Пример #1
        private static HttpSessionState CreateSessionState(string key, object state)
            string id = key.Substring(CACHEKEYPREFIXLENGTH);
            ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems =
                (ISessionStateItemCollection)ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(state, "_sessionItems");
            HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects =
                (HttpStaticObjectsCollection)ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(state, "_staticObjects");
            int timeout = (int)ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(state, "_timeout");

            TypeRegistry.RegisterType("SessionStateModule", typeof(SessionStateModule));
            HttpCookieMode cookieMode =
                (HttpCookieMode)ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "SessionStateModule.s_configCookieless");
            SessionStateMode stateMode =
                (SessionStateMode)ExpressionEvaluator.GetValue(null, "SessionStateModule.s_configMode");
            HttpSessionStateContainer container = new HttpSessionStateContainer(
                , sessionItems
                , staticObjects
                , timeout
                , false
                , cookieMode
                , stateMode
                , true

                       , BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic
                       , null
                       , new object[] { container }
                       , CultureInfo.InvariantCulture
 public HttpSessionStateContainer(string id, ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool newSession, HttpCookieMode cookieMode, SessionStateMode mode, bool isReadonly) : this(null, id, sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout, newSession, cookieMode, mode, isReadonly)
     if (id == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
Пример #3
        public bool TryCheckWriteLockAndGetData(bool isLocking, out object lockId, out ISessionStateItemCollection data, out int sessionTimeout)
            object rowDataFromRedis = null;

            string[] keyArgs   = new string[] { Keys.LockKey, Keys.DataKey, Keys.InternalKey };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { };

            rowDataFromRedis = redisConnection.Eval(readLockAndGetDataScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            bool ret = false;

            data = null;

            if (isLocking)
                lockId = redisConnection.GetLockId(rowDataFromRedis);
                lockId = "";

            sessionTimeout = redisConnection.GetSessionTimeout(rowDataFromRedis);
            if (lockId.ToString().Equals(""))
                // If lockId = "" means no lock exists and we got data from store.
                lockId = null;
                ret    = true;
                data   = redisConnection.GetSessionData(rowDataFromRedis);
        public void TestSessionAttributeRemoval()
            bool                locked;
            TimeSpan            lockAge;
            object              lockId;
            SessionStateActions actions;

            SessionStateStoreData data =
                m_store.GetItemExclusive(null, SESSION_ID, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);

            Assert.IsTrue(lockAge >= TimeSpan.Zero);
            Assert.AreEqual(SessionStateActions.None, actions);

            ISessionStateItemCollection session = data.Items;



            m_store.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(null, SESSION_ID, data, lockId, false);

            data = m_store.GetItem(null, SESSION_ID, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);

            Assert.AreEqual(TimeSpan.Zero, lockAge);
            Assert.AreEqual(SessionStateActions.None, actions);

            session = data.Items;
        // This needs to be done because there is no other way to get information on the
        // exact session item that failed to deserialize.
        private static ISessionStateItemCollection ValidateItems(ISessionStateItemCollection items)
            var failedItems = new List <Tuple <int, string> >();

            for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    var item = items[i];
                catch (SerializationException e)
                    items[i] = null;
                    failedItems.Add(Tuple.Create(i, e.Message));

            if (failedItems.Any())
                throw new SerializationException(string.Format("Session item '{0}' type cannot not be marshaled. Only primitive types " +
                                                               "(Boolean, Byte, System.DateTime/Date, Double, System.Int16/Integer, " +
                                                               "System.Int32/Long, System.Float/Single, String) can be marshaled between " +
                                                               "Classic ASP and ASP.NET. {1}", items.Keys[failedItems.First().Item1], failedItems.First().Item2));
        public override void SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context, string id, SessionStateStoreData item, object lockId, bool newItem)
            LogUtils.WriteInfo("------------------ SetAndReleaseItemExclusive 1 ------------------");

            ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems  = null;
            HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects = null;

            if (item.Items.Count > 0)
                sessionItems = item.Items;

            if (!item.StaticObjects.NeverAccessed)
                staticObjects = item.StaticObjects;


            MqdSessionState state2 = new MqdSessionState(sessionItems, staticObjects, item.Timeout);


            RedisUtils.SetString(id, state2.ToJson(), item.Timeout);

            LogUtils.WriteInfo("------------------ SetAndReleaseItemExclusive 2 ------------------\r\n");
Пример #7
        public void GetItem_RecordLocked()
            string              id = "session-id";
            bool                locked;
            TimeSpan            lockAge;
            object              lockId = null;
            SessionStateActions actions;

            object mockLockId = 0;
            ISessionStateItemCollection sessionData = null;
            int sessionTimeout;
            var mockCache = A.Fake <ICacheConnection>();

            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.TryCheckWriteLockAndGetData(out mockLockId, out sessionData, out sessionTimeout)).Returns(false);
            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.GetLockAge(A <object> .Ignored)).Returns(TimeSpan.Zero);

            RedisSessionStateProvider sessionStateStore = new RedisSessionStateProvider();

            sessionStateStore.cache = mockCache;
            SessionStateStoreData sessionStateStoreData = sessionStateStore.GetItem(null, id, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);

            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.TryCheckWriteLockAndGetData(out mockLockId, out sessionData, out sessionTimeout)).MustHaveHappened();
            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.GetLockAge(A <object> .Ignored)).MustHaveHappened();

            Assert.Equal(null, sessionStateStoreData);
            Assert.Equal(true, locked);
Пример #8
        public void TestExternalAttributeMultipleWrites()

            bool                locked;
            TimeSpan            lockAge;
            object              lockId;
            SessionStateActions actions;

            SessionStateStoreData data =
                m_store.GetItemExclusive(null, SESSION_ID, out locked, out lockAge, out lockId, out actions);

            ISessionStateItemCollection session = data.Items;

            session["blob"] = CreateBlob(1);

            session["test"] = "test";
            session["test"] = CreateBlob(1024);
            session["test"] = "test";

            session["test2"] = CreateBlob(1024);
            session["test2"] = "test2";

            m_store.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(null, SESSION_ID, data, lockId, false);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, m_extAttrCache.Count);
        private bool TryUpdateAndReleaseLockPrepare(object lockId, ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout, out string[] keyArgs, out object[] valueArgs)
            keyArgs   = null;
            valueArgs = null;
            if (data != null)
                List <object> list = new List <object>();
                ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection sessionItems = (ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection)data;
                int noOfItemsRemoved = redisUtility.AppendRemoveItemsInList(sessionItems, list);
                int noOfItemsUpdated = redisUtility.AppendUpdatedOrNewItemsInList(sessionItems, list);

                keyArgs      = new string[] { Keys.LockKey, Keys.DataKey, Keys.InternalKey };
                valueArgs    = new object[list.Count + 8]; // this +8 is for first wight values in ARGV that we will add now
                valueArgs[0] = (lockId == null) ? "" : lockId;
                valueArgs[1] = sessionTimeout;
                valueArgs[2] = noOfItemsRemoved;
                valueArgs[3] = 9;                    // In Lua index starts from 1 so first item deleted will be 9th.
                valueArgs[4] = noOfItemsRemoved + 8; // index for last removed item
                valueArgs[5] = noOfItemsUpdated;
                valueArgs[6] = noOfItemsRemoved + 9; // first item updated will be next to last item removed
                valueArgs[7] = list.Count + 8;       // index for last item in list in LUA

                // if nothing is changed in session then also execute update script to update session timeout
                if (list.Count != 0)
                    list.CopyTo(valueArgs, 8);
        public async Task GetItem_RecordLocked()
            string              id = "session-id";
            bool                locked;
            TimeSpan            lockAge;
            object              lockId = null;
            SessionStateActions actions;

            object mockLockId = 0;
            ISessionStateItemCollection sessionData = null;
            int sessionTimeout;
            var mockCache = A.Fake <ICacheConnection>();

            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.TryCheckWriteLockAndGetData(out mockLockId, out sessionData, out sessionTimeout)).Returns(false);
            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.GetLockAge(A <object> .Ignored)).Returns(TimeSpan.Zero);

            RedisSessionStateProvider sessionStateStore = new RedisSessionStateProvider();

            sessionStateStore.cache = mockCache;
            SessionStateStoreData sessionStateStoreData;

            GetItemResult data = await sessionStateStore.GetItemAsync(null, id, CancellationToken.None);

            sessionStateStoreData = data.Item;
            locked  = data.Locked;
            lockAge = data.LockAge;
            lockId  = data.LockId;
            actions = data.Actions;
            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.TryCheckWriteLockAndGetData(out mockLockId, out sessionData, out sessionTimeout)).MustHaveHappened();
            A.CallTo(() => mockCache.GetLockAge(A <object> .Ignored)).MustHaveHappened();

 internal void InitStateStoreItem(bool addToContext)
     this.ChangeImpersonation(this._rqContext, false);
         if (this._rqItem == null)
             this._rqItem = this._store.CreateNewStoreData(this._rqContext, s_timeout);
         this._rqSessionItems = this._rqItem.Items;
         if (this._rqSessionItems == null)
             throw new HttpException(System.Web.SR.GetString("Null_value_for_SessionStateItemCollection"));
         this._rqStaticObjects      = this._rqItem.StaticObjects;
         this._rqSessionItems.Dirty = false;
         this._rqSessionState       = new HttpSessionStateContainer(this, this._rqId, this._rqSessionItems, this._rqStaticObjects, this._rqItem.Timeout, this._rqIsNewSession, s_configCookieless, s_configMode, this._rqReadonly);
         if (addToContext)
             SessionStateUtility.AddHttpSessionStateToContext(this._rqContext, this._rqSessionState);
Пример #12
        public void CreateSession()
            // create new session with a zero timeout in order for the default
            // store timeout specified in CreateSessionStore to take effect
            SessionStateStoreData data = m_store.CreateNewStoreData(null, 0);

            ISessionStateItemCollection session = data.Items;

            session["int"]    = 1;
            session["string"] = "test string";
            session["date"]   = DateTime.Today;
            session["bool"]   = false;
            session["blob"]   = BLOB;
            session["person"] = PERSON;

            m_store.SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(null, SESSION_ID, data, null, true);
            m_store.ResetItemTimeout(null, SESSION_ID);

            SplitSessionModelManager modelManager = (SplitSessionModelManager)m_store.ModelManager;

            Assert.AreEqual(modelManager.SessionCache.CacheName, SESSION_CACHE_NAME_TEST);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_sessionCache.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, m_extAttrCache.Count);

            m_sessionOnEndCalled = false;
 public HttpSessionStateContainer(string id, ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool newSession, HttpCookieMode cookieMode, SessionStateMode mode, bool isReadonly) : this(null, id, sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout, newSession, cookieMode, mode, isReadonly)
     if (id == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("id");
Пример #14
        public ISessionStateItemCollection GetSessionData(object rowDataFromRedis)
            RedisResult rowDataAsRedisResult = (RedisResult)rowDataFromRedis;

            RedisResult[] lockScriptReturnValueArray = (RedisResult[])rowDataAsRedisResult;
            Debug.Assert(lockScriptReturnValueArray != null);

            ISessionStateItemCollection sessionData = null;

            if (lockScriptReturnValueArray.Length > 1 && lockScriptReturnValueArray[1] != null)
                RedisResult[] data = (RedisResult[])lockScriptReturnValueArray[1];

                // LUA script returns data as object array so keys and values are store one after another
                // This list has to be even because it contains pair of <key, value> as {key, value, key, value}
                if (data != null && data.Length != 0 && data.Length % 2 == 0)
                    sessionData = new ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection();
                    // In every cycle of loop we are getting one pair of key value and putting it into session items
                    // thats why increment is by 2 because we want to move to next pair
                    for (int i = 0; (i + 1) < data.Length; i += 2)
                        string key = (string)data[i];
                        object val = redisUtility.GetObjectFromBytes((byte[])data[i + 1]);
                        if (key != null)
                            sessionData[key] = val;
        private void InitStateStoreItem(bool addToContext)
            Debug.Assert(_rqId != null, "_rqId != null");

            if (_rqItem == null)
                _rqItem = _store.CreateNewStoreData(_rqContext, s_timeout);

            _rqSessionItems = _rqItem.Items;
            if (_rqSessionItems == null)
                throw new HttpException(string.Format(SR.Null_value_for_SessionStateItemCollection));

            // No check for null because we allow our custom provider to return a null StaticObjects.
            _rqStaticObjects = _rqItem.StaticObjects;

            _rqSessionItems.Dirty = false;

            _rqSessionState = new HttpSessionStateContainer(

            if (addToContext)
                SessionStateUtility.AddHttpSessionStateToContext(_rqContext.ApplicationInstance.Context, _rqSessionState);
Пример #16
 public SessionStateStoreData(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems,
                              HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects,
                              int timeout)
     this.sessionItems  = sessionItems;
     this.staticObjects = staticObjects;
     this.timeout       = timeout;
 internal static SessionStateStoreData CreateLegitStoreData(HttpContext context, ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout)
     if (sessionItems == null)
         sessionItems = new SessionStateItemCollection();
     if (staticObjects == null && context != null)
         staticObjects = SessionStateUtility.GetSessionStaticObjects(context);
     return new SessionStateStoreData(sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout);
Пример #18
 public SessionStateStoreData(ISessionStateItemCollection items,
                              HttpStaticObjectsCollection objects,
                              int timeout)
     sessionItems  = items;
     staticObjects = objects;
     this.timeout  = timeout;
Пример #19
 public static ISessionStateItemCollection AddItems(this ISessionStateItemCollection items, IDictionary <string, object> newItems)
     foreach (var newItem in newItems)
         items[newItem.Key] = newItem.Value;
Пример #20
		public SessionStateStoreData (ISessionStateItemCollection items,
						HttpStaticObjectsCollection objects,
						int timeout)
			sessionItems = items;
			staticObjects = objects;
			this.timeout = timeout;
 public void TryUpdateAndReleaseLock(object lockId, ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout)
     string[] keyArgs;
     object[] valueArgs;
     if (TryUpdateAndReleaseLockPrepare(lockId, data, sessionTimeout, out keyArgs, out valueArgs))
         redisConnection.Eval(removeAndUpdateSessionDataScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);
Пример #22
        private void SetVersion(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionData)
            if (sessionData == null)

 public byte[] Serialize(ISessionStateItemCollection items)
     using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
         var writer = new BinaryWriter(ms);
 private void AssertStateItems(IDictionary expected, ISessionStateItemCollection actual)
     Assert.AreEqual(expected.Count, actual.Count);
     foreach (var kvp in expected.Cast <DictionaryEntry>())
         var name = (string)kvp.Key;
         Assert.AreEqual(kvp.Value, actual[name]);
 public void Set(ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout)
     string[] keyArgs;
     object[] valueArgs;
     if (SetPrepare(data, sessionTimeout, out keyArgs, out valueArgs))
         redisConnection.Eval(setScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);
Пример #26
        /* In certain situations the 'item' parameter passed to SetAndReleaseItemExclusive
         * may be null. The issue was reported in bug #333898, but the reporter cannot
         * provide a test case that triggers the issue. Added work around the problem
         * in the way that should have the least impact on the rest of the code. If 'item'
         * is null, then the new session item is created without the items and staticItems
         * collections - they will be initialized to defaults when retrieving the session
         * item. This is not a correct fix, but since there is no test case this is the best
         * what can be done right now.
        public override void SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context,
                                                        string id,
                                                        SessionStateStoreData item,
                                                        object lockId,
                                                        bool newItem)
            EnsureGoodId(id, true);
            string                      CacheId    = CachePrefix + id;
            Cache                       cache      = HttpRuntime.InternalCache;
            InProcSessionItem           inProcItem = cache [CacheId] as InProcSessionItem;
            ISessionStateItemCollection itemItems  = null;
            int itemTimeout = 20;
            HttpStaticObjectsCollection itemStaticItems = null;

            if (item != null)
                itemItems       = item.Items;
                itemTimeout     = item.Timeout;
                itemStaticItems = item.StaticObjects;

            if (newItem || inProcItem == null)
                inProcItem           = new InProcSessionItem();
                inProcItem.timeout   = itemTimeout;
                inProcItem.expiresAt = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(itemTimeout);
                if (lockId.GetType() == typeof(Int32))
                    inProcItem.lockId = (Int32)lockId;
                if (lockId == null || lockId.GetType() != typeof(Int32) || inProcItem.lockId != (Int32)lockId)
                inProcItem.resettingTimeout = true;

            try {
                inProcItem.locked      = false;
                inProcItem.items       = itemItems;
                inProcItem.staticItems = itemStaticItems;
                InsertSessionItem(inProcItem, itemTimeout, CacheId);
            } catch {
            } finally {
                if (inProcItem.rwlock.IsWriterLockHeld)
 internal void Copy(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool locked, DateTime utcLockDate, int lockCookie, int flags)
     this._sessionItems = sessionItems;
     this._staticObjects = staticObjects;
     this._timeout = timeout;
     this._locked = locked;
     this._utcLockDate = utcLockDate;
     this._lockCookie = lockCookie;
     this._flags = flags;
 internal void Copy(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool locked, DateTime utcLockDate, int lockCookie, int flags)
     this._sessionItems  = sessionItems;
     this._staticObjects = staticObjects;
     this._timeout       = timeout;
     this._locked        = locked;
     this._utcLockDate   = utcLockDate;
     this._lockCookie    = lockCookie;
     this._flags         = flags;
Пример #29
        public override async Task SetAndReleaseItemExclusiveAsync(HttpContextBase context, string id, SessionStateStoreData item, object lockId, bool newItem, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                if (LastException == null)
                    // If it is new record
                    if (newItem)
                        ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems = null;
                        if (item != null && item.Items != null)
                            sessionItems = item.Items;
                            sessionItems = new ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection(redisUtility);

                        if (sessionItems["SessionStateActions"] != null)

                        // Converting timout from min to sec
                        cache.Set(sessionItems, (item.Timeout * FROM_MIN_TO_SEC));
                        LogUtility.LogInfo("SetAndReleaseItemExclusive => Session Id: {0}, Session provider object: {1} => created new item in session.", id, this.GetHashCode());
                    } // If update if lock matches
                        if (item != null && item.Items != null)
                            if (item.Items["SessionStateActions"] != null)
                            // Converting timout from min to sec
                            cache.TryUpdateAndReleaseLock(lockId, item.Items, (item.Timeout * FROM_MIN_TO_SEC));
                            LogUtility.LogInfo("SetAndReleaseItemExclusive => Session Id: {0}, Session provider object: {1} => updated item in session, Lock ID: {2}.", id, this.GetHashCode(), lockId);
            catch (Exception e)
                LogUtility.LogError("SetAndReleaseItemExclusive => {0}", e.ToString());
                LastException = e;
                if (configuration.ThrowOnError)
            await Task.FromResult(0);
 internal InProcSessionState(
     ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems,
     HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects,
     int timeout,
     bool locked,
     DateTime utcLockDate,
     int lockCookie,
     int flags)
     Copy(sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout, locked, utcLockDate, lockCookie, flags);
Пример #31
		public void Dispose ()
			if (rwlock != null) {
				rwlock.Dispose ();
				rwlock = null;
			staticItems = null;
			if (items != null)
				items.Clear ();
			items = null;
 internal static SessionStateStoreData CreateLegitStoreData(HttpContext context, ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout)
     if (sessionItems == null)
         sessionItems = new SessionStateItemCollection();
     if ((staticObjects == null) && (context != null))
         staticObjects = GetSessionStaticObjects(context);
     return new SessionStateStoreData(sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout);
 internal HttpSessionStateContainer(SessionStateModule stateModule, string id, ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool newSession, HttpCookieMode cookieMode, SessionStateMode mode, bool isReadonly)
     this._stateModule   = stateModule;
     this._id            = id;
     this._sessionItems  = sessionItems;
     this._staticObjects = staticObjects;
     this._timeout       = timeout;
     this._newSession    = newSession;
     this._cookieMode    = cookieMode;
     this._mode          = mode;
     this._isReadonly    = isReadonly;
 internal HttpSessionStateContainer(SessionStateModule stateModule, string id, ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool newSession, HttpCookieMode cookieMode, SessionStateMode mode, bool isReadonly)
     this._stateModule = stateModule;
     this._id = id;
     this._sessionItems = sessionItems;
     this._staticObjects = staticObjects;
     this._timeout = timeout;
     this._newSession = newSession;
     this._cookieMode = cookieMode;
     this._mode = mode;
     this._isReadonly = isReadonly;
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the session-item information in the session-state data store with values from the current request, and clears the lock on the data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The <see cref="T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> for the current request.</param><param name="id">The session identifier for the current request.</param><param name="item">The <see cref="T:System.Web.SessionState.SessionStateStoreData"/> object that contains the current session values to be stored.</param><param name="lockId">The lock identifier for the current request. </param><param name="newItem">true to identify the session item as a new item; false to identify the session item as an existing item.</param>
        public override void SetAndReleaseItemExclusive(HttpContext context, string id, SessionStateStoreData item, object lockId, bool newItem)
            ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems = null;

            if (item.Items.Count > 0)
                sessionItems = item.Items;

            var database = GetConnection().GetDatabase();

            RedisSessionStateStore.Create(database, id, item.Timeout).Set(sessionItems);
        public SessionItemEx(SessionItem data)
            items = data.Items;

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
                    staticObjects = stream.ToArray();
Пример #37
		internal InProcSessionItem ()
			this.locked = false;
			this.cookieless = false;
			this.items = null;
			this.staticItems = null;
			this.lockedTime = DateTime.MinValue;
			this.expiresAt = DateTime.MinValue;
			this.rwlock = new ReaderWriterLockSlim ();
			this.lockId = Int32.MinValue;
			this.timeout = 0;
			this.resettingTimeout = false;
Пример #38
 internal InProcSessionItem()
     this.locked           = false;
     this.cookieless       = false;
     this.items            = null;
     this.staticItems      = null;
     this.lockedTime       = DateTime.MinValue;
     this.expiresAt        = DateTime.MinValue;
     this.rwlock           = new ReaderWriterLockSlim();
     this.lockId           = Int32.MinValue;
     this.timeout          = 0;
     this.resettingTimeout = false;
Пример #39
 public MySessionState(string id,
                       ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems,
                       HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects,
                       int timeout,
                       bool newSession,
                       HttpCookieMode cookieMode,
                       SessionStateMode mode,
                       bool isReadonly)
     pId = id;
     pSessionItems = sessionItems;
     pStaticObjects = staticObjects;
     pTimeout = timeout;
     pNewSession = newSession;
     pCookieMode = cookieMode;
     pMode = mode;
     pIsReadonly = isReadonly;
 internal HttpSessionStateContainer(
                          SessionStateModule          stateModule, 
                          string                      id,
                          ISessionStateItemCollection      sessionItems,
                          HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects,
                          int                         timeout,
                          bool                        newSession,
                          HttpCookieMode              cookieMode,
                          SessionStateMode            mode,
                          bool                        isReadonly) {
     _stateModule = stateModule;
     _id = id;   // If null, it means we're delaying session id reading
     _sessionItems = sessionItems;
     _staticObjects = staticObjects;
     _timeout = timeout;    
     _newSession = newSession; 
     _cookieMode = cookieMode;
     _mode = mode;
     _isReadonly = isReadonly;
Пример #41
		public HttpSessionStateContainer (string id,
						  ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems,
						  HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects,
						  int timeout,
						  bool newSession,
						  HttpCookieMode cookieMode,
						  SessionStateMode mode,
						  bool isReadonly)
			if (id == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("id");
			this.sessionItems = sessionItems;
			this.id = id;
			this.staticObjects = staticObjects;
			this.timeout = timeout;
			this.newSession = newSession;
			this.cookieMode = cookieMode;
			this.mode = mode;
			this.isReadOnly = isReadonly;
			this.isCookieless = cookieMode == HttpCookieMode.UseUri;
        // This needs to be done because there is no other way to get information on the
        // exact session item that failed to deserialize.
        private static ISessionStateItemCollection ValidateItems(ISessionStateItemCollection items)
            var failedItems = new List<Tuple<int, string>>();

            for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
                    var item = items[i];
                catch (SerializationException e)
                    items[i] = null;
                    failedItems.Add(Tuple.Create(i, e.Message));

            if (failedItems.Any())
                throw new SerializationException(string.Format("Session item '{0}' type cannot not be marshaled. Only primitive types " +
                                                               "(Boolean, Byte, System.DateTime/Date, Double, System.Int16/Integer, " +
                                                               "System.Int32/Long, System.Float/Single, String) can be marshaled between " +
                                                               "Classic ASP and ASP.NET. {1}", items.Keys[failedItems.First().Item1], failedItems.First().Item2));
            return items;
 private void LogSessionObjects(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionCollection, string sessionID, string url, string username) {
     if (this._logSessionObjects && this._logger != null) {
         this._logger.LogSessionObjects(sessionCollection, sessionID, url, username);
 public void Set(ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout)
     string[] keyArgs;
     object[] valueArgs;
     if (SetPrepare(data, sessionTimeout, out keyArgs, out valueArgs))
         redisConnection.Eval(setScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);
        public bool TryCheckWriteLockAndGetData(out object lockId, out ISessionStateItemCollection data, out int sessionTimeout)
            object rowDataFromRedis = null;
            string[] keyArgs = new string[] { Keys.LockKey, Keys.DataKey, Keys.InternalKey };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { };

            rowDataFromRedis = redisConnection.Eval(readLockAndGetDataScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            bool ret = false;
            data = null;

            lockId = redisConnection.GetLockId(rowDataFromRedis);
            sessionTimeout = redisConnection.GetSessionTimeout(rowDataFromRedis);
            if (lockId.ToString().Equals(""))
                // If lockId = "" means no lock exists and we got data from store.
                lockId = null;
                ret = true;
                data = redisConnection.GetSessionData(rowDataFromRedis);
            return ret;
 public SessionStateStoreData (ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, System.Web.HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout)
        public bool TryTakeWriteLockAndGetData(DateTime lockTime, int lockTimeout, out object lockId, out ISessionStateItemCollection data, out int sessionTimeout)
            string expectedLockId = lockTime.Ticks.ToString();
            object rowDataFromRedis = null;
            string[] keyArgs = new string[] { Keys.LockKey, Keys.DataKey, Keys.InternalKey };
            object[] valueArgs = new object[] { expectedLockId, lockTimeout };

            rowDataFromRedis = redisConnection.Eval(writeLockAndGetDataScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);

            bool ret = false;
            data = null;

            lockId = redisConnection.GetLockId(rowDataFromRedis);
            sessionTimeout = redisConnection.GetSessionTimeout(rowDataFromRedis);
            bool isLocked = redisConnection.IsLocked(rowDataFromRedis);
            if (!isLocked && lockId.ToString().Equals(expectedLockId))
                ret = true;
                data = redisConnection.GetSessionData(rowDataFromRedis);
            return ret;
 private bool SetPrepare(ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout, out string[] keyArgs, out object[] valueArgs)
     keyArgs = null;
     valueArgs = null;
     if (data != null && data.Count > 0)
         ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection sessionItems = (ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection)data;
         List<object> list = redisUtility.GetNewItemsAsList(sessionItems);
         if (list.Count > 0)
             keyArgs = new string[] { Keys.DataKey, Keys.InternalKey };
             valueArgs = new object[list.Count + 2]; // this +2 is for first 2 values in ARGV that we will add now
             valueArgs[0] = list.Count + 2;
             valueArgs[1] = sessionTimeout;
             list.CopyTo(valueArgs, 2);
             return true;
     return false;
 private void AssertStateItems(IDictionary expected, ISessionStateItemCollection actual)
     Assert.Equal(expected.Count, actual.Count);
     foreach (var kvp in expected.Cast<DictionaryEntry>())
         var name = (string)kvp.Key;
         Assert.Equal(kvp.Value, actual[name]);
        private byte[] Serialize(ISessionStateItemCollection data)
            byte[] bytes;

            using (var stream = new MemoryStream())
            using (var writer = new BinaryWriter(stream))
                var collection = data as SessionStateItemCollection;

                if (collection != null)

                bytes = stream.ToArray();

            bytes = redisConfig.CompressionEnabled ? Gzip.Compress(bytes) : bytes;

            return bytes;
Пример #51
        internal void InitStateStoreItem(bool addToContext) {
            Debug.Assert(_rqId != null || s_allowInProcOptimization, "_rqId != null || s_allowInProcOptimization");

            ChangeImpersonation(_rqContext, false);
            try {

                if (_rqItem == null) {
                    Debug.Trace("InitStateStoreItem", "Creating new session state");
                    _rqItem = _store.CreateNewStoreData(_rqContext, s_timeout);

                _rqSessionItems = _rqItem.Items;
                if (_rqSessionItems == null) {
                    throw new HttpException(SR.GetString(SR.Null_value_for_SessionStateItemCollection));

                // No check for null because we allow our custom provider to return a null StaticObjects.
                _rqStaticObjects = _rqItem.StaticObjects;

                _rqSessionItems.Dirty = false;

                _rqSessionState = new HttpSessionStateContainer(
                        _rqId,            // could be null if we're using InProc optimization

                if (addToContext) {
                    SessionStateUtility.AddHttpSessionStateToContext(_rqContext, _rqSessionState);
            finally {
 public SessionStateStoreData(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems,
                             HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects,
                             int timeout) {
     _sessionItems = sessionItems;
     _staticObjects = staticObjects;
     _timeout = timeout;
 internal InProcSessionState(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout, bool locked, DateTime utcLockDate, int lockCookie, int flags)
     this.Copy(sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout, locked, utcLockDate, lockCookie, flags);
        private bool TryUpdateIfLockIdMatchPrepare(object lockId, ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout, out string[] keyArgs, out object[] valueArgs)
            keyArgs = null;
            valueArgs = null;
            if (data != null)
                List<object> list = new List<object>();
                ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection sessionItems = (ChangeTrackingSessionStateItemCollection)data;
                int noOfItemsRemoved = redisUtility.AppendRemoveItemsInList(sessionItems, list);
                int noOfItemsUpdated = redisUtility.AppendUpdatedOrNewItemsInList(sessionItems, list);

                keyArgs = new string[] { Keys.LockKey, Keys.DataKey, Keys.InternalKey };
                valueArgs = new object[list.Count + 8]; // this +8 is for first wight values in ARGV that we will add now
                valueArgs[0] = lockId;
                valueArgs[1] = sessionTimeout;
                valueArgs[2] = noOfItemsRemoved;
                valueArgs[3] = 9; // In Lua index starts from 1 so first item deleted will be 9th.
                valueArgs[4] = noOfItemsRemoved + 8; // index for last removed item
                valueArgs[5] = noOfItemsUpdated;
                valueArgs[6] = noOfItemsRemoved + 9; // first item updated will be next to last item removed
                valueArgs[7] = list.Count + 8; // index for last item in list in LUA

                // if nothing is changed in session then also execute update script to update session timeout
                if (list.Count != 0)
                    list.CopyTo(valueArgs, 8);
                return true;
            return false;
 internal RedisSessionState(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout)
     this.Copy(sessionItems, staticObjects, timeout);
 public FakeHttpSessionState(ISessionStateItemCollection items, string sessID)
     this.Items = items;
     this.sessionID = sessID;
 internal void Copy(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionItems, HttpStaticObjectsCollection staticObjects, int timeout)
     this._sessionItems = sessionItems;
     this._staticObjects = staticObjects;
     this._timeout = timeout;
            public void Set(ISessionStateItemCollection sessionStateItemCollection)
                if (sessionStateItemCollection == null)
                foreach (string key in sessionStateItemCollection.Keys)
                    var item = sessionStateItemCollection[key];
                    _database.HashSet(HashKey, key, item == null ? null : JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new DataItem(item)));

Пример #59
        void ResetPerRequestFields() {
            Debug.Assert(_rqIctx == null, "_rqIctx == null");
            Debug.Assert(_rqChangeImpersonationRefCount == 0, "_rqChangeImpersonationRefCount == 0");

            _rqSessionState = null;
            _rqId = null;
            _rqSessionItems = null;
            _rqStaticObjects = null;
            _rqIsNewSession = false;
            _rqSessionStateNotFound = true;
            _rqReadonly = false;
            _rqItem = null;
            _rqContext = null;
            _rqAr = null;
            _rqLockId = null;
            _rqInCallback = 0;
            _rqLastPollCompleted = DateTime.MinValue;
            _rqExecutionTimeout = TimeSpan.Zero;
            _rqAddedCookie = false;
            _rqIdNew = false;
            _rqActionFlags = 0;
            _rqIctx = null;
            _rqChangeImpersonationRefCount = 0;
            _rqTimerThreadImpersonationIctx = null;
            _rqSupportSessionIdReissue = false;
 public void TryUpdateAndReleaseLockIfLockIdMatch(object lockId, ISessionStateItemCollection data, int sessionTimeout)
     string[] keyArgs;
     object[] valueArgs;
     if (TryUpdateIfLockIdMatchPrepare(lockId, data, sessionTimeout, out keyArgs, out valueArgs))
         redisConnection.Eval(removeAndUpdateIfLockMatchScript, keyArgs, valueArgs);