private void execute(ILoadingTaskState taskState) { string authorName = this.RespectMailmap ? "%aN" : "%an"; string command = "log --pretty=tformat:\"--- %ad --- " + authorName + "\" --numstat --date=iso -C --all --no-merges"; LoadModuleInfo(command, GitModule.CurrentWorkingDir, taskState); if (ShowSubmodules) { IList <string> submodules = GitModule.Current.GetSubmodulesLocalPathes(); foreach (var submoduleName in submodules) { GitModule submodule = GitModule.Current.GetSubmodule(submoduleName); if (submodule.ValidWorkingDir()) { LoadModuleInfo(command, submodule.WorkingDir, taskState); } } } }
private void execute(ILoadingTaskState taskState) { RevisionCount = 0; heads = GetHeads().ToDictionaryOfList(head => head.Guid); string formatString = /* <COMMIT> */ COMMIT_BEGIN + "%n" + /* Hash */ "%H%n" + /* Parents */ "%P%n"; if (!ShaOnly) { formatString += /* Tree */ "%T%n" + /* Author Name */ "%aN%n" + /* Author Email */ "%aE%n" + /* Author Date */ "%at%n" + /* Committer Name */ "%cN%n" + /* Committer Date */ "%ct%n" + /* Commit message encoding */ "%e%n" + //there is a bug: git does not recode commit message when format is given /* Commit Message */ "%s"; } // NOTE: // when called from FileHistory and FollowRenamesInFileHistory is enabled the "--name-only" argument is set. // the filename is the next line after the commit-format defined above. if (Settings.OrderRevisionByDate) { LogParam = " --date-order " + LogParam; } else { LogParam = " --topo-order " + LogParam; } string arguments = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "log -z {2} --pretty=format:\"{1}\" {0}", LogParam, formatString, BranchFilter); using (GitCommandsInstance gitGetGraphCommand = new GitCommandsInstance(Module)) { gitGetGraphCommand.StreamOutput = true; gitGetGraphCommand.CollectOutput = false; Encoding LogOutputEncoding = Module.LogOutputEncoding; gitGetGraphCommand.SetupStartInfoCallback = startInfo => { startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = GitModule.LosslessEncoding; startInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = GitModule.LosslessEncoding; }; Process p = gitGetGraphCommand.CmdStartProcess(Settings.GitCommand, arguments); if (taskState.IsCanceled()) return; previousFileName = null; if (BeginUpdate != null) BeginUpdate(this, EventArgs.Empty); string line; do { line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); //commit message is not encoded by git if (nextStep != ReadStep.CommitMessage) line = GitModule.ReEncodeString(line, GitModule.LosslessEncoding, LogOutputEncoding); if (line != null) { foreach (string entry in line.Split('\0')) { dataReceived(entry); } } } while (line != null && !taskState.IsCanceled()); } }
private void execute(ILoadingTaskState taskState) { RevisionCount = 0; heads = GetHeads().ToDictionaryOfList(head => head.Guid); string formatString = /* <COMMIT> */ COMMIT_BEGIN + "%n" + /* Hash */ "%H%n" + /* Parents */ "%P%n"; if (!ShaOnly) { formatString += /* Tree */ "%T%n" + /* Author Name */ "%aN%n" + /* Author Email */ "%aE%n" + /* Author Date */ "%at%n" + /* Committer Name */ "%cN%n" + /* Committer Date */ "%ct%n" + /* Commit message encoding */ "%e%n" + //there is a bug: git does not recode commit message when format is given /* Commit Message */ "%s"; } // NOTE: // when called from FileHistory and FollowRenamesInFileHistory is enabled the "--name-only" argument is set. // the filename is the next line after the commit-format defined above. if (Settings.OrderRevisionByDate) { LogParam = " --date-order " + LogParam; } else { LogParam = " --topo-order " + LogParam; } string arguments = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "log -z {2} --pretty=format:\"{1}\" {0}", LogParam, formatString, BranchFilter); using (GitCommandsInstance gitGetGraphCommand = new GitCommandsInstance()) { gitGetGraphCommand.StreamOutput = true; gitGetGraphCommand.CollectOutput = false; Encoding LogOutputEncoding = Settings.LogOutputEncoding; gitGetGraphCommand.SetupStartInfoCallback = startInfo => { startInfo.StandardOutputEncoding = Settings.LosslessEncoding; startInfo.StandardErrorEncoding = Settings.LosslessEncoding; }; Process p = gitGetGraphCommand.CmdStartProcess(Settings.GitCommand, arguments); if (taskState.IsCanceled()) { return; } previousFileName = null; if (BeginUpdate != null) { BeginUpdate(this, EventArgs.Empty); } string line; do { line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); //commit message is not encoded by git if (nextStep != ReadStep.CommitMessage) { line = GitCommandHelpers.ReEncodeString(line, Settings.LosslessEncoding, LogOutputEncoding); } if (line != null) { foreach (string entry in line.Split('\0')) { dataReceived(entry); } } } while (line != null && !taskState.IsCanceled()); } }
private void LoadModuleInfo(string command, string workingDir, ILoadingTaskState taskState) { using (GitCommandsInstance git = new GitCommandsInstance()) { git.StreamOutput = true; git.CollectOutput = false; Process p = git.CmdStartProcess(Settings.GitCommand, command, workingDir); // Read line string line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); // Analyze commit listing while (!taskState.IsCanceled()) { Commit commit = new Commit(); // Reached the end ? if (line == null) break; // Look for commit delimiters if (!line.StartsWith("--- ")) { line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); continue; } // Strip "--- " line = line.Substring(4); // Split date and author string[] header = line.Split(new string[] { " --- " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (header.Length != 2) continue; // Save author in variable = header[1]; // Parse commit date DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(header[0]).Date; // Calculate first day of the commit week date = commit.week = date.AddDays(-(int)date.DayOfWeek); // Reset commit data = 1; = 0; = 0; // Parse commit lines while ((line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null && !line.StartsWith("--- ") && !taskState.IsCanceled()) { // Skip empty line if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) continue; string[] file_line = line.Split('\t'); if (file_line.Length >= 2) { if (file_line[0] != "-") += int.Parse(file_line[0]); if (file_line[1] != "-") += int.Parse(file_line[1]); } } if (Updated != null && !taskState.IsCanceled()) Updated(commit); } } }
private void execute(ILoadingTaskState taskState) { string authorName = this.RespectMailmap ? "%aN" : "%an"; string command = "log --pretty=tformat:\"--- %ad --- " + authorName + "\" --numstat --date=iso -C --all --no-merges"; LoadModuleInfo(command, GitModule.CurrentWorkingDir, taskState); if (ShowSubmodules) { IList<string> submodules = GitModule.Current.GetSubmodulesLocalPathes(); foreach (var submoduleName in submodules) { GitModule submodule = GitModule.Current.GetSubmodule(submoduleName); if (submodule.ValidWorkingDir()) LoadModuleInfo(command, submodule.WorkingDir, taskState); } } }
private void LoadModuleInfo(string command, string workingDir, ILoadingTaskState taskState) { using (GitCommandsInstance git = new GitCommandsInstance()) { git.StreamOutput = true; git.CollectOutput = false; Process p = git.CmdStartProcess(Settings.GitCommand, command, workingDir); // Read line string line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); // Analyze commit listing while (!taskState.IsCanceled()) { Commit commit = new Commit(); // Reached the end ? if (line == null) { break; } // Look for commit delimiters if (!line.StartsWith("--- ")) { line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine(); continue; } // Strip "--- " line = line.Substring(4); // Split date and author string[] header = line.Split(new string[] { " --- " }, 2, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (header.Length != 2) { continue; } // Save author in variable = header[1]; // Parse commit date DateTime date = DateTime.Parse(header[0]).Date; // Calculate first day of the commit week date = commit.week = date.AddDays(-(int)date.DayOfWeek); // Reset commit data = 1; = 0; = 0; // Parse commit lines while ((line = p.StandardOutput.ReadLine()) != null && !line.StartsWith("--- ") && !taskState.IsCanceled()) { // Skip empty line if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line)) { continue; } string[] file_line = line.Split('\t'); if (file_line.Length >= 2) { if (file_line[0] != "-") { += int.Parse(file_line[0]); } if (file_line[1] != "-") { += int.Parse(file_line[1]); } } } if (Updated != null && !taskState.IsCanceled()) { Updated(commit); } } } }
private void execute(ILoadingTaskState taskState) { string authorName = this.RespectMailmap ? "%aN" : "%an"; string command = "log --pretty=tformat:\"--- %ad --- " + authorName + "\" --numstat --date=iso -C --all --no-merges"; LoadModuleInfo(command, Settings.WorkingDir, taskState); if (ShowSubmodules) { IList<string> submodules = Settings.Module.GetSubmodulesNames(); GitModule submodule = new GitModule(); foreach (var submoduleName in submodules) { submodule.WorkingDir = Settings.Module.WorkingDir + submoduleName + Settings.PathSeparator.ToString(); if (submodule.ValidWorkingDir()) LoadModuleInfo(command, submodule.WorkingDir, taskState); } } }