Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Cut through-hole either vertically or horizontally.
        /// One current failure mode is if we get more than two ray-hits, which
        /// can happen due pathological cases or unexpected mesh shape. Currently
        /// trying to handle the pathological cases (ie ray hits adjacent triangles cases)
        /// via sorting, not sure if this works spectacularly well.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool CutThroughHole(DMesh3 mesh, HoleInfo hi, Vector3d translate)
            Vector3d basePoint = CombinedBounds.Center - CombinedBounds.Extents.y * Vector3d.AxisY + translate;

            // do we need to compute spatial DS for each hole? not super efficient...
            DMeshAABBTree3 spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true);

            Vector3d origin    = Vector3d.Zero;
            Vector3d direction = Vector3d.One;

            if (hi.IsVertical)
                direction = Vector3d.AxisY;
                origin    = basePoint + new Vector3d(hi.XZOffset.x, 0, hi.XZOffset.y) - 100 * direction;
                origin    = basePoint + hi.Height * Vector3d.AxisY;
                direction = Quaterniond.AxisAngleD(Vector3d.AxisY, hi.AroundAngle) * Vector3d.AxisX;

            // Find upper and lower triangles that contain center-points of
            // holes we want to cut. This is the most error-prone part
            // because we depend on ray-hits, which is not very reliable...

            Ray3d ray1 = new Ray3d(origin, direction);
            Ray3d ray2 = new Ray3d(origin + 10000 * direction, -direction);

            if (hi.GroupIDFilters.a > 0)
                spatial.TriangleFilterF = (tid) => {
                    return(mesh.GetTriangleGroup(tid) == hi.GroupIDFilters.a);
            int hit_1 = spatial.FindNearestHitTriangle(ray1);

            spatial.TriangleFilterF = null;

            if (hi.GroupIDFilters.b > 0)
                spatial.TriangleFilterF = (tid) => {
                    return(mesh.GetTriangleGroup(tid) == hi.GroupIDFilters.b);
            int hit_2 = spatial.FindNearestHitTriangle(ray2);

            spatial.TriangleFilterF = null;

            if (hit_1 == DMesh3.InvalidID || hit_2 == DMesh3.InvalidID)
            if (hit_1 == hit_2)

            List <int> hitTris = new List <int>()
                hit_1, hit_2

            Frame3f projectFrame = new Frame3f(ray1.Origin, ray1.Direction);

            int nVerts = 32;

            if (hi.Vertices != 0)
                nVerts = hi.Vertices;
            double    angleShiftRad = hi.AxisAngleD * MathUtil.Deg2Rad;
            Polygon2d circle        = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(hi.Radius, nVerts, angleShiftRad);

            List <EdgeLoop> edgeLoops = new List <EdgeLoop>();

            foreach (int hit_tid in hitTris)
                try {
                    MeshInsertProjectedPolygon insert = new MeshInsertProjectedPolygon(mesh, circle, projectFrame, hit_tid)
                        SimplifyInsertion = true
                    if (insert.Insert())
                        // if we have extra edges just randomly collapse
                        EdgeLoop loop = insert.InsertedLoop;

                        if (loop.VertexCount > circle.VertexCount)
                            loop = simplify_loop(mesh, loop, circle.VertexCount);

                        f3.DebugUtil.Log("insert.Insert() failed!!");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // ignore this loop but we might already be in trouble...
                    f3.DebugUtil.Log("insert.Insert() threw exception for hole {0}!!", hi.nHole);
            if (edgeLoops.Count != 2)

            try {
                MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(mesh);
                EdgeLoop   l0     = edgeLoops[0];
                EdgeLoop   l1     = edgeLoops[1];
                editor.StitchVertexLoops_NearestV(l0.Vertices, l1.Vertices);

                // split edges around the holes we cut. This is helpful
                // if we are going to do additional operations in these areas,
                // as it gives us extra rings to work with
                //MeshEdgeSelection edges = new MeshEdgeSelection(mesh);
                //DMesh3.EdgeSplitInfo splitInfo;
                //foreach ( int eid in edges )
                //    mesh.SplitEdge(eid, out splitInfo);

            } catch {
                f3.DebugUtil.Log("stitch threw exception!");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Cut a "partial" hole, ie we cut the mesh with the polygon once, and then
        /// extrude downwards to a planar version of the cut boundary.
        /// Currently only supports extruding downwards from topmost intersection.
        /// </summary>
        protected bool CutPartialHole(DMesh3 mesh, HoleInfo hi, Vector3d translate, bool bUpwards)
            if (hi.IsVertical == false)
                throw new Exception("unsupported!");

            Vector3d basePoint = CombinedBounds.Center - CombinedBounds.Extents.y * Vector3d.AxisY + translate;

            // do we need to compute spatial DS for each hole? not super efficient...
            DMeshAABBTree3 spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true);

            Vector3d direction = (bUpwards) ? Vector3d.AxisY : -Vector3d.AxisY;
            Vector3d center    = basePoint + new Vector3d(hi.XZOffset.x, 0, hi.XZOffset.y) - 10000 * direction;

            Ray3d ray     = new Ray3d(center, direction);
            int   hit_tid = spatial.FindNearestHitTriangle(ray);

            if (hit_tid == DMesh3.InvalidID)

            IntrRay3Triangle3 intersection = MeshQueries.TriangleIntersection(mesh, hit_tid, ray);
            Vector3d          inter_pos    = ray.PointAt(intersection.RayParameter);

            Frame3f projectFrame = new Frame3f(ray.Origin, ray.Direction);

            int nVerts = 32;

            if (hi.Vertices != 0)
                nVerts = hi.Vertices;
            double    angleShiftRad = hi.AxisAngleD * MathUtil.Deg2Rad;
            Polygon2d circle        = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(hi.Radius, nVerts, angleShiftRad);

            try {
                EdgeLoop loop = null;

                MeshInsertProjectedPolygon insert = new MeshInsertProjectedPolygon(mesh, circle, projectFrame, hit_tid)
                    SimplifyInsertion = false
                if (insert.Insert())
                    loop = insert.InsertedLoop;

                    // [RMS] do we need to simplify for this one?
                    //if (loop.VertexCount > circle.VertexCount)
                    //    loop = simplify_loop(mesh, loop, circle.VertexCount);

                    MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(mesh);

                    Vector3d base_pos = inter_pos;
                    base_pos.y = basePoint.y + hi.PartialHoleBaseHeight;

                    int   N       = loop.VertexCount;
                    int[] newLoop = new int[N];
                    for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k)
                        newLoop[k] = mesh.AppendVertex(mesh, loop.Vertices[k]);
                        Vector3d cur_v = mesh.GetVertex(newLoop[k]);
                        cur_v.y = base_pos.y;
                        mesh.SetVertex(newLoop[k], cur_v);
                    int   base_vid = mesh.AppendVertex(base_pos);
                    int[] fan_tris = editor.AddTriangleFan_OrderedVertexLoop(base_vid, newLoop);
                    FaceGroupUtil.SetGroupID(mesh, fan_tris, hi.PartialHoleGroupID);
                    int[] stitch_tris = editor.StitchLoop(loop.Vertices, newLoop);

                    // need to remesh fan region because otherwise we get pathological cases
                    RegionRemesher remesh = new RegionRemesher(mesh, fan_tris);
                    remesh.SmoothSpeedT       = 1.0;
                    remesh.PreventNormalFlips = true;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 25; ++k)
                    //remesh.EnableCollapses = remesh.EnableFlips = remesh.EnableSplits = false;
                    //for (int k = 0; k < 20; ++k)
                    //    remesh.BasicRemeshPass();

            } catch (Exception e) {
                f3.DebugUtil.Log("partial hole {0} failed!! {1}", hi.nHole, e.Message);
Пример #3
        public static void testInsertPolygon_PlanarProj()
            double dscale = 1.0;
            DMesh3 mesh   = TestUtil.LoadTestInputMesh("bunny_solid.obj");  dscale = 0.3;
            //DMesh3 mesh = TestUtil.LoadTestInputMesh("cylinder.obj");
            //DMesh3 mesh = TestUtil.LoadTestInputMesh("cube.obj");
            double   size = mesh.CachedBounds.MaxDim;
            Vector3d c    = mesh.CachedBounds.Center;
            Vector3d fw   = c + mesh.CachedBounds.DiagonalLength * 2 * Vector3d.AxisZ;
            Ray3d    ray  = new Ray3d(fw, (c - fw).Normalized);

            // projection frame and polygon that lives in this frame
            Frame3f   projectFrame = new Frame3f(ray.Origin, ray.Direction);
            Polygon2d circle       = Polygon2d.MakeCircle(dscale * size * 0.1, 6);

            DMeshAABBTree3 spatial = new DMeshAABBTree3(mesh, true);
            List <int>     hitTris = new List <int>();

            spatial.FindAllHitTriangles(ray, hitTris);
            while (hitTris.Count != 2)
                ray.Origin += 100 * MathUtil.Epsilon * Vector3d.One;
                spatial.FindAllHitTriangles(ray, hitTris);

            // insert polygons but don't simplify the result

            DMesh3          noTrimMesh      = new DMesh3(mesh);
            List <int[]>    noTrimPolyVerts = new List <int[]>();
            List <EdgeLoop> noTrimLoops     = new List <EdgeLoop>();

            foreach (int hit_tid in hitTris)
                MeshInsertProjectedPolygon insert = new MeshInsertProjectedPolygon(noTrimMesh, circle, projectFrame, hit_tid);
                insert.SimplifyInsertion = false;
                if (insert.Insert())
                    System.Console.WriteLine("testInsertPolygon_PlanarProj: no-trim Insert() failed");
            TestUtil.WriteTestOutputMesh(noTrimMesh, "insert_polygon_notrim.obj");

            // do different-vtx-count stitch
            if (noTrimLoops.Count == 2)
                MeshStitchLoops stitcher = new MeshStitchLoops(noTrimMesh, noTrimLoops[0], noTrimLoops[1]);
                stitcher.TrustLoopOrientations = false;
                stitcher.AddKnownCorrespondences(noTrimPolyVerts[0], noTrimPolyVerts[1]);
            TestUtil.WriteTestOutputMesh(noTrimMesh, "insert_polygon_notrim_joined.obj");

            // now do simplified version, which we can trivially stitch

            List <EdgeLoop> edgeLoops = new List <EdgeLoop>();

            foreach (int hit_tid in hitTris)
                MeshInsertProjectedPolygon insert = new MeshInsertProjectedPolygon(mesh, circle, projectFrame, hit_tid);
                if (insert.Insert())
                    System.Console.WriteLine("testInsertPolygon_PlanarProj: Insert() failed");

            //TestUtil.WriteTestOutputMesh(mesh, "insert_polygon_before_stitch.obj");

            // do stitch
            if (edgeLoops.Count == 2)
                MeshEditor editor = new MeshEditor(mesh);
                EdgeLoop   l0     = edgeLoops[0];
                EdgeLoop   l1     = edgeLoops[1];
                editor.StitchLoop(l0.Vertices, l1.Vertices);

            TestUtil.WriteTestOutputMesh(mesh, "insert_polygon_joined.obj");