public void CmdSetClientsRandomValues() { LocalRandom rand = FindObjectOfType <LocalRandom>(); float[] arr = rand.GetRandomValues(); RpcSetClientsRandomValues(arr); }
public override float NextSingle() { float result = LocalRandom.NextSingle(); AssertInRange(result); return(result); }
public override int Next() { int result = LocalRandom.Next(); AssertInRange(result, 0, int.MaxValue); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Override to the string method to display the citation in a pretty mannor. /// </summary> /// <returns>Stylized string of the citation.</returns> public override string ToString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("====================================== Citation " + LocalRandom.GetRandomNumber(0, 10000).ToString() + " =======================================\r\n"); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendFormat("Officer: {0} {1} {2} ({3})\r\n", OfficerRank, OfficerFirstName, OfficerLastName, OfficerBadgeId.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("============================================================================================\r\n"); sb.AppendFormat("Driver: {0} {1}\r\n", DriverFirstName, DriverLastName); sb.AppendFormat("DOB: {0}\r\n", DriverDateOfBirth.ToShortDateString()); sb.AppendFormat("Address: {0}\r\n", DriverAddressOne); if (DriverAddressTwo != String.Empty) { sb.AppendLine(DriverAddressTwo + "\r\n"); } sb.AppendFormat("City: {0}\tState: {1}\tZip: {2}\r\n", DriverCity, DriverState, DriverZip); sb.AppendLine("============================================================================================="); sb.AppendFormat("Violation Type: {0}\r\n", Enum.GetName(typeof(CitationType), CurrentCitationType)); sb.AppendFormat("Reason For Stop: {0}\r\n", Enum.GetName(typeof(ViolationReason), CurrentViolationReason)); sb.AppendFormat("Disposition: {0}\r\n", Enum.GetName(typeof(CitationType), CurrentCitationType)); sb.AppendFormat("Notes: {0}\r\n", OfficerComments); return(sb.ToString()); }
public override long NextInt64() { long result = LocalRandom.NextInt64(); AssertInRange(result, 0, long.MaxValue); return(result); }
public override double NextDouble() { double result = LocalRandom.NextDouble(); AssertInRange(result); return(result); }
public Unit(string name, string description, int price, Grade mgrade) : base(name, description, price) { gender = LocalRandom.RandomNumber(0, 100) < 70 ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female; race = LocalRandom.RandomNumber(0, 100) < 95 ? Race.Human : Race.Elf; grade = mgrade; unitName = GenerateName(); weapon = EquipementList.handgun; }
public override int Next(int minValue, int maxValue) { if (minValue > maxValue) { ThrowMinMaxValueSwapped(); } return(LocalRandom.Next(minValue, maxValue)); }
public override int Next(int maxValue) { if (maxValue < 0) { ThrowMaxValueMustBeNonNegative(); } return(LocalRandom.Next(maxValue)); }
public void Init(LocalRandom random, int startYear, int numYears) { this.startYear = startYear; values = new double[numYears + 1]; for (var i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i) { values[i] = Sample(random); } }
public override long NextInt64(long maxValue) { if (maxValue < 0) { ThrowMaxValueMustBeNonNegative(); } return(LocalRandom.NextInt64(maxValue)); }
public override long NextInt64(long minValue, long maxValue) { if (minValue > maxValue) { ThrowMinMaxValueSwapped(); } return(LocalRandom.NextInt64(minValue, maxValue)); }
public override void NextBytes(byte[] buffer) { if (buffer is null) { ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument.buffer); } LocalRandom.NextBytes(buffer); }
private string GenerateName() { StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = LocalRandom.RandomNumber(2, 4); i >= 0; i--) { str.Append(syllabes[LocalRandom.RandomNumber(0, syllabes.Length)]); } return(str.ToString()); }
public static double SampleSeries(int startYear, int endYear, LocalRandom random, double[] series) { if (startYear < 1928 || 2016 < startYear || endYear < 1928 || 2016 < endYear || endYear < startYear) { throw new ArgumentException("Start year and end year must be in 1928-2016"); } var len = endYear - startYear + 1; var index = random.Next(len) + (startYear - 1928); return(series[index] / 100.0); }
public override long NextInt64(long minValue, long maxValue) { if (minValue > maxValue) { ThrowMinMaxValueSwapped(); } long result = LocalRandom.NextInt64(minValue, maxValue); AssertInRange(result, minValue, maxValue); return(result); }
public override long NextInt64(long maxValue) { if (maxValue < 0) { ThrowMaxValueMustBeNonNegative(); } long result = LocalRandom.NextInt64(maxValue); AssertInRange(result, 0, maxValue); return(result); }
public override int Next(int minValue, int maxValue) { if (minValue > maxValue) { ThrowMinMaxValueSwapped(); } int result = LocalRandom.Next(minValue, maxValue); AssertInRange(result, minValue, maxValue); return(result); }
public override int Next(int maxValue) { if (maxValue < 0) { ThrowMaxValueMustBeNonNegative(); } int result = LocalRandom.Next(maxValue); AssertInRange(result, 0, maxValue); return(result); }
private void Awake() { if (Instance != null) { Debug.LogError("Error: More than one localRandom in scene!"); return; } Instance = this; UnityEngine.Random.InitState(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); randomValues = new float[randomLength]; }
double Sample(LocalRandom random) { // NOTE: don't use an interface and OO to select, makes JSON serialization a big mess switch (RateDistribution) { case RateDistribution.NormalDistribution: return(NormalDistribution.Sample(random, Parameters[0], Parameters[1])); case RateDistribution.LaplaceDistribution: return(LaplaceDistribution.Sample(random, Parameters[0], Parameters[1])); case RateDistribution.InflationModel: return(InflationModel.Sample(random)); case RateDistribution.StockModel: return(StockModel.Sample(random)); default: throw new NotImplementedException("Unknown RateType in Rate.Sample"); } }
/// <summary> /// Logic used for determining the ticket a driver will recieve. /// </summary> /// <param name="driver">Driver the officer has just pulled over.</param> /// <returns>The citation the driver recieved.</returns> public Citation PullOver(string officerRank, string officerFirstName, string officerLastName, int officerBadgeId, string officerNegativeComment, string officerPositiveComment, string driverFirstName, string driverLastName, string driverAddressOne, string driverAddressTwo, string driverCity, string driverState, string driverZipCode, DateTime driverDateOfBirth, bool driverIsImpaired) { var driversSpeed = LocalRandom.GetRandomNumber(25, 95); var currentSpeedLimit = LocalRandom.GetRandomNumber(25, 75); var officersMood = LocalRandom.GetRandomNumber(1, 10); var reasonNumber = LocalRandom.GetRandomNumber(1, 4); var reason = (ViolationReason)reasonNumber; Citation newCitation = new Citation() { OfficerRank = officerRank, OfficerFirstName = officerFirstName, OfficerLastName = officerLastName, OfficerBadgeId = officerBadgeId, OfficerComments = string.Empty, DriverFirstName = driverFirstName, DriverLastName = driverLastName, DriverAddressOne = driverAddressOne, DriverAddressTwo = driverAddressTwo, DriverCity = driverCity, DriverDateOfBirth = driverDateOfBirth, DriverState = driverState, DriverZip = driverZipCode, CurrentViolationReason = reason, }; CitationType currentCitationType = CitationType.Warning; ViolationType currentViolationType = ViolationType.Moving; var speeding = ViolationReason.Speeding; // Habit since linq does not like using in queries. var impariment = ViolationReason.SuspicionOfImpairment; // Handle speeding. if (newCitation.CurrentViolationReason == speeding) { var speedDifference = driversSpeed - currentSpeedLimit; newCitation.OfficerComments += string.Format("\r\n SpeedLimit: {0} Driver Speed: {1} Speed: {2}\r\n" , currentSpeedLimit, driversSpeed, speedDifference < 0 ? Math.Abs(speedDifference) + " under" : speedDifference + " over"); // Cut a break if needed. string comment = string.Empty; speedDifference = speedDifference = CheckBirthdaySpeed.GetSpeed(currentSpeedLimit, driversSpeed, driverDateOfBirth, out comment); newCitation.OfficerComments += comment; if (speedDifference > 0) { if (speedDifference >= 5 && speedDifference <= 10) { currentCitationType = CitationType.SmallTicket; } else if (speedDifference >= 11 && speedDifference <= 15) { currentCitationType = CitationType.MediumTicket; } else if (speedDifference >= 16) { currentCitationType = CitationType.BigTicket; } } else { currentCitationType = CitationType.Warning; currentViolationType = ViolationType.Moving; } } else if (newCitation.CurrentViolationReason == impariment) { if (driverIsImpaired) { currentCitationType = CitationType.Ticket; currentViolationType = ViolationType.Moving; newCitation.OfficerComments += "Driver was visibly impaired. \r\n"; } else { currentCitationType = CitationType.Warning; currentViolationType = ViolationType.Moving; newCitation.OfficerComments += "Driver was not visibly impaired. \r\n"; } } else { // Other infractions are random chance. if (officersMood >= 5) { currentCitationType = CitationType.Ticket; } else { currentCitationType = CitationType.Warning; } if (reasonNumber <= 2) { currentViolationType = ViolationType.Moving; } else { currentViolationType = ViolationType.NonMoving; } } newCitation.CurrentCitationType = currentCitationType; newCitation.CurrentViolationType = currentViolationType; if (currentCitationType == CitationType.Warning) { newCitation.OfficerComments += officerPositiveComment; } else { newCitation.OfficerComments += officerNegativeComment; } return(newCitation); }
public static double Sample(LocalRandom random) { var len = annualInflation1957To2016.Length; return(annualInflation1957To2016[random.Next(len)] / 100.0); }
public override int Next() => LocalRandom.Next();
public override long NextInt64() => LocalRandom.NextInt64();
public override float NextSingle() => LocalRandom.NextSingle();
public override double NextDouble() => LocalRandom.NextDouble();
public override void NextBytes(Span <byte> buffer) => LocalRandom.NextBytes(buffer);
public static double Sample(LocalRandom random) { return(InvestmentTables.SampleSeries(1928, 2016, random, InvestmentTables.sp500Returns1928To2016)); }