public static bool CrtRgvCmd(object sCmdSno, object sMode, object sEqu, int sSrc, int sDes, object strPri) { int nStn = 0; MakeSql mSql = new MakeSql("EquCmd", SqlType.Insert); nStn = int.Parse(sCmdSno.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdSno", nStn.ToString("00000")); mSql.SetStrValue("EquNo", sEqu.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdMode", sMode.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdSts", "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Source", sSrc.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sDes.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("LocSize", "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Priority", strPri.ToString()); mSql.SetNumValue("RcvDT", Globals.sEquDt); if (dbConn.ExecSql(mSql.GetSql())) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static bool CrtSlvCmd(object sCmdSno, object sEqu, object sPalletNo, int sSrc, int sDes, object strPri) { int nStn = 0; MakeSql mSql = new MakeSql("Slv_Cmd", SqlType.Insert); nStn = int.Parse(sCmdSno.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("PalletNo", sPalletNo.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdSno", nStn.ToString("00000")); mSql.SetStrValue("EquNo", sEqu.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdSts", "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Fr_Stn", sSrc.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("To_Stn", sDes.ToString()); mSql.SetNumValue("CarNo", "0"); mSql.SetNumValue("CreateDate", Globals.sEquDt); if (dbConn.ExecSql(mSql.GetSql())) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void modCmdBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DataRow drCmd = null; //if (!Globals.bLogin) { MsgBox.Warning("请先到用户登录模块登录,谢谢!"); return; } if (!Globals.CtlValidate(cStnNoCtl, cTraceCtl, cPriCtl, cmbCSts)) { MsgBox.Warning(StrTables.MSG_NOT_FULL); return; } if (MsgBox.Question("是否确认执行?") == DialogResult.No) { return; } try { string sSql = string.Format("select * from Cmd_Mst where Cmd_Sno='{0}'", GCtrl.C5Sno(cmbCmdSno.Text)); if (!Globals.DB.ExecGetRow(sSql, ref drCmd) || drCmd == null) { MsgBox.Warning("查无记录!"); return; } MakeSql mSql = new MakeSql("Cmd_Mst", SqlType.Update); mSql.AddStrWhere(drCmd, "Cmd_Sno"); mSql.SetStrValue("Cmd_Sts", cmbCSts.Text.Split("-".ToCharArray())[0]); mSql.SetStrValue("Stn_No", cStnNoCtl.Text.Trim()); mSql.SetStrValue("Trace", cTraceCtl.Text.Trim()); mSql.SetStrValue("Prty", cPriCtl.Text.Trim()); sSql = mSql.GetSql(); if (Globals.DB.ExecSql(sSql)) { MsgBox.Information("操作成功!"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.WriteLog(ex); } finally { flushCmdBtn_Click(null, null); } }
public static void MoveCmd() { try { string strSql = string.Empty; DataTable dtSlv = new DataTable(); DataRow drEqu = null; #region Move EquCmd strSql = string.Format(@"select top(1) * from EquCmd where CmdSts>'1' and ReNewFlag='F' and EquNo='R1'"); if (dbConn.ExecGetRow(strSql, ref drEqu) && drEqu != null) { dbConn.BeginTran(true); MakeSql mSql = new MakeSql("EquCmdHis", SqlType.Insert); mSql.SetStrValue(drEqu, "CmdSno", "CmdSts", "CmdMode", "EquNo", "Source", "Destination", "LocSize", "Priority", "RcvDT", "ActDT", "EndDT", "CompleteCode", "CompleteIndex", "CarNo", "ReNewFlag"); mSql.SetNumValue("HISDT", Globals.sEquDt); strSql = mSql.GetSql(); if (!dbConn.ExecSql(strSql)) { throw new Exception(dbConn.ErrorInfo); } strSql = string.Format(@"delete from EquCmd where CmdSno='{0}' and EquNo='R1'", drEqu["CmdSno"]); if (!dbConn.ExecSql(strSql)) { throw new Exception(dbConn.ErrorInfo); } dbConn.CommitTran(); } # endregion } catch (Exception ex) { dbConn.RollbackTran(); Log.WriteLog(ex); } }
public static bool CrtEquCmd(object sCmdSno, object sMode, object sEqu, object sSrc, object sDes, object strPri) { MakeSql mSql = new MakeSql("EquCmd", SqlType.Insert); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdSno", sCmdSno.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("EquNo", sEqu.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdMode", sMode.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("CmdSts", "0"); string sSr = string.Empty; switch (sMode.ToString()) { case cCmdMode.In: mSql.SetStrValue("Source", sSrc.ToString()); sSr = GetCrnLoc(sDes); //sSr = sSr.Insert(2, "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sSr); break; case cCmdMode.Out: sSr = GetCrnLoc(sSrc); //sSr = sSr.Insert(2, "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Source", sSr); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sDes.ToString()); break; case cCmdMode.S2S: mSql.SetStrValue("Source", sSrc.ToString()); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sDes.ToString()); break; case cCmdMode.L2L: sSr = GetCrnLoc(sSrc); //sSr = sSr.Insert(2, "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Source", sSr); sSr = GetCrnLoc(sDes); //sSr = sSr.Insert(2, "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sSr); break; case cCmdMode.Move: mSql.SetStrValue("Source", "1"); sSr = GetCrnLoc(sDes); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sSr); break; case cCmdMode.Pick: sSr = GetCrnLoc(sSrc); //sSr = sSr.Insert(2, "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Source", sSr); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", "1"); break; case cCmdMode.Put: mSql.SetStrValue("Source", "1"); sSr = GetCrnLoc(sDes); //sSr = sSr.Insert(2, "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Destination", sSr); break; default: return(false); } mSql.SetStrValue("LocSize", "0"); mSql.SetStrValue("Priority", strPri.ToString()); mSql.SetNumValue("RcvDT", Globals.sEquDt); if (dbConn.ExecSql(mSql.GetSql())) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }