public async Task Table_Exists()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "SalesLT.Product", "SalesLT.ProductCategory" });

            var table   = new SyncTable("Product", "SalesLT");
            var colID   = new SyncColumn("ID", typeof(Guid));
            var colName = new SyncColumn("Name", typeof(string));

            table.Columns.Add("Number", typeof(int));

            var schema = new SyncSet();


            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var scopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

            scopeInfo.Setup  = setup;
            scopeInfo.Schema = schema;
            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(scopeInfo);

            await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(scopeInfo, "Product", "SalesLT");

            var exists = await localOrchestrator.ExistTableAsync(scopeInfo, table.TableName, table.SchemaName).ConfigureAwait(false);


            exists = await localOrchestrator.ExistTableAsync(scopeInfo, "ProductCategory", "SalesLT").ConfigureAwait(false);


            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
        public virtual async Task Scenario_Adding_OneColumn_OneTable_With_TwoScopes()
            // create a server schema with seeding
            await this.EnsureDatabaseSchemaAndSeedAsync(this.Server, true, UseFallbackSchema);

            // create empty client databases
            foreach (var client in this.Clients)
                await this.CreateDatabaseAsync(client.ProviderType, client.DatabaseName, true);

            var productCategoryTableName = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT.ProductCategory" : "ProductCategory";
            var productTableName         = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT.Product" : "Product";

            // --------------------------
            // Step 1: Create a default scope and Sync clients
            // Note we are not including the [Attribute With Space] column
            var setup = new SyncSetup(new string[] { productCategoryTableName });

                new string[] { "ProductCategoryId", "Name", "rowguid", "ModifiedDate" });

            // configure server orchestrator
            this.Kestrell.AddSyncServer(this.Server.Provider.GetType(), this.Server.Provider.ConnectionString, SyncOptions.DefaultScopeName, setup);

            var serviceUri = this.Kestrell.Run();

            int productCategoryRowsCount = 0;

            using (var readCtx = new AdventureWorksContext(Server, this.UseFallbackSchema))
                productCategoryRowsCount = readCtx.ProductCategory.AsNoTracking().Count();

            // First sync to initialiaze client database, create table and fill product categories
            foreach (var client in this.Clients)
                var webServerProxyOrchestrator = new WebRemoteOrchestrator(serviceUri);

                var agent = new SyncAgent(client.Provider, webServerProxyOrchestrator);

                var r = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                Assert.Equal(productCategoryRowsCount, r.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            await this.Kestrell.StopAsync();

            // On server side, playing around with a direct RemoteOrchestrator
            var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(Server.Provider);

            // Adding a new scope on the server with this new column and a new table
            // Creating a new scope called "V1" on server
            var setupV1 = new SyncSetup(new string[] { productCategoryTableName, productTableName });

                new string[] { "ProductCategoryId", "Name", "rowguid", "ModifiedDate", "Attribute With Space" });

            var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync("v1", setupV1);

            // Create a server new ProductCategory with the new column value filled
            // and a Product related
            var productId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productName         = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();
            var productNumber       = productName.ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 10);
            var productCategoryName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();
            var productCategoryId   = productCategoryName.ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 6);

            var newAttributeWithSpaceValue = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();

            using (var ctx = new AdventureWorksContext(Server, this.UseFallbackSchema))
                var pc = new ProductCategory
                    ProductCategoryId = productCategoryId,
                    Name = productCategoryName,
                    AttributeWithSpace = newAttributeWithSpaceValue

                var product = new Product {
                    ProductId = productId, Name = productName, ProductNumber = productNumber, ProductCategoryId = productCategoryId

                await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();

            // configure server orchestrator
            this.Kestrell.AddSyncServer(this.Server.Provider.GetType(), this.Server.Provider.ConnectionString, SyncOptions.DefaultScopeName, setup);
            this.Kestrell.AddSyncServer(this.Server.Provider.GetType(), this.Server.Provider.ConnectionString, SyncOptions.DefaultScopeName, setupV1);

            serviceUri = this.Kestrell.Run();

            foreach (var client in this.Clients)
                var commandText = client.ProviderType switch
                    ProviderType.Sql => $@"ALTER TABLE {productCategoryTableName} ADD [Attribute With Space] nvarchar(250) NULL;",
                    ProviderType.Sqlite => @"ALTER TABLE ProductCategory ADD [Attribute With Space] text NULL;",
                    ProviderType.MySql => @"ALTER TABLE `ProductCategory` ADD `Attribute With Space` nvarchar(250) NULL;",
                    ProviderType.MariaDB => @"ALTER TABLE `ProductCategory` ADD `Attribute With Space` nvarchar(250) NULL;",
                    _ => throw new NotImplementedException()

                var connection = client.Provider.CreateConnection();


                var command = connection.CreateCommand();
                command.CommandText = commandText;
                command.Connection  = connection;
                await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


                // Get scope from server (v1 because it contains the new table schema)
                var webServerProxyOrchestrator = new WebRemoteOrchestrator(serviceUri);
                serverScope = await webServerProxyOrchestrator.GetServerScopeInfoAsync("v1");

                // Creating a new table is quite easier since DMS can do it for us
                var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(client.Provider);

                if (this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql)
                    await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(serverScope, "Product", "SalesLT");
                    await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(serverScope, "Product");

                // Once created we can provision the new scope, thanks to the serverScope instance we already have
                var clientScopeV1 = await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(serverScope);

                // IF we launch synchronize on this new scope, it will get all the rows from the server
                // We are making a shadow copy of previous scope to get the last synchronization metadata
                var oldClientScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

                await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(clientScopeV1);

                // We are ready to sync this new scope !
                var agent = new SyncAgent(client.Provider, Server.Provider);
                var r     = await agent.SynchronizeAsync("v1");

                Assert.Equal(2, r.TotalChangesDownloaded);
        public virtual async Task Scenario_Adding_OneColumn_OneTable_With_TwoScopes_OneClient_Still_OnOldScope_OneClient_OnNewScope()
            // create a server schema with seeding
            await this.EnsureDatabaseSchemaAndSeedAsync(this.Server, true, UseFallbackSchema);

            // create 2 client databases
            // First one will update to new scope
            // Second one will stay on last scope
            // For this purpose, using two sqlite databases

            var client1DatabaseName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();
            var client2DatabaseName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();

            // Create the two databases
            await this.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sqlite, client1DatabaseName, true);

            await this.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sqlite, client2DatabaseName, true);

            var client1provider = new SqliteSyncProvider(HelperDatabase.GetSqliteFilePath(client1DatabaseName));
            var client2provider = new SqliteSyncProvider(HelperDatabase.GetSqliteFilePath(client2DatabaseName));

            // --------------------------
            // Step 1: Create a default scope and Sync clients
            // Note we are not including the [Attribute With Space] column
            var productCategoryTableName = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT.ProductCategory" : "ProductCategory";
            var productTableName         = this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql ? "SalesLT.Product" : "Product";

            var setup = new SyncSetup(new string[] { productCategoryTableName });

                new string[] { "ProductCategoryId", "Name", "rowguid", "ModifiedDate" });

            // Counting product categories & products
            int productCategoryRowsCount = 0;
            int productsCount            = 0;

            using (var readCtx = new AdventureWorksContext(Server, this.UseFallbackSchema))
                productCategoryRowsCount = readCtx.ProductCategory.AsNoTracking().Count();
                productsCount            = readCtx.Product.AsNoTracking().Count();

            var agent1 = new SyncAgent(client1provider, Server.Provider);
            var r1     = await agent1.SynchronizeAsync(setup);

            Assert.Equal(productCategoryRowsCount, r1.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            var agent2 = new SyncAgent(client2provider, Server.Provider);
            var r2     = await agent2.SynchronizeAsync(setup);

            Assert.Equal(productCategoryRowsCount, r2.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            // From now, the client 1 will upgrade to new scope
            // the client 2 will remain on old scope

            // Adding a new scope
            var remoteOrchestrator = agent1.RemoteOrchestrator; // agent2.RemoteOrchestrator is the same, btw

            // Adding a new scope on the server with this new column and a new table
            // Creating a new scope called "V1" on server
            var setupV1 = new SyncSetup(new string[] { productCategoryTableName, productTableName });

                new string[] { "ProductCategoryId", "Name", "rowguid", "ModifiedDate", "Attribute With Space" });

            var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync("v1", setupV1);

            // Create a server new ProductCategory with the new column value filled
            // and a Product related
            var productId           = Guid.NewGuid();
            var productName         = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();
            var productNumber       = productName.ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 10);
            var productCategoryName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();
            var productCategoryId   = productCategoryName.ToUpperInvariant().Substring(0, 6);

            var newAttributeWithSpaceValue = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName();

            using (var ctx = new AdventureWorksContext(Server, this.UseFallbackSchema))
                var pc = new ProductCategory
                    ProductCategoryId = productCategoryId,
                    Name = productCategoryName,
                    AttributeWithSpace = newAttributeWithSpaceValue

                var product = new Product {
                    ProductId = productId, Name = productName, ProductNumber = productNumber, ProductCategoryId = productCategoryId

                await ctx.SaveChangesAsync();

            // Add this new column on the client 1, with default value as null
            var connection = client1provider.CreateConnection();

            var command = connection.CreateCommand();

            command.CommandText = @"ALTER TABLE ProductCategory ADD [Attribute With Space] text NULL;";
            command.Connection  = connection;
            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


            // Creating a new table is quite easier since DMS can do it for us
            // Get scope from server (v1 because it contains the new table schema)
            // we already have it, but you cand call GetServerScopInfoAsync("v1") if needed
            // var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.GetServerScopeInfoAsync("v1");

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(client1provider);

            if (this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql)
                await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(serverScope, "Product", "SalesLT");
                await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(serverScope, "Product");
            // Once created we can provision the new scope, thanks to the serverScope instance we already have
            var clientScopeV1 = await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(serverScope);

            // IF we launch synchronize on this new scope, it will get all the rows from the server
            // We are making a shadow copy of previous scope to get the last synchronization metadata
            var oldClientScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(clientScopeV1);

            // We are ready to sync this new scope !
            // we still can use the old agent, since it's already configured with correct providers
            // just be sure to set the correct scope
            r1 = await agent1.SynchronizeAsync("v1");

            Assert.Equal(2, r1.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            // make a sync on old scope for client 2
            r2 = await agent2.SynchronizeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(1, r2.TotalChangesDownloaded);

            // now check values on each client
            using (var ctx1 = new AdventureWorksContext((client1DatabaseName, ProviderType.Sqlite, client1provider), false))
                var producCategory1 = ctx1.ProductCategory.First(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == productCategoryId);
                Assert.Equal(newAttributeWithSpaceValue, producCategory1.AttributeWithSpace);
            using (var ctx2 = new AdventureWorksContext((client2DatabaseName, ProviderType.Sqlite, client2provider), false))
                var exc = Assert.ThrowsAny <Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException>(() => ctx2.ProductCategory.First(pc => pc.ProductCategoryId == productCategoryId));
                Assert.Contains("no such column", exc.Message);

            // Assuming we want to migrate the client 2 now
            var serverScope2 = await agent2.RemoteOrchestrator.GetServerScopeInfoAsync();

            // Create the new table locally
            if (this.Server.ProviderType == ProviderType.Sql)
                await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(serverScope, "Product", "SalesLT");
                await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(serverScope, "Product");

            // Add this new column on the client 1, with default value as null
            connection = client2provider.CreateConnection();
            command             = connection.CreateCommand();
            command.CommandText = @"ALTER TABLE ProductCategory ADD [Attribute With Space] text NULL;";
            command.Connection  = connection;
            await command.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();


            // Don't bother to ShadowCopy metadata, since we are doing a reinit
            // Just Provision
            var clientScope2 = await agent2.LocalOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(serverScope2);

            // Sync
            r2 = await agent2.SynchronizeAsync("v1", SyncType.Reinitialize);

            using (var readCtx = new AdventureWorksContext(Server, this.UseFallbackSchema))
                productCategoryRowsCount = readCtx.ProductCategory.AsNoTracking().Count();
                productsCount            = readCtx.Product.AsNoTracking().Count();

            Assert.Equal((productCategoryRowsCount + productsCount), r2.TotalChangesDownloaded);
Пример #4
        public async Task LocalOrchestrator_Scope()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);
            var ctx         = new AdventureWorksContext((dbName, ProviderType.Sql, sqlProvider), true, false);
            await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var scopeName = "scope";

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(this.Tables);

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var scopeTableCreating = 0;
            var scopeTableCreated  = 0;
            var scopeLoading       = 0;
            var scopeLoaded        = 0;
            var scopeSaving        = 0;
            var scopeSaved         = 0;

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeSaving(ssa =>

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeSaved(ssa => scopeSaved++);

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeTableCreating(stca =>

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeTableCreated(stca =>

            localOrchestrator.OnClientScopeInfoLoading(args =>
                Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoading, args.Context.SyncStage);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.Context.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(ConnectionState.Open, args.Connection.State);

            localOrchestrator.OnClientScopeInfoLoaded(args =>
                Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoading, args.Context.SyncStage);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.Context.ScopeName);

            var localScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync(scopeName);

            Assert.Equal(1, scopeTableCreating);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeTableCreated);
            Assert.Equal(2, scopeLoading);
            Assert.Equal(2, scopeLoaded);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaving);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaved);

            scopeTableCreating = 0;
            scopeTableCreated  = 0;
            scopeLoading       = 0;
            scopeLoaded        = 0;
            scopeSaving        = 0;
            scopeSaved         = 0;

            localScopeInfo.Version = "2.0";

            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(localScopeInfo);

            Assert.Equal(0, scopeTableCreating);
            Assert.Equal(0, scopeTableCreated);
            Assert.Equal(0, scopeLoading);
            Assert.Equal(0, scopeLoaded);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaving);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaved);

            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
        public async Task Table_Drop_One_Cancel()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "SalesLT.Product" });

            // Overwrite existing table with this new one
            var table   = new SyncTable("Product", "SalesLT");
            var colID   = new SyncColumn("ID", typeof(Guid));
            var colName = new SyncColumn("Name", typeof(string));

            table.Columns.Add("Number", typeof(int));
            var schema = new SyncSet();


            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var scopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

            scopeInfo.Setup  = setup;
            scopeInfo.Schema = schema;
            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(scopeInfo);

            // Call create a first time to have an existing table
            var isCreated = await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(scopeInfo, table.TableName, table.SchemaName);


            // Ensuring we have a clean new instance
            localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var onCreating = false;
            var onCreated  = false;
            var onDropping = false;
            var onDropped  = false;

            localOrchestrator.OnTableCreating(ttca => onCreating = true);
            localOrchestrator.OnTableCreated(ttca => onCreated   = true);
            localOrchestrator.OnTableDropped(ttca => onDropped   = true);

            localOrchestrator.OnTableDropping(ttca =>
                ttca.Cancel = true;
                onDropping  = true;

            var isDropped = await localOrchestrator.DropTableAsync(scopeInfo, table.TableName, table.SchemaName);



            using (var c = new SqlConnection(cs))
                await c.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                var stable = await SqlManagementUtils.GetTableAsync(c, null, "Product", "SalesLT").ConfigureAwait(false);


            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
        public async Task Table_Create_One()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "SalesLT.Product" });

            var table   = new SyncTable("Product", "SalesLT");
            var colID   = new SyncColumn("ID", typeof(Guid));
            var colName = new SyncColumn("Name", typeof(string));

            table.Columns.Add("Number", typeof(int));

            var schema = new SyncSet();


            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var scopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

            scopeInfo.Setup  = setup;
            scopeInfo.Schema = schema;
            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(scopeInfo);

            var onCreating = false;
            var onCreated  = false;

            localOrchestrator.OnTableCreating(ttca =>
                var addingID              = Environment.NewLine + $"ALTER TABLE {ttca.TableName.Schema().Quoted()} ADD internal_id int identity(1,1)";
                ttca.Command.CommandText += addingID;
                onCreating = true;

            localOrchestrator.OnTableCreated(ttca =>
                onCreated = true;

            var isCreated = await localOrchestrator.CreateTableAsync(scopeInfo, table.TableName, table.SchemaName);


            // Check we have a new column in tracking table
            using (var c = new SqlConnection(cs))
                await c.OpenAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                var cols = await SqlManagementUtils.GetColumnsForTableAsync(c, null, "Product", "SalesLT").ConfigureAwait(false);

                Assert.Equal(4, cols.Rows.Count);
                Assert.NotNull(cols.Rows.FirstOrDefault(r => r["name"].ToString() == "internal_id"));

            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
        public async Task Table_Create_All()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);

            var ctx = new AdventureWorksContext((dbName, ProviderType.Sql, sqlProvider), true, false);
            await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "SalesLT.ProductCategory", "SalesLT.ProductModel", "SalesLT.Product", "Posts" });

            var localOrchestrator  = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);
            var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.GetServerScopeInfoAsync(setup);

            // new empty db
            dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);

            localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options);

            var onCreating = 0;
            var onCreated  = 0;
            var onDropping = 0;
            var onDropped  = 0;

            localOrchestrator.OnTableCreating(ttca => onCreating++);
            localOrchestrator.OnTableCreated(ttca => onCreated++);
            localOrchestrator.OnTableDropping(ttca => onDropping++);
            localOrchestrator.OnTableDropped(ttca => onDropped++);

            var scopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeInfoAsync();

            scopeInfo.Setup  = serverScope.Setup;
            scopeInfo.Schema = serverScope.Schema;
            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeInfoAsync(scopeInfo);

            await localOrchestrator.CreateTablesAsync(scopeInfo);

            Assert.Equal(4, onCreating);
            Assert.Equal(4, onCreated);
            Assert.Equal(0, onDropping);
            Assert.Equal(0, onDropped);

            onCreating = 0;
            onCreated  = 0;
            onDropping = 0;
            onDropped  = 0;

            await localOrchestrator.CreateTablesAsync(scopeInfo);

            Assert.Equal(0, onCreating);
            Assert.Equal(0, onCreated);
            Assert.Equal(0, onDropping);
            Assert.Equal(0, onDropped);

            await localOrchestrator.CreateTablesAsync(scopeInfo, true);

            Assert.Equal(4, onCreating);
            Assert.Equal(4, onCreated);
            Assert.Equal(4, onDropping);
            Assert.Equal(4, onDropped);

            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);