Пример #1
        private static async Task DeprovisionClientManuallyAsync()
            // Create client provider
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Create standard Setup and Options
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress" });
            var options = new SyncOptions();

            // Create a local orchestrator used to Deprovision everything
            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider, options, setup);

            // Get the local scope
            var clientScope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

            // Deprovision everything
            await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures
                                                     | SyncProvision.Triggers | SyncProvision.TrackingTable | SyncProvision.Table);

            // affect good values
            clientScope.Setup  = null;
            clientScope.Schema = null;

            // save the local scope
            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeAsync(clientScope);
        public async Task LocalOrchestrator_CancellationToken_ShouldInterrupt_EnsureScope_OnConnectionOpened()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);
            var ctx         = new AdventureWorksContext((dbName, ProviderType.Sql, sqlProvider), true, false);
            await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(this.Tables);

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options, setup);
            var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();

            localOrchestrator.OnConnectionOpen(args => cts.Cancel());

            var se = await Assert.ThrowsAsync <SyncException>(async() => await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync(cts.Token));

            Assert.Equal(SyncSide.ClientSide, se.Side);
            Assert.Equal("OperationCanceledException", se.TypeName);

            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
        public async Task LocalOrchestrator_EnsureScope_CheckInterceptors()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);
            var ctx         = new AdventureWorksContext((dbName, ProviderType.Sql, sqlProvider), true, false);
            await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var scopeName = "scope";

            var options        = new SyncOptions();
            var setup          = new SyncSetup(this.Tables);
            var onScopeLoading = false;
            var onScopeLoaded  = false;

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options, setup, scopeName);

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeLoading(args =>
                Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoading, args.Context.SyncStage);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.Context.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(ConnectionState.Open, args.Connection.State);
                Assert.Same(args.Connection, args.Transaction.Connection);
                onScopeLoading = true;

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeLoaded(args =>
                Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoaded, args.Context.SyncStage);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.Context.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.ScopeInfo.Name);
                Assert.Equal(ConnectionState.Closed, args.Connection.State);
                onScopeLoaded = true;

            // Check connection and transaction interceptors
            BaseOrchestratorTests.AssertConnectionAndTransaction(localOrchestrator, SyncStage.ScopeLoading, SyncStage.ScopeLoaded);

            var localScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();


            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
Пример #4
        private static async Task ProvisionClientManuallyAsync()
            // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
            var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(serverConnectionString);
            var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(clientConnectionString);

            // Create standard Setup and Options
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress" });
            var options = new SyncOptions();

            // -----------------------------------------------------------------
            // Client side
            // -----------------------------------------------------------------

            // This method is useful if you want to provision by yourself the client database
            // You will need to :
            // - Create a local orchestrator with the correct setup to provision
            // - Get the local scope that will contains after provisioning, the serialized version of your scope / schema
            // - Get the schema from the server side using a RemoteOrchestrator or a WebClientOrchestrator
            // - Provision everything locally
            // - Save the local scope information

            // Create a local orchestrator used to provision everything locally
            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider, options, setup);

            // Because we need the schema from remote side, create a remote orchestrator
            var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider, options, setup);

            // Getting the schema from server side
            var serverSchema = await remoteOrchestrator.GetSchemaAsync();

            // At this point, if you need the schema and you are not able to create a RemoteOrchestrator,
            // You can create a WebClientOrchestrator and get the schema as well
            // var proxyClientProvider = new WebClientOrchestrator("https://localhost:44369/api/Sync");
            // var serverSchema = proxyClientProvider.GetSchemaAsync();

            // get the local scope
            var clientScope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

            // Provision everything needed (sp, triggers, tracking tables, AND TABLES)
            await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(serverSchema, SyncProvision.StoredProcedures
                                                   | SyncProvision.Triggers | SyncProvision.TrackingTable | SyncProvision.Table);

            // affect good values
            clientScope.Setup  = setup;
            clientScope.Schema = serverSchema;

            // save the client scope
            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeAsync(clientScope);
Пример #5
        public async Task LocalOrchestrator_EnsureScope_NewScope()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);
            var ctx         = new AdventureWorksContext((dbName, ProviderType.Sql, sqlProvider), true, false);
            await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var scopeName = "scope";

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(this.Tables);

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options, setup, scopeName);

            var localScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(scopeName, localScopeInfo.Name);
            Assert.NotEqual(Guid.Empty, localScopeInfo.Id);
            Assert.Equal(0, localScopeInfo.LastSyncDuration);
            Assert.Equal(SyncVersion.Current, new Version(localScopeInfo.Version));

            // Check context
            SyncContext syncContext = localOrchestrator.GetContext();

            Assert.Equal(scopeName, syncContext.ScopeName);
            Assert.NotEqual(Guid.Empty, syncContext.SessionId);
            Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoading, syncContext.SyncStage);
            Assert.Equal(SyncType.Normal, syncContext.SyncType);
            Assert.Equal(SyncWay.None, syncContext.SyncWay);

            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
Пример #6
        public async Task LocalOrchestrator_EnsureScope_ShouldNot_Fail_If_NoTables_In_Setup()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);

            var options  = new SyncOptions();
            var setup    = new SyncSetup();
            var provider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(provider, options, setup);

            var scope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();


            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
Пример #7
    private static async Task SynchronizeThenDeprovisionThenProvisionAsync()
        // Create 2 Sql Sync providers
        var serverProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DBHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(serverDbName));
        var clientProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(DBHelper.GetDatabaseConnectionString(clientDbName));

        // Create standard Setup and Options
        var setup   = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address", "Customer", "CustomerAddress" });
        var options = new SyncOptions();

        // Creating an agent that will handle all the process
        var agent = new SyncAgent(clientProvider, serverProvider, options, setup);

        // Using the Progress pattern to handle progession during the synchronization
        var progress = new SynchronousProgress <ProgressArgs>(s => Console.WriteLine($"{s.Context.SyncStage}:\t{s.Message}"));

        // First sync to have a starting point
        var s1 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync(progress);


        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Migrating a table by adding a new column
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        // Adding a new column called CreatedDate to Address table, on the server, and on the client.
        await AddNewColumnToAddressAsync(serverProvider.CreateConnection());
        await AddNewColumnToAddressAsync(clientProvider.CreateConnection());

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Server side
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        // Creating a setup regarding only the table Address
        var setupAddress = new SyncSetup(new string[] { "Address" });

        // Create a server orchestrator used to Deprovision and Provision only table Address
        var remoteOrchestrator = new RemoteOrchestrator(serverProvider, options, setupAddress);

        // Unprovision the Address triggers / stored proc.
        // We can conserve the Address tracking table, since we just add a column,
        // that is not a primary key used in the tracking table
        // That way, we are preserving historical data
        await remoteOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Provision the Address triggers / stored proc again,
        // This provision method will fetch the address schema from the database,
        // so it will contains all the columns, including the new Address column added
        await remoteOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Now we need the full setup to get the full schema.
        // Setup includes [Address] [Customer] and [CustomerAddress]
        remoteOrchestrator.Setup = setup;
        var newSchema = await remoteOrchestrator.GetSchemaAsync();

        // Now we need to save this new schema to the serverscope table
        // get the server scope again
        var serverScope = await remoteOrchestrator.GetServerScopeAsync();

        // affect good values
        serverScope.Setup  = setup;
        serverScope.Schema = newSchema;

        // save it
        await remoteOrchestrator.WriteServerScopeAsync(serverScope);

        // -----------------------------------------------------------------
        // Client side
        // -----------------------------------------------------------------

        // Now go for local orchestrator
        var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(clientProvider, options, setupAddress);

        // Unprovision the Address triggers / stored proc. We can conserve tracking table, since we just add a column, that is not a primary key used in the tracking table
        // In this case, we will
        await localOrchestrator.DeprovisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Provision the Address triggers / stored proc again,
        // This provision method will fetch the address schema from the database, so it will contains all the columns, including the new one added
        await localOrchestrator.ProvisionAsync(SyncProvision.StoredProcedures | SyncProvision.Triggers);

        // Now we need to save this to clientscope
        // get the server scope again
        var clientScope = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

        // At this point, if you need the schema and you are not able to create a RemoteOrchestrator,
        // You can create a WebClientOrchestrator and get the schema as well
        // var proxyClientProvider = new WebClientOrchestrator("https://localhost:44369/api/Sync");
        // var newSchema = proxyClientProvider.GetSchemaAsync();

        // affect good values
        clientScope.Setup  = setup;
        clientScope.Schema = newSchema;

        // save it
        await localOrchestrator.WriteClientScopeAsync(clientScope);

        // Now test a new sync, everything should work as expected.
            // Console.Clear();
            Console.WriteLine("Sync Start");
                var s2 = await agent.SynchronizeAsync();

                // Write results
            catch (Exception e)
        } while (Console.ReadKey().Key != ConsoleKey.Escape);

Пример #8
        public async Task LocalOrchestrator_Scope()
            var dbName = HelperDatabase.GetRandomName("tcp_lo_");
            await HelperDatabase.CreateDatabaseAsync(ProviderType.Sql, dbName, true);

            var cs          = HelperDatabase.GetConnectionString(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);
            var sqlProvider = new SqlSyncProvider(cs);
            var ctx         = new AdventureWorksContext((dbName, ProviderType.Sql, sqlProvider), true, false);
            await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync();

            var scopeName = "scope";

            var options = new SyncOptions();
            var setup   = new SyncSetup(this.Tables);

            var localOrchestrator = new LocalOrchestrator(sqlProvider, options, setup, scopeName);

            var scopeTableCreating = 0;
            var scopeTableCreated  = 0;
            var scopeLoading       = 0;
            var scopeLoaded        = 0;
            var scopeSaving        = 0;
            var scopeSaved         = 0;

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeSaving(ssa =>

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeSaved(ssa => scopeSaved++);

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeTableCreating(stca =>

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeTableCreated(stca =>

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeLoading(args =>
                Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoading, args.Context.SyncStage);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.Context.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(ConnectionState.Open, args.Connection.State);
                Assert.Same(args.Connection, args.Transaction.Connection);

            localOrchestrator.OnScopeLoaded(args =>
                Assert.Equal(SyncStage.ScopeLoading, args.Context.SyncStage);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.Context.ScopeName);
                Assert.Equal(scopeName, args.ScopeInfo.Name);

            var localScopeInfo = await localOrchestrator.GetClientScopeAsync();

            Assert.Equal(1, scopeTableCreating);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeTableCreated);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeLoading);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeLoaded);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaving);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaved);

            scopeTableCreating = 0;
            scopeTableCreated  = 0;
            scopeLoading       = 0;
            scopeLoaded        = 0;
            scopeSaving        = 0;
            scopeSaved         = 0;

            localScopeInfo.Version = "2.0";

            await localOrchestrator.SaveClientScopeAsync(localScopeInfo);

            Assert.Equal(0, scopeTableCreating);
            Assert.Equal(0, scopeTableCreated);
            Assert.Equal(0, scopeLoading);
            Assert.Equal(0, scopeLoaded);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaving);
            Assert.Equal(1, scopeSaved);

            HelperDatabase.DropDatabase(ProviderType.Sql, dbName);