Пример #1
  * Attach the allocated memory block to the buffer
  * @param offset (Optional) Byte offset (from the beginning) for the memory region to bind
  * @return VkResult of the bindBufferMemory call
 Result bind(ulong offset = 0)
     return(mBuffer.BindBufferMemory(mDevice, mDeviceMemory, offset));
Пример #2
        void InitializeMesh()
            // Generate meshes
            // Mg : Buffer

            var indicesInBytes  = (ulong)(sizeof(uint) * indicesVboData.Length);
            var vertexStride    = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Vector3));
            var verticesInBytes = (ulong)(vertexStride * positionVboData.Length);
            var bufferSize      = indicesInBytes + verticesInBytes;

            var bufferCreateInfo = new MgBufferCreateInfo
                Usage = MgBufferUsageFlagBits.INDEX_BUFFER_BIT | MgBufferUsageFlagBits.VERTEX_BUFFER_BIT,
                Size  = bufferSize,

            var device = mConfiguration.Device;

            var result = device.CreateBuffer(bufferCreateInfo, null, out mBuffer);

            Debug.Assert(result == Result.SUCCESS);

            MgMemoryRequirements memReqs;

            device.GetBufferMemoryRequirements(mBuffer, out memReqs);

            const MgMemoryPropertyFlagBits memoryPropertyFlags = MgMemoryPropertyFlagBits.HOST_COHERENT_BIT;

            uint memoryTypeIndex;

                memReqs.MemoryTypeBits, memoryPropertyFlags, out memoryTypeIndex);

            var memAlloc = new MgMemoryAllocateInfo
                MemoryTypeIndex = memoryTypeIndex,
                AllocationSize  = memReqs.Size,

            result = device.AllocateMemory(memAlloc, null, out mDeviceMemory);
            Debug.Assert(result == Result.SUCCESS);

            mBuffer.BindBufferMemory(device, mDeviceMemory, 0);

            // COPY INDEX DATA
            IntPtr dest;

            result = mDeviceMemory.MapMemory(device, 0, bufferSize, 0, out dest);
            Debug.Assert(result == Result.SUCCESS);

            var tempIndices = new byte[indicesInBytes];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(indicesVboData, 0, tempIndices, 0, (int)indicesInBytes);

            Marshal.Copy(tempIndices, 0, dest, (int)indicesInBytes);

            // COPY VERTEX DATA

            var vertexOffset = indicesInBytes;

            // Copy the struct to unmanaged memory.
            int offset = (int)vertexOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < positionVboData.Length; ++i)
                IntPtr localDest = IntPtr.Add(dest, offset);
                Marshal.StructureToPtr(positionVboData[i], localDest, false);
                offset += vertexStride;


            mIndices = new BufferInfo
                Buffer       = mBuffer,
                DeviceMemory = mDeviceMemory,
                Offset       = 0,
                Length       = indicesInBytes,

            mVertices = new BufferInfo
                Buffer       = mBuffer,
                DeviceMemory = mDeviceMemory,
                Offset       = indicesInBytes,
                Length       = verticesInBytes,