Пример #1
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (TimeStamp != 0D)
                hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(TimeStamp);
            if (position_ != null)
                hash ^= Position.GetHashCode();
            if (orientation_ != null)
                hash ^= Orientation.GetHashCode();
            if (linearVelocity_ != null)
                hash ^= LinearVelocity.GetHashCode();
            if (angularVelocity_ != null)
                hash ^= AngularVelocity.GetHashCode();
            if (_unknownFields != null)
                hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
Пример #2
        private void ReflectAcrossNormal(Vector2 normalVector)
            if (normalVector == Vector2.Zero)

            // Assuming n is the normal of the fixture at the point of the raycast contact
            // We just reflect the previous velocity accross the normal
            // Use angle - pi/2 for current angle

            float normalAngle = ((float)Math.Atan(normalVector.Y / normalVector.X) - (float)Math.PI / 2);

            Rotation += (2 * (normalAngle - (Rotation)));
            Rotation += (float)Math.PI;
            Vector2 oldvel = LinearVelocity;
            Vector2 tempVel;

            tempVel.X = (float)(LinearVelocity.Length() * Math.Sin(Rotation));
            tempVel.Y = -(float)(LinearVelocity.Length() * Math.Cos(Rotation));

            LinearVelocity = tempVel;
            // Manipulate velocity so that collisions reflect at 100% speed. Some weapons might not have this.
            LinearVelocity *= Math.Max(oldvel.Length() / LinearVelocity.Length(), 1f);

            futurePos = Position + (TimeKeeper.MsSinceInitialization - _lastTimeStamp) * LinearVelocity;

Пример #3
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        if (dragging)
            //We continuesly update the start position for our force add direction to the position the blob is
            dragStartPos = GlobalPosition;
        //If the dragging has not completed we just exit out of hte method
        if (!dragComplete)
        moveDirection = dragEndPos - dragStartPos;
        moveDirection = moveDirection.Normalized();
        ApplyCentralImpulse(moveDirection * speed);
        dragging     = false;
        dragComplete = false;

        //Bug or feature? Tis piece of code forces the red blob to stop before being able to shoot of in a direction again
        if (Mathf.Abs(LinearVelocity.x) > maxSpeed || Mathf.Abs(LinearVelocity.y) > maxSpeed)
            Vector2 newSpeed = LinearVelocity.Normalized();
            newSpeed      *= maxSpeed;
            LinearVelocity = newSpeed;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for collisions. Handles collisions and calls terminate() as necessary
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void CheckCollisions()
            if (numRecursiveCalls == 5)

            numRecursiveCalls++;//Prevents stack overflow that can result when projectiles get stuck between very close reflectors

            if (LinearVelocity.Length() < 1e-3)//Might need to tweak this tolerance
                //When the projectile velocity becomes very small,
                //the raycast future position becomes tiny and it
                //becomes almost impossible to collide. For now,
                //switch to a point test. TODO: Convert to multi-point test, testing bounds of projectile
                var hitFixtures = _world.TestPointAll(Position);
                foreach (var f in hitFixtures)
                    if (f.Body.UserData != null)
                        HandleCollision((CollisionDataObject)f.Body.UserData, Vector2.Zero);

            if (futurePos != Position)
                _world.RayCast(RayCastCallback, Position, futurePos);
Пример #5
        public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
            var d = 2f;

            if (_isBeingKnockedback)
                if (LinearVelocity.Length() <= d)
                    _isBeingKnockedback = false;

            if (!isChasing())

                var toTarget = GlobalPosition.DirectionTo(_chasing.GlobalPosition);
                LinearVelocity = toTarget.Normalized() * 100;
            catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
                _chasing = null;
Пример #6
    private void ApplyLinear(float delta)
        Vector3 force    = GetLinearAction();
        Vector3 dirForce = Transform.basis.Xform(force);

        ApplyCentralImpulse(dirForce * acceleration * delta);
        Vector3 lin_vel   = LinearVelocity.Normalized();
        Vector3 remainder = lin_vel - dirForce.Normalized();

        ApplyCentralImpulse(remainder * -accelerationDampening);
Пример #7
 public void Update(GameTime gameTime)
     if (LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() >= 1e-7)
         var  step    = LinearVelocity * World.TimeScale * (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds;
         bool stopped = false;
         var  rf      = this;
         World.Physics.RayCast((Fixture arg1, Vector2 arg2, Vector2 arg3, float arg4) =>
             if (arg1.Body.Tag is TerrainComponent)
                 Position       = arg2 * 64f;
                 LinearVelocity = Vector2.Zero;
                 stopped        = true;
             else if (arg1.Body.Tag is Entity)
                 var ent = arg1.Body.Tag as Entity;
                 if (ent.Tags.Any(t => TargetedTags.Contains(t)))
                     var ch = ent.GetComponent <CharacterComponent>();
                     if (ch != null)
                         ch.Damage(World.GetEntity(OwnerID), Damage);
                         Position       = arg2 * 64f;
                         LinearVelocity = Vector2.Zero;
                         stopped        = true;
                         Parent.AddComponent(new BindedBodyComponent().BindTo(ent, Position, Rotation));
                         rf.Remove = true;
         }, Position / 64f, (Position + step) / 64f);
         if (!stopped)
             Position += step;
             Gravity = false;
     if (Gravity)
         LinearVelocity += new Vector2(0, World.Physics.Gravity.Y * 64f *
                                       (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds * World.TimeScale);
     if (Friction > 0)
         LinearVelocity /= Friction;
Пример #8
    public override void _Process(float delta)
        Delta = delta;

        if (LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() > 0.01)
            var visual = GetNode <Spatial>("Visual");
            var angle  = Mathf.Atan2(LinearVelocity.x, LinearVelocity.z);
            visual.Rotation = new Vector3(0, angle, 0);
        public void  Serialize(BitWriter bw)

            if (!Sleeping)
Пример #10
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        if (_picked)
            var axis = (_touchPos - GlobalPosition + _offset.Rotated(GlobalRotation)).Normalized();

            LinearVelocity += axis * _acceleration * delta;

            if (LinearVelocity.Length() > _VelocityLimit)
                LinearVelocity = LinearVelocity.Clamped(_VelocityLimit);
Пример #11
 public void MergeFrom(NavigationRequest other)
     if (other == null)
     if (other.TimeStamp != 0D)
         TimeStamp = other.TimeStamp;
     if (other.position_ != null)
         if (position_ == null)
             Position = new global::Navigation.Vec3();
     if (other.orientation_ != null)
         if (orientation_ == null)
             Orientation = new global::Navigation.Quaternion();
     if (other.linearVelocity_ != null)
         if (linearVelocity_ == null)
             LinearVelocity = new global::Navigation.Vec3();
     if (other.angularVelocity_ != null)
         if (angularVelocity_ == null)
             AngularVelocity = new global::Navigation.Vec3();
     if (other.VesselName.Length != 0)
         VesselName = other.VesselName;
     _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the sleeping state. Is called in <see cref="UpdateVelocity"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The time step.</param>
        private void UpdateSleeping(float deltaTime)
            if (IsSleeping || !CanSleep)

            if (MotionType == MotionType.Dynamic)
                if (LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() < Simulation.Settings.Sleeping.LinearVelocityThresholdSquared &&
                    AngularVelocity.LengthSquared() < Simulation.Settings.Sleeping.AngularVelocityThresholdSquared)
                    // Movement is below threshold. Increase counter.
                    _noMovementTime += deltaTime;

                    // Static bodies sleep immediately. Kinematic and dynamic bodies are handled here.
                    // Dynamic bodies can only sleep if their whole island is sleeping. (Note: When the island
                    // is processed the sleeping of the dynamic body is deferred if the island is awake.)
                    if (_noMovementTime > Simulation.Settings.Sleeping.TimeThreshold)
                        IsSleeping = true;
                    // Movement detected.
                    _noMovementTime = 0;
                if (LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() < Numeric.EpsilonFSquared &&
                    AngularVelocity.LengthSquared() < Numeric.EpsilonFSquared)
                    // Kinematic bodies are set to sleep immediately!
                    IsSleeping       = true;
                    _linearVelocity  = Vector3.Zero;
                    _angularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
                    _noMovementTime  = float.PositiveInfinity;
                    // Movement detected.
                    _noMovementTime = 0;
Пример #13
        public void UpdateDeactivation(float timeStep)
            if ((ActivationState == ActivationState.IslandSleeping) || (ActivationState == ActivationState.DisableDeactivation))

            if ((LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() < LinearSleepingThreshold * LinearSleepingThreshold) &&
                (AngularVelocity.LengthSquared() < AngularSleepingThreshold * AngularSleepingThreshold))
                DeactivationTime += timeStep;
                DeactivationTime = 0;
                ActivationState  = ActivationState.Nothing;
Пример #14
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (header_ != null)
                hash ^= Header.GetHashCode();
            if (MeasurementTime != 0D)
                hash ^= MeasurementTime.GetHashCode();
            if (Type != 0)
                hash ^= Type.GetHashCode();
            if (position_ != null)
                hash ^= Position.GetHashCode();
            if (eulerAngles_ != null)
                hash ^= EulerAngles.GetHashCode();
            if (linearVelocity_ != null)
                hash ^= LinearVelocity.GetHashCode();
            if (angularVelocity_ != null)
                hash ^= AngularVelocity.GetHashCode();
            if (linearAcceleration_ != null)
                hash ^= LinearAcceleration.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= positionCovariance_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= eulerAnglesCovariance_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= linearVelocityCovariance_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= angularVelocityCovariance_.GetHashCode();
            hash ^= linearAccelerationCovariance_.GetHashCode();
Пример #15
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (position_ != null)
                hash ^= Position.GetHashCode();
            if (orientation_ != null)
                hash ^= Orientation.GetHashCode();
            if (linearVelocity_ != null)
                hash ^= LinearVelocity.GetHashCode();
            if (linearAcceleration_ != null)
                hash ^= LinearAcceleration.GetHashCode();
            if (angularVelocity_ != null)
                hash ^= AngularVelocity.GetHashCode();
            if (Heading != 0D)
                hash ^= Heading.GetHashCode();
            if (linearAccelerationVrf_ != null)
                hash ^= LinearAccelerationVrf.GetHashCode();
            if (angularVelocityVrf_ != null)
                hash ^= AngularVelocityVrf.GetHashCode();
            if (eulerAngles_ != null)
                hash ^= EulerAngles.GetHashCode();
Пример #16
        public SpeedInfo getSpeed()
            Vector2 direction = new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(Rotation), (float)Math.Sin(Rotation));
            float   angleCos  = 0;

            if (LinearVelocity.Length() != 0 && direction.Length() != 0)
                angleCos = getAngleCos(LinearVelocity, direction);

            Vector2 speed = direction * angleCos * LinearVelocity.Length();

            return(new SpeedInfo()
                speed = speed,
                sideSpeed = LinearVelocity - speed,
                direction = direction,
                angleCos = angleCos
        public void  Serialize(BitWriter bw, UInt32 netVersion)
            Position.Serialize(bw, netVersion);

            if (netVersion >= 7)

            if (!Sleeping)
                LinearVelocity.Serialize(bw, netVersion);
                AngularVelocity.Serialize(bw, netVersion);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies buoyancy, drag and angular drag caused by water
        /// </summary>
        public void ApplyWaterForces()
            Vector2 buoyancy = new Vector2(0, Mass * 9.6f);

            Vector2 dragForce = Vector2.Zero;

            if (LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() > 0.00001f)
                Vector2 velDir = Vector2.Normalize(LinearVelocity);

                float vel  = LinearVelocity.Length() * 2.0f;
                float drag = vel * vel * Math.Max(height + radius * 2, height);
                dragForce = Math.Min(drag, Mass * 500.0f) * -velDir;

            ApplyForce(dragForce + buoyancy);
            ApplyTorque(body.AngularVelocity * body.Mass * -0.08f);
Пример #19
        //update the rigidbodies position based on currently applied force, velocity, and gravity
        public void Step(float dt, Vector2D gravity)
            //tick the cooldown
            if (multiUseCooldown > 0.0f)
                multiUseCooldown -= dt;

            //only update position if the object can move
            if (moveable)
                Vector2D acceleration = Force / Mass;
                if (obeysGravity)
                    acceleration += gravity;

                //update velocity, locking it below maximum speed
                LinearVelocity = LinearVelocity + acceleration * dt;
                if (LinearVelocity.Length() > maxSpeed)
                    LinearVelocity = LinearVelocity.Normalised() * maxSpeed;

                //Update position based on velocity (uses Runge Kutta integration)
                Vector2D k1 = LinearVelocity + acceleration * dt;
                Vector2D k2 = LinearVelocity + k1 * (dt / 2);
                Vector2D k3 = LinearVelocity + k2 * (dt / 2);
                Vector2D k4 = LinearVelocity + k3 * dt;
                SetPosition(Position + (k1 + k2 * 2 + k3 * 2 + k4) * (dt / 6));

                //reset force
                Force.X = 0;
                Force.Y = 0;

                //reset collision information (assumes collision detection will take place immediately after stepping all rigidbodies)
                otherBody       = null;
                collisionNormal = null;
Пример #20
    // Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
    public override void _Process(float delta)
        // Get all Node bodies that are currently colliding with the Ball
        Godot.Collections.Array bodies = GetCollidingBodies();

        // The base level class is Node2D, this is why the body variable is being initiliazed as the Node2D type
        foreach (Node2D body in bodies)
            // Check if the collided body is a StaticBody2D type and if the Node is part of the "Bricks" group
            if (body is StaticBody2D hit && hit.IsInGroup("Bricks"))
                // Get the World Node and increment the Score by 10
                GetNode <World>("/root/World").Score += 10;
                // Queue Node for deletion at the end of the current frame

            // Check if the Node's name is "Paddle"
            if (body.Name.Equals("Paddle"))
                // Get the speed at which the Ball is travelling
                float currentSpeed = LinearVelocity.Length();
                // Reference to the anchor right below the Paddle object
                Position2D anchor = body.GetNode <Position2D>("Anchor");
                // Get the direction that the ball is travelling in relative to the anchor
                Vector2 direction = Position - anchor.GlobalPosition;
                // Normalize (value of 0-1) the direction and multiply it by the minimum value of the current speed + the speedup constant, or the maximum speed
                Vector2 boostVelocity = direction.Normalized() * Math.Min(currentSpeed + speedUp, MAXSPEED);
                // Set the Ball's LinearVelocity to the new velocity
                LinearVelocity = boostVelocity;
        // If the position of the Ball's Y position exceeds the extend of the ViewPort's Y position
        if (Position.y > GetViewportRect().End.y)
            // Queue the Ball for deletion
Пример #21
    private void LookFollow(PhysicsDirectBodyState state, Transform currentTransform, Vector3 targetPosition)
        var myPosition = currentTransform.origin;

        var dist       = (myPosition - targetPosition).Length();
        var _targetDir = myPosition - (myPosition - targetPosition).Normalized();
        var targetDir  = currentTransform.XformInv(_targetDir);

        var forward = targetDir.Dot(new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
        var rightn  = targetDir.Dot(new Vector3(1, 0, 0));
        var upn     = targetDir.Dot(new Vector3(0, 1, 0));

        currentTransform.origin = new Vector3();
        float spiral         = dist * 0.01f;
        var   worldVelDir    = LinearVelocity.Normalized();
        var   worldTargetDir = currentTransform.Xform(targetDir);
        var   turnRate       = 30.0f;

        if (forward > 0.99f)
            GetNode <Particles>("Particles").Emitting = true;
            var correction = ((worldTargetDir - worldVelDir) * 20.0f) + (Transform.basis.z * 100);
            state.ApplyCentralImpulse(correction * state.GetStep());
            GetNode <Particles>("Particles").Emitting = false;
            spiral   = 0;
            turnRate = 5;
            var correction = (worldTargetDir - worldVelDir) * 40.0f;
            state.ApplyCentralImpulse(correction * state.GetStep());
        float ss   = (float)Math.Sin(TTL * 10.0f) * spiral;
        float cs   = (float)Math.Cos(TTL * 10.0f) * spiral;
        var   turn = new Vector3(-upn + ss, rightn - cs, 0) / turnRate;

        turn = Transform.Xform(turn) - Transform.origin;
        state.SetAngularVelocity(turn / state.GetStep());
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Applies buoyancy, drag and angular drag caused by water
        /// </summary>
        public void ApplyWaterForces()
            Vector2 buoyancy = new Vector2(0, Mass * 9.6f);

            Vector2 dragForce = Vector2.Zero;

            float speedSqr = LinearVelocity.LengthSquared();
            if (speedSqr > 0.00001f)
                float speed = (float)Math.Sqrt(speedSqr);
                Vector2 velDir = LinearVelocity / speed;

                float vel = speed * 2.0f;
                float drag = vel * vel * Math.Max(height + radius * 2, height);
                dragForce = Math.Min(drag, Mass * 500.0f) * -velDir;

            ApplyForce(dragForce + buoyancy, maxVelocity: NetConfig.MaxPhysicsBodyVelocity);
            ApplyTorque(body.AngularVelocity * body.Mass * -0.08f);
Пример #23
    // Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
    public override void _PhysicsProcess(float delta)
        //If we dont have a target then return out of the method
        if (target == null)

        //Impliment movement here hahaha pproblem for future Gerrie? dont know yet
        Vector2 moveDir = target.Position - Position;

        moveDir = moveDir.Normalized();
        ApplyImpulse(moveDir, moveDir * speed);
        //AddForce(moveDir, moveDir * speed);

        if (Mathf.Abs(LinearVelocity.x) > maxSpeed || Mathf.Abs(LinearVelocity.y) > maxSpeed)
            Vector2 newSpeed = LinearVelocity.Normalized();
            newSpeed      *= maxSpeed;
            LinearVelocity = newSpeed;
        public void  Serialize(BitWriter bw, UInt32 netVersion)
            Position.Serialize(bw, netVersion);

            if (netVersion >= 7)

            Rotation.SerializeFixed(bw, netVersion);

            if (netVersion >= 7)

            if (!Sleeping)
                LinearVelocity.Serialize(bw, netVersion);
                AngularVelocity.Serialize(bw, netVersion);
Пример #25
        protected override void Update(float dt)
            if (TimeDeath > 0 && TimeDeath < World.Time)

            if (World.DistanceOutOfBounds(Position) > 0)
                var speed = LinearVelocity.Length();
                if (Position != Vector2.Zero)
                    LinearVelocity = Vector2.Normalize(Vector2.Zero - Position) * speed;

            if (Drag != 0)
                LinearVelocity *= (1 - Drag * dt);

Пример #26
    void TriggerJumpDrive()
        var overlaps = overlapArea2D.GetOverlappingAreas();

        foreach (Area2D area in overlaps)
            if (area is WarpGate)
                WarpGate warpGate = area as WarpGate;
                string   departureSolarSystemName = CurrentSolarSystemName;
                bool     warpSuccess = warpGate.TryTeleportShip(this, out string arrivalSolarSystemName, out float jumpCost);
                if (warpSuccess)
                    float jumpSpeedOverLimit = Mathf.Max(0, LinearVelocity.Length() - safeJumpSpeed);
                    ReceiveDamage(jumpSpeedOverLimit * jumpVelocityDamageMultiplier);
                    //GD.Print("Jumpcost: " + jumpCost);

                    OnShipWarped?.Invoke(this, departureSolarSystemName, arrivalSolarSystemName);
 public void SetZeroVelocities()
     LinearVelocity.Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
     AngularVelocity.Set(0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F);
Пример #28
         * private void MarkDetecting(ObservableEntity e) {
         *  long id = e.EntityId;
         *  if (EntitiesDetecting.ContainsKey(id)) {
         *      Log.Error("Already added " + id, "MarkDetecting");
         *      return;
         *  }
         *  Log.Error("Adding " + id, "MarkDetecting");
         *  EntitiesDetecting.Add(id, e);
         *  e.MarkDetectedBy(this);
         * }
         * private void UnmarkDetecting(ObservableEntity e) {
         *  long id = e.EntityId;
         *  if (!EntitiesDetecting.ContainsKey(id)) {
         *      Log.Error("Not stored " + id, "UnmarkDetecting");
         *      return;
         *  }
         *  Log.Error("Removing " + id, "UnmarkDetecting");
         *  EntitiesDetecting.Remove(id);
         *  e.UnmarkDetectedBy(this);
         * }
         * private void UnmarkDetectingAll() {
         *  Log.Trace("Unmarking all Detected entities", "UnmarkDetectingAll");
         *  foreach (ObservableEntity e in EntitiesDetecting.Values) {
         *      e.UnmarkDetectedBy(this);
         *  }
         *  EntitiesDetecting.Clear();
         * }
         * private void MarkReceivingFrom(ObservableEntity e) {
         *  long id = e.EntityId;
         *  if (EntitiesReceivingFrom.ContainsKey(id)) {
         *      Log.Error("Already added " + id, "ReceivingFrom");
         *      return;
         *  }
         *  Log.Error("Adding " + id, "ReceivingFrom");
         *  EntitiesReceivingFrom.Add(id, e);
         *  e.MarkBroadcastingTo(this);
         * }
         * private void UnmarkReceivingFrom(ObservableEntity e) {
         *  long id = e.EntityId;
         *  if (!EntitiesReceivingFrom.ContainsKey(id)) {
         *      Log.Error("Not stored " + id, "UnmarkReceivingFrom");
         *      return;
         *  }
         *  Log.Error("Removing " + id, "UnmarkReceivingFrom");
         *  EntitiesReceivingFrom.Remove(id);
         *  e.UnmarkBroadcastingTo(this);
         * }
         * private void UnmarkReceivingAll() {
         *  Log.Trace("Unmarking all comm receiving entities", "UnmarkReceivingAll");
         *  foreach (ObservableEntity e in EntitiesReceivingFrom.Values) {
         *      e.UnmarkBroadcastingTo(this);
         *  }
         *  EntitiesReceivingFrom.Clear();
         * }

        #region Describe

        public String ObservationDetails()
            String result = "";

            // Ids
            result += DisplayName + "\" - " + EntityId + "\n";

            // Owners
            // TODO: show owner names instead of playerIds
            result += "  Owners: TODO\n";

             * if (BigOwners != null) {
             *  result += "  Owners: " + String.Join(", ", BigOwners) + "\n";
             * }
             * else {
             *  Log.Error("Grid had null BigOwners", "ReceiveRevealedGridsResponse");
             * }
             * */

            // Position
            result += "  Position: " + Position.ToRoundedString() + "\n";

            // Control
            if (IsControlled)
                result += "  Controlled:\n";

                if (IsMoving)
                    result += "    Moving at " +
                              System.Math.Truncate(LinearVelocity.Length()) + " m/s";
                else if (RecentlyMoved)
                    result += "    Recently moved until " + RecentlyMovedEnds;

                result += "\n";
                result += "  Not Controlled. (Shouldn't be viewing anything.)\n";

            // Last check details
            if (!PreviouslyObserving)
                result += "  Hasn't yet had an observe check.\n";
            //else {
            result += "  Last View Check at pos: " + LastObservingPosition.ToRoundedString() + "\n";
            result += "  Distance from last view check: " + DistanceSinceLastObservingCheck + "\n";
            result += "  Last View Check at time: " + LastObservingTime.ToLocalTime() + "\n";
            result += "  View radius: " + ViewDistance + "\n";
            result += "  Viewed entities: \n";

            // TODO: fetch the entities ingame on client side so we can have their details
            foreach (long id in EntitiesViewing.Keys)
                result += "    " + id + "\n";

Пример #29
        public String ConcealDetails()
            // Revealed entities cannot be concealed if they
            // Are controlled (i.e. moving)
            // Are near a controlled entity
            // Are "working" (refining, assembling, oxy creating, battery charging)
            // Are needed as a spawn point for a logged-in player

            String result = "";

            // Ids
            result += "\"" + DisplayName + "\" - " + EntityId + "\n";

            // Owners
            // TODO: show owner names instead of playerIds
            result += "  Owners: TODO\n";

             * if (BigOwners != null) {
             *  result += "  Owners: " + String.Join(", ", BigOwners) + "\n";
             * }
             * else {
             *  Log.Error("Grid had null BigOwners", "ReceiveRevealedGridsResponse");
             * }
             * */

            // Position
            result += "  Position: " + Position.ToRoundedString() + "\n";

            // Concealability
            if (IsConcealable)
                result += "  Concealable:\n";
                //return result;
                result += "  Not concealable:\n";

            //result += "    Frequently Updated:\n";
            if (OldEnoughForConceal)
                result += "      Y Not recently revealed\n";
                result += "      N Too recently revealed\n";

            // Control
            if (IsControlled)
                result += "      N Controlled:\n";

                if (IsPiloted)
                    result += "        Piloted";
                else if (IsMoving)
                    result += "        Moving at " +
                              System.Math.Truncate(LinearVelocity.Length()) + " m/s";
                else if (RecentlyMoved)
                    result += "        Recently moved until " + RecentlyMovedEnds;

                result += "\n";
                result += "      Y Not Controlled.\n";

            // Observed
            if (IsObserved)
                result += "      N Observed by:\n";
                foreach (long id in EntitiesViewedBy.Keys)
                    result += "            " + id + "\n";
                result += "      Y Not Observed.\n";

            // Spawn
            // TODO: show owner names instead of playerIds
            // TODO: actually implement updates to these details
            if (NeededForSpawn)
                result += "      N Needed for spawn.\n";

                 * result += "    Needed as a spawn point by:\n";
                 * foreach (long id in SpawnablePlayers) {
                 *  result += "      " + id;
                 * }
                result += "      Y Not Needed for spawn.\n";

            //result += "    Infrequently Updated:\n";

            // Working
            // TODO: send block entity ids
            // TODO: show block types instead of entity Ids
            if (IsProducing)
                result += "      N Producing:\n";
                //foreach (long id in ProductionBlocks.Keys) {
                //    result += "      " + id + "\n";
                result += "      Y Not Producing.\n";

            if (IsChargingBatteries)
                result += "      N Charging Batteries.\n";
                result += "      Y Not Charging Batteries.\n";

            // NearAsteroid
            if (IsInAsteroid)
                result += "      N Inside Asteroid.\n";
                result += "      Y Not in Asteroid.\n";

            // Blocked
            if (IsRevealBlocked)
                result += "      N Entities within bounding box.\n";
                result += "      Y No entities in bounding box.\n";

Пример #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the pose using numerical integration.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deltaTime">The time step.</param>
        internal void UpdatePose(float deltaTime)
            // Static bodies do not move.
            if (MotionType == MotionType.Static)

            if (IsSleeping)
                // Previously in this time step the sleeping could still be deferred. Therefore the
                // velocities have not been reset. At this point the rigid body is definitely sleeping.

                // Reset the velocities...
                _linearVelocity  = Vector3.Zero;
                _angularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

                // ...and exit.

            // Clamp velocities before we apply them.
            if (_linearVelocity.IsNaN)
                _linearVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
            else if (_linearVelocity.LengthSquared() > Simulation.Settings.Motion.MaxLinearVelocitySquared)
                _linearVelocity.Length = Simulation.Settings.Motion.MaxLinearVelocity;

            if (_angularVelocity.IsNaN)
                _angularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;
            else if (_angularVelocity.LengthSquared() > Simulation.Settings.Motion.MaxAngularVelocitySquared)
                _angularVelocity.Length = Simulation.Settings.Motion.MaxAngularVelocity;

            // Important: Use the center-of-mass pose!
            var x = PoseCenterOfMass.Position;
            var q = Quaternion.CreateFromRotationMatrix(PoseCenterOfMass.Orientation);

            // Derivative of position: velocity
            // Derivative of orientation: q' = 1/2 * (0, ω) * q
            var  xDerivative   = LinearVelocity + LinearCorrectionVelocity;
            var  qDerivative   = 0.5f * new Quaternion(0, AngularVelocity + AngularCorrectionVelocity) * q;
            Pose targetPoseCOM = new Pose(x + deltaTime * xDerivative, (q + deltaTime * qDerivative).Normalized);

            if (CcdEnabled &&
                Simulation.Settings.Motion.CcdEnabled &&
                LinearVelocity.LengthSquared() > Simulation.Settings.Motion.CcdVelocityThresholdSquared)
                // Continuous collision detection.
                IsCcdActive             = true;
                TimeOfImpact            = 1;
                Simulation.CcdRequested = true;
                TargetPose = targetPoseCOM * MassFrame.Pose.Inverse;

                // Trigger PoseChanged event. The pose has not changed but the AABB will be set to the
                // temporal AABB during motion clamping.
                _aabbIsValid = false;
                IsCcdActive      = false;
                PoseCenterOfMass = targetPoseCOM;

            LinearCorrectionVelocity  = Vector3.Zero;
            AngularCorrectionVelocity = Vector3.Zero;