public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new TaxaService(User); progress.ProgressStart(String.Format("Preparing Darwin Core records for {0} specimens...", _idSet.Count)); DataMatrix result = null; var idSet = new LinkedList<int>(_idSet); int chunkSize = 2000; var helper = new DarwinCoreReportHelper(); var chunk = new List<int>(); var count = 0; while (idSet.Count > 0) { chunk.Add(idSet.First.Value); idSet.RemoveFirst(); count++; if (chunk.Count >= chunkSize || idSet.Count == 0) { var percentComplete = ((double) count / (double) _idSet.Count) * 100; progress.ProgressMessage(String.Format("Preparing Darwin Core records {0} of {1}", count, _idSet.Count), percentComplete); var where = "tblMaterial.intMaterialID in (" + chunk.Join(",") + ")"; var dataChunk = helper.RunDwcQuery(service, where); if (result == null) { result = dataChunk; } else { result.AppendMatrix(dataChunk); } chunk = new List<int>(); } } progress.ProgressEnd(String.Format("{0} Darwin Core records retrieved.", count)); return result; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new MaterialService(User); var filterText = string.Format("Taxon: {0}, {1}: {2}", TaxonID.HasValue && TaxonID.Value > 0 ? TaxonName : "All taxon", ElemType, SiteRegionName); return(service.GetTaxaForSites(true, ElemType, SiteRegionID.Value, TaxonID.GetValueOrDefault(-1), filterText)); }
public override Data.DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new MaterialService(User); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart(string.Format("Retrieving Material records for Trap {0}", Trap.DisplayLabel), true); } var serviceMessage = new ServiceMessageDelegate((message) => { progress.ProgressMessage(message, 0); }); service.ServiceMessage += serviceMessage; DataMatrix matrix = service.GetMaterialForTrap(Trap.ElemID); service.ServiceMessage -= serviceMessage; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd(string.Format("{0} rows retreived", matrix.Rows.Count)); } matrix.Columns.Add(new FormattedLatLongVirtualColumn(matrix)); matrix.Columns.Add(new FormattedDateVirtualColumn(matrix)); return matrix; }
private void LoadPluginsAsync(IProgressObserver monitor, Action finished) { Debug.Assert(User != null, "User is null!"); PluginManager.Initialize(this.User, MainWindow.Instance); _pluginManager = PluginManager.Instance; _pluginManager.RequestShowContent += new PluginManager.ShowDockableContributionDelegate(_pluginManager_RequestShowContent); _pluginManager.DocumentContentAdded += new PluginManager.AddDockableContentDelegate(_pluginManager_DocumentContentAdded); _pluginManager.DockableContentClosed += new PluginManager.CloseDockableContentDelegate(_pluginManager_DockableContentClosed); _pluginManager.ProgressEvent += ProgressObserverAdapter.Adapt(monitor); // Debug logging... _pluginManager.ProgressEvent += (message, percent, eventType) => { Logger.Debug("<<{2}>> {0} {1}", message, (percent >= 0 ? "(" + percent + "%)" : ""), eventType); return(true); }; Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { this.explorersPane.Width = 0; _pluginManager.LoadPlugins(AddPluginContributions); if (finished != null) { finished(); } explorersPane.Width = 180; }); })); t.Name = "Plugin Bootstrapper Thread"; t.TrySetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); t.Start(); }
public TabularDataViewer(IBioLinkReport report, DataMatrix data, IProgressObserver progress) { InitializeComponent(); this.Data = data; _progress = progress; _report = report; var view = new GridView(); var columns = report.DisplayColumns; if (columns == null || columns.Count == 0) { columns = GenerateDefaultColumns(data); } var hcs = viewerGrid.Resources["hcs"] as Style; foreach (DisplayColumnDefinition c in columns) { DisplayColumnDefinition coldef = c; var column = new GridViewColumn { Header = BuildColumnHeader(coldef), DisplayMemberBinding = new Binding(String.Format("[{0}]", data.IndexOf(coldef.ColumnName))), HeaderContainerStyle = hcs }; view.Columns.Add(column); } lvw.AddHandler(ButtonBase.ClickEvent, new RoutedEventHandler(GridViewColumnHeaderClickedHandler)); lvw.MouseRightButtonUp += new System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventHandler(lvw_MouseRightButtonUp); lvw.ItemsSource = Data.Rows; this.lvw.View = view; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart(string.Format("Retrieving Material records for {0}", Taxon.DisplayLabel), true); } var serviceMessage = new ServiceMessageDelegate((message) => { progress.ProgressMessage(message, 0); }); Service.ServiceMessage += serviceMessage; DataMatrix matrix = Service.GetMaterialForTaxon(Taxon.TaxaID.Value); Service.ServiceMessage -= serviceMessage; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd(string.Format("{0} rows retreived", matrix.Rows.Count)); } matrix.Columns.Add(new FormattedLatLongVirtualColumn(matrix)); matrix.Columns.Add(new FormattedDateVirtualColumn(matrix)); return(matrix); }
public void Export(Window parentWindow, DataMatrix matrix, String datasetName, IProgressObserver progress) { this.ProgressObserver = progress; object options = GetOptions(parentWindow, matrix, datasetName); JobExecutor.QueueJob(() => { this.ExportImpl(parentWindow, matrix, datasetName, options); ProgressEnd(""); }); }
public AssociateReportsViewer(IBioLinkReport report, DataMatrix data, IProgressObserver progress) { InitializeComponent(); this.Report = report; this.DataMatrix = data; this.Progress = progress; Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(AssociateReportsViewer_Loaded); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options == null) { throw new Exception("Null or incorrect options type received!"); } ImportRowSource rowsource = null; using (var parser = new GenericParserAdapter(_options.Filename)) { parser.ColumnDelimiter = _options.Delimiter[0]; parser.FirstRowHasHeader = _options.FirstRowContainsNames; parser.TextQualifier = '\"'; parser.FirstRowSetsExpectedColumnCount = true; var service = new ImportStagingService(); var columnNames = new List <String>(); int rowCount = 0; service.BeginTransaction(); var values = new List <string>(); while (parser.Read()) { if (rowCount == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.ColumnCount; ++i) { if (_options.FirstRowContainsNames) { columnNames.Add(parser.GetColumnName(i)); } else { columnNames.Add("Column" + i); } } service.CreateImportTable(columnNames); } values.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < parser.ColumnCount; ++i) { values.Add(parser[i]); } service.InsertImportRow(values); rowCount++; } service.CommitTransaction(); rowsource = new ImportRowSource(service, rowCount); } return(rowsource); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options != null) { if (_options.RowSource == null) { var builder = new BVPImportSourceBuilder(_options.Filename); _options.RowSource = builder.BuildRowSource(); } return _options.RowSource; } return null; }
public void Subscribe(IProgressObserver progressObserver) { if (MainScope == null) { _mainProgressObservers.Add(progressObserver); } else { MainScope.Subscribe(progressObserver); } }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options != null) { if (_options.RowSource == null) { var builder = new BVPImportSourceBuilder(_options.Filename); _options.RowSource = builder.BuildRowSource(); } return(_options.RowSource); } return(null); }
public ExportData(DataMatrix data, string dataSetName, IProgressObserver progress) { InitializeComponent(); _data = data; _dataSetName = dataSetName; _progress = progress; var candidates = PluginManager.Instance.GetExtensionsOfType<TabularDataExporter>(); var exporters = candidates.FindAll((exporter) => { return exporter.CanExport(data, dataSetName); }); listBox.ItemsSource = exporters; }
public ExportData(DataMatrix data, string dataSetName, IProgressObserver progress) { InitializeComponent(); _data = data; _dataSetName = dataSetName; _progress = progress; var candidates = PluginManager.Instance.GetExtensionsOfType <TabularDataExporter>(); var exporters = candidates.FindAll((exporter) => { return(exporter.CanExport(data, dataSetName)); }); listBox.ItemsSource = exporters; }
public override Data.DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { DataMatrix results = null; switch (ObjectType) { case TraitCategoryType.Taxon: results = AddMediaForTaxon(Target.ObjectID.Value, progress); break; } return(results); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options == null) { throw new Exception("Null or incorrect options type received!"); } ImportRowSource rowsource = null; var service = new ImportStagingService(); int rowCount = 0; var values = new List <string>(); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage(String.Format("Importing data - Stage 1 Connecting to input source...", rowCount)); } WithExcelWorksheetRows(_options.Filename, _options.Worksheet, 0, row => { if (rowCount == 0) { var columnNames = new List <String>(); foreach (DataColumn column in row.Table.Columns) { columnNames.Add(column.ColumnName); } service.CreateImportTable(columnNames); service.BeginTransaction(); } values.Clear(); foreach (DataColumn col in row.Table.Columns) { var value = row[col]; values.Add((value == null ? "" : value.ToString())); } service.InsertImportRow(values); if (++rowCount % 1000 == 0) { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage(String.Format("Importing data - Stage 1 {0} rows copied to staging database...", rowCount)); } } ; }); service.CommitTransaction(); rowsource = new ImportRowSource(service, rowCount); return(rowsource); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options == null) { throw new Exception("Null or incorrect options type received!"); } ImportRowSource rowsource = null; using (var parser = new GenericParserAdapter(_options.Filename)) { parser.ColumnDelimiter = _options.Delimiter[0]; parser.FirstRowHasHeader = _options.FirstRowContainsNames; parser.TextQualifier = '\"'; parser.FirstRowSetsExpectedColumnCount = true; var service = new ImportStagingService(); var columnNames = new List<String>(); int rowCount = 0; service.BeginTransaction(); var values = new List<string>(); while (parser.Read()) { if (rowCount == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < parser.ColumnCount; ++i) { if (_options.FirstRowContainsNames) { columnNames.Add(parser.GetColumnName(i)); } else { columnNames.Add("Column" + i); } } service.CreateImportTable(columnNames); } values.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < parser.ColumnCount; ++i) { values.Add(parser[i]); } service.InsertImportRow(values); rowCount++; } service.CommitTransaction(); rowsource = new ImportRowSource(service, rowCount); } return rowsource; }
protected override List <RefLink> SelectReferences(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new SupportService(User); var taxaService = new TaxaService(User); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Retrieving Reference links..."); } var reflinks = service.GetReferenceLinks(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), Taxon.TaxaID.Value); if (Options.IncludeChildReferences == true) { var children = taxaService.GetExpandFullTree(Taxon.TaxaID.Value); var elementCount = 0; int total = children.Count; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Extracting references for children..."); } foreach (Taxon child in children) { if (progress != null) { double percent = (((double)elementCount) / ((double)total)) * 100.0; progress.ProgressMessage(string.Format("Processing {0}", child.TaxaFullName), percent); } elementCount++; var links = service.GetReferenceLinks(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), child.TaxaID.Value); foreach (RefLink link in links) { reflinks.Add(link); } } if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd(""); } } return(reflinks); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var types = new string[] { "Site", "SiteVisit", "Material" }; progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting site data..."); var siteData = ExecuteLabelSetQuery(Items, Criteria, "Site"); progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting site visit data..."); var visitData = ExecuteLabelSetQuery(Items, Criteria, "SiteVisit"); progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting material data..."); var materialData = ExecuteLabelSetQuery(Items, Criteria, "Material"); progress.ProgressMessage("Merging results..."); return MergeItemMatrices(siteData, visitData, materialData); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var types = new string[] { "Site", "SiteVisit", "Material" }; progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting site data..."); var siteData = ExecuteLabelSetQuery(Items, Criteria, "Site"); progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting site visit data..."); var visitData = ExecuteLabelSetQuery(Items, Criteria, "SiteVisit"); progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting material data..."); var materialData = ExecuteLabelSetQuery(Items, Criteria, "Material"); progress.ProgressMessage("Merging results..."); return(MergeItemMatrices(siteData, visitData, materialData)); }
public void ExportXML(List <int> taxonIds, XMLIOExportOptions options, IProgressObserver progress, Func <bool> isCancelledCallback) { try { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Counting total taxa to export..."); } var exporter = new XMLIOExporter(User, taxonIds, options, progress, isCancelledCallback); exporter.Export(); } finally { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd("Export complete."); } } }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { var errorSource = new ImportStagingService(_options.Filename); var service = new ImportStagingService(); service.CreateImportTable(_columnNames); int rowcount = 0; var reader = errorSource.GetErrorReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var values = new List<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount - 1; ++i) { var val = reader[i]; values.Add(val == null ? null : val.ToString()); } service.InsertImportRow(values); rowcount++; } return new ImportRowSource(service, rowcount); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new TaxaService(User); progress.ProgressStart(String.Format("Preparing Darwin Core records for {0} specimens...", _idSet.Count)); DataMatrix result = null; var idSet = new LinkedList <int>(_idSet); int chunkSize = 2000; var helper = new DarwinCoreReportHelper(); var chunk = new List <int>(); var count = 0; while (idSet.Count > 0) { chunk.Add(idSet.First.Value); idSet.RemoveFirst(); count++; if (chunk.Count >= chunkSize || idSet.Count == 0) { var percentComplete = ((double)count / (double)_idSet.Count) * 100; progress.ProgressMessage(String.Format("Preparing Darwin Core records {0} of {1}", count, _idSet.Count), percentComplete); var where = "tblMaterial.intMaterialID in (" + chunk.Join(",") + ")"; var dataChunk = helper.RunDwcQuery(service, where); if (result == null) { result = dataChunk; } else { result.AppendMatrix(dataChunk); } chunk = new List <int>(); } } progress.ProgressEnd(String.Format("{0} Darwin Core records retrieved.", count)); return(result); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options == null) { throw new Exception("Null or incorrect options type received!"); } ImportRowSource rowsource = null; var columnNames = GetColumnNames(); var service = new ImportStagingService(); service.CreateImportTable(columnNames); if (WithWorksheetDataTable(_options.Filename, string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", _options.Worksheet), (dt) => { service.BeginTransaction(); var values = new List <string>(); int rowcount = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { values.Clear(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { var value = row[col]; values.Add((value == null ? "" : value.ToString())); } service.InsertImportRow(values); rowcount++; } service.CommitTransaction(); rowsource = new ImportRowSource(service, rowcount); })) { return(rowsource); } return(null); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { var errorSource = new ImportStagingService(_options.Filename); var service = new ImportStagingService(); service.CreateImportTable(_columnNames); int rowcount = 0; var reader = errorSource.GetErrorReader(); while (reader.Read()) { var values = new List <String>(); for (int i = 0; i < reader.FieldCount - 1; ++i) { var val = reader[i]; values.Add(val == null ? null : val.ToString()); } service.InsertImportRow(values); rowcount++; } return(new ImportRowSource(service, rowcount)); }
public override Data.DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new TaxaService(User); return(service.TaxaForDistributionRegionReport(DistributionRegion.DistRegionID, TaxonID)); }
protected abstract List<RefLink> SelectReferences(IProgressObserver progress);
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new SupportService(User); return service.GetUserStatisticsReport(Username, StartDate, EndDate); }
public override Data.DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new TaxaService(User); return service.TaxaForDistributionRegionReport(DistributionRegion.DistRegionID, TaxonID); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options == null) { throw new Exception("Null or incorrect options type received!"); } ImportRowSource rowsource = null; var service = new ImportStagingService(); int rowCount = 0; var values = new List<string>(); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage(String.Format("Importing data - Stage 1 Connecting to input source...", rowCount)); } WithExcelWorksheetRows(_options.Filename, _options.Worksheet, 0, row => { if (rowCount == 0) { var columnNames = new List<String>(); foreach (DataColumn column in row.Table.Columns) { columnNames.Add(column.ColumnName); } service.CreateImportTable(columnNames); service.BeginTransaction(); } values.Clear(); foreach (DataColumn col in row.Table.Columns) { var value = row[col]; values.Add((value == null ? "" : value.ToString())); } service.InsertImportRow(values); if (++rowCount % 1000 == 0) { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage(String.Format("Importing data - Stage 1 {0} rows copied to staging database...", rowCount)); } }; }); service.CommitTransaction(); rowsource = new ImportRowSource(service, rowCount); return rowsource; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new MaterialService(User); var filterText = string.Format("Taxon: {0}, {1}: {2}", TaxonID.HasValue && TaxonID.Value > 0 ? TaxonName : "All taxon", ElemType, SiteRegionName); return service.GetTaxaForSites(true, ElemType, SiteRegionID.Value, TaxonID.GetValueOrDefault(-1), filterText); }
private DataMatrix AddMediaForTaxon(int taxonId, IProgressObserver progress) { var results = new DataMatrix(); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "MultimediaID", IsHidden = true }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "TaxonID", IsHidden = true }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "MultimediaLink", IsHidden = true }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Taxon name" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Rank" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Multimedia Name" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Extension" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Multimedia Type" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Size" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Attached To" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "MaterialID", IsHidden = true }); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting multimedia details for item..."); } // First add the multimedia for this item var links = SupportService.GetMultimediaItems(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), taxonId); var taxon = TaxaService.GetTaxon(taxonId); foreach (MultimediaLink link in links) { AddTaxonRow(results, taxon, link); } if (_includeMaterial) { AddMaterialRowsForTaxon(results, taxon); } if (_recurse) { // Now find all the children of this item if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Retrieving child items..."); } var children = TaxaService.GetExpandFullTree(taxonId); var elementCount = 0; int total = children.Count; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Extracting multimedia for children..."); } foreach (Taxon child in children) { if (progress != null) { double percent = (((double)elementCount) / ((double)total)) * 100.0; progress.ProgressMessage(string.Format("Processing {0}", child.TaxaFullName), percent); } elementCount++; links = SupportService.GetMultimediaItems(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), child.TaxaID.Value); foreach (MultimediaLink link in links) { AddTaxonRow(results, child, link); } if (_includeMaterial) { AddMaterialRowsForTaxon(results, child); } } } if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd(string.Format("{0} multimedia items found.", results.Rows.Count)); } return(results); }
public abstract ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress);
public System.Windows.FrameworkElement ConstructView(IBioLinkReport report, DataMatrix reportData, IProgressObserver progress) { var options = (report as ReferenceLinksReport).Options; var viewer = new RTFReportViewer {ReportName = report.Name}; var rtf = new RTFReportBuilder(); rtf.AppendFullHeader(); rtf.ReportHeading(options.BibliographyTitle); var idx = 1; var colIndex = reportData.IndexOf("RefID"); var refIds = new List<Int32>(); for (var i = 0; i < reportData.Rows.Count; ++i ) { refIds.Add(i); } int sortColumnIdx = reportData.IndexOf(options.SortColumn); int refTypeIndex = reportData.IndexOf("RefType"); refIds.Sort((idx1, idx2) => { // If grouping, first check the ref type if (options.GroupByReferenceType) { var refType1 = reportData.Rows[idx1][refTypeIndex] as String; var refType2 = reportData.Rows[idx2][refTypeIndex] as String; if (!refType1.Equals(refType2)) { return String.Compare(refType1, refType2, true); } } // then by the nominated sort column var objVal1 = reportData.Rows[idx1][sortColumnIdx]; var objVal2 = reportData.Rows[idx2][sortColumnIdx]; var val1 = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(objVal1 == null ? "" : objVal1.ToString()); var val2 = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(objVal2 == null ? "" : objVal2.ToString()); if (options.SortAscending) { return String.Compare((String)val1, (String)val2, true); } else { return String.Compare((String)val2, (String)val1, true); } }); var lastRefType = ""; String[] allowedKeywords = { "b", "i", "sub", "super", "strike", "ul", "ulnone", "nosupersub" }; foreach (var rowIdx in refIds) { var row = reportData.Rows[rowIdx]; if (options.GroupByReferenceType) { var refType = row["RefType"] as String; if (!String.Equals(refType, lastRefType, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { rtf.Par(); rtf.Append(@" \pard\fs24\b\f1 "); rtf.Append(refType); rtf.Append(@" \b0"); rtf.Par(); lastRefType = refType; } } rtf.Par(); rtf.Append(@" \pard\fs20\f1 "); if (options.BibliographyIndexStyle != BibliographyIndexStyle.None) { rtf.Append("["); switch (options.BibliographyIndexStyle) { case BibliographyIndexStyle.Number: rtf.Append(idx); break; case BibliographyIndexStyle.RefCode: rtf.Append(row["RefCode"]); break; } rtf.Append("] "); } idx++; var fullRTF = RTFUtils.filter(row["FullRTF"] as string, true, false, allowedKeywords); rtf.Append(fullRTF); var bits = new List<String>(); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(row["LinkPage"] as String)) { bits.Add(String.Format("page {0}", row["LinkPage"] as String)); } if (options.IncludeQualification) { var qual = row["LinkQualificationRTF"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qual) ) { bits.Add(RTFUtils.filter(qual, true, true, allowedKeywords).Trim()); } } if (bits.Count > 0) { rtf.Append(" (").Append(bits.Join("; ").Trim()).Append(")"); } rtf.Par(); } Console.WriteLine(rtf.RTF); viewer.rtf.Rtf = rtf.RTF; return viewer; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { String caption = String.Format("Taxon: {0}, {1}", Taxon.TaxaFullName, RegionID < 0 ? "All regions." : RegionName); return(Service.TaxaForSites(RegionID, Taxon.TaxaID.Value, "Region", caption, true)); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { String caption = String.Format("Taxon: {0}, {1}", Taxon.TaxaFullName, RegionID < 0 ? "All regions." : RegionName); return Service.TaxaForSites(RegionID, Taxon.TaxaID.Value, "Region", caption, true); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { return Service.GetTaxonTypes(Taxon.TaxaID.Value); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { DataMatrix table = Service.GetStatistics(Taxon.TaxaID.Value); return(table); }
protected override List<RefLink> SelectReferences(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new SupportService(User); var taxaService = new TaxaService(User); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Retrieving Reference links..."); } var reflinks = service.GetReferenceLinks(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), Taxon.TaxaID.Value); if (Options.IncludeChildReferences == true) { var children = taxaService.GetExpandFullTree(Taxon.TaxaID.Value); var elementCount = 0; int total = children.Count; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Extracting references for children..."); } foreach (Taxon child in children) { if (progress != null) { double percent = (((double)elementCount) / ((double)total)) * 100.0; progress.ProgressMessage(string.Format("Processing {0}", child.TaxaFullName), percent); } elementCount++; var links = service.GetReferenceLinks(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), child.TaxaID.Value); foreach (RefLink link in links) { reflinks.Add(link); } } if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd(""); } } return reflinks; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var matrix = new DataMatrix(); var service = new SupportService(User); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = IntraCategoryIdColumnName, IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefID", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefCode" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefType" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "LinkPage" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "LinkQualification" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "LinkQualificationRTF", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Title" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Author" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "BookTitle" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Edition" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Editor" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "StartPage" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "EndPage" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "ActualDate" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "ISBN" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "ISSN" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalID", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "PartNo" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Place" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Possess" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Publisher" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefType" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Series" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Source" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "FullText" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "FullRTF", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalAbbrevName" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalAbbrevName2" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalAlias" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalFullName" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalNotes" }); var reflinks = SelectReferences(progress); progress.ProgressMessage("Preparing view model..."); foreach (RefLink link in reflinks) { if (Options.HonourIncludeInReportsFlag) { if (!link.UseInReport.HasValue || !link.UseInReport.Value) { // skip this one as it hasn't got the use in reports flag set. continue; } } var reference = service.GetReference(link.RefID); if (reference != null) { int i = 0; var row = matrix.AddRow(); row[i++] = link.IntraCatID.Value; row[i++] = link.RefID; row[i++] = reference.RefCode; row[i++] = link.RefLinkType; row[i++] = link.RefPage; row[i++] = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(link.RefQual); row[i++] = link.RefQual; row[i++] = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(reference.Title); row[i++] = reference.Author; row[i++] = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(reference.BookTitle); row[i++] = reference.Edition; row[i++] = reference.Editor; row[i++] = reference.StartPage; row[i++] = reference.EndPage; row[i++] = SupportService.FormatDate(reference.ActualDate, "yyyy-MM-dd"); row[i++] = reference.ISBN; row[i++] = reference.ISSN; row[i++] = reference.JournalID; row[i++] = reference.PartNo; row[i++] = reference.Place; row[i++] = reference.Possess; row[i++] = reference.Publisher; row[i++] = reference.RefType; row[i++] = reference.Series; row[i++] = reference.Source; row[i++] = reference.FullText; row[i++] = reference.FullRTF; if (reference.JournalID.HasValue && reference.JournalID.Value > 0) { var journal = service.GetJournal(reference.JournalID.Value); row[i++] = journal.AbbrevName; row[i++] = journal.AbbrevName2; row[i++] = journal.Alias; row[i++] = journal.FullName; row[i++] = journal.Notes; } } } progress.ProgressMessage(""); return(matrix); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { DataMatrix table = Service.GetStatistics(Taxon.TaxaID.Value); return table; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var matrix = new DataMatrix(); var service = new SupportService(User); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = IntraCategoryIdColumnName, IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefID", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefCode" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefType" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "LinkPage" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "LinkQualification" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "LinkQualificationRTF", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Title" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Author" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "BookTitle" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Edition" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Editor" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "StartPage" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "EndPage" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "ActualDate" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "ISBN" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "ISSN" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalID", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "PartNo" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Place" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Possess" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Publisher" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "RefType" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Series" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Source" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "FullText" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "FullRTF", IsHidden = true }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalAbbrevName" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalAbbrevName2" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalAlias" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalFullName" }); matrix.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "JournalNotes" }); var reflinks = SelectReferences(progress); progress.ProgressMessage("Preparing view model..."); foreach (RefLink link in reflinks) { if (Options.HonourIncludeInReportsFlag) { if (!link.UseInReport.HasValue || !link.UseInReport.Value) { // skip this one as it hasn't got the use in reports flag set. continue; } } var reference = service.GetReference(link.RefID); if (reference != null) { int i = 0; var row = matrix.AddRow(); row[i++] = link.IntraCatID.Value; row[i++] = link.RefID; row[i++] = reference.RefCode; row[i++] = link.RefLinkType; row[i++] = link.RefPage; row[i++] = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(link.RefQual); row[i++] = link.RefQual; row[i++] = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(reference.Title); row[i++] = reference.Author; row[i++] = RTFUtils.StripMarkup(reference.BookTitle); row[i++] = reference.Edition; row[i++] = reference.Editor; row[i++] = reference.StartPage; row[i++] = reference.EndPage; row[i++] = SupportService.FormatDate(reference.ActualDate, "yyyy-MM-dd"); row[i++] = reference.ISBN; row[i++] = reference.ISSN; row[i++] = reference.JournalID; row[i++] = reference.PartNo; row[i++] = reference.Place; row[i++] = reference.Possess; row[i++] = reference.Publisher; row[i++] = reference.RefType; row[i++] = reference.Series; row[i++] = reference.Source; row[i++] = reference.FullText; row[i++] = reference.FullRTF; if (reference.JournalID.HasValue && reference.JournalID.Value > 0) { var journal = service.GetJournal(reference.JournalID.Value); row[i++] = journal.AbbrevName; row[i++] = journal.AbbrevName2; row[i++] = journal.Alias; row[i++] = journal.FullName; row[i++] = journal.Notes; } } } progress.ProgressMessage(""); return matrix; }
public void Import(Window parentWindow, ImportWizardContext context, IProgressObserver progress, Action <ImportStatusLevel, string> logFunc) { this.ParentWindow = parentWindow; this.Importer = context.Importer; this.Mappings = context.FieldMappings; this.Progress = progress; this.LogFunc = logFunc; if (Progress != null) { Progress.ProgressStart("Initialising..."); } if (!InitImport()) { return; } ProgressMsg("Importing data - Stage 1", 0); if (!DoStage1()) { return; } CreateColumnIndexes(); Cancelled = false; var connection = User.GetConnection(); LogMsg("Importing data - Stage 2", 10); int rowCount = 0; int lastPercent = 0; DateTime timeStarted = DateTime.Now; DateTime lastCheck = timeStarted; RowSource.Reset(); while (RowSource.MoveNext() && !Cancelled) { ImportCurrentRow(rowCount++, connection); var dblPercent = (double)((double)rowCount / (double)RowSource.RowCount) * 90; int percent = ((int)dblPercent) + 10; var timeSinceLastUpdate = DateTime.Now - lastCheck; if (percent != lastPercent || timeSinceLastUpdate.Seconds > 5) { var timeSinceStart = DateTime.Now - timeStarted; var avgMillisPerRow = (double)(timeSinceStart.TotalMilliseconds == 0 ? 1 : timeSinceStart.TotalMilliseconds) / (double)(rowCount == 0 ? 1 : rowCount); var rowsLeft = RowSource.RowCount - rowCount; var secondsLeft = (int)((double)(rowsLeft * avgMillisPerRow) / 1000.0); lastCheck = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, 0, secondsLeft); var message = string.Format("Importing rows - Stage 2 ({0} of {1}). {2} remaining.", rowCount, RowSource.RowCount, ts.ToString()); ProgressMsg(message, percent); lastPercent = percent; } } ProgressMsg("Importing rows - Stage 2 Complete", 100); LogMsg("{0} Rows successfully imported, {1} rows failed with errors", _successCount, _errorCount); LogMsg("Cleaning up staging database..."); if (RowSource.Service.GetErrorCount() > 0) { if (ParentWindow.Question("Errors were encountered during the import. Rejected rows can be corrected and re-imported by re-running the import wizard and selecting the 'Import Error Database' option. Would you like to save the rejected rows so that they can be corrected and re-imported?", "Save rejected rows?", System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Exclamation)) { // Clean out just the imported records, leaving just the error rows... LogMsg("Purging successfully imported rows from staging database..."); RowSource.Service.PurgeImportedRecords(); LogMsg("Saving mapping information to staging database..."); RowSource.Service.SaveMappingInfo(Importer, Mappings); LogMsg("Disconnecting from staging database..."); RowSource.Service.Disconnect(); var dlg = new Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog(); dlg.Filter = "SQLite database files|*.sqlite|All files (*.*)|*.*"; dlg.Title = "Save error database file"; if (dlg.ShowDialog().ValueOrFalse()) { LogMsg("Copying staging database from {0} to {1}", RowSource.Service.FileName, dlg.FileName); System.IO.File.Copy(RowSource.Service.FileName, dlg.FileName, true); } } } connection.Close(); }
public override ImportRowSource CreateRowSource(IProgressObserver progress) { if (_options == null) { throw new Exception("Null or incorrect options type received!"); } ImportRowSource rowsource = null; var columnNames = GetColumnNames(); var service = new ImportStagingService(); service.CreateImportTable(columnNames); if (WithWorksheetDataTable(_options.Filename, string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}]", _options.Worksheet), (dt) => { service.BeginTransaction(); var values = new List<string>(); int rowcount = 0; foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { values.Clear(); foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { var value = row[col]; values.Add((value == null ? "" : value.ToString())); } service.InsertImportRow(values); rowcount++; } service.CommitTransaction(); rowsource = new ImportRowSource(service, rowcount); })) { return rowsource; } return null; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { return(Service.GetTaxonTypes(Taxon.TaxaID.Value)); }
public ProgressObservableStream(IProgressObserver <long> observer, Stream decoratedStream) : base(decoratedStream) { _observer = observer; }
public FrameworkElement ConstructView(IBioLinkReport report, DataMatrix reportData, IProgressObserver progress) { TabularDataViewer viewer = new TabularDataViewer(report, reportData, progress); viewer.ContextMenuHandler = ContextMenuHandler; return viewer; }
public abstract DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress);
public UpdateCheckResults CheckForUpdates(IProgressObserver progress) { // Get the running apps version to compare... // We need to use the parent window because its the main application assembly version we want, not this plugin. var v = PluginManager.Instance.ParentWindow.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version; var results = new UpdateCheckResults { CurrentMajor = v.Major, CurrentMinor = v.Minor, CurrentBuild = v.Revision, UpdateExists = false, UpdateLink = "" }; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Checking for updates..."); } Config.SetGlobal("BioLink.UpdateURL", ""); var updateURL = Config.GetGlobal("BioLink.UpdateURL", ""); try { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Contacting update site..."); } var reader = XmlReader.Create(updateURL); var feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Checking update site data..."); } var pattern = new Regex(@"BioLinkInstaller-(\d+)[.](\d+)[.](\d+)[.]exe"); foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items) { foreach (var link in item.Links) { var m = pattern.Match(link.Uri.AbsoluteUri); if (m.Success) { bool updateExists = false; var major = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); var minor = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); var build = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); if (major > results.CurrentMajor) { updateExists = true; } else if (major == results.CurrentMajor) { if (minor > results.CurrentMinor) { updateExists = true; } else if (minor == results.CurrentMinor) { updateExists = build > results.CurrentBuild; } } if (updateExists) { results.UpdateMajor = major; results.UpdateMinor = minor; results.UpdateBuild = build; results.UpdateExists = true; results.UpdateLink = link.Uri.AbsoluteUri; return(results); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalExceptionHandler.Handle(ex); } finally { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd("Update check complete."); } } return(results); }
public override Data.DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { DataMatrix results = null; switch (ObjectType) { case TraitCategoryType.Taxon: results = AddMediaForTaxon(Target.ObjectID.Value, progress); break; } return results; }
public UpdateCheckResults CheckForUpdates(IProgressObserver progress) { // Get the running apps version to compare... // We need to use the parent window because its the main application assembly version we want, not this plugin. var v = PluginManager.Instance.ParentWindow.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version; var results = new UpdateCheckResults { CurrentMajor = v.Major, CurrentMinor = v.Minor, CurrentBuild = v.Revision, UpdateExists = false, UpdateLink = "" }; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Checking for updates..."); } Config.SetGlobal("BioLink.UpdateURL", ""); var updateURL = Config.GetGlobal("BioLink.UpdateURL", ""); try { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Contacting update site..."); } var reader = XmlReader.Create(updateURL); var feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Checking update site data..."); } var pattern = new Regex(@"BioLinkInstaller-(\d+)[.](\d+)[.](\d+)[.]exe"); foreach (SyndicationItem item in feed.Items) { foreach (var link in item.Links) { var m = pattern.Match(link.Uri.AbsoluteUri); if (m.Success) { bool updateExists = false; var major = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value); var minor = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); var build = Int32.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value); if (major > results.CurrentMajor) { updateExists = true; } else if (major == results.CurrentMajor) { if (minor > results.CurrentMinor) { updateExists = true; } else if (minor == results.CurrentMinor) { updateExists = build > results.CurrentBuild; } } if (updateExists) { results.UpdateMajor = major; results.UpdateMinor = minor; results.UpdateBuild = build; results.UpdateExists = true; results.UpdateLink = link.Uri.AbsoluteUri; return results; } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { GlobalExceptionHandler.Handle(ex); } finally { if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd("Update check complete."); } } return results; }
public static void Subscribe(IProgressObserver progressObserver) { _threadProgressReporter.Value.Subscribe(progressObserver); }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { var service = new SupportService(User); return service.ExecuteQuery(Criteria, Distinct); }
public static IGeneratorParams CreateParams(int numbersToGenerate, int rangeStart, int rangeEnd, List <int> usedNumbers, IProgressObserver progressObserver) { return(new GeneratorParams() { NumbersToGenerate = numbersToGenerate, RangeStart = rangeStart, RangeEnd = rangeEnd, GeneratedNumbers = usedNumbers, ProgressObserver = progressObserver }); }
private DataMatrix AddMediaForTaxon(int taxonId, IProgressObserver progress) { var results = new DataMatrix(); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "MultimediaID", IsHidden = true }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "TaxonID", IsHidden = true }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "MultimediaLink", IsHidden = true }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Taxon name" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Rank" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Multimedia Name" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Extension" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Multimedia Type" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Size" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "Attached To" }); results.Columns.Add(new MatrixColumn { Name = "MaterialID", IsHidden= true }); if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Extracting multimedia details for item..."); } // First add the multimedia for this item var links = SupportService.GetMultimediaItems(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), taxonId); var taxon = TaxaService.GetTaxon(taxonId); foreach (MultimediaLink link in links) { AddTaxonRow(results, taxon, link); } if (_includeMaterial) { AddMaterialRowsForTaxon(results, taxon); } if (_recurse) { // Now find all the children of this item if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressMessage("Retrieving child items..."); } var children = TaxaService.GetExpandFullTree(taxonId); var elementCount = 0; int total = children.Count; if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressStart("Extracting multimedia for children..."); } foreach (Taxon child in children) { if (progress != null) { double percent = (((double)elementCount) / ((double)total)) * 100.0; progress.ProgressMessage(string.Format("Processing {0}", child.TaxaFullName), percent); } elementCount++; links = SupportService.GetMultimediaItems(TraitCategoryType.Taxon.ToString(), child.TaxaID.Value); foreach (MultimediaLink link in links) { AddTaxonRow(results, child, link); } if (_includeMaterial) { AddMaterialRowsForTaxon(results, child); } } } if (progress != null) { progress.ProgressEnd(string.Format("{0} multimedia items found.", results.Rows.Count )); } return results; }
public StuckingProgressObserver(IProgressObserver wrapee) { this.wrapee = wrapee; }
public override DataMatrix ExtractReportData(IProgressObserver progress) { string caption = String.Format("Taxon: {0}", Taxon.TaxaFullName); return Service.ChecklistReport(Taxon.TaxaID.Value, caption, Extent, IncludeAvailableNames, IncludeLiteratureNames, Depth, UserDefinedOrder, VerifiedOnly, SelectedRanks); }