Пример #1
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider activator)
        madOberonScript = madOberonTrigger.GetComponent <MadOberonText>();

        if ((madOberonScript.madOberon))
            destroyHamlet = true;
            uiText.text   = "Oberon says this guy Hamlet is supposed to fall in love with Ophelia, not Horatio. Really? " +
                            "Is he sure? Okay fine. Let's go reunite them. \n\nYou undo the love spell and pick up Hamlet while you're passing through.";
            unitedHamAndHor = true;
            uiText.text     = "You see a man who looks a little glum. His friend is trying to cheer him up and " +
                              "is talking about some ghost or something. It doesn't seem to be making the sad man any more " +
                              "cheerful. You know the cure for that! You and your flower make quick work of these two, and " +
                              "now they're very much in love!\n\nYou're awesome at this.";
Пример #2
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider activator)
        madOberonScript = madOberonTrigger.GetComponent <MadOberonText>();

        if ((madOberonScript.madOberon))
            destroyRomeo = true;
            uiText.text  = "So this Romeo guy apparently isn't supposed to actually fall in love with " +
                           "Rosaline? He seemed to be pretty in love with her. Well better undo that whole love " +
                           "flower thing. \n\nCome on lover-boy, let's take you to the person you're supposed to be in love " +
            unitedRomAndRos = true;
            uiText.text     = "You see a man and a woman who look like they could use a little luck " +
                              "romantically. A little drop from your flower gives them the push they need to fall madly " +
                              "in love.\n\nHow adorable.";
Пример #3
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider activator)
        romeoAndRosalineScript = romeoAndRosalineTrigger.GetComponent <RomeoAndRosalineText>();

        hamletAndHoratioScript = hamletAndHoratioTrigger.GetComponent <HamletAndHoratioText>();

        madOberonScript = madOberonTrigger.GetComponent <MadOberonText>();

        if ((romeoAndRosalineScript.unitedRomAndRos) && (hamletAndHoratioScript.unitedHamAndHor) && (!(madOberonScript.madOberon)))
            firstHomeWallDown = true;
            uiText.text       = "Now that you've sufficiently saved those humans the trouble of this whole falling in love business, you're ready to go back home.";
        else if (!(madOberonScript.madOberon))
            firstHomeWallDown = false;
            uiText.text       = "This is the path that will lead back to your home, but do you really want to leave just yet? " +
                                "You've still got this magic flower, and there's so much fun to be had with it! " +
                                "There's probably loads of humans out there who could use your help!";