Пример #1
            // Computes the types of the columns and constructs the kvMaps.
            private void ComputeKvMaps(ISchema schema, out ColumnType[] types, out KeyToValueMap[] kvMaps)
                types  = new ColumnType[_parent.ColumnPairs.Length];
                kvMaps = new KeyToValueMap[_parent.ColumnPairs.Length];
                for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < types.Length; iinfo++)
                    // Construct kvMaps.
                    Contracts.Assert(types[iinfo] == null);
                    var typeSrc  = schema.GetColumnType(ColMapNewToOld[iinfo]);
                    var typeVals = schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues, ColMapNewToOld[iinfo]);
                    Host.Check(typeVals != null, "Metadata KeyValues does not exist");
                    Host.Check(typeVals.VectorSize == typeSrc.ItemType.KeyCount, "KeyValues metadata size does not match column type key count");
                    if (!typeSrc.IsVector)
                        types[iinfo] = typeVals.ItemType;
                        types[iinfo] = new VectorType(typeVals.ItemType.AsPrimitive, typeSrc.AsVector);

                    // MarshalInvoke with two generic params.
                    Func <int, ColumnType, ColumnType, KeyToValueMap> func = GetKeyMetadata <int, int>;
                    var meth = func.GetMethodInfo().GetGenericMethodDefinition().MakeGenericMethod(
                        new Type[] { typeSrc.ItemType.RawType, types[iinfo].ItemType.RawType });
                    kvMaps[iinfo] = (KeyToValueMap)meth.Invoke(this, new object[] { iinfo, typeSrc, typeVals });
Пример #2
 // Computes the types of the columns and constructs the kvMaps.
 private void ComputeKvMaps(Schema schema, out ColumnType[] types, out KeyToValueMap[] kvMaps)
     types  = new ColumnType[_parent.ColumnPairs.Length];
     kvMaps = new KeyToValueMap[_parent.ColumnPairs.Length];
     for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < types.Length; iinfo++)
         // Construct kvMaps.
         Contracts.Assert(types[iinfo] == null);
         var typeSrc  = schema[ColMapNewToOld[iinfo]].Type;
         var typeVals = schema[ColMapNewToOld[iinfo]].Metadata.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues)?.Type;
         Host.Check(typeVals != null, "Metadata KeyValues does not exist");
         Host.Check(typeVals.VectorSize == typeSrc.ItemType.KeyCount, "KeyValues metadata size does not match column type key count");
         if (!(typeSrc is VectorType vectorType))
             types[iinfo] = typeVals.ItemType;
Пример #3
 // Computes the types of the columns and constructs the kvMaps.
 private void ComputeKvMaps(DataViewSchema schema, out DataViewType[] types, out KeyToValueMap[] kvMaps)
     types  = new DataViewType[_parent.ColumnPairs.Length];
     kvMaps = new KeyToValueMap[_parent.ColumnPairs.Length];
     for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < types.Length; iinfo++)
         // Construct kvMaps.
         Contracts.Assert(types[iinfo] == null);
         var typeSrc  = schema[ColMapNewToOld[iinfo]].Type;
         var typeVals = schema[ColMapNewToOld[iinfo]].Annotations.Schema.GetColumnOrNull(AnnotationUtils.Kinds.KeyValues)?.Type;
         Host.Check(typeVals != null, "Metadata KeyValues does not exist");
         DataViewType valsItemType = typeVals.GetItemType();
         DataViewType srcItemType  = typeSrc.GetItemType();
         Host.Check(typeVals.GetVectorSize() == srcItemType.GetKeyCountAsInt32(Host), "KeyValues metadata size does not match column type key count");
         if (!(typeSrc is VectorDataViewType vectorType))
             types[iinfo] = valsItemType;
Пример #4
        // Computes the types of the columns and constructs the kvMaps.
        private void ComputeKVMapsAndMetadata(out ColumnType[] types, out KeyToValueMap[] kvMaps)
            Contracts.Assert(Utils.Size(Infos) > 0);

            var md = Metadata;

            types  = new ColumnType[Infos.Length];
            kvMaps = new KeyToValueMap[Infos.Length];
            for (int iinfo = 0; iinfo < types.Length; iinfo++)
                // Inherit slot names from source.
                using (var bldr = md.BuildMetadata(iinfo, Source.Schema, Infos[iinfo].Source, MetadataUtils.Kinds.SlotNames))

                // Construct kvMaps.
                Contracts.Assert(types[iinfo] == null);
                var typeSrc  = Infos[iinfo].TypeSrc;
                var typeVals = Source.Schema.GetMetadataTypeOrNull(MetadataUtils.Kinds.KeyValues, Infos[iinfo].Source);
                Host.Check(typeVals != null, "Metadata KeyValues does not exist");
                Host.Check(typeVals.VectorSize == typeSrc.ItemType.KeyCount, "KeyValues metadata size does not match column type key count");
                if (!typeSrc.IsVector)
                    types[iinfo] = typeVals.ItemType;
                    types[iinfo] = new VectorType(typeVals.ItemType.AsPrimitive, typeSrc.AsVector);
                Func <int, ColumnType, ColumnType, KeyToValueMap> func = GetKeyMetadata <int, int>;
                var meth = func.GetMethodInfo().GetGenericMethodDefinition().MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { typeSrc.ItemType.RawType,
                                                                                                            types[iinfo].ItemType.RawType });
                kvMaps[iinfo] = (KeyToValueMap)meth.Invoke(this, new object[] { iinfo, typeSrc, typeVals });