public void TestStartDtmf(bool passCreds) { var uuid = "63f61863-4a51-4f6b-86e1-46edebcf9356"; var expectedUri = $"{ApiUrl}/v1/calls/{uuid}/talk"; var expectedResponse = @"{ ""message"": ""DTMF sent"", ""uuid"": ""63f61863-4a51-4f6b-86e1-46edebcf9356"" }"; var expectedRequestContent = @"{""digits"":""1234""}"; var command = new DtmfCommand { Digits = "1234" }; Setup(expectedUri, expectedResponse, expectedRequestContent); var creds = Request.Credentials.FromAppIdAndPrivateKey(AppId, PrivateKey); var client = new NexmoClient(creds); CallCommandResponse response; if (passCreds) { response = client.VoiceClient.StartDtmf(uuid, command, creds); } else { response = client.VoiceClient.StartDtmf(uuid, command); } Assert.Equal("DTMF sent", response.Message); Assert.Equal(uuid, response.Uuid); }
public void Execute() { var VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID") ?? "VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID"; var VONAGE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VONAGE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH") ?? "VONAGE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH"; var UUID = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("UUID") ?? "UUID"; var DIGITS = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DIGITS") ?? "DIGITS"; var credentials = Credentials.FromAppIdAndPrivateKeyPath(VONAGE_APPLICATION_ID, VONAGE_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH); var client = new VonageClient(credentials); var command = new DtmfCommand() { Digits = DIGITS }; var response = client.VoiceClient.StartDtmf(UUID, command); Console.WriteLine($"Play dtmf complete message: {response.Message}"); }
/// <summary> /// PUT /v1/calls/{uuid}/dtmf - send Dual-tone multi-frequency(DTMF) tones to an active Call /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id of call</param> /// <param name="cmd">Command to execute against call</param> /// <param name="creds">(Optional) Overridden credentials for only this request</param> public static CallCommandResponse SendDtmf(string id, DtmfCommand cmd, Credentials creds = null) { var response = VersionedApiRequest.DoRequest("PUT", ApiRequests.GetBaseUriFor(typeof(Call), $"/v1/calls/{id}/dtmf"), cmd, creds); return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CallCommandResponse>(response.JsonResponse)); }
/// <summary> /// PUT /v1/calls/{uuid}/dtmf - send Dual-tone multi-frequency(DTMF) tones to an active Call /// </summary> /// <param name="id">id of call</param> /// <param name="cmd">Command to execute against call</param> /// <param name="creds">(Optional) Overridden credentials for only this request</param> public CallCommandResponse SendDtmf(string id, DtmfCommand cmd, Credentials creds = null) { return(SendDtmf(id, cmd, creds ?? Credentials)); }