Пример #1
        internal static bool IsRefCall([NotNull] this IVcfVariant variant, [CanBeNull] string sampleName)
            //refsite is a refcall for sure
            if (variant.IsRefSite())

            //if not refsite and no sample field, not a refcall
            if (variant.Samples.Count == 0)

            var sample = sampleName == null ? variant.Samples[0] : variant.Samples[sampleName];

            var isCn = sample.SampleDictionary.TryGetValue(VcfConstants.CnSampleFieldKey, out var cnString);
            var isGt = sample.SampleDictionary.TryGetValue(VcfConstants.GenotypeKey, out var gt);

            if (isGt)
                //todo: refining how to deal with ploidy. Also here we don't deal with LOH. assuming CN = ploidy is ref
                var gtArray = gt.Split('/', '|');
                if (isCn && int.TryParse(cnString, out var intCn))
                    return(intCn == gtArray.Length);
                return(gtArray.All(alleleIndex => alleleIndex == "0"));

            return(isCn && cnString == "2");
Пример #2
        public static FailedReason?ParseFromVariant([NotNull] IVcfVariant variant, bool isCrossTypeOn,
                                                    [CanBeNull] string sampleName, [CanBeNull] out WittyerType svType)
            if (variant.IsRefSite() || IsRefCall(out var ploidy, out var cn, out var hasCn))
                svType = CopyNumberReference;

            var hasSvTypeKey = variant.Info.TryGetValue(VcfConstants.SvTypeKey, out var svTypeStr);

            if (!hasSvTypeKey)
                // todo: maybe we can allow small variants, which would not have SVTYPE
                throw new InvalidDataException(
                          $"Following variant does not have {VcfConstants.SvTypeKey} info key:\n{variant}");

            svType = null;
            if (svTypeStr == SvTypeStrings.TranslocationBreakend)
                // breakends can be IntraChromosomeBreakend and TranslocationBreakend, so can't tell from SVTYPE.

                var mate = variant is IBreakEnd cast
                    ? cast.Mate
                    : SimpleBreakEnd.TryParse(variant.GetSingleAlt()).GetOrThrow();

                svType = variant.Contig.Equals(mate.Contig)
                    ? IntraChromosomeBreakend
                    : TranslocationBreakend;

            if (!TryParseSvType(svTypeStr, out svType))
                // Not BND because of check above, and if not parsable and not CNV, it's something we don't know.
                if (svTypeStr != SvTypeStrings.Cnv)
                    throw new InvalidDataException($"Cannot recognize SVTYPE of {svTypeStr}");
            else if (!svType.HasBaseLevelStats)
                // If INV or INS or whatever that doesn't need to look for CN, return.

            if (!hasCn)
                return(svType == null
                    ? FailedReason.CnvWithoutCn
                    : default(FailedReason?)); // DEL or DUP without CN
            // At this point, it is CNV with CN or DEL/DUP with CN, which are also considered CNV
            if (cn == null)
                // has CN, but can't parse.
                svType = null; // clear out SVTYPE=DEL/DUP

            svType = GetSvType(cn.Value);

            WittyerType GetSvType(int cnValue)
            => cnValue < ploidy
                    ? (isCrossTypeOn ? Deletion : CopyNumberLoss)
                    : (isCrossTypeOn ? Duplication : CopyNumberGain);

            bool IsRefCall(out int ploidyP, out int?cnP, out bool hasCnP)
                ploidyP = 2;
                cnP     = null;
                hasCnP  = false;
                //if not refsite and no sample field, not a refcall
                if (variant.Samples.Count == 0)

                var sample = sampleName == null ? variant.Samples[0] : variant.Samples[sampleName];

                hasCnP = sample.SampleDictionary.TryGetValue(VcfConstants.CnSampleFieldKey, out var cnString);
                var isGt = sample.SampleDictionary.TryGetValue(VcfConstants.GenotypeKey, out var gt);

                if (hasCnP && int.TryParse(cnString, out var i))
                    cnP = i;
                if (!isGt)
                    return(hasCnP && cnString == "2");

                //todo: refining how to deal with ploidy. Also here we don't deal with LOH. assuming CN = ploidy is ref
                var gtArray = gt.Split(VcfConstants.GtPhasedValueDelimiter[0],

                ploidyP = gtArray.Length;
                return(cnP == null?gtArray.All(alleleIndex => alleleIndex == "0") : cnP.Value == ploidyP);