Пример #1
 static extern void KM_dotnet_Interop_CoordMotion_SetStraightFeedCallback(IntPtr handle, KM_CoordMotionStraightFeedSixAxisHandler handler);
Пример #2
 static extern void KM_dotnet_Interop_CoordMotion_SetStraightFeedCallback(IntPtr handle, KM_CoordMotionStraightFeedSixAxisHandler handler);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the internal Straight Feed callback for the CoordMotion.cpp object
 /// Separate delegate for this callback prevents the Garbage Collector from releasing the 
 /// unmanaged function pointer from being destroyed
 /// </summary>
 private void SetStraightFeedCallback()
         CoordMotionStraightFeedHandler = new KM_CoordMotionStraightFeedSixAxisHandler(OnCoordMotionStraightFeed);
         KM_dotnet_Interop_CoordMotion_SetStraightFeedCallback(_InstanceHandle, CoordMotionStraightFeedHandler);
     catch (DllNotFoundException e)
         throw new DMException(this, e, String.Format("Dll Not Found Exception thrown :  Caller - [{0}] :: Member - [{1}]",
             this.ToString(), "SetStraightFeedCallback"));
     catch (EntryPointNotFoundException e)
         throw new DMException(this, e, String.Format("Entry Point Not Found Exception thrown :  Caller - [{0}] :: Member - [{1}]",
            this.ToString(), "SetStraightFeedCallback"));
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new DMException(this, e, String.Format("General Exception thrown :  Caller - [{0}] :: Member - [{1}]",
           this.ToString(), "SetStraightFeedCallback"));