Пример #1
 public KmeansInput(Array samples, MatrixType samplesType, int nClusters, CvTermCriteria criteria)
     Samples = samples;
     SamplesType = samplesType;
     NClusters = nClusters;
     Criteria = criteria;
 public SerializableCvMat(CvMat mat)
     this.Cols = mat.Cols;
     this.Rows = mat.Rows;
     this.ElemType = mat.ElemType;
     this.Array = mat.ToArray();
Пример #3
        protected Expression Visit(BinaryExpression expression)
            // First, dispatch to resolve type of node at deeper level

            var leftType = expression.Left.TypeInference.TargetType;
            var rightType = expression.Right.TypeInference.TargetType;
            var returnType = expression.TypeInference.ExpectedType ?? expression.TypeInference.TargetType;

            bool isNumericOperator = true;

            switch (expression.Operator)
                case BinaryOperator.LogicalAnd:
                case BinaryOperator.LogicalOr:
                    isNumericOperator = false;
                    returnType = GetBinaryImplicitConversionType(expression.Span, leftType, rightType, true);
                    expression.TypeInference.TargetType = returnType;
                case BinaryOperator.Less:
                case BinaryOperator.LessEqual:
                case BinaryOperator.Greater:
                case BinaryOperator.GreaterEqual:
                case BinaryOperator.Equality:
                case BinaryOperator.Inequality:
                    isNumericOperator = false;
                    returnType = GetBinaryImplicitConversionType(expression.Span, leftType, rightType, false);

                    TypeBase resultType = ScalarType.Bool;
                    if (returnType is VectorType)
                        resultType = new VectorType(ScalarType.Bool, ((VectorType)returnType).Dimension);
                    else if (returnType is MatrixType)
                        var matrixType = (MatrixType)returnType;
                        resultType = new MatrixType(ScalarType.Bool, matrixType.RowCount, matrixType.ColumnCount);
                    expression.TypeInference.TargetType = resultType;

            if (returnType != null)
                if (returnType == ScalarType.Bool && isNumericOperator)
                    var typeToCheck = leftType ?? rightType;
                    if (typeToCheck != null)
                        return ConvertExpressionToBool(expression, typeToCheck);

            if (!isNumericOperator || CastHelper.NeedConvertForBinary(leftType, returnType))
                expression.Left = Cast(leftType, returnType, expression.Left);
            if (!isNumericOperator || CastHelper.NeedConvertForBinary(rightType, returnType))
                expression.Right = Cast(rightType, returnType, expression.Right);

            return expression;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a rotation matrix,origin at (0,0,0)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xAxis">identity of x axis</param>
 /// <param name="yAxis">identity of y axis</param>
 /// <param name="zAxis">identity of z axis</param>
 public Matrix4(Vector4 xAxis,Vector4 yAxis, Vector4 zAxis)
     m_type = MatrixType.Rotation;
     m_matrix[0, 0] = xAxis.X; m_matrix[0, 1] = xAxis.Y; m_matrix[0, 2] = xAxis.Z;
     m_matrix[1, 0] = yAxis.X; m_matrix[1, 1] = yAxis.Y; m_matrix[1, 2] = yAxis.Z;
     m_matrix[2, 0] = zAxis.X; m_matrix[2, 1] = zAxis.Y; m_matrix[2, 2] = zAxis.Z;
Пример #5
        public static void ConvertMaps(Mat map1, Mat map2, Mat dstmap1, Mat dstmap2, MatrixType dstmap1type, bool nninterpolation = false)
            if (map1 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("map1");
            if (map2 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("map2");
            if (dstmap1 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dstmap1");
            if (dstmap2 == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dstmap2");

            CppInvoke.cv_convertMaps(map1.CvPtr, map2.CvPtr, dstmap1.CvPtr, dstmap2.CvPtr, dstmap1type, nninterpolation);
Пример #6
        internal DoubleSubmatrix(Matrix<double> matrix, int rowOffset, int columnOffset, int rows, int columns)
            if (typeof(Matrix_SDA).IsInstanceOfType(matrix)) mt = MatrixType.SDA; // дописать
            else mt = MatrixType.SDA;

            this.offsetRow = rowOffset;
            this.offsetColumn = columnOffset;

            this.rows = rows;
            this.columns = columns;

            this.parent = matrix;
Пример #7
        private static void PrintMatrix(int[,] matrix, MatrixType type)
            Console.WriteLine(type + "\n");

            for (int row = 0; row < matrix.GetLength(0); row++)
                for (int col = 0; col < matrix.GetLength(1); col++)
                    Console.Write("{0, -4}", matrix[row, col]);
            Console.WriteLine(new String('_', matrix.GetLength(0) * 5));
Пример #8
        internal AnimatableMatrix GetMatrix(MatrixType whichMatrix)
            switch (whichMatrix) {
                case MatrixType.World:
                    return World;

                case MatrixType.View:
                    return View;

                case MatrixType.Projection:
                    return Projection;


            throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("Unrecognized matrix type: {0}", whichMatrix));
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts all of the 6 values from a Transformation Matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The XML containing the Transformation Matrix</param>
        /// <param name="matrixType">The type of attribute to be extracted</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string[] GetMatrixValuesFromXml(XElement path, MatrixType matrixType)
            string attribute;

            if (matrixType == MatrixType.PathMatrix)
                attribute = "transform";
                attribute = "gradientTransform";

            string input = path.Attribute(attribute).Value;
            return input.Split('(', ')')[1].Split(' ');
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a matrix with a special structure, like an "Eye" Matrix (see Matlab)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_n">Number of rows</param>
        /// <param name="_m">Number of columns</param>
        /// <param name="structure">Structure Type </param>
        public Matrix(int _n, int _m, MatrixType type)
            noRows = _n;
            noColumns = _m;
            values = new double[noRows, noColumns];

            switch (type)
                case MatrixType.EYE:
                    for (int i = 0; i < noRows; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < noColumns; j++)
                            if (i == j)
                                this[i, j] = 1;
                case MatrixType.ONES:
                    for (int i = 0; i < noRows; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < noColumns; j++)
                            this[i, j] = 1;
        public int[,] GetMatrix(MatrixType type)
            switch (type)
                case MatrixType.Type_A:
                case MatrixType.Type_B:
                case MatrixType.Type_C:
                case MatrixType.Type_D:

            return this.matrix;
Пример #12
 public static extern IntPtr cvInitMatNDHeader(IntPtr mat, int dims, int[] sizes, MatrixType type, IntPtr data);
Пример #13
        public void CrossReferencedDockerfileFromMultipleRepos_ImageGraph(MatrixType matrixType)
            TempFolderContext          tempFolderContext = TestHelper.UseTempFolder();
            GenerateBuildMatrixCommand command           = new GenerateBuildMatrixCommand();

            command.Options.Manifest   = Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, "manifest.json");
            command.Options.MatrixType = matrixType;
            command.Options.ProductVersionComponents = 2;

            Manifest manifest = CreateManifest(
                               new Platform[]
                    DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("3.1/runtime-deps/os", tempFolderContext),
                    new string[] { "tag" })
                               productVersion: "3.1")),
                               new Platform[]
                    DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("3.1/runtime/os", tempFolderContext, "core/runtime-deps:tag"),
                    new string[] { "tag" })
                               productVersion: "3.1")),
                               new Platform[]
                    new string[] { "tag" })
                               productVersion: "5.0")),
                               new Platform[]
                    DockerfileHelper.CreateDockerfile("5.0/runtime/os", tempFolderContext, "runtime-deps:tag"),
                    new string[] { "tag" })
                               productVersion: "5.0"))

            File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(tempFolderContext.Path, command.Options.Manifest), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(manifest));

            IEnumerable <BuildMatrixInfo> matrixInfos = command.GenerateMatrixInfo();

            BuildMatrixInfo matrixInfo = matrixInfos.First();

            if (matrixType == MatrixType.PlatformDependencyGraph)

                Assert.Equal("3.1-runtime-deps-os-Dockerfile-graph", matrixInfo.Legs[0].Name);
                string imageBuilderPaths = matrixInfo.Legs[0].Variables.First(variable => variable.Name == "imageBuilderPaths").Value;
                Assert.Equal($"--path 3.1/runtime-deps/os/Dockerfile --path 3.1/runtime/os/Dockerfile --path 5.0/runtime/os/Dockerfile", imageBuilderPaths);
                Assert.Equal(2, matrixInfo.Legs.Count);

                Assert.Equal("3.1-focal", matrixInfo.Legs[0].Name);
                string imageBuilderPaths = matrixInfo.Legs[0].Variables.First(variable => variable.Name == "imageBuilderPaths").Value;
                Assert.Equal($"--path 3.1/runtime-deps/os/Dockerfile --path 3.1/runtime/os/Dockerfile", imageBuilderPaths);

                Assert.Equal("5.0-focal", matrixInfo.Legs[1].Name);
                imageBuilderPaths = matrixInfo.Legs[1].Variables.First(variable => variable.Name == "imageBuilderPaths").Value;
                Assert.Equal($"--path 3.1/runtime-deps/os/Dockerfile --path 5.0/runtime/os/Dockerfile", imageBuilderPaths);
Пример #14
 protected internal override SimpleMatrix <W> createMatrix(int numRows, int numCols, MatrixType type)
     return(new SimpleMatrix <W>(numRows, numCols, type));
Пример #15
 public void MatrixMode(MatrixType matrix) /*GL.MatrixMode(getMatrixMode(matrix));*/ }
Пример #16
 /// <summary>
 /// Construct a identity matrix
 /// </summary>
 public Matrix4()
     m_type = MatrixType.Normal;
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        public CvLSH(int d, int n, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r, Int64 seed)
            _ptr = CvInvoke.cvCreateMemoryLSH(d, n, L, k, type, r, seed);
            if (_ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
                throw new OpenCvSharpException("Failed to create CvLSH");
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 多次元配列のヘッダを初期化する
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="dims">配列の次元数</param>
        /// <param name="sizes">次元サイズの配列</param>
        /// <param name="type">配列要素の種類</param>
        /// <param name="data">行列のヘッダで指定されるデータ</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes multi-dimensional array header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="dims">Number of array dimensions. </param>
        /// <param name="sizes">Array of dimension sizes. </param>
        /// <param name="type">Type of array elements. The same as for CvMat. </param>
        /// <param name="data">Optional data pointer assigned to the matrix header. </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CvMatND InitMatNDHeader <T>(int dims, int[] sizes, MatrixType type, T[] data) where T : struct
            return(Cv.InitMatNDHeader(this, dims, sizes, type, data));
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// 多次元配列のヘッダを初期化する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dims">配列の次元数</param>
        /// <param name="sizes">次元サイズの配列</param>
        /// <param name="type">配列要素の種類</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes multi-dimensional array header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dims">Number of array dimensions. </param>
        /// <param name="sizes">Array of dimension sizes. </param>
        /// <param name="type">Type of array elements. The same as for CvMat. </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public CvMatND InitMatNDHeader(int dims, int[] sizes, MatrixType type)
            return(Cv.InitMatNDHeader(this, dims, sizes, type));
Пример #20
 public Matrix(List <double> source, MatrixType type) : this(source.ToArray(), type)
Пример #21
 public Shape(ShapeVertexDescriptor desc, BoundingVolume bounds, List <Packet> prims, MatrixType matrixType)
     Descriptor = desc;
     Bounds     = bounds;
     Packets    = prims;
     MatrixType = matrixType;
Пример #22
 public Shape(MatrixType matrixType) : this()
     MatrixType = matrixType;
Пример #23
 public SimpleMatrix(int numRows, int numCols, MatrixTypesClass type) : this(numRows, numCols, MatrixType.lookup(type) /*MatrixType.lookup(type)*/)
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table, for indexing d-dimensional vectors of
        /// given type. Vectors will be hashed L times with k-dimensional p-stable (p=2) functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops">(not supported argument on OpenCvSharp)</param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table, for indexing d-dimensional vectors of
        /// given type. Vectors will be hashed L times with k-dimensional p-stable (p=2) functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops">(not supported argument on OpenCvSharp)</param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CvLSH CreateLSH(IntPtr ops, int d, int L, int k, MatrixType type)
            return Cv.CreateLSH(ops, d, L, k, type, 4, -1);
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        public CvLSH(int d, int n, int L, int k, MatrixType type)
            : this(d, n, L, k, type, 4, -1)
Пример #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">the type.</param>
 public override void Visit(MatrixType type)
     ProcessInitialValueStatus = true;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CvLSH CreateMemoryLSH(int d, int n, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r, Int64 seed)
            return Cv.CreateMemoryLSH(d, n, L, k, type, r, seed);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute an average matrix for all matrices in the calibrators buffer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="calibrators"></param>
        /// <param name="mt"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[,] matrixAvg(CircularBuffer <SensorCalibratorData> calibrators, MatrixType mt)
            double[,] aggregateMatrix = new double[, ] {
                { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
            double[,] avgMatrix = new double[, ] {
                { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
            double[,] UsableSize = new double[, ] {
                { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0 }
            for (int i = 0; i < calibrators.Capacity; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                        if (mt == MatrixType.Roll && !double.IsNaN(calibrators[i].rollCorrection[j, k]))
                            UsableSize[j, k]++;
                            aggregateMatrix[j, k] += calibrators[i].rollCorrection[j, k];
                        else if (mt == MatrixType.Yaw && !double.IsNaN(calibrators[i].yawCorrection[j, k]))
                            UsableSize[j, k]++;
                            aggregateMatrix[j, k] += calibrators[i].yawCorrection[j, k];

            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                    avgMatrix[j, k] = aggregateMatrix[j, k] / UsableSize[j, k];

Пример #29
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor,translation matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="origin">origin of UCS in world coordinate</param>
 public Matrix4(Vector4 origin)
     m_type = MatrixType.TransLation;
     m_matrix[3, 0] = origin.X; m_matrix[3, 1] = origin.Y; m_matrix[3, 2] = origin.Z;
Пример #30
 /// <summary> Sets the matrix type that load/push/pop operations should be applied to. </summary>
 public abstract void SetMatrixMode(MatrixType mode);
Пример #31
    void OnChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        CheckBox clickedButton = sender as CheckBox;

        //CheckBox clickedButton = (CheckBox)sender;
        if (clickedButton == null) // just to be on the safe side

        //Cancel closes the window
        if (cancel.Checked)
        //OK sends the information
        else if (ok.Checked)
            //Sending information to the next form,
            //that saves and gives away it.
            MatrixType        matrix        = MatrixType.RANDOM;
            NeighbourhoodType neighbourhood = NeighbourhoodType.CONWAY;
            MeshType          mesh          = MeshType.SQUARE;

            if (pointRb.Checked)
                matrix = MatrixType.ONE_POINT;
            else if (randomRb.Checked)
                matrix = MatrixType.RANDOM;
            if (ulamRb.Checked)
                neighbourhood = NeighbourhoodType.ULAM;
            else if (conwayRb.Checked)
                neighbourhood = NeighbourhoodType.CONWAY;
            else if (knightRb.Checked)
                neighbourhood = NeighbourhoodType.KNIGHT;
            if (squareRb.Checked)
                mesh = MeshType.SQUARE;
            else if (triangleRb.Checked)
                mesh = MeshType.TRIANGLE;
            else if (hexagonRb.Checked)
                mesh = MeshType.HEXAGON;

            RuleSettings rules = new RuleSettings(matrix, neighbourhood, mesh);
            this.Visible = false;

        // Ha az előbbiek felsorolási típusok lesznek, akkor itt konstruáljuk meg
        // az él-hal szabály párbeszédablakát
Пример #32
 /// <summary>
 ///     Let the setting manager dispatches a delegate
 ///     that generate 2nd27TM matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Set2ndTM27ForTransitionMatrix()
     MtxType = MatrixType.SecondOrder27;
Пример #33
 public void AddItem(MatrixItem item, MatrixType type)
Пример #34
 public static void MatrixMode(MatrixType type)
     CurrentMatrixType = type;
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HlslGrammar"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public HlslGrammar()
            GrammarComments = "Hlsl version 5.0";

            Term(string_literal_raw, TokenCategory.String, TokenType.StringLiteral);
            Punc("::", TokenType.IdentifierSeparator);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Comments
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            identifier_ns_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_ns_list, ToTerm("::"), identifier_raw);
            identifier_dot_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_dot_list, ToTerm("."), identifier_raw);
            identifier_ns.Rule = identifier_raw + "::" + identifier_ns_list;
            identifier_dot.Rule = identifier_or_generic + ToTerm(".") + identifier_dot_list;
            identifier_or_dot.Rule = identifier | identifier_dot;

            identifier.Rule |= identifier_ns;

            semi_opt.Rule = Empty | PreferShiftHere() + ";";

            //Prepare term set for conflict resolution
            _skipTokensInPreview.UnionWith(new[] { ToTerm("."), identifier_raw, ToTerm(","), ToTerm("::"), ToTerm("["), ToTerm("]"), float_literal, integer_literal });

            var genericResolverHint = new GenericResolverHint(_skipTokensInPreview);
            less_than.Rule = genericResolverHint + "<";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Types
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // String
            string_literal.Rule = string_literal_raw.List();
            string_literal_raw.AstNodeCreator = CreateStringRawLiteral;

            // Add string to literals
            literal.Rule |= string_literal;

            float_qualifier.Rule = Keyword("unorm") | Keyword("snorm");

            // scalars
            var scalarTypes = new[] { ScalarType.Bool, ScalarType.Int, ScalarType.UInt, ScalarType.Float, ScalarType.Half, ScalarType.Double };
            foreach (var scalarType in scalarTypes)
                NonTerminal scalarTerm;
                var localScalarType = scalarType;

                if (scalarType == ScalarType.Float)
                    scalarTerm = new NonTerminal(
                    (context, node) =>
                        var dynamicFloatType = Ast<ScalarType>(node);
                        dynamicFloatType.Name = new Identifier(localScalarType.Name) { Span = SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span) };
                        dynamicFloatType.Type = localScalarType.Type;
                        dynamicFloatType.Qualifiers = Qualifier.None;
                        if (node.ChildNodes.Count == 2)
                            dynamicFloatType.Qualifiers = (Qualifier)node.ChildNodes[0].AstNode;
                        Rule = Keyword("float", true) | float_qualifier + Keyword("float", true)

                    scalarTerm = CreateScalarTerminal(scalarType);

                if (scalars.Rule == null) scalars.Rule = scalarTerm;
                else scalars.Rule |= scalarTerm;

            // Buffer Rules
            buffer_type.Rule = TypeName("Buffer") + less_than + simple_type_or_type_name + ">";

            // Vectors Rules
            vector_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateVectorAst;
            vector_type.Rule = Keyword("vector") + less_than + scalars_or_typename + "," + number + ">";
            vector_type_list.Rule = vector_type;

            // Add all vector int1 int2 int3 int4... float1 float2 float3 float4... etc.
            foreach (var scalarTypeIt in scalarTypes)
                var scalarType = scalarTypeIt;
                for (var dim = 1; dim <= 4; dim++)
                    var vectorTypeInstance = new VectorType(scalarTypeIt, dim);
                    var nonGenericType = vectorTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType();
                    var name = nonGenericType.Name.Text;
                    vector_type_list.Rule |= new NonTerminal(name,
                        (ctx, node) =>
                                var typeName = vectorTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType(SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span));
                                node.AstNode = typeName;
                            }) { Rule = Keyword(name) };

            // Matrices
            matrix_type_simple.Rule = Keyword("matrix");
            matrix_type_simple.AstNodeCreator = (ctx, node) =>
                    var typeName = Ast<TypeName>(node);
                    typeName.Name = new Identifier("matrix") { Span = SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span) };
                    typeName.TypeInference.TargetType = new MatrixType(ScalarType.Float, 4, 4);

            matrix_type.Rule = Keyword("matrix") + less_than + scalars_or_typename + "," + number + "," + number + ">";
            matrix_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateMatrixAst;
            matrix_type_list.Rule = matrix_type | matrix_type_simple;

            // Add all matrix typedefs: int1x1 int1x2... float1x1 float1x2 float1x3 float1x4... etc.
            foreach (var scalarTypeIt in scalarTypes)
                var scalarType = scalarTypeIt;
                for (var dimX = 1; dimX <= 4; dimX++)
                    for (var dimY = 1; dimY <= 4; dimY++)
                        var matrixTypeInstance = new MatrixType(scalarTypeIt, dimY, dimX);
                        var nonGenericType = matrixTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType();
                        var name = nonGenericType.Name.Text;

                        // var typeName = new TypeName(name) { Alias = matrixTypeInstance };
                        matrix_type_list.Rule |= new NonTerminal(
                            (ctx, node) =>
                                    var typeName = matrixTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType(SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span));
                                    node.AstNode = typeName;
                                }) { Rule = Keyword(name) };

            // Sampler types
            state_type.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            sampler_type.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(
            sampler_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateTypeFromTokenAst<SamplerType>;

            // Texture types
            texture_type_profile_4.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            texture_type.Rule = Keyword("texture") | texture_type_profile_4;

            // ByteAddressBuffer
            byte_address_buffer.Rule = TypeName("ByteAddressBuffer") | TypeName("RWByteAddressBuffer");

            // StructuredBuffer
            structured_buffer_type.Rule = TypeName("AppendStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("ConsumeStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("RWStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("StructuredBuffer");
            structured_buffer.Rule = structured_buffer_type + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">";

            // RWTexture.*
            texture_type_profile_5.Rule = TypeName("RWBuffer") | TypeName("RWTexture1D") | TypeName("RWTexture1DArray") | TypeName("RWTexture2D") | TypeName("RWTexture2DArray") | TypeName("RWTexture3D");

            texture_generic_simple_type.Rule = texture_type_profile_4 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">"
                                               | texture_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">";

            texture_dms_type_profile_5.Rule = TypeName("Texture2DMS") | TypeName("Texture2DMSArray");

            texture_generic_dms_type.Rule = texture_dms_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">"
                                            | texture_dms_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + "," + number + ">";

            texture_generic_type.Rule = texture_generic_simple_type | texture_generic_dms_type;

            // HullShader/DomainShader InputPatch/OutputPatch
            patch_type.Rule = TypeName("InputPatch") | TypeName("OutputPatch");

            patch_generic_type.Rule = patch_type + less_than + type + "," + number + ">";

            texture_type_list.Rule = texture_type | texture_generic_type;

            // Types used by the geometry shader
            geometry_stream.Rule = line_stream | point_stream | triangle_stream | stream_output_object;

            triangle_stream.Rule = TypeName("TriangleStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            point_stream.Rule = TypeName("PointStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            line_stream.Rule = TypeName("LineStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            stream_output_object.Rule = TypeName("StreamOutputObject") + less_than + type + ">";

            //// Shader object
            //// shader_objects.Rule = ToTerm("VertexShader") | "PixelShader" | "GeometryShader";

            string_type.Rule = Keyword("string");

            // Add string to simple types
            simple_type.Rule |= string_type;

            // Add Object types
            object_type.Rule |= buffer_type
                                | state_type
                                | texture_type_list
                                | byte_address_buffer
                                | structured_buffer
                                | patch_generic_type
                                | interface_specifier
                                | class_specifier
                                | geometry_stream;
                                ////| shader_objects;

            // Type name 
            typename_for_cast.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true);

            identifier_generic_parameter_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_generic_parameter_list, ToTerm(","), identifier_sub_generic);

            identifier_sub_generic.Rule = identifier_or_generic;
            identifier_sub_generic.AstNodeCreator = CreateIdentifierSubGenericAst;

            //identifier_generic.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true) + "<" + identifier_generic_parameter_list + ">";
            identifier_generic.Rule = identifier + new GenericResolverHint(_skipTokensInPreview) + "<" + identifier_generic_parameter_list + ">";

            identifier_or_generic.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true)
                                         | identifier_generic + this.ReduceHere();

            type_generic.Rule = identifier_or_generic;

            // Type used for cast (use valuetype)
            type_for_cast.Rule = typename_for_cast
                                 | value_type;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Expressions
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------            

            // Add special variable allowed as variable name and keyword
            identifier_extended.Rule |= Keyword("sample") | Keyword("point");

            // postfix_expression
            postfix_expression.Rule |= compile_expression
                                      | asm_expression
                                      | state_expression;

            compile_expression.Rule = Keyword("compile") + identifier + method_invoke_expression_simple;

            // Match an asm block: asm { ... }
            asm_expression.Rule = asm_block;
            KeyTerms.Add(asm_block.Name, asm_block);

            state_expression.Rule = state_type + state_initializer;

            // Add cast_expression
            cast_expression_raw.Rule = "(" + type_for_cast + rank_specifier.ListOpt() + ")" + cast_expression;

            cast_expression.Rule |= cast_expression_raw;

            // Syntax is for example: texture = <g_textureref>;
            identifier_special_reference_expression.Rule = less_than + indexable_identifier + ">";

            identifier_keyword.Rule = Keyword("texture");

            simple_assignment_expression_statement.Rule |= indexable_identifier + assignment_operator + identifier_special_reference_expression + ";"
                                                           | identifier_keyword + assignment_operator + identifier_special_reference_expression + ";"
                                                           | identifier_keyword + assignment_operator + expression + ";";

            state_initializer.Rule = "{" + simple_assignment_expression_statement.ListOpt() + "}";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Attribute modifiers
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            attribute_qualifier_pre.Rule = attribute_list_opt;

            attribute_list_opt.Rule = MakeStarRule(attribute_list_opt, null, attribute_modifier);

            attribute_modifier.Rule = "[" + identifier + "]"
                                      | "[" + identifier + "(" + literal_list.Opt() + ")" + "]";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Variable modifiers
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // storageClass = Storage_Class + Type_Modifier
            storage_qualifier.Rule |= Keyword("extern") | Keyword("nointerpolation") | Keyword("precise") | Keyword("shared") | Keyword("groupshared") | Keyword("static") | Keyword("volatile")
                                      | Keyword("row_major") | Keyword("column_major") | Keyword("linear") | Keyword("centroid") | Keyword("noperspective") | Keyword("sample") | Keyword("unsigned")
                                      | Keyword("inline");

            semantic.Rule = ToTerm(":") + identifier;

            packoffset.Rule = ToTerm(":") + Keyword("packoffset") + "(" + identifier_or_dot + ")";

            register.Rule = ToTerm(":") + Keyword("register") + "(" + indexable_identifier + ")"
                            | ToTerm(":") + Keyword("register") + "(" + identifier + "," + indexable_identifier + ")";

            variable_declarator_qualifier_post_hlsl.Rule = Empty
                                                           | semantic
                                                           | semantic + packoffset + register.ListOpt()
                                                           | semantic + register.List()
                                                           | packoffset + register.ListOpt()
                                                           | register.List();

            variable_declarator_qualifier_post.Rule = variable_declarator_qualifier_post_hlsl;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Declarations
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Add typedef and constant buffer resource
            declaration.Rule |= typedef_declaration
                               | constant_buffer_resource;

            indexable_identifier_declarator_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(indexable_identifier_declarator_list, ToTerm(","), indexable_identifier_declarator);

            // typedef [const] Type Name[Index];
            typedef_declaration.Rule = Keyword("typedef") + type + indexable_identifier_declarator_list + ";"
                                       | Keyword("typedef") + storage_qualifier + type + indexable_identifier_declarator_list + ";";

            annotations.Rule = less_than + variable_declaration_raw.ListOpt() + ">";

            annotations_opt.Rule = Empty | annotations;

            // todo: add annotations_opt to variable_declarator qualifier post

            // Add annotations to variable declarator
            variable_declarator_raw.Rule += annotations_opt;

            // Add special 
            variable_declarator.Rule |= variable_declarator_raw + state_initializer
                                        | variable_declarator_raw + state_array_initializer;

            state_initializer_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(state_initializer_list, ToTerm(","), state_initializer);

            state_array_initializer.Rule = "{" + state_initializer_list + "}"
                                           | "{" + state_initializer_list + "," + "}";

            // interface definition
            interface_specifier.Rule = Keyword("interface") + identifier_or_generic + "{" + method_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";

            // class definition
            class_specifier.Rule = Keyword("class") + identifier_or_generic + class_base_type + "{" + scope_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";
            class_base_type_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(class_base_type_list, ToTerm(","), type_generic);
            class_base_type.Rule = (ToTerm(":") + class_base_type_list).Opt();

            // buffer definition
            constant_buffer_resource_type.Rule = Keyword("cbuffer") | Keyword("tbuffer");

            constant_buffer_resource.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + constant_buffer_resource_type + identifier.Opt() + register.Opt() + "{" + declaration.ListOpt() + "}" + semi_opt;

            semantic_list_opt.Rule = semantic.ListOpt();

            // Method
            method_qualifier_post.Rule = semantic_list_opt;

            method_operator_identifier.Rule = Keyword("operator") + "[" + "]"
                                              | Keyword("operator") + "[" + "]" + "[" + "]";
            method_special_identifier.Rule = identifier_extended + "." + method_operator_identifier | method_operator_identifier;

            method_declarator.Rule |= method_special_identifier + "(" + parameter_list + ")";

            parameter_qualifier.Rule = storage_qualifier | Keyword("in") | Keyword("out") | Keyword("inout") | Keyword("point") | Keyword("line") | Keyword("lineadj") | Keyword("triangle") | Keyword("triangleadj");
            parameter_qualifier.AstNodeCreator = CreateParameterQualifier;

            parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt.Rule = parameter_qualifier.ListOpt();
            parameter_qualifier_pre.Rule = parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt;
            // Make parameter_qualifier_pre transient as there is nothing else to parse then parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt
            parameter_qualifier_pre.Flags = TermFlags.IsTransient | TermFlags.NoAstNode;

            parameter_qualifier_post.Rule = semantic_list_opt 
                                           | "=" + initializer + semantic_list_opt;
            parameter_qualifier_post.AstNodeCreator = CreateParameterQualifierPost;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Technique/pass
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // technique
            technique_keyword.Rule = Keyword("technique") | Keyword("Technique") | Keyword("technique10") | Keyword("Technique10") | Keyword("technique11") | Keyword("Technique11");

            technique_definition.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + technique_keyword + identifier.Opt() + annotations_opt + "{" + pass_definition.List() + "}" + semi_opt;

            // pass
            pass_keyword.Rule = Keyword("pass") | Keyword("Pass");

            pass_statement.Rule = method_invoke_expression_simple + ";"
                                  | simple_assignment_expression_statement;

            pass_definition.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + pass_keyword + identifier.Opt() + annotations_opt + "{" + pass_statement.ListOpt() + "}" + semi_opt;
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Top Level
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add the technique to the top level
            toplevel_declaration.Rule |= technique_definition;

            //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //// Paradox Grammar
            //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //var identifier_csharp = new NonTerminal("identifier_csharp");
            //var group = new NonTerminal("group");
            //var using_statement = new NonTerminal("using_statement");
            //group.Rule = "group" + identifier + "{" + scope_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";
            //identifier_csharp.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_csharp, ToTerm("."), identifier);
            //using_statement.Rule = "using" + identifier + "=" + identifier_csharp + ";"
            //                       | "using" + identifier_csharp + ";";
            //scope_declaration.Rule |= using_statement;
            //toplevel_declaration.Rule |= group;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Globals
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // LanguageFlags = LanguageFlags.NewLineBeforeEOF;
            LanguageFlags |= LanguageFlags.CreateAst;
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 ///     Let the setting manager dispatch a delegate
 ///     that generate TM27 Transition Matrix.
 /// </summary>
 public static void SetTM27ForTransitionMatrix()
     MtxType = MatrixType.Tm27;
Пример #37
 public static extern IntPtr cvCreateLSH(IntPtr ops, int d, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r, Int64 seed);
Пример #38
 public static extern IntPtr cvCreateSparseMat(int dims, [In] int[] sizes, MatrixType type);
Пример #39
    public RuleSettings(MatrixType matrix = MatrixType.RANDOM,
                        NeighbourhoodType neighbourhood = NeighbourhoodType.CONWAY,
                        MeshType mesh = MeshType.SQUARE)
        //Saves information for MainDrawing
        this.matrix        = matrix;
        this.neighbourhood = neighbourhood;
        this.mesh          = mesh;

        Text  = "Életjáték él-hal szabályainak beállításai";
        sizeX = 700;
        sizeY = 340;
        Size  = new Size(sizeX, sizeY);

        cancel            = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox();
        cancel.Appearance = System.Windows.Forms.Appearance.Button;
        cancel.Text       = "Mégsem";
        cancel.Parent     = this;
        cancel.Location   = new Point(560, 150);
        cancel.BackColor  = Color.Coral;
        cancel.Visible = true;

        ok            = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox();
        ok.Appearance = System.Windows.Forms.Appearance.Button;
        ok.Text       = "OK";
        ok.Parent     = this;
        ok.Location   = new Point(560, 240);
        ok.BackColor  = Color.Coral;
        ok.Visible = true;

        //Labelse for panels
        string birthLabelText   = "A születő sejtek szomszédai";
        string surviveLabelText = "A túlélő sejtek szomszédai";

        Label birth = new Label();

        birth.Parent    = this;
        birth.Text      = birthLabelText;
        birth.Location  = new Point(30, 30);
        birth.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        Label survive = new Label();

        survive.Parent    = this;
        survive.Text      = surviveLabelText;
        survive.Location  = new Point(270, 30);
        survive.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth1           = new CheckBox();
        birth1.Parent    = this;
        birth1.Location  = new Point(30, 90);
        birth1.Text      = "1";
        birth1.Checked   = false;
        birth1.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth2           = new CheckBox();
        birth2.Parent    = this;
        birth2.Location  = new Point(30, 120);
        birth2.Text      = "2";
        birth2.Checked   = false;
        birth2.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth3           = new CheckBox();
        birth3.Parent    = this;
        birth3.Location  = new Point(30, 150);
        birth3.Text      = "3";
        birth3.Checked   = false;
        birth3.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth4           = new CheckBox();
        birth4.Parent    = this;
        birth4.Location  = new Point(30, 180);
        birth4.Text      = "4";
        birth4.Checked   = false;
        birth4.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth5           = new CheckBox();
        birth5.Parent    = this;
        birth5.Location  = new Point(30, 210);
        birth5.Text      = "5";
        birth5.Checked   = false;
        birth5.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth6           = new CheckBox();
        birth6.Parent    = this;
        birth6.Location  = new Point(30, 240);
        birth6.Text      = "6";
        birth6.Checked   = false;
        birth6.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth7           = new CheckBox();
        birth7.Parent    = this;
        birth7.Location  = new Point(150, 90);
        birth7.Text      = "7";
        birth7.Checked   = false;
        birth7.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth8           = new CheckBox();
        birth8.Parent    = this;
        birth8.Location  = new Point(150, 120);
        birth8.Text      = "8";
        birth8.Checked   = false;
        birth8.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth9           = new CheckBox();
        birth9.Parent    = this;
        birth9.Location  = new Point(150, 150);
        birth9.Text      = "9";
        birth9.Checked   = false;
        birth9.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth10           = new CheckBox();
        birth10.Parent    = this;
        birth10.Location  = new Point(150, 180);
        birth10.Text      = "10";
        birth10.Checked   = false;
        birth10.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth11           = new CheckBox();
        birth11.Parent    = this;
        birth11.Location  = new Point(150, 210);
        birth11.Text      = "11";
        birth11.Checked   = false;
        birth11.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        birth12           = new CheckBox();
        birth12.Parent    = this;
        birth12.Location  = new Point(150, 240);
        birth12.Text      = "12";
        birth12.Checked   = false;
        birth12.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive1           = new CheckBox();
        survive1.Parent    = this;
        survive1.Location  = new Point(270, 90);
        survive1.Text      = "1";
        survive1.Checked   = false;
        survive1.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive2           = new CheckBox();
        survive2.Parent    = this;
        survive2.Location  = new Point(270, 120);
        survive2.Text      = "2";
        survive2.Checked   = false;
        survive2.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive3           = new CheckBox();
        survive3.Parent    = this;
        survive3.Location  = new Point(270, 150);
        survive3.Text      = "3";
        survive3.Checked   = false;
        survive3.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive4           = new CheckBox();
        survive4.Parent    = this;
        survive4.Location  = new Point(270, 180);
        survive4.Text      = "4";
        survive4.Checked   = false;
        survive4.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive5           = new CheckBox();
        survive5.Parent    = this;
        survive5.Location  = new Point(270, 210);
        survive5.Text      = "5";
        survive5.Checked   = false;
        survive5.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive6           = new CheckBox();
        survive6.Parent    = this;
        survive6.Location  = new Point(270, 240);
        survive6.Text      = "6";
        survive6.Checked   = false;
        survive6.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive7           = new CheckBox();
        survive7.Parent    = this;
        survive7.Location  = new Point(390, 90);
        survive7.Text      = "7";
        survive7.Checked   = false;
        survive7.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive8           = new CheckBox();
        survive8.Parent    = this;
        survive8.Location  = new Point(390, 120);
        survive8.Text      = "8";
        survive8.Checked   = false;
        survive8.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive9           = new CheckBox();
        survive9.Parent    = this;
        survive9.Location  = new Point(390, 150);
        survive9.Text      = "9";
        survive9.Checked   = false;
        survive9.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive10           = new CheckBox();
        survive10.Parent    = this;
        survive10.Location  = new Point(390, 180);
        survive10.Text      = "10";
        survive10.Checked   = false;
        survive10.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive11           = new CheckBox();
        survive11.Parent    = this;
        survive11.Location  = new Point(390, 210);
        survive11.Text      = "11";
        survive11.Checked   = false;
        survive11.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        survive12           = new CheckBox();
        survive12.Parent    = this;
        survive12.Location  = new Point(390, 240);
        survive12.Text      = "12";
        survive12.Checked   = false;
        survive12.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        age           = new CheckBox();
        age.Parent    = this;
        age.Location  = new Point(500, 90);
        age.Text      = "Kor szerinti\nszínezés";
        age.Checked   = false;
        age.BackColor = Color.Coral;

        //Setting the EventHandlers
        cancel.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler(OnCancelChanged);
        ok.CheckedChanged     += new EventHandler(OnOkChanged);

        Paint += new PaintEventHandler(OnPaint);

Пример #40
 public TransformPair(MatrixType _type, string _name)
     MatType = _type;
     Name    = _name;
 /// <summary>
 /// Visits the specified type.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">the type.</param>
 public override void Visit(MatrixType type)
     ProcessInitialValueStatus = true;
Пример #42
        public override IEnumerable <Member> GenerateMembers()
            var boolVType  = new VectorType(BuiltinType.TypeBool, Components);
            var mat3Type   = new MatrixType(BaseType, 3, 3);
            var mat4Type   = new MatrixType(BaseType, 4, 4);
            var vec3Type   = new VectorType(BaseType, 3);
            var vec4Type   = new VectorType(BaseType, 4);
            var dquatType  = new QuaternionType(BuiltinType.TypeDouble);
            var dvec3Type  = new VectorType(BuiltinType.TypeDouble, 3);
            var lengthType = new AnyType(BaseType.LengthType);

            // fields
            foreach (var f in Fields)
                yield return new Field(f, BaseType)
                           Comment = $"{f}-component"

            // predefs
            yield return(new StaticProperty("Zero", this)
                Value = Construct(this, ZeroValue.RepeatTimes(Components)),
                Comment = "Predefined all-zero quaternion"

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(BaseType.OneValue))
                yield return(new StaticProperty("Ones", this)
                    Value = Construct(this, OneValue.RepeatTimes(Components)),
                    Comment = "Predefined all-ones quaternion"

                yield return(new StaticProperty("Identity", this)
                    Value = Construct(this, Fields.Select(f => f == "w" ? OneValue : ZeroValue)),
                    Comment = "Predefined identity quaternion"

                for (var c = 0; c < Components; ++c)
                    yield return new StaticProperty("Unit" + ArgOfUpper(c), this)
                               Value   = Construct(this, c.ImpulseString(BaseType.OneValue, ZeroValue, Components)),
                               Comment = $"Predefined unit-{ArgOfUpper(c)} quaternion"

            if (BaseType.IsComplex)
                yield return(new StaticProperty("ImaginaryOnes", this)
                    Value = Construct(this, "Complex.ImaginaryOne".RepeatTimes(Components)),
                    Comment = "Predefined all-imaginary-ones quaternion"

                for (var c = 0; c < Components; ++c)
                    yield return new StaticProperty("ImaginaryUnit" + ArgOfUpper(c), this)
                               Value   = Construct(this, c.ImpulseString("Complex.ImaginaryOne", ZeroValue, Components)),
                               Comment = $"Predefined unit-imaginary-{ArgOfUpper(c)} quaternion"

            // Basetype constants
            foreach (var constant in BaseType.TypeConstants)
                yield return(new StaticProperty(constant, this)
                    Value = Construct(this, $"{BaseTypeName}.{constant}".RepeatTimes(Components)),
                    Comment = $"Predefined all-{constant} quaternion"

            // values
            yield return(new Property("Values", new ArrayType(BaseType))
                GetterLine = $"new[] {{ {CompArgString} }}",
                Comment = "Returns an array with all values"

            // ctors
            yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                Parameters = Fields.TypedArgs(BaseType),
                Initializers = Fields,
                Comment = "Component-wise constructor"

            yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                ParameterString = BaseTypeName + " v",
                Initializers = "v".RepeatTimes(Components),
                Comment = "all-same-value constructor"

            yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                ParameterString = this.NameThat + " q",
                Initializers = Fields.Select(f => "q." + f),
                Comment = "copy constructor"

            yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                ParameterString = vec3Type.NameThat + " v, " + BaseTypeName + " s",
                Initializers = new[] { "v.x", "v.y", "v.z", "s" },
                Comment = "vector-and-scalar constructor (CAUTION: not angle-axis, use FromAngleAxis instead)"

            if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint)
                // from angle between axes
                yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                    Parameters = vec3Type.TypedArgs("u", "v"),
                    Code = new[]
                        $"var localW = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Cross(u, v);",
                        $"var dot = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Dot(u, v);",
                        $"var q = new {NameThat}(localW.x, localW.y, localW.z, {OneValue} + dot).Normalized;"
                    Initializers = new[] { "q.x", "q.y", "q.z", "q.w" },
                    Comment = "Create a quaternion from two normalized axis (http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/09/18/beautiful-maths-quaternion-from-vectors)"

                // from euler angle
                yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                    Parameters = vec3Type.TypedArgs("eulerAngle"),
                    Code = new[]
                        $"var c = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Cos(eulerAngle / 2);",
                        $"var s = {vec3Type.NameThat}.Sin(eulerAngle / 2);",
                    Initializers = new[]
                        "s.x * c.y * c.z - c.x * s.y * s.z",
                        "c.x * s.y * c.z + s.x * c.y * s.z",
                        "c.x * c.y * s.z - s.x * s.y * c.z",
                        "c.x * c.y * c.z + s.x * s.y * s.z"
                    Comment = "Create a quaternion from two normalized axis (http://lolengine.net/blog/2013/09/18/beautiful-maths-quaternion-from-vectors)"

                // from matrices
                yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                    ParameterString = mat3Type.Name + " m",
                    ConstructorChain = "this(FromMat3(m))",
                    Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat3Type.Name}."

                yield return(new Constructor(this, Fields)
                    ParameterString = mat4Type.Name + " m",
                    ConstructorChain = "this(FromMat4(m))",
                    Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat4Type.Name}."

            // implicit upcasts
            var implicits = new HashSet <BuiltinType>();
            var upcasts   = BuiltinType.Upcasts;

            foreach (var ukvp in upcasts.Where(k => k.Key == BaseType))
                var otherType = ukvp.Value;
                var targetType = new QuaternionType(otherType);

                yield return(new ImplicitOperator(targetType)
                    ParameterString = NameThat + " v",
                    CodeString = Construct(targetType, CompString.Select(c => TypeCast(otherType, "v." + c)).ExactlyN(Components, otherType.ZeroValue)),
                    Comment = $"Implicitly converts this to a {targetType.Name}.",

            // explicit casts
            foreach (var oType in BuiltinType.BaseTypes)
                var otherType = oType;
                if (otherType.Generic != BaseType.Generic)
                    continue; // cannot mix generic/non-generic
                if (BaseType.IsComplex && !otherType.IsComplex)
                    continue; // cannot "downcast" complex type
                        var targetType = new VectorType(otherType, Components);
                        yield return(new ExplicitOperator(targetType)
                            ParameterString = NameThat + " v",
                            CodeString = Construct(targetType, CompString.Select(c => TypeCast(otherType, "v." + c))),
                            Comment = $"Explicitly converts this to a {targetType.Name}."

                    if (otherType == BaseType)
                        continue; // same type and comps not useful
                    if (implicits.Contains(otherType))
                        continue; // already has an implicit conversion
                        var targetType = new QuaternionType(otherType);
                        yield return(new ExplicitOperator(targetType)
                            ParameterString = NameThat + " v",
                            CodeString = Construct(targetType, CompString.Select(c => TypeCast(otherType, "v." + c))),
                            Comment = $"Explicitly converts this to a {targetType.Name}."
            // from matrices
            if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint)
                yield return(new ExplicitOperator(this)
                    ParameterString = mat3Type.Name + " m",
                    CodeString = "FromMat3(m)",
                    Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat3Type.Name}."

                yield return(new ExplicitOperator(this)
                    ParameterString = mat4Type.Name + " m",
                    CodeString = "FromMat4(m)",
                    Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat4Type.Name}."

            // IEnumerable
            yield return(new Function(new AnyType($"IEnumerator<{BaseTypeName}>"), "GetEnumerator")
                Code = Fields.Select(f => $"yield return {f};"),
                Comment = "Returns an enumerator that iterates through all components."

            yield return(new Function(new AnyType("IEnumerator"), "IEnumerable.GetEnumerator")
                Visibility = "",
                CodeString = "GetEnumerator()",
                Comment = "Returns an enumerator that iterates through all components."

            // ToString
            yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString")
                Override = true,
                CodeString = "ToString(\", \")",
                Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using ', ' as a seperator."

            yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString")
                ParameterString = "string sep",
                CodeString = Fields.Aggregated(" + sep + "),
                Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator."

            if (!BaseType.Generic)
                yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString")
                    ParameterString = "string sep, IFormatProvider provider",
                    CodeString = Fields.Select(f => f + ".ToString(provider)").Aggregated(" + sep + "),
                    Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator and a format provider for each component."

                if (BaseType.HasFormatString)
                    yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString")
                        ParameterString = "string sep, string format",
                        CodeString = Fields.Select(f => f + ".ToString(format)").Aggregated(" + sep + "),
                        Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator and a format for each component."

                    yield return(new Function(new AnyType("string"), "ToString")
                        ParameterString = "string sep, string format, IFormatProvider provider",
                        CodeString = Fields.Select(f => f + ".ToString(format, provider)").Aggregated(" + sep + "),
                        Comment = "Returns a string representation of this quaternion using a provided seperator and a format and format provider for each component."

            // Parsing
            if (!BaseType.IsComplex && !BaseType.Generic)
                // Parse
                yield return(new Function(this, "Parse")
                    Static = true,
                    ParameterString = "string s",
                    CodeString = "Parse(s, \", \")",
                    Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using ', ' as a separator)."

                yield return(new Function(this, "Parse")
                    Static = true,
                    ParameterString = "string s, string sep",
                    Code = new[]
                        "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);",
                        string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components),
                        $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim())").CommaSeparated()});"
                    Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator)."

                if (BaseType.Name != "bool")
                    yield return(new Function(this, "Parse")
                        Static = true,
                        ParameterString = "string s, string sep, IFormatProvider provider",
                        Code = new[]
                            "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);",
                            string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components),
                            $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), provider)").CommaSeparated()});"
                        Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a type provider)."

                    yield return(new Function(this, "Parse")
                        Static = true,
                        ParameterString = "string s, string sep, NumberStyles style",
                        Code = new[]
                            "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);",
                            string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components),
                            $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), style)").CommaSeparated()});"
                        Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a number style)."

                    yield return(new Function(this, "Parse")
                        Static = true,
                        ParameterString = "string s, string sep, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider",
                        Code = new[]
                            "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);",
                            string.Format("if (kvp.Length != {0}) throw new FormatException(\"input has not exactly {0} parts\");", Components),
                            $"return new {NameThat}({Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.Parse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), style, provider)").CommaSeparated()});"
                        Comment = "Converts the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a number style and a format provider)."

                // TryParse
                yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "TryParse")
                    Static = true,
                    ParameterString = $"string s, out {NameThat} result",
                    CodeString = "TryParse(s, \", \", out result)",
                    Comment = "Tries to convert the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using ', ' as a separator), returns false if string was invalid."

                yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "TryParse")
                    Static = true,
                    ParameterString = $"string s, string sep, out {NameThat} result",
                    Code = new[]
                        "result = Zero;",
                        "if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;",
                        "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);",
                        $"if (kvp.Length != {Components}) return false;",
                        $"{BaseTypeName} {CompString.Select(c => c + " = " + ZeroValue).CommaSeparated()};",
                        $"var ok = {Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.TryParse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), out {ArgOf(i)})").Aggregated(" && ")};",
                        $"result = ok ? new {NameThat}({CompArgString}) : Zero;",
                        "return ok;"
                    Comment = "Tries to convert the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator), returns false if string was invalid."

                if (!BaseType.IsBool)
                    yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "TryParse")
                        Static = true,
                        ParameterString = $"string s, string sep, NumberStyles style, IFormatProvider provider, out {NameThat} result",
                        Code = new[]
                            "result = Zero;",
                            "if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) return false;",
                            "var kvp = s.Split(new[] { sep }, StringSplitOptions.None);",
                            $"if (kvp.Length != {Components}) return false;",
                            $"{BaseTypeName} {CompString.Select(c => c + " = " + ZeroValue).CommaSeparated()};",
                            $"var ok = {Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"{BaseTypeName}.TryParse(kvp[{i}].Trim(), style, provider, out {ArgOf(i)})").Aggregated(" && ")};",
                            $"result = ok ? new {NameThat}({CompArgString}) : Zero;",
                            "return ok;"
                        Comment = "Tries to convert the string representation of the quaternion into a quaternion representation (using a designated separator and a number style and a format provider), returns false if string was invalid."

            // IReadOnlyList
            yield return(new Property("Count", BuiltinType.TypeInt)
                GetterLine = Components.ToString(),
                Comment = $"Returns the number of components ({Components})."

            yield return(new Indexer(BaseType)
                ParameterString = "int index",
                Getter = SwitchIndex(Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"case {i}: return {ArgOf(i)};")),
                Setter = SwitchIndex(Components.ForIndexUpTo(i => $"case {i}: {ArgOf(i)} = value; break;")),
                Comment = "Gets/Sets a specific indexed component (a bit slower than direct access)."

            // Equality comparisons
            yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "Equals")
                ParameterString = NameThat + " rhs",
                CodeString = Fields.Select(Comparer).Aggregated(" && "),
                Comment = "Returns true iff this equals rhs component-wise."

            yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "Equals")
                Override = true,
                ParameterString = "object obj",
                Code = new[]
                    "if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;",
                    string.Format("return obj is {0} && Equals(({0}) obj);", NameThat)
                Comment = "Returns true iff this equals rhs type- and component-wise."

            yield return(new Operator(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "==")
                Parameters = this.LhsRhs(),
                CodeString = "lhs.Equals(rhs)",
                Comment = "Returns true iff this equals rhs component-wise."

            yield return(new Operator(BuiltinType.TypeBool, "!=")
                Parameters = this.LhsRhs(),
                CodeString = "!lhs.Equals(rhs)",
                Comment = "Returns true iff this does not equal rhs (component-wise)."

            yield return(new Function(BuiltinType.TypeInt, "GetHashCode")
                Override = true,
                Code = new[]
                    $"    return {HashCodeFor(Components - 1)};",
                Comment = "Returns a hash code for this instance."

            // Basetype test functions
            foreach (var kvp in BaseType.TypeTestFuncs)
                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, kvp.Key, this, "v", kvp.Value));

            // Component-wise static functions
            yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "Equal", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", BaseType.EqualFormat));

            yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "NotEqual", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", BaseType.NotEqualFormat));

            if (BaseType.HasComparisons)
                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "GreaterThan", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} > {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "GreaterThanEqual", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} >= {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "LesserThan", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} < {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "LesserThanEqual", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} <= {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, "<", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} < {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, "<=", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} <= {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, ">", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} > {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, boolVType, ">=", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} >= {1}"));

            if (BaseType.IsBool)
                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, boolVType, "Not", this, "v", "!{0}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "!", this, "v", "!{0}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "And", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} && {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Nand", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "!({0} && {1})"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Or", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} || {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Nor", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "!({0} || {1})"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Xor", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} != {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Xnor", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} == {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "&", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} && {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "|", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} || {1}"));

            if (BaseType.HasArithmetics)
                // ops
                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "+", this, "v", "identity")
                    ReturnOverride = "v"

                if (BaseType.IsSigned)
                    yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "-", this, "v", "-{0}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "+", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} + {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "-", this, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} - {1}"));

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "*", this, "lhs", BaseType, "rhs", "{0} * {1}")
                    CanScalar0 = false, CanScalar1 = false

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "*", BaseType, "lhs", this, "rhs", "{0} * {1}")
                    CanScalar0 = false, CanScalar1 = false

                yield return(new ComponentWiseOperator(Fields, this, "/", this, "lhs", BaseType, "rhs", "{0} / {1}")
                    CanScalar0 = false, CanScalar1 = false

                // quat-quat-mult
                yield return(new Operator(this, "*")
                    Parameters = this.TypedArgs("p", "q"),
                    CodeString = Construct(this,
                                           "p.w * q.x + p.x * q.w + p.y * q.z - p.z * q.y",
                                           "p.w * q.y + p.y * q.w + p.z * q.x - p.x * q.z",
                                           "p.w * q.z + p.z * q.w + p.x * q.y - p.y * q.x",
                                           "p.w * q.w - p.x * q.x - p.y * q.y - p.z * q.z"),
                    Comment = "Returns proper multiplication of two quaternions."

                // quat-vec-mult, vec-quat-mult
                yield return(new Operator(vec3Type, "*")
                    Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q").Concat(vec3Type.TypedArgs("v")),
                    Code = new[]
                        $"var qv = {Construct(vec3Type, "q.x", "q.y", "q.z")};",
                        $"var uv = {vec3Type.Name}.Cross(qv, v);",
                        $"var uuv = {vec3Type.Name}.Cross(qv, uv);",
                        "return v + ((uv * q.w) + uuv) * 2;"
                    Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the quaternion."

                yield return(new Operator(vec4Type, "*")
                    Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q").Concat(vec4Type.TypedArgs("v")),
                    CodeString = Construct(vec4Type, "q * " + Construct(vec3Type, "v"), "v.w"),
                    Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the quaternion (preserves v.w)."

                if (BaseType.IsSigned)
                    yield return(new Operator(vec3Type, "*")
                        Parameters = vec3Type.TypedArgs("v").Concat(this.TypedArgs("q")),
                        CodeString = "q.Inverse * v",
                        Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the inverted quaternion."

                    yield return(new Operator(vec4Type, "*")
                        Parameters = vec4Type.TypedArgs("v").Concat(this.TypedArgs("q")),
                        CodeString = "q.Inverse * v",
                        Comment = "Returns a vector rotated by the inverted quaternion (preserves v.w)."

                // dot
                yield return(new Function(BaseType, "Dot")
                    Static = true,
                    Parameters = this.LhsRhs(),
                    CodeString = Fields.Format(DotFormatString).Aggregated(" + "),
                    Comment = "Returns the inner product (dot product, scalar product) of the two quaternions."

                // length
                yield return(new Property("Length", lengthType)
                    GetterLine = "(" + lengthType.Name + ")" + SqrtOf(Fields.Select(SqrOf).Aggregated(" + ")),
                    Comment = "Returns the euclidean length of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Property("LengthSqr", BaseType)
                    GetterLine = Fields.Select(SqrOf).Aggregated(" + "),
                    Comment = "Returns the squared euclidean length of this quaternion."

                // normalized
                if (!BaseType.IsInteger)
                    yield return(new Property("Normalized", this)
                        GetterLine = $"this / {BaseTypeCast}Length",
                        Comment = "Returns a copy of this quaternion with length one (undefined if this has zero length)."

                    yield return(new Property("NormalizedSafe", this)
                        GetterLine = $"this == Zero ? Identity : this / {BaseTypeCast}Length",
                        Comment = "Returns a copy of this quaternion with length one (returns zero if length is zero)."

            // Logicals
            if (BaseType.IsBool)
                yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "MinElement", BaseType, "&&", "Returns the minimal component of this quaternion."));

                yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "MaxElement", BaseType, "||", "Returns the maximal component of this quaternion."));

                yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "All", BaseType, "&&", "Returns true if all component are true."));

                yield return(new AggregatedProperty(Fields, "Any", BaseType, "||", "Returns true if any component is true."));

            // floating point
            if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint)
                // angles
                yield return(new Property("Angle", BuiltinType.TypeDouble)
                    GetterLine = "Math.Acos((double)w) * 2.0",
                    Comment = "Returns the represented angle of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Property("Axis", vec3Type)
                    Getter = new[]
                        "var s1 = 1 - w * w;",
                        $"if (s1 < 0) return {vec3Type.Name}.UnitZ;",
                        $"var s2 = 1 / {SqrtOf("s1")};",
                        $"return {Construct(vec3Type, BaseTypeCast + "(x * s2)", BaseTypeCast + "(y * s2)", BaseTypeCast + "(z * s2)")};"
                    Comment = "Returns the represented axis of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Property("Yaw", BuiltinType.TypeDouble)
                    GetterLine = "Math.Asin(-2.0 * (double)(x * z - w * y))",
                    Comment = "Returns the represented yaw angle of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Property("Pitch", BuiltinType.TypeDouble)
                    GetterLine = "Math.Atan2(2.0 * (double)(y * z + w * x), (double)(w * w - x * x - y * y + z * z))",
                    Comment = "Returns the represented pitch angle of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Property("Roll", BuiltinType.TypeDouble)
                    GetterLine = "Math.Atan2(2.0 * (double)(x * y + w * z), (double)(w * w + x * x - y * y - z * z))",
                    Comment = "Returns the represented roll angle of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Property("EulerAngles", dvec3Type)
                    GetterLine = Construct(dvec3Type, "Pitch", "Yaw", "Roll"),
                    Comment = "Returns the represented euler angles (pitch, yaw, roll) of this quaternion."

                yield return(new Function(this, "FromAxisAngle")
                    Static = true,
                    Parameters = BaseType.TypedArgs("angle").Concat(vec3Type.TypedArgs("v")),
                    Code = new[]
                        "var s = Math.Sin((double)angle * 0.5);",
                        "var c = Math.Cos((double)angle * 0.5);",
                        $"return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)v.x * s)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)v.y * s)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)v.z * s)", BaseTypeCast + "c")};"
                    Comment = "Creates a quaternion from an axis and an angle (in radians)."

                yield return(new Function(this, "Rotated")
                    Parameters = BaseType.TypedArgs("angle").Concat(vec3Type.TypedArgs("v")),
                    CodeString = "this * FromAxisAngle(angle, v)",
                    Comment = "Rotates this quaternion from an axis and an angle (in radians)."

            // mat casts
            if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint)
                yield return(new Property("ToMat3", mat3Type)
                    GetterLine = Construct(mat3Type,
                                           "1 - 2 * (y*y + z*z)",
                                           "2 * (x*y + w*z)",
                                           "2 * (x*z - w*y)",

                                           "2 * (x*y - w*z)",
                                           "1 - 2 * (x*x + z*z)",
                                           "2 * (y*z + w*x)",

                                           "2 * (x*z + w*y)",
                                           "2 * (y*z - w*x)",
                                           "1 - 2 * (x*x + y*y)"
                    Comment = $"Creates a {mat3Type.Name} that realizes the rotation of this quaternion"

                yield return(new Property("ToMat4", mat4Type)
                    GetterLine = Construct(mat4Type, "ToMat3"),
                    Comment = $"Creates a {mat4Type.Name} that realizes the rotation of this quaternion"

                yield return(new Function(this, "FromMat3")
                    Static = true,
                    Parameters = mat3Type.TypedArgs("m"),
                    Code = new[]
                        "var fourXSquaredMinus1 = m.m00 - m.m11 - m.m22;",
                        "var fourYSquaredMinus1 = m.m11 - m.m00 - m.m22;",
                        "var fourZSquaredMinus1 = m.m22 - m.m00 - m.m11;",
                        "var fourWSquaredMinus1 = m.m00 + m.m11 + m.m22;",
                        "var biggestIndex = 0;",
                        "var fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourWSquaredMinus1;",
                        "if(fourXSquaredMinus1 > fourBiggestSquaredMinus1)",
                        "    fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourXSquaredMinus1;",
                        "    biggestIndex = 1;",
                        "if(fourYSquaredMinus1 > fourBiggestSquaredMinus1)",
                        "    fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourYSquaredMinus1;",
                        "    biggestIndex = 2;",
                        "if(fourZSquaredMinus1 > fourBiggestSquaredMinus1)",
                        "    fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 = fourZSquaredMinus1;",
                        "    biggestIndex = 3;",
                        "var biggestVal = Math.Sqrt((double)fourBiggestSquaredMinus1 + 1.0) * 0.5;",
                        "var mult = 0.25 / biggestVal;",
                        $"    case 0: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 - m.m21) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 - m.m02) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 - m.m10) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)")};",
                        $"    case 1: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 + m.m10) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 + m.m02) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 - m.m21) * mult)")};",
                        $"    case 2: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 + m.m10) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 + m.m21) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 - m.m02) * mult)")};",
                        $"    default: return {Construct(this, BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m20 + m.m02) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m12 + m.m21) * mult)", BaseTypeCast + "(biggestVal)", BaseTypeCast + "((double)(m.m01 - m.m10) * mult)")};",
                    Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat4Type.Name}."

                yield return(new Function(this, "FromMat4")
                    Static = true,
                    Parameters = mat4Type.TypedArgs("m"),
                    CodeString = $"FromMat3({Construct(mat3Type, "m")})",
                    Comment = $"Creates a quaternion from the rotational part of a {mat3Type.Name}."

            if (BaseType.IsSigned)
                yield return(new Property("Conjugate", this)
                    GetterLine = Construct(this, "-x", "-y", "-z", "w"),
                    Comment = "Returns the conjugated quaternion"

                yield return(new Property("Inverse", this)
                    GetterLine = "Conjugate / LengthSqr",
                    Comment = "Returns the inverse quaternion"

            if (BaseType.HasArithmetics)
                // cross
                yield return(new Function(this, "Cross")
                    Static = true,
                    Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q1", "q2"),
                    CodeString = Construct(this,
                                           "q1.w * q2.x + q1.x * q2.w + q1.y * q2.z - q1.z * q2.y",
                                           "q1.w * q2.y + q1.y * q2.w + q1.z * q2.x - q1.x * q2.z",
                                           "q1.w * q2.z + q1.z * q2.w + q1.x * q2.y - q1.y * q2.x",
                                           "q1.w * q2.w - q1.x * q2.x - q1.y * q2.y - q1.z * q2.z"),
                    Comment = "Returns the cross product between two quaternions."

                // mix
                if (BaseType.IsFloatingPoint)
                    yield return(new Function(this, "Mix")
                        Static = true,
                        Parameters = this.TypedArgs("x", "y").Concat(BaseType.TypedArgs("a")),
                        Code = new[]
                            "var cosTheta = (double)Dot(x, y);",
                            "if (cosTheta > 1 - float.Epsilon)",
                            "    return Lerp(x, y, a);",
                            "    var angle = Math.Acos((double)cosTheta);",
                            string.Format("    return {0}( (Math.Sin((1 - (double)a) * angle) * {1}x + Math.Sin((double)a * angle) * {1}y) / Math.Sin(angle) );",
                                          BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + this.Name + ")",
                                          BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + dquatType.Name + ")"),
                        Comment = "Calculates a proper spherical interpolation between two quaternions (only works for normalized quaternions)."

                    yield return(new Function(this, "SLerp")
                        Static = true,
                        Parameters = this.TypedArgs("x", "y").Concat(BaseType.TypedArgs("a")),
                        Code = new[]
                            "var z = y;",
                            "var cosTheta = (double)Dot(x, y);",
                            "if (cosTheta < 0) { z = -y; cosTheta = -cosTheta; }",
                            "if (cosTheta > 1 - float.Epsilon)",
                            "    return Lerp(x, z, a);",
                            "    var angle = Math.Acos((double)cosTheta);",
                            string.Format("    return {0}( (Math.Sin((1 - (double)a) * angle) * {1}x + Math.Sin((double)a * angle) * {1}z) / Math.Sin(angle) );",
                                          BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + this.Name + ")",
                                          BaseType.Name == "double" ? "" : "(" + dquatType.Name + ")"),
                        Comment = "Calculates a proper spherical interpolation between two quaternions (only works for normalized quaternions)."

                    yield return(new Function(this, "Squad")
                        Static = true,
                        Parameters = this.TypedArgs("q1", "q2", "s1", "s2").Concat(BaseType.TypedArgs("h")),
                        CodeString = "Mix(Mix(q1, q2, h), Mix(s1, s2, h), 2 * (1 - h) * h)",
                        Comment = "Applies squad interpolation of these quaternions"

                // linear interpolation
                yield return(new ComponentWiseStaticFunction(Fields, this, "Lerp", this, "min", this, "max", this, "a", "{0} * (1-{2}) + {1} * {2}"));
Пример #43
 public static extern IntPtr cvCreateMemoryLSH(int d, int n, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r, Int64 seed);
Пример #44
        private SHP1(EndianBinaryReader reader, int offset, BMDInfo modelstats = null)
            Shapes     = new List <Shape>();
            RemapTable = new List <int>();

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int shp1Size   = reader.ReadInt32();
            int entryCount = reader.ReadInt16();


            if (modelstats != null)
                modelstats.SHP1Size = shp1Size;

            int shapeHeaderDataOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
            int shapeRemapTableOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
            int unusedOffset          = reader.ReadInt32();
            int attributeDataOffset   = reader.ReadInt32();
            int matrixIndexDataOffset = reader.ReadInt32();
            int primitiveDataOffset   = reader.ReadInt32();
            int matrixDataOffset      = reader.ReadInt32();
            int PacketInfoDataOffset  = reader.ReadInt32();

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(offset + shapeRemapTableOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            // Remap table
            for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)

            int highestIndex = J3DUtility.GetHighestValue(RemapTable);

            // Packet data
            List <Tuple <int, int> > packetData = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); // <packet size, packet offset>
            int packetDataCount = (shp1Size - PacketInfoDataOffset) / 8;

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(PacketInfoDataOffset + offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int i = 0; i < packetDataCount; i++)
                packetData.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(reader.ReadInt32(), reader.ReadInt32()));

            // Matrix data
            List <Tuple <int, int> > matrixData    = new List <Tuple <int, int> >(); // <index count, start index>
            List <int[]>             matrixIndices = new List <int[]>();

            int matrixDataCount = (PacketInfoDataOffset - matrixDataOffset) / 8;

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(matrixDataOffset + offset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int i = 0; i < matrixDataCount; i++)
                matrixData.Add(new Tuple <int, int>(reader.ReadInt16(), reader.ReadInt32()));

            for (int i = 0; i < matrixDataCount; i++)
                reader.BaseStream.Seek(offset + matrixIndexDataOffset + (matrixData[i].Item2 * 2), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
                int[] indices = new int[matrixData[i].Item1];

                for (int j = 0; j < matrixData[i].Item1; j++)
                    indices[j] = reader.ReadInt16();


            // Shape data
            List <Shape> tempShapeList = new List <Shape>();

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(offset + shapeHeaderDataOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int i = 0; i < highestIndex + 1; i++)
                MatrixType matrixType = (MatrixType)reader.ReadByte();

                int packetCount          = reader.ReadInt16();
                int shapeAttributeOffset = reader.ReadInt16();
                int shapeMatrixDataIndex = reader.ReadInt16();
                int firstPacketIndex     = reader.ReadInt16();

                BoundingVolume shapeVol = new BoundingVolume(reader);

                long curOffset = reader.BaseStream.Position;

                ShapeVertexDescriptor descriptor = new ShapeVertexDescriptor(reader, offset + attributeDataOffset + shapeAttributeOffset);

                List <Packet> shapePackets = new List <Packet>();
                for (int j = 0; j < packetCount; j++)
                    int packetSize   = packetData[j + firstPacketIndex].Item1;
                    int packetOffset = packetData[j + firstPacketIndex].Item2;

                    Packet pack = new Packet(packetSize, packetOffset + primitiveDataOffset + offset, matrixIndices[j + firstPacketIndex]);
                    pack.ReadPrimitives(reader, descriptor);


                tempShapeList.Add(new Shape(descriptor, shapeVol, shapePackets, matrixType));

                reader.BaseStream.Seek(curOffset, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++)

            reader.BaseStream.Seek(offset + shp1Size, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
Пример #45
 public static extern IntPtr cvInitMatHeader(IntPtr mat, int rows, int cols, MatrixType type, IntPtr data, int step);
Пример #46
 /// <summary>
 /// default ctor
 /// </summary>
 public Matrix4()
     m_type = MatrixType.Normal;
Пример #47
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table, for indexing d-dimensional vectors of
        /// given type. Vectors will be hashed L times with k-dimensional p-stable (p=2) functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops">(not supported argument on OpenCvSharp)</param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table, for indexing d-dimensional vectors of
        /// given type. Vectors will be hashed L times with k-dimensional p-stable (p=2) functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops">(not supported argument on OpenCvSharp)</param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        public CvLSH(IntPtr ops, int d, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r)
            : this(ops, d, L, k, type, r, -1)
Пример #48
 /// <summary>
 /// ctor,translation matrix.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="origin">origin of ucs in world coordinate</param>
 public Matrix4(Vector4 origin)
     m_type = MatrixType.Translation;
     m_matrix[3, 0] = origin.X; m_matrix[3, 1] = origin.Y; m_matrix[3, 2] = origin.Z;
Пример #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table, for indexing d-dimensional vectors of
        /// given type. Vectors will be hashed L times with k-dimensional p-stable (p=2) functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops">(not supported argument on OpenCvSharp)</param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a Locality Sensitive Hash (LSH) table, for indexing d-dimensional vectors of
        /// given type. Vectors will be hashed L times with k-dimensional p-stable (p=2) functions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ops">(not supported argument on OpenCvSharp)</param>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="seed"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CvLSH CreateLSH(IntPtr ops, int d, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r, Int64 seed)
            return Cv.CreateLSH(ops, d, L, k, type, r, seed);
Пример #50
 /// <summary>
 /// scale matrix constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scale">scale factor</param>
 public Matrix4(float scale)
     m_type = MatrixType.Scale;
     m_matrix[0, 0] = m_matrix[1, 1] = m_matrix[2, 2] = scale;
Пример #51
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        public CvLSH(int d, int n, int L, int k, MatrixType type, double r)
            : this(d, n, L, k, type, r, -1)
Пример #52
 protected virtual void Visit(MatrixType type)
     ProcessInitialValueStatus = true;
Пример #53
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct in-memory LSH table, with n bins.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d"></param>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <param name="L"></param>
        /// <param name="k"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CvLSH CreateMemoryLSH(int d, int n, int L, int k, MatrixType type)
            return Cv.CreateMemoryLSH(d, n, L, k, type, 4, -1);
Пример #54
        /// <summary>
        /// 总的像素bit位点阵,一定是8的倍数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">每页的字模数据</param>
        /// <param name="colorType"></param>
        /// <param name="matrixType"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <byte> ToBytes(Bitmap content, ColorType colorType, MatrixType matrixType)
            List <byte> result = new List <byte>();

            int height = content.Height;
            int width  = content.Width;

            if (colorType == ColorType.SINGLE)         // 单色
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 8)
                        byte bits = 0x00;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            Color rgb  = content.GetPixel(x + i, y);
                            int   r    = rgb.R;
                            int   g    = rgb.G;
                            bool  flag = r >= 127 | g >= 127;
                            bits += (byte)((flag ? 0 : 1) << (7 - i));
            else if (colorType == ColorType.DOUBLE)    // 双色
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 8)
                        byte Rbits = 0x00;
                        byte Gbits = 0x00;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            Color rgb = content.GetPixel(x + i, y);
                            int   r   = rgb.R;
                            int   g   = rgb.G;
                            Rbits += (byte)((r >= 127 ? 0 : 1) << (7 - i));
                            Gbits += (byte)((g >= 127 ? 0 : 1) << (7 - i));
                        if (matrixType == MatrixType.RG)//r+g
            else if (colorType == ColorType.THREE)    // 双色
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x += 8)
                        byte Rbits = 0x00;
                        byte Gbits = 0x00;
                        byte Bbits = 0x00;
                        for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                            Color rgb = content.GetPixel(x + i, y);
                            int   r   = rgb.R;
                            int   g   = rgb.G;
                            int   b   = rgb.B;
                            Rbits += (byte)((r >= 127 ? 0 : 1) << (7 - i));
                            Gbits += (byte)((g >= 127 ? 0 : 1) << (7 - i));
                            Bbits += (byte)((b >= 127 ? 0 : 1) << (7 - i));
            else                                    //全彩
                for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)    //遍历每列
                    for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) //遍历每行
                        Color rgb = content.GetPixel(x, y);
                        int   r   = rgb.R; //红色像素值
                        int   g   = rgb.G; //绿色像素值
                        int   b   = rgb.B; //蓝色像素值

                        //int data1 = ((r >> 3) << 11) & 0xF800;//红色
                        //int data2 = ((g >> 2) << 5) & 0x07E0;//绿色
                        //int data3 = (b >> 3) & 0x001F;//蓝色
                        //byte[] dbytes = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(data1 + data2 + data3);

                        int val = rgb.R >> 8 << 11;
                        val |= rgb.G >> 2 << 5;
                        val |= rgb.B >> 8;

                        // 获取RGB单色,并填充低位
                        int    cRed      = (val & 0xf800) >> 8;
                        int    cGreen    = (val & 0x07E0) >> 3;
                        int    cBlue     = (val & 0x001F) << 3;
                        int    n888Color = (cRed << 16) + (cGreen << 8) + (cBlue << 0);
                        byte[] dbytes    = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(n888Color);


Пример #55
 /// <summary>
 /// scale matrix constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scale">scale factor</param>
 public Matrix4(float scale)
     m_type = MatrixType.Scale;
     m_matrix[0, 0] = m_matrix[1, 1] = m_matrix[2, 2] = scale;
Пример #56
 public void MatrixMode(MatrixType matrix) => GL.MatrixMode(getMatrixMode(matrix));
Пример #57
        public override Node Visit(BinaryExpression expression)
            // First, dispatch to resolve type of node at deeper level

            var leftType   = expression.Left.TypeInference.TargetType;
            var rightType  = expression.Right.TypeInference.TargetType;
            var returnType = expression.TypeInference.ExpectedType ?? expression.TypeInference.TargetType;

            bool isNumericOperator = true;

            switch (expression.Operator)
            case BinaryOperator.LogicalAnd:
            case BinaryOperator.LogicalOr:
                isNumericOperator = false;
                returnType        = GetBinaryImplicitConversionType(expression.Span, leftType, rightType, true);
                expression.TypeInference.TargetType = returnType;

            case BinaryOperator.Less:
            case BinaryOperator.LessEqual:
            case BinaryOperator.Greater:
            case BinaryOperator.GreaterEqual:
            case BinaryOperator.Equality:
            case BinaryOperator.Inequality:
                isNumericOperator = false;
                returnType        = GetBinaryImplicitConversionType(expression.Span, leftType, rightType, false);

                TypeBase resultType = ScalarType.Bool;
                if (returnType is VectorType)
                    resultType = new VectorType(ScalarType.Bool, ((VectorType)returnType).Dimension);
                else if (returnType is MatrixType)
                    var matrixType = (MatrixType)returnType;
                    resultType = new MatrixType(ScalarType.Bool, matrixType.RowCount, matrixType.ColumnCount);
                expression.TypeInference.TargetType = resultType;

            if (returnType != null)
                if (returnType == ScalarType.Bool && isNumericOperator)
                    var typeToCheck = leftType ?? rightType;
                    if (typeToCheck != null)
                        return(ConvertExpressionToBool(expression, typeToCheck));

            if (!isNumericOperator || CastHelper.NeedConvertForBinary(leftType, returnType))
                expression.Left = Cast(leftType, returnType, expression.Left);
            if (!isNumericOperator || CastHelper.NeedConvertForBinary(rightType, returnType))
                expression.Right = Cast(rightType, returnType, expression.Right);

Пример #58
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="HlslGrammar"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public HlslGrammar()
            GrammarComments = "Hlsl version 5.0";

            Term(string_literal_raw, TokenCategory.String, TokenType.StringLiteral);
            Punc("::", TokenType.IdentifierSeparator);

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Comments
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            identifier_ns_list.Rule  = MakePlusRule(identifier_ns_list, ToTerm("::"), identifier_raw);
            identifier_dot_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_dot_list, ToTerm("."), identifier_raw);
            identifier_ns.Rule       = identifier_raw + "::" + identifier_ns_list;
            identifier_dot.Rule      = identifier_or_generic + ToTerm(".") + identifier_dot_list;
            identifier_or_dot.Rule   = identifier | identifier_dot;

            identifier.Rule |= identifier_ns;

            semi_opt.Rule = Empty | PreferShiftHere() + ";";

            //Prepare term set for conflict resolution
            _skipTokensInPreview.UnionWith(new[] { ToTerm("."), identifier_raw, ToTerm(","), ToTerm("::"), ToTerm("["), ToTerm("]"), float_literal, integer_literal });

            var genericResolverHint = new GenericResolverHint(_skipTokensInPreview);

            less_than.Rule = genericResolverHint + "<";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Types
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // String
            string_literal.Rule = string_literal_raw.List();
            string_literal_raw.AstNodeCreator = CreateStringRawLiteral;

            // Add string to literals
            literal.Rule |= string_literal;

            float_qualifier.Rule = Keyword("unorm") | Keyword("snorm");

            // scalars
            var scalarTypes = new[] { ScalarType.Bool, ScalarType.Int, ScalarType.UInt, ScalarType.Float, ScalarType.Half, ScalarType.Double };

            foreach (var scalarType in scalarTypes)
                NonTerminal scalarTerm;
                var         localScalarType = scalarType;

                if (scalarType == ScalarType.Float)
                    scalarTerm = new NonTerminal(
                        (context, node) =>
                        var dynamicFloatType  = Ast <ScalarType>(node);
                        dynamicFloatType.Name = new Identifier(localScalarType.Name)
                            Span = SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span)
                        dynamicFloatType.Type       = localScalarType.Type;
                        dynamicFloatType.Qualifiers = Qualifier.None;
                        if (node.ChildNodes.Count == 2)
                            dynamicFloatType.Qualifiers = (Qualifier)node.ChildNodes[0].AstNode;
                        Rule = Keyword("float", true) | float_qualifier + Keyword("float", true)
                    scalarTerm = CreateScalarTerminal(scalarType);

                if (scalars.Rule == null)
                    scalars.Rule = scalarTerm;
                    scalars.Rule |= scalarTerm;

            // Buffer Rules
            buffer_type.Rule = TypeName("Buffer") + less_than + simple_type_or_type_name + ">";

            // Vectors Rules
            vector_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateVectorAst;
            vector_type.Rule           = Keyword("vector") + less_than + scalars_or_typename + "," + number + ">";
            vector_type_list.Rule      = vector_type;

            // Add all vector int1 int2 int3 int4... float1 float2 float3 float4... etc.
            foreach (var scalarTypeIt in scalarTypes)
                var scalarType = scalarTypeIt;
                for (var dim = 1; dim <= 4; dim++)
                    var vectorTypeInstance = new VectorType(scalarTypeIt, dim);
                    var nonGenericType     = vectorTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType();
                    var name = nonGenericType.Name.Text;
                    vector_type_list.Rule |= new NonTerminal(name,
                                                             (ctx, node) =>
                        var typeName = vectorTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType(SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span));
                        node.AstNode = typeName;
                        Rule = Keyword(name)

            // Matrices
            matrix_type_simple.Rule           = Keyword("matrix");
            matrix_type_simple.AstNodeCreator = (ctx, node) =>
                var typeName = Ast <TypeName>(node);
                typeName.Name = new Identifier("matrix")
                    Span = SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span)
                typeName.TypeInference.TargetType = new MatrixType(ScalarType.Float, 4, 4);

            matrix_type.Rule           = Keyword("matrix") + less_than + scalars_or_typename + "," + number + "," + number + ">";
            matrix_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateMatrixAst;
            matrix_type_list.Rule      = matrix_type | matrix_type_simple;

            // Add all matrix typedefs: int1x1 int1x2... float1x1 float1x2 float1x3 float1x4... etc.
            foreach (var scalarTypeIt in scalarTypes)
                var scalarType = scalarTypeIt;
                for (var dimX = 1; dimX <= 4; dimX++)
                    for (var dimY = 1; dimY <= 4; dimY++)
                        var matrixTypeInstance = new MatrixType(scalarTypeIt, dimX, dimY);
                        var nonGenericType     = matrixTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType();
                        var name = nonGenericType.Name.Text;

                        // var typeName = new TypeName(name) { Alias = matrixTypeInstance };
                        matrix_type_list.Rule |= new NonTerminal(
                            (ctx, node) =>
                            var typeName = matrixTypeInstance.ToNonGenericType(SpanConverter.Convert(node.Span));
                            node.AstNode = typeName;
                            Rule = Keyword(name)

            // Sampler types
            state_type.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            sampler_type.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            sampler_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateTypeFromTokenAst <ObjectType>;

            // Texture types
            texture_type_profile_4.Rule = CreateRuleFromObjectTypes(

            texture_type.Rule = Keyword("texture") | texture_type_profile_4;

            // ByteAddressBuffer
            byte_address_buffer.Rule = TypeName("ByteAddressBuffer") | TypeName("RWByteAddressBuffer");

            // StructuredBuffer
            structured_buffer_type.Rule = TypeName("AppendStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("ConsumeStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("RWStructuredBuffer") | TypeName("StructuredBuffer");
            structured_buffer.Rule      = structured_buffer_type + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">";

            // RWTexture.*
            texture_type_profile_5.Rule = TypeName("RWBuffer") | TypeName("RWTexture1D") | TypeName("RWTexture1DArray") | TypeName("RWTexture2D") | TypeName("RWTexture2DArray") | TypeName("RWTexture3D");

            texture_generic_simple_type.Rule = texture_type_profile_4 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">"
                                               | texture_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">";

            texture_dms_type_profile_5.Rule = TypeName("Texture2DMS") | TypeName("Texture2DMSArray");

            texture_generic_dms_type.Rule = texture_dms_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + ">"
                                            | texture_dms_type_profile_5 + less_than + scalars_and_vectors + "," + number + ">";

            texture_generic_type.Rule = texture_generic_simple_type | texture_generic_dms_type;

            // HullShader/DomainShader InputPatch/OutputPatch
            patch_type.Rule = TypeName("InputPatch") | TypeName("OutputPatch");

            patch_generic_type.Rule = patch_type + less_than + type + "," + number + ">";

            texture_type_list.Rule = texture_type | texture_generic_type;

            // Types used by the geometry shader
            geometry_stream.Rule = line_stream | point_stream | triangle_stream | stream_output_object;

            triangle_stream.Rule = TypeName("TriangleStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            point_stream.Rule = TypeName("PointStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            line_stream.Rule = TypeName("LineStream") + less_than + type + ">";

            stream_output_object.Rule = TypeName("StreamOutputObject") + less_than + type + ">";

            //// Shader object
            //// shader_objects.Rule = ToTerm("VertexShader") | "PixelShader" | "GeometryShader";

            string_type.Rule = Keyword("string");

            // Add string to simple types
            simple_type.Rule |= string_type;

            // Add Object types
            object_type.Rule |= buffer_type
                                | state_type
                                | texture_type_list
                                | byte_address_buffer
                                | structured_buffer
                                | patch_generic_type
                                | interface_specifier
                                | class_specifier
                                | geometry_stream;
            ////| shader_objects;

            // Type name
            typename_for_cast.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true);

            identifier_generic_parameter_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_generic_parameter_list, ToTerm(","), identifier_sub_generic);

            identifier_sub_generic.Rule           = identifier_or_generic;
            identifier_sub_generic.AstNodeCreator = CreateIdentifierSubGenericAst;

            //identifier_generic.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true) + "<" + identifier_generic_parameter_list + ">";
            identifier_generic.Rule = identifier + new GenericResolverHint(_skipTokensInPreview) + "<" + identifier_generic_parameter_list + ">";

            identifier_or_generic.Rule = identifier + new IdentifierResolverHint(true)
                                         | identifier_generic + this.ReduceHere();

            type_generic.Rule = identifier_or_generic;

            // Type used for cast (use valuetype)
            type_for_cast.Rule = typename_for_cast
                                 | value_type;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Expressions
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add special variable allowed as variable name and keyword
            identifier_extended.Rule |= Keyword("sample") | Keyword("point");

            // postfix_expression
            postfix_expression.Rule |= compile_expression
                                       | asm_expression
                                       | state_expression;

            compile_expression.Rule = Keyword("compile") + identifier + method_invoke_expression_simple;

            // Match an asm block: asm { ... }
            asm_expression.Rule = asm_block;
            KeyTerms.Add(asm_block.Name, asm_block);

            state_expression.Rule = state_type + state_initializer;

            // Add cast_expression
            cast_expression_raw.Rule = "(" + type_for_cast + rank_specifier.ListOpt() + ")" + cast_expression;

            cast_expression.Rule |= cast_expression_raw;

            // Syntax is for example: texture = <g_textureref>;
            identifier_special_reference_expression.Rule = less_than + indexable_identifier + ">";

            identifier_keyword.Rule = Keyword("texture");

            simple_assignment_expression_statement.Rule |= indexable_identifier + assignment_operator + identifier_special_reference_expression + ";"
                                                           | identifier_keyword + assignment_operator + identifier_special_reference_expression + ";"
                                                           | identifier_keyword + assignment_operator + expression + ";";

            state_initializer.Rule = "{" + simple_assignment_expression_statement.ListOpt() + "}";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Attribute modifiers
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            attribute_qualifier_pre.Rule = attribute_list_opt;

            attribute_list_opt.Rule = MakeStarRule(attribute_list_opt, null, attribute_modifier);

            attribute_modifier.Rule = "[" + identifier + "]"
                                      | "[" + identifier + "(" + literal_list.Opt() + ")" + "]";

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Variable modifiers
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // storageClass = Storage_Class + Type_Modifier
            storage_qualifier.Rule |= Keyword("extern") | Keyword("nointerpolation") | Keyword("precise") | Keyword("shared") | Keyword("groupshared") | Keyword("static") | Keyword("volatile")
                                      | Keyword("row_major") | Keyword("column_major") | Keyword("linear") | Keyword("centroid") | Keyword("noperspective") | Keyword("sample") | Keyword("unsigned")
                                      | Keyword("inline");

            semantic.Rule = ToTerm(":") + identifier;

            packoffset.Rule = ToTerm(":") + Keyword("packoffset") + "(" + identifier_or_dot + ")";

            register.Rule = ToTerm(":") + Keyword("register") + "(" + indexable_identifier + ")"
                            | ToTerm(":") + Keyword("register") + "(" + identifier + "," + indexable_identifier + ")";

            variable_declarator_qualifier_post_hlsl.Rule = Empty
                                                           | semantic
                                                           | semantic + packoffset + register.ListOpt()
                                                           | semantic + register.List()
                                                           | packoffset + register.ListOpt()
                                                           | register.List();

            variable_declarator_qualifier_post.Rule = variable_declarator_qualifier_post_hlsl;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Declarations
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add typedef and constant buffer resource
            declaration.Rule |= typedef_declaration
                                | constant_buffer_resource;

            indexable_identifier_declarator_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(indexable_identifier_declarator_list, ToTerm(","), indexable_identifier_declarator);

            // typedef [const] Type Name[Index];
            typedef_declaration.Rule = Keyword("typedef") + type + indexable_identifier_declarator_list + ";"
                                       | Keyword("typedef") + storage_qualifier + type + indexable_identifier_declarator_list + ";";

            annotations.Rule = less_than + variable_declaration_raw.ListOpt() + ">";

            annotations_opt.Rule = Empty | annotations;

            // todo: add annotations_opt to variable_declarator qualifier post

            // Add annotations to variable declarator
            variable_declarator_raw.Rule += annotations_opt;

            // Add special
            variable_declarator.Rule |= variable_declarator_raw + state_initializer
                                        | variable_declarator_raw + state_array_initializer;

            state_initializer_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(state_initializer_list, ToTerm(","), state_initializer);

            state_array_initializer.Rule = "{" + state_initializer_list + "}"
                                           | "{" + state_initializer_list + "," + "}";

            // interface definition
            interface_specifier.Rule = Keyword("interface") + identifier_or_generic + "{" + method_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";

            // class definition
            class_specifier.Rule      = Keyword("class") + identifier_or_generic + class_base_type + "{" + scope_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";
            class_base_type_list.Rule = MakePlusRule(class_base_type_list, ToTerm(","), type_generic);
            class_base_type.Rule      = (ToTerm(":") + class_base_type_list).Opt();

            // buffer definition
            constant_buffer_resource_type.Rule           = Keyword("cbuffer") | Keyword("tbuffer") | Keyword("rgroup");
            constant_buffer_resource_type.AstNodeCreator = CreateConstantBufferTypeAst;

            constant_buffer_resource.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + constant_buffer_resource_type + identifier.Opt() + register.Opt() + "{" + declaration.ListOpt() + "}" + semi_opt;

            semantic_list_opt.Rule = semantic.ListOpt();

            // Method
            method_qualifier_post.Rule = semantic_list_opt;

            method_operator_identifier.Rule = Keyword("operator") + "[" + "]"
                                              | Keyword("operator") + "[" + "]" + "[" + "]";
            method_special_identifier.Rule = identifier_extended + "." + method_operator_identifier | method_operator_identifier;

            method_declarator.Rule |= method_special_identifier + "(" + parameter_list + ")";

            parameter_qualifier.Rule           = storage_qualifier | Keyword("in") | Keyword("out") | Keyword("inout") | Keyword("point") | Keyword("line") | Keyword("lineadj") | Keyword("triangle") | Keyword("triangleadj");
            parameter_qualifier.AstNodeCreator = CreateParameterQualifier;

            parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt.Rule = parameter_qualifier.ListOpt();
            parameter_qualifier_pre.Rule          = parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt;
            // Make parameter_qualifier_pre transient as there is nothing else to parse then parameter_qualifier_pre_list_opt
            parameter_qualifier_pre.Flags = TermFlags.IsTransient | TermFlags.NoAstNode;

            parameter_qualifier_post.Rule = semantic_list_opt
                                            | "=" + initializer + semantic_list_opt;
            parameter_qualifier_post.AstNodeCreator = CreateParameterQualifierPost;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Technique/pass
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // technique
            technique_keyword.Rule = Keyword("technique") | Keyword("Technique") | Keyword("technique10") | Keyword("Technique10") | Keyword("technique11") | Keyword("Technique11");

            technique_definition.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + technique_keyword + identifier.Opt() + annotations_opt + "{" + pass_definition.List() + "}" + semi_opt;

            // pass
            pass_keyword.Rule = Keyword("pass") | Keyword("Pass");

            pass_statement.Rule = method_invoke_expression_simple + ";"
                                  | simple_assignment_expression_statement;

            pass_definition.Rule = attribute_qualifier_pre + pass_keyword + identifier.Opt() + annotations_opt + "{" + pass_statement.ListOpt() + "}" + semi_opt;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Top Level
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

            // Add the technique to the top level
            toplevel_declaration.Rule |= technique_definition;

             * //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * //// Stride Grammar
             * //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * //var identifier_csharp = new NonTerminal("identifier_csharp");
             * //var group = new NonTerminal("group");
             * //var using_statement = new NonTerminal("using_statement");
             * //group.Rule = "group" + identifier + "{" + scope_declaration.ListOpt() + "}";
             * //identifier_csharp.Rule = MakePlusRule(identifier_csharp, ToTerm("."), identifier);
             * //using_statement.Rule = "using" + identifier + "=" + identifier_csharp + ";"
             * //                       | "using" + identifier_csharp + ";";
             * //scope_declaration.Rule |= using_statement;
             * //toplevel_declaration.Rule |= group;

            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // Globals
            // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            // LanguageFlags = LanguageFlags.NewLineBeforeEOF;
            LanguageFlags |= LanguageFlags.CreateAst;
Пример #59
 /// <summary>
 /// rotation and translation matrix constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="xAxis">x Axis</param>
 /// <param name="yAxis">y Axis</param>
 /// <param name="zAxis">z Axis</param>
 /// <param name="origin">origin</param>
 public Matrix4(Vector4 xAxis, Vector4 yAxis, Vector4 zAxis, Vector4 origin)
     m_type = MatrixType.RotationAndTransLation;
     m_matrix[0, 0] = xAxis.X;  m_matrix[0, 1] = xAxis.Y;  m_matrix[0, 2] = xAxis.Z;
     m_matrix[1, 0] = yAxis.X;  m_matrix[1, 1] = yAxis.Y;  m_matrix[1, 2] = yAxis.Z;
     m_matrix[2, 0] = zAxis.X;  m_matrix[2, 1] = zAxis.Y;  m_matrix[2, 2] = zAxis.Z;
     m_matrix[3, 0] = origin.X; m_matrix[3, 1] = origin.Y; m_matrix[3, 2] = origin.Z;
Пример #60
 public bool AnimateTransform(MatrixType whichMatrix, Matrix transform) {
     AnimatableMatrix aniMatrix = GetMatrix(whichMatrix);
     return GetMatrix(whichMatrix).AnimateTo(transform * aniMatrix.Matrix);