Пример #1
 private void ItemTapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
     if (sender is Grid)
         Grid g  = (Grid)sender;
         int  id = (int)g.Tag;
         Item i  = MHDatabaseHelper.GetItemSync(id);
         if (i.type.Equals("Weapon"))
             Frame.Navigate(typeof(WeaponDetailsPage), i._id);
         else if (i.type.Equals("Armor"))
             Frame.Navigate(typeof(ArmorDetailsPage), i._id);
         else if (i.type.Equals("Decoration"))
             Frame.Navigate(typeof(DecorationDetailsPage), i._id);
             Frame.Navigate(typeof(ItemDetailsPage), i._id);
Пример #2
 async void LoadData()
     if (CaravanQuests == null)
         CaravanQuests = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllQuestsForHub("Caravan"))
                          group item by item.stars into questGroup
                          select new QuestHubGroup(questGroup)
             Stars = questGroup.Key
     if (GuildQuests == null)
         GuildQuests = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllQuestsForHub("Guild"))
                        group item by item.stars into questGroup
                        select new QuestHubGroup(questGroup)
             Stars = questGroup.Key
     if (EventQuests == null)
         EventQuests = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllQuestsForHub("Event"))
                        group item by item.stars into questGroup
                        select new QuestHubGroup(questGroup)
             Stars = questGroup.Key
 async void LoadData()
     if (SkillTrees == null)
         SkillTrees = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllSkillTrees();
Пример #4
 async void LoadData()
     if (Combinations == null)
         Combinations = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllCombinations();
 async void LoadData()
     if (AllItems == null)
         AllItems = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllItems();
 public async void LoadData()
     if (Trades == null)
         Trades = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetWyporiumTrades();
        async void LoadData(int id)
            if (Weapon == null)
                Weapon = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetWeapon(id);
            if (Melodies == null && Weapon.wtype.Equals("Hunting Horn"))
                Melodies = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetHornMelodies(Weapon.horn_notes);
            if (Components == null)
                Components = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetComponentsForItem(id);
            if (WeaponFamily == null)
                List <Weapon> w        = MHDatabaseHelper.GetWeaponParents(id);
                List <Weapon> upgrades = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetWeaponChildren(id);

                foreach (Weapon wep in upgrades)
                    wep.final = 1;
                if (upgrades.Count == 0)
                    w[w.Count - 1].final = 1;
                WeaponFamily = w;
 async void LoadData()
     if (Skills == null)
         Skills = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetFelyneSkills();
 async void LoadData()
     //Crazy LINQ queries to setup grouping
     if (BladeArmorGroups == null)
         BladeArmorGroups = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForHunterType("Blade"))
                             group item by item.slot into armorGroup
                             select new ArmorTypeGroup(armorGroup)
             Slot = armorGroup.Key
     if (GunnerArmorGroups == null)
         GunnerArmorGroups = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForHunterType("Gunner"))
                              group item by item.slot into armorGroup
                              select new ArmorTypeGroup(armorGroup)
             Slot = armorGroup.Key
     if (BothArmorGroups == null)
         BothArmorGroups = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForHunterType("Both"))
                            group item by item.slot into armorGroup
                            select new ArmorTypeGroup(armorGroup)
             Slot = armorGroup.Key
 async void LoadData()
     if (Monsters == null)
         Monsters = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllLargeMonsters();
     if (SmallMonsters == null)
         SmallMonsters = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetAllSmallMonsters();
Пример #11
        async void LoadData(int id)
            if (Monster == null)
                Monster = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetMonster(id);
            if (Damages == null)
                Damages = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetMonsterDamageForMonster(id);
            if (Statuses == null)
                Statuses = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetMonsterStatusForMonster(id);

            if (Habitats == null)
                Habitats = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetHabitatForMonster(id);

            //Crazy LINQ queries that get the hunting rewards grouped by condition.
            if (LowHuntingRewardGroup == null)
                LowHuntingRewardGroup = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetHuntingRewardsForMonsterRank(id, "LR"))
                                         group item by item.condition into huntGroup
                                         select new HuntingRewardGroup(huntGroup)
                    Condition = huntGroup.Key
            if (HighHuntingRewardGroup == null)
                HighHuntingRewardGroup = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetHuntingRewardsForMonsterRank(id, "HR"))
                                          group item by item.condition into huntGroup
                                          select new HuntingRewardGroup(huntGroup)
                    Condition = huntGroup.Key
            if (GHuntingRewardGroup == null)
                GHuntingRewardGroup = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetHuntingRewardsForMonsterRank(id, "G"))
                                       group item by item.condition into huntGroup
                                       select new HuntingRewardGroup(huntGroup)
                    Condition = huntGroup.Key

            if (Quests == null)
                Quests = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetQuestsForMonster(id);
Пример #12
 async void LoadData(int id)
     if (Armor == null)
         Armor = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmor(id);
     if (Components == null)
         Components = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetComponentsForItem(id);
     if (Skills == null)
         Skills = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetSkillTreesForItem(id);
 async void LoadData(int id)
     if (Decoration == null)
         Decoration = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetDecoration(id);
     if (Components == null)
         Components = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetComponentsForItem(id);
     if (Skills == null)
         Skills = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetSkillTreesForItem(id);
 async void LoadData(int id)
     if (Quest == null)
         Quest = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetQuest(id);
     if (Monsters == null)
         Monsters = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetMonstersForQuest(id);
     if (Rewards == null)
         Rewards = (from item in (await MHDatabaseHelper.GetQuestRewardsForQuest(id))
                    group item by item.reward_slot into rewardGroup
                    select new RewardGroup(rewardGroup)
             Slot = rewardGroup.Key
        private void textName_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
            TextBlock tb = (TextBlock)e.OriginalSource;
            int       id = (int)tb.Tag;
            Item      i  = MHDatabaseHelper.GetItemSync(id);

            if (i.type.Equals("Weapon"))
                Frame.Navigate(typeof(WeaponDetailsPage), i._id);
            else if (i.type.Equals("Armor"))
                Frame.Navigate(typeof(ArmorDetailsPage), i._id);
            else if (i.type.Equals("Decoration"))
                Frame.Navigate(typeof(DecorationDetailsPage), i._id);
                Frame.Navigate(typeof(ItemDetailsPage), i._id);
 public async void LoadData(long id)
     if (Item == null)
         Item = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetItem(id);
     if (Components == null)
         Components = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetComponentsForComponent(id);
     if (Monsters == null)
         Monsters = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetHuntingRewardsForItem(id);
     if (Gathering == null)
         Gathering = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetGatheringRewardsForItem(id);
     if (Quests == null)
         Quests = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetQuestRewardsForItem(id);
        async void LoadData(int id)
            if (Skills == null)
                Skills = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetSkillsForSkillTree(id);
            if (SkillTree == null)
                SkillTree = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetSkillTree(id);

            //TODO:Probably can make this better
            if (HeadArmor == null)
                HeadArmor = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForSkillTree(id, "Head");
            if (BodyArmor == null)
                BodyArmor = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForSkillTree(id, "Body");
            if (ArmsArmor == null)
                ArmsArmor = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForSkillTree(id, "Arms");
            if (WaistArmor == null)
                WaistArmor = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForSkillTree(id, "Waist");
            if (LegsArmor == null)
                LegsArmor = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetArmorForSkillTree(id, "Legs");
            if (Decorations == null)
                Decorations = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetDecorationsForSkillTree(id);
        public async void LoadData()
            var weapons = await MHDatabaseHelper.GetWeaponsByType(WeaponType);

            WeaponTree = WeaponTreeEntry.GenerateTree(weapons);