Пример #1
        public void Run()
                // Set running to true so main GUI knows that plugin has not finished
                this.Running    = true;
                this.testThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

                // Repeatedly move and snap image
                for (int i = 0; i < this.repetitions; i++)
                    this.camera.Snap(this.path + "\\repeatability-" + i + ".bmp");
                    // Move actuator out and back
                this.camera.Snap(this.path + "\\repeatability-" + this.repetitions + ".bmp");

                var       imgProccessing = new MatlabDFTRegistration.DFTRegistration();
                MWArray[] argsOut        = imgProccessing.get_offsets(2, this.path);
                double[,] dx = (double[, ])argsOut[0].ToArray();
                double[,] dy = (double[, ])argsOut[1].ToArray();

                double stdX = this.CalculateStdev(dx);
                double stdY = this.CalculateStdev(dy);
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Standard deviation x: {0:0.00}, y: {1:0.00}", stdX, stdY));
                using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(this.path + "\\results.csv"))
                    for (int r = 0; r < dx.GetLength(0); r++)
                        double dxi = this.camera.Scale * dx[r, 0];
                        double dyi = this.camera.Scale * dy[r, 0];
                        file.WriteLine(dxi.ToString() + "," + dyi.ToString());
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves actuators and captures images for calibration
        /// </summary>
        public void Run()
                // Create image processing Matlab object
                var imgProccessing = new MatlabDFTRegistration.DFTRegistration();

                // Set running to true so main GUI knows that plugin has not finished
                this.Running    = true;
                this.testThread = Thread.CurrentThread;

                int      moves     = 10;
                double   moveDist  = (this.camera.Width / 2) / moves;
                double[] Positions = new double[moves + 1];
                // Snap reference image (stage centered)
                this.camera.Snap(this.path + "\\scaling-0.bmp");
                // Move stage to left end of motion
                this.xMotor.MoveRel(-moves / 2 * moveDist);
                // Repeatedly move right and snap image
                for (int i = 0; i < moves; i++)
                    this.camera.Snap(path + "\\scaling-x-" + i + ".bmp");
                    Positions[i] = moveDist * (-moves / 2 + i);
                    // Move actuator out and back
                Positions[moves] = moveDist * moves / 2;
                this.camera.Snap(path + "\\scaling-x-" + moves + ".bmp");

                // Move stage to top end of motion
                this.xMotor.MoveRel(-moves / 2 * moveDist);
                this.yMotor.MoveRel(-moves / 2 * moveDist);
                // Repeatedly move down and snap image
                for (int i = 0; i < moves; i++)
                    this.camera.Snap(path + "\\scaling-y-" + i + ".bmp");
                    // Move actuator out and back
                this.camera.Snap(path + "\\scaling-y-" + moves + ".bmp");

                // Call image processing routine to get pixel offsets of each image
                MWArray[] argsOut = imgProccessing.get_offsets(2, this.path);
                double[,] dx = (double[, ])argsOut[0].ToArray();
                double[,] dy = (double[, ])argsOut[1].ToArray();

                double[,] PixelXX = new double[moves + 1, 1];
                double[,] PixelXY = new double[moves + 1, 1];
                double[,] PixelYY = new double[moves + 1, 1];
                double[,] PixelYX = new double[moves + 1, 1];

                Array.Copy(dx, 1, PixelXX, 0, moves + 1);
                Array.Copy(dy, 1, PixelXX, 0, moves + 1);
                Array.Copy(dy, 2 + moves, PixelXX, 0, moves + 1);
                Array.Copy(dx, 2 + moves, PixelXX, 0, moves + 1);

                double scaleXX, scaleXY, scaleYY, scaleYX;
                double offsetXX, offsetXY, offsetYY, offsetYX;
                double rsqXX = CameraCalibration.FindLinearLeastSquaresFit(Positions, PixelXX, out scaleXX, out offsetXX);
                double rsqXY = CameraCalibration.FindLinearLeastSquaresFit(Positions, PixelXY, out scaleXY, out offsetXY);
                double rsqYY = CameraCalibration.FindLinearLeastSquaresFit(Positions, PixelYY, out scaleYY, out offsetYY);
                double rsqYX = CameraCalibration.FindLinearLeastSquaresFit(Positions, PixelYX, out scaleYX, out offsetYX);

                // Write results to file
                using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(this.path + "\\results.csv"))
                    file.WriteLine("\"X Position\",\"Y Position\",\"Pixel X\",\"Pixel Y\"");
                    for (int r = 0; r < moves + 1; r++)
                        double dxi = dx[r + 1, 0];
                        double dyi = dy[r + 1, 0];
                        file.WriteLine(Positions[r] + ",0," + dxi.ToString() + "," + dyi.ToString());
                    for (int r = 0; r < moves + 1; r++)
                        double dxi = dx[r + moves + 2, 0];
                        double dyi = dy[r + moves + 2, 0];
                        file.WriteLine("0," + Positions[r] + "," + dxi.ToString() + "," + dyi.ToString());

                // Display results and ask user to accept calibration
                double scale     = (scaleXX + scaleYY) / 2;
                string resultMsg = string.Format("Scale X:{0:0.00}\tCrosstalk X:{1:0.00}\n" +
                                                 "X Scale R^2:{2:0.0000}\tCrosstalk R^2:{3:0.0000}\n" +
                                                 "Scale Y:{4:0.00}, Crosstalk Y:{5:0.00}\n" +
                                                 "Y Scale R^2:{6:0.0000}\tCrosstalk R^2:{7:0.0000}",
                                                 scaleXX, scaleXY, rsqXX, rsqXY,
                                                 scaleYY, scaleYX, rsqYY, rsqYX);
                DialogResult result = MessageBox.Show(resultMsg, "Results", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                    this.camera.SetScale(this.rccm, scale);
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException e)