        //public void Persistence_Silo_StorageProvider_SimpleSQL(Type providerType)
        //    List<SiloHandle> silos = testingHost.GetActiveSilos().ToList();
        //    foreach (var silo in silos)
        //    {
        //        string provider = providerType.FullName;
        //        List<string> providers = silo.Silo.TestHook.GetStorageProviderNames().ToList();
        //        Assert.IsTrue(providers.Contains(provider), "No storage provider found: {0}", provider);
        //    }

        #region Utility functions
        // ---------- Utility functions ----------

        void RunPerfTest(int n, string testName, TimeSpan target,
                         Func <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain, Task> actionSimpleSQL)
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain[] simpleSQLStoreGrains = new ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
                simpleSQLStoreGrains[i] = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            TimeSpan baseline = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), elapsed;

            elapsed = TimeRun(n, baseline, testName + " (SimpleSQL Store)",
                              () => RunIterations(testName, n, i => actionSimpleSQL(simpleSQLStoreGrains[i])));

            if (elapsed > target.Multiply(timingFactor))
                string msg = string.Format("{0}: Elapsed time {1} exceeds target time {2}", testName, elapsed, target);

                if (elapsed > target.Multiply(2.0 * timingFactor))
                    Assert.True(false, msg);
                    //this is from xunit
                    //throw new SkipException(msg);
        public async Task Grain_GuidKey_SimpleSQLStore_Read_Write()
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            int val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(0, val); // "Initial value");

            await grain.DoWrite(1);

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(1, val); // "Value after Write-1");

            await grain.DoWrite(2);

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Write-2");

            val = await grain.DoRead();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Re-Read");
        public async Task SimpleSQLStore_Delete()
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            if (!GrainClient.IsInitialized)

            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            await grain.DoWrite(1);

            await grain.DoDelete();

            int val = await grain.GetValue(); // Should this throw instead?

            Assert.Equal(0, val);             // "Value after Delete");

            await grain.DoWrite(2);

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Delete + New Write");
        public async Task Grain_SimpleSQLStore_Read()
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            int val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(0, val); // "Initial value");
        public async Task Grain_SimpleSQLStore_SiloRestart()
            var initialServiceId    = this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId;
            var initialDeploymentId = this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId;

            Console.WriteLine("DeploymentId={0} ServiceId={1}", this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId, this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId);

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            if (!GrainClient.IsInitialized)
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            int val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(0, val); // "Initial value");

            await grain.DoWrite(1);

            Console.WriteLine("About to reset Silos");
            //this.HostedCluster.RestartDefaultSilos(true);    //only TestSiloHost supports this, make TestCluster a public get/set to force a recreate
            this.HostedCluster = null;
            this.HostedCluster = CreateTestCluster();
            Console.WriteLine("Silos restarted");

            Console.WriteLine("DeploymentId={0} ServiceId={1}", this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId, this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId);
            Assert.Equal(initialServiceId, this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId); // "ServiceId same after restart.");
            Assert.NotEqual(initialDeploymentId, this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId);                     // "DeploymentId different after restart.");

            //something wonky with the global GrainClient in 1.5 - probably should stop using that guy anyway but for now, hard restart it
            if (GrainClient.IsInitialized)

            grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);
            val   = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(1, val); // "Value after Write-1");

            await grain.DoWrite(2);

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Write-2");

            val = await grain.DoRead();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Re-Read");
        public async Task Grain_SimpleSQLStore_Read()
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            if (!GrainClient.IsInitialized)

            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            int val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(0, val); // "Initial value");
        public async Task SimpleSQLStore_Delete()
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            await grain.DoWrite(1);

            await grain.DoDelete();

            int val = await grain.GetValue(); // Should this throw instead?

            Assert.Equal(0, val);             // "Value after Delete");

            await grain.DoWrite(2);

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Delete + New Write");
        public async Task Grain_SimpleSQLStore_SiloRestart()
            var initialServiceId    = this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId;
            var initialDeploymentId = this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId;

            Console.WriteLine("DeploymentId={0} ServiceId={1}", this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId, this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId);

            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain <ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            int val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(0, val); // "Initial value");

            await grain.DoWrite(1);

            Console.WriteLine("About to reset Silos");
            //this.HostedCluster.RestartDefaultSilos(true);    //only TestSiloHost supports this, make TestCluster a public get/set to force a recreate
            this.HostedCluster = null;
            this.HostedCluster = CreateTestCluster();
            Console.WriteLine("Silos restarted");

            Console.WriteLine("DeploymentId={0} ServiceId={1}", this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId, this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId);
            Assert.Equal(initialServiceId, this.HostedCluster.ClusterConfiguration.Globals.ServiceId); // "ServiceId same after restart.");
            Assert.NotEqual(initialDeploymentId, this.HostedCluster.DeploymentId);                     // "DeploymentId different after restart.");

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(1, val); // "Value after Write-1");

            await grain.DoWrite(2);

            val = await grain.GetValue();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Write-2");

            val = await grain.DoRead();

            Assert.Equal(2, val); // "Value after Re-Read");
        //public void Persistence_Silo_StorageProvider_SimpleSQL(Type providerType)
        //    List<SiloHandle> silos = testingHost.GetActiveSilos().ToList();
        //    foreach (var silo in silos)
        //    {
        //        string provider = providerType.FullName;
        //        List<string> providers = silo.Silo.TestHook.GetStorageProviderNames().ToList();
        //        Assert.IsTrue(providers.Contains(provider), "No storage provider found: {0}", provider);
        //    }

        #region Utility functions
        // ---------- Utility functions ----------

        void RunPerfTest(int n, string testName, TimeSpan target,
            Func<ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain, Task> actionSimpleSQL)
            ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain[] simpleSQLStoreGrains = new ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain[n];

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();
                simpleSQLStoreGrains[i] = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<ISimpleSQLStorageTestGrain>(id);

            TimeSpan baseline = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5), elapsed;

            elapsed = TimeRun(n, baseline, testName + " (SimpleSQL Store)",
                () => RunIterations(testName, n, i => actionSimpleSQL(simpleSQLStoreGrains[i])));

            if (elapsed > target.Multiply(timingFactor))
                string msg = string.Format("{0}: Elapsed time {1} exceeds target time {2}", testName, elapsed, target);

                if (elapsed > target.Multiply(2.0 * timingFactor))
                    //this is from xunit
                    //throw new SkipException(msg);