IsDelegateThunk) { Debug.Assert(_callerArgs.HasThis() && !_conversionInfo.IsUnboxingThunk); IntPtr locationOfThisPointer = (IntPtr)(_callerTransitionBlock + ArgIterator.GetThisOffset()); _delegateData._delegateObject = (Delegate)Unsafe.As <IntPtr, Object>(ref *(IntPtr *)locationOfThisPointer); Debug.Assert(_delegateData._delegateObject != null); RuntimeAugments.GetDelegateData( _delegateData._delegateObject, out _delegateData._firstParameter, out _delegateData._helperObject, out _delegateData._extraFunctionPointerOrData, out _delegateData._functionPointer); if (conversionInfo.TargetDelegateFunctionIsExtraFunctionPointerOrDataField) { if (conversionInfo.IsOpenInstanceDelegateThunk) { _delegateData._boxedFirstParameter = BoxedCallerFirstArgument; Debug.Assert(_delegateData._boxedFirstParameter != null); _callerArgs.Reset(); IntPtr resolvedTargetFunctionPointer = OpenMethodResolver.ResolveMethod(_delegateData._extraFunctionPointerOrData, _delegateData._boxedFirstParameter); forceCalleeHasParamType = UpdateCalleeFunctionPointer(resolvedTargetFunctionPointer); } else { forceCalleeHasParamType = UpdateCalleeFunctionPointer(_delegateData._extraFunctionPointerOrData); } } else if (conversionInfo.IsMulticastDelegate) { _delegateData._multicastTargetCount = (int)_delegateData._extraFunctionPointerOrData; } } // // Setup output argument iterator for the callee // _calleeArgs = new ArgIterator(conversionInfo.ArgIteratorData, (conversionInfo.ArgIteratorData.HasThis() && !conversionInfo.IsStaticDelegateThunk) ? CallingConvention.ManagedInstance : CallingConvention.ManagedStatic, forceCalleeHasParamType || conversionInfo.CalleeHasParamType, false, conversionInfo.CalleeForcedByRefData, conversionInfo.IsOpenInstanceDelegateThunk, conversionInfo.IsClosedStaticDelegate); // The function pointer, 'hasParamType', and 'hasThis' flags for the callee arg iterator need to be computed/read from the caller's // input arguments in the case of a reflection invoker thunk (the target method pointer and 'hasThis' flags are // passed in as parameters from the caller, not loaded from a static method signature in native layout) if (conversionInfo.IsReflectionDynamicInvokerThunk) { ComputeCalleeFlagsAndFunctionPointerForReflectionInvokeThunk(); } #if CALLINGCONVENTION_CALLEE_POPS // Ensure that the count of bytes in the stack is available _callerArgs.CbStackPop(); #endif }
public SessionDelegate(DelegateData delegateData) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public void Update(DelegateData delegateData) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void btnQuery_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Cookie)) { rtbTip.Text = "please login,and get cookie,and continue"; return; } // int interval = 0; string inter = txtTimeSpan.Text; int.TryParse(inter, out interval); if (interval > 0) { intervalSec = interval; } else { interval = intervalSec; } int repeact = 0; string rep = txtRepeact.Text; int.TryParse(rep, out repeact); QQDataDA das = new QQDataDA(); string path = LogPrepare.GetLogPath(); LoggerWriter.CreateLogFile(Cookie, das.GeneratePathTimeSpan(Cookie), ELogType.SessionOrCookieLog); Uin = das.GetUinFromCookie(Cookie);//当前登录的账户 //useralias 这是提取账户名称的元素 QueryQQParam param = GetBaseQueryParam(); ParameterizedThreadStart pth; if (!ckStartQuartz.Checked) {//不进行轮询 JustQuery(param); } else if (!ckBackGroundCall.Checked) { #region 进行的是quartz.net轮询调度 if (ckStartQuartz.Checked && rbGuid.Checked) {//开启随机轮询 DelegateData.BaseDelegate del = QuartzGuidForach; QuartzJobParam p = new QuartzJobParam() { JobExecutionContextJobDataMap = new object[] { del, param, null }, StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(interval), TriggerRepeat = repeact, TrigggerInterval = interval }; pth = new ParameterizedThreadStart(BackstageRun <JobDelegateFunction>); Thread th = new Thread(pth); th.Start(p); // job.CreateJobWithParam<JobDelegateFunction>(new object[] { del, param,null }, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(interval), interval, repeact); } else if (ckStartQuartz.Checked && rbDepth.Checked) {//该查询结果页轮询 DelegateData.BaseDelegate del = QuartzForeachPage; QuartzJobParam p = new QuartzJobParam() { JobExecutionContextJobDataMap = new object[] { del, null, null }, StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(interval), TriggerRepeat = repeact, TrigggerInterval = interval }; pth = new ParameterizedThreadStart(BackstageRun <JobDelegateFunction>); Thread th = new Thread(pth); th.Start(p); //job.CreateJobWithParam<JobDelegateFunction>(new object[] { del, null,null }, DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(interval), interval, repeact); } else if (ckStartQuartz.Checked) { DelegateData.BaseDelegate del = QuartzCallBack; QuartzJobParam p = new QuartzJobParam() { JobExecutionContextJobDataMap = new object[] { Cookie, param, del }, StartTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(interval), TriggerRepeat = repeact, TrigggerInterval = interval }; pth = new ParameterizedThreadStart(BackstageRun <JobAction <QQDataDA> >); Thread th = new Thread(pth); th.Start(p); // job.CreateJobWithParam<JobAction<QQDataDA>>(new object[] { Cookie, param, del }, DateTime.Now, interval, repeact); } else { JustQuery(param); } #endregion } else if (ckBackGroundCall.Checked && ckStartQuartz.Checked) {//轮询但是使用的是后台进程 #region 使用的是后台进程 BackGrounForeachCallType(param); #endregion } #region 数据同步到核心库 if (ckSyncUin.Checked) { //同步数据 string key = ForachCallEvent.SyncUinToCodeDB.ToString(); if (BackGroundCallRunEvent.ContainsKey(key)) { BackGroundCallRunEvent.Remove(key); } DelegateData del = new DelegateData() { BaseDel = BackGrounSyncUinToCoreDB, BaseDelegateParam = null }; BackGroundCallRunEvent.Add(key, del); } #endregion if (!backRun.IsBusy) { backRun.RunWorkerAsync(); } }
public DelegateData Serialize(MethodInfo methodInfo) { var methodBody = methodInfo.GetMethodBody(); if (methodBody == null) { return(null); } var fieldsToLocals = new Dictionary <string, int>(); var result = new DelegateData(); result.ReturnType = typeInfoDataConverter.Build(methodInfo.ReturnType); result.ParametersType = methodInfo.GetParameters() .Select(info => typeInfoDataConverter.Build(info.ParameterType)) .ToArray(); result.ExceptionHandlingClauses = methodBody.ExceptionHandlingClauses .Select(c => exceptionHandlingClauseDataConverter.Build(c)) .ToArray(); result.LocalVariables = new List <LocalVariableInfoData>(); foreach (var localVariable in methodBody.LocalVariables) { result.LocalVariables.Add(localVariableInfoDataConverter.Build(localVariable)); } result.Instructions = new List <ILInstructionData>(); foreach (var instruction in MethodReader.Read(methodInfo)) { //Console.WriteLine(instruction); var operand = instruction.Operand; var code = (OpCodeValues)(instruction.Code.Value & 0xffff); var il = new ILInstructionData(); if (!methodInfo.IsStatic) { if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldarg_0) { throw new DelegateSerializationException("Method reference to this"); } if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldarg_1) { code = OpCodeValues.Ldarg_0; } else if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldarg_2) { code = OpCodeValues.Ldarg_1; } else if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldarg_3) { code = OpCodeValues.Ldarg_2; } else if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldarg_S && (byte)operand == 4) { code = OpCodeValues.Ldarg_3; operand = null; } else if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldarg_S && (byte)operand > 4) { operand = (byte)operand - 1; } } if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldftn) { il.OperandDelegateData = Serialize((MethodInfo)instruction.Operand); operand = null; } else if (operand is FieldInfo) { var field = (FieldInfo)operand; var fieldFullName = field.DeclaringType.FullName + "_" + field.Name; if (field.Name.StartsWith("CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate") || field.Name.StartsWith("<>9")) { int local; if (!fieldsToLocals.TryGetValue(fieldFullName, out local) && field.FieldType.Name != "<>c") { result.LocalVariables.Add(localVariableInfoDataConverter.Build(field)); local = result.LocalVariables.Count - 1; fieldsToLocals.Add(fieldFullName, local); } if (code == OpCodeValues.Ldsfld) { if (field.FieldType.Name == "<>c") { code = OpCodeValues.Ldnull; operand = null; } else { code = OpCodeValues.Ldloc; operand = local; } } else if (code == OpCodeValues.Stsfld) { code = OpCodeValues.Stloc; operand = local; } else { throw new DelegateSerializationException("Unknown field operation"); } } else { throw new DelegateSerializationException(string.Format("Unknown field info {0}", fieldFullName)); } } else if (operand is ConstructorInfo) { il.OperandConstructor = constructorInfoDataConverter.Build((ConstructorInfo)operand); operand = null; } else if (operand is MethodInfo) { il.OperandMethod = methodInfoDataConverter.Build((MethodInfo)operand); operand = null; } il.Code = (uint)code; il.Offset = instruction.Offset; il.Operand = operand; result.Instructions.Add(il); } return(result); }