public void loadDefaults()
            IRegMemoryFolder reg = host.GetRegistryFolder("CncPlugin");

            jog_key_x_minus = reg.GetInt("jog_x_minus", 37); // LEFT
            jog_key_x_plus  = reg.GetInt("jog_x_plus", 39);  // RIGHT
            jog_key_y_minus = reg.GetInt("jog_y_minus", 40); // DOWN
            jog_key_y_plus  = reg.GetInt("jog_y_plus", 38);  // UP
            jog_key_z_minus = reg.GetInt("jog_z_minus", 34); // PGDN
            jog_key_z_plus  = reg.GetInt("jog_z_plus", 33);  // PGUP

            jog_step_1 = reg.GetDouble("jog_step_1", 50);
            jog_step_2 = reg.GetDouble("jog_step_2", 10);
            jog_step_3 = reg.GetDouble("jog_step_3", 1);
            jog_step_4 = reg.GetDouble("jog_step_4", 0.1);

            step_key_1 = reg.GetInt("step_key_1", 120); // F9
            step_key_2 = reg.GetInt("step_key_2", 121); // F10
            step_key_3 = reg.GetInt("step_key_3", 122); // F11
            step_key_4 = reg.GetInt("step_key_4", 123); // F12

            spindle_start = reg.GetString("spindle_start", "M106 S%p");
            spindle_stop  = reg.GetString("spindle_stop", "M107");
            spindle_pwm   = reg.GetString("spindle_pwm", "M106 S%p");

            jog_unit   = reg.GetString("jog_unit", "mm");
            globalkeys = reg.GetBool("globalkeys", false);
        // control load event
        private void testControl_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            // translation
            host.languageChanged += load_Translations;

            // Read the filament list from the registry and load into listview
            IRegMemoryFolder Ireg = host.GetRegistryFolder("FilamentInfo_plugin");

            // items ar separed by "|" params by ";"
            string[] items = Ireg.GetString("filamentList", "").Split('|');
            string[] allParams;

            foreach (string item in items)
                allParams = item.Split(';');
                if (allParams.Count() < 8)
