public async Task ExportItemsAsync(TextReader itemsDumpReader, LuaModuleFactory moduleFactory)
        if (itemsDumpReader == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(itemsDumpReader));
        if (moduleFactory == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(moduleFactory));
        var languages = new List <string>(Languages ?? defaultLanguages);
        int items = 0, properties = 0;
        var statusReportSw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

        foreach (var entity in SerializableEntity.LoadAll(itemsDumpReader))
            if (entity.Type == EntityType.Item)
            else if (entity.Type == EntityType.Property)

            // Preprocess
            entity.Labels       = FilterMonolingualTexts(entity.Labels, languages);
            entity.Descriptions = FilterMonolingualTexts(entity.Descriptions, languages);
            entity.Aliases      = FilterMonolingualTexts(entity.Aliases, languages);

            // Persist
            using (var module = moduleFactory.GetModule(entity.Id))
                using (var writer = module.Writer)
                    WriteProlog(writer, $"Entity: {entity.Id} ({entity.Labels["en"]})");
                    using (var luawriter = new JsonLuaWriter(writer)
                        CloseOutput = false


                await module.SubmitAsync($"Export entity {entity.Id}.");

            if (statusReportSw.Elapsed > StatusReportInterval)
                Logger.Information("Exported LUA modules for {Items} items and {Properties} properties.", items, properties);
        Logger.Information("Exported LUA modules for {Items} items and {Properties} properties.", items, properties);
Пример #2
        public void SerializationTest()
            var serializer = new JsonSerializer();
            var obj        = new
                IntValue    = 123,
                FloatValue  = 456.78,
                StringValue = "test",
                Value1      = (object)null,
                Value2      = new
                    Value21 = 12345.67M
                Value3 = new Dictionary <string, int>
                    { "A", 1 },
                    { "B", 2 },
                    { "C", 3 },
                    { "while", 4 }

            using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                using (var lw = new JsonLuaWriter(sw)
                    CloseOutput = false
                    serializer.Serialize(lw, obj, typeof(object));

            using (var sw = new StringWriter())
                using (var lw = new JsonLuaWriter(sw)
                    Formatting = Formatting.Indented, CloseOutput = false
                    serializer.Serialize(lw, obj, typeof(object));
  IntValue = 123,
  FloatValue = 456.78,
  StringValue = ""test"",
  Value1 = nil,
  Value2 = {
    Value21 = 12345.67
  Value3 = {
    A = 1,
    B = 2,
    C = 3,
    [""while""] = 4
}".Replace("\r\n", sw.NewLine), sw.ToString());
Пример #3
    public async Task ExportModulesAsync()
        if (SiteConfig == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(SiteConfig));
        var clusterDict  = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, AotSparqlModuleRoot>();
        var queryCounter = 0;

        foreach (var(queryName, queryContent) in SiteConfig.Queries)
            Logger.Information("Processing query {Counter}/{Total}: {Name}.",
                               queryCounter, SiteConfig.Queries.Count, queryName);
                // Execute params query first.
                var paramsResult    = executor.Execute(queryContent.ParamsQuery);
                var clusterVariable = SparqlQuery.ParamsQueryParamPrefix + queryContent.ClusteredBy;
                if (!paramsResult.Variables.Contains(clusterVariable))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              $"Specified clustering variable {clusterVariable} does not exist in the result set from ParamsQuery.");
                Logger.Information("Parameter query returned {Count} results.", paramsResult.Count);
                if (paramsResult.Count == 0)
                var paramNames = paramsResult.Variables
                                 .Where(v => v.StartsWith(SparqlQuery.ParamsQueryParamPrefix))
                                 .Select(v => (ParamName: v.Substring(SparqlQuery.ParamsQueryParamPrefix.Length), ResultName: v))
                var pivotParamNames = paramNames.Where(p => p.ParamName != queryContent.ClusteredBy).ToList();
                var resultVariables = executor.GetResultVariables(queryContent.SourceQuery, paramNames.Select(n => n.ParamName));
                int minResultRows = int.MaxValue, maxResultRows = -1;
                var paramSetCounter = 0;
                // Traverse the params query result set.
                foreach (var row in paramsResult)
                    Logger.Verbose("Processing param set {Counter}/{Total}.", paramSetCounter, paramsResult.Count);
                    var clusterNode = row[clusterVariable];
                    var clusterKey  = SerializeClusterKey(clusterNode);
                    var queryParams = paramNames.ToDictionary(p => p.ParamName, p => row.Value(p.ResultName));
                    var cluster     = clusterDict.GetOrAdd(clusterKey,
                                                           k => new AotSparqlModuleRoot
                        ResultSets = new SortedDictionary <string, AotSparqlQueryResultSet>()
                    AotSparqlQueryResultSet resultSet;
                    lock (cluster)
                        if (!cluster.ResultSets.TryGetValue(queryName, out resultSet))
                            resultSet = new AotSparqlQueryResultSet {
                                Results = new List <AotSparqlQueryResult>()
                            if (pivotParamNames.Count > 0)
                                resultSet.PivotParams = pivotParamNames.Select(p => p.ParamName).ToList();
                            resultSet.Columns = resultVariables;
                            cluster.ResultSets.Add(queryName, resultSet);
                    var queryResult = executor.ExecuteAndSerialize(queryContent.SourceQuery, resultVariables, queryParams);
                    minResultRows = Math.Min(minResultRows, queryResult.Rows.Count);
                    maxResultRows = Math.Max(maxResultRows, queryResult.Rows.Count);
                    lock (cluster)
                        if (pivotParamNames.Count > 0)
                            queryResult.PivotValues = pivotParamNames
                                                      .Select(p => executor.SerializeNode(queryParams[p.ParamName]))
                if (maxResultRows < 0)
                    Debug.Assert(minResultRows == int.MaxValue);
                    minResultRows = -1;
                Logger.Information("Executed query {QueryName} with {ParamRows} param sets. Source query results: min: {MinResults}, max: {MaxResults}.",
                                   queryName, paramsResult.Count, minResultRows, maxResultRows);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error(ex, "Failed to execute query {QueryName}.", queryName);
        Logger.Information("Normalize clustered modules…");
        // Sort result rows to ensure we only update modules when we need to.
        foreach (var root in clusterDict.Values)
            foreach (var resultSet in root.ResultSets.Values)
                var results = (List <AotSparqlQueryResult>)resultSet.Results;
                results.Sort((x, y) => SequenceComparer <object> .Default.Compare(x.PivotValues, y.PivotValues));
                foreach (var result in results)
                    var rows = (List <IList <object> >)result.Rows;
                    rows.Sort(SequenceComparer <object> .Default);
        Logger.Information("Writing {Count} clustered modules…", clusterDict.Count);
        var statusReportSw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
        var writtenCount   = 0;

        foreach (var(name, root) in clusterDict)
            using (var module = moduleFactory.GetModule(name))
                WriteProlog(module.Writer, "Cluster key: " + name);
                using (var jwriter = new JsonLuaWriter(module.Writer)
                    CloseOutput = false
                    luaModuleJsonSerializer.Serialize(jwriter, root);
                await module.SubmitAsync("Export clustered SPARQL query result for " + name + ".");

                if (statusReportSw.Elapsed >= StatusReportInterval)
                    Logger.Information("Written {Count}/{Total} clustered modules.", writtenCount, clusterDict.Count);
        Logger.Information("Written {Count}/{Total} clustered modules.", writtenCount, clusterDict.Count);